1# IPZ VPD D-Bus Interfaces
2IPZ is a VPD (Vital Product Data) format used in IBM Power systems.
3The format consists of keywords that are stored as key-value
4pairs (Keyword name and its value). Keywords are grouped into records,
5usually with similar function grouped into a single record.
7The [OpenPower VPD] [1] format is quite similar to the IPZ format
8and describes the record-keyword structure.
10Also refer to the [VPD Collection design document] [2] that describes how the
11VPD collection application on the BMC will parse and publish the VPD data for
12IBM Power systems on D-Bus.
14The D-Bus interfaces defined here describe how IPZ VPD will be made available on
15D-Bus. Each YAML here represents a record in the IPZ VPD and keywords that
16belong to that record are represented as properties under that interface.
17The type of every property shall be a byte array.