1description: >
2    Implement to provide the progress on user requested activity.
3    Objects which implements this interface should implement
4    xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete to delete individual entries.
5    The service hosting this interface should clear the entries after
6    some time or reaching some number of entries in stable states like
7    completed, failed or aborted.
10    - name: Status
11      type: enum[self.OperationStatus]
12      default: InProgress
13      description: >
14          Indicate the state of the operation, whether in progress, completed
15          aborted or failed. The default should be InProgress during the
16          implementation if no input is provided.
17    - name: StartTime
18      type: uint64
19      description: >
20          Indicates when the request is created since the Epoch
21          (1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC), in microseconds.
22    - name: CompletedTime
23      type: uint64
24      description: >
25          Indicates when the state is completed since the Epoch
26          (1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC), in microseconds.
29    - name: OperationStatus
30      description: >
31        Status of the activity
32      values:
33        - name: InProgress
34          description: >
35           Requested operation is in progress.
36        - name: Completed
37          description: >
38           The operation is completed.
39        - name: Failed
40          description: >
41           The operation encountered a failure.
42        - name: Aborted
43          description: >
44           The operation is aborted.