xref: /openbmc/openpower-vpd-parser/vpd-manager/include/worker.hpp (revision fa47e6c0c7f9ac505aa54fd5b33a3c10853579bc)
1fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #pragma once
2fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
3fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include "constants.hpp"
4fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include "types.hpp"
5fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
6fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
7fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
8fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include <mutex>
9fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include <optional>
10fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include <semaphore>
11fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #include <tuple>
12fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
13fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava namespace vpd
14fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava {
15fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava /**
16fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * @brief A class to process and publish VPD data.
17fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  *
18fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * The class works on VPD and is mainly responsible for following tasks:
19fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * 1) Select appropriate device tree and JSON. Reboot if required.
20fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * 2) Get desired parser using parser factory.
21fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * 3) Calling respective parser class to get parsed VPD.
22fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * 4) Arranging VPD data under required interfaces.
23fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * 5) Calling PIM to publish VPD.
24fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  *
25fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  * The class may also implement helper functions required for VPD handling.
26fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava  */
27fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava class Worker
28fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava {
29fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava   public:
30fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
31fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * List of deleted functions.
32fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
33fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     Worker(const Worker&);
34fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     Worker& operator=(const Worker&);
35fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     Worker(Worker&&) = delete;
36fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
37fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
38fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief Constructor.
39fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
40fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * In case the processing is not JSON based, no argument needs to be passed.
41fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Constructor will also, based on symlink pick the correct JSON and
42fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * initialize the parsed JSON variable.
43fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
44fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] pathToConfigJSON - Path to the config JSON, if applicable.
45765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_maxThreadCount - Maximum thread while collecting FRUs VPD.
46fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
47fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Throws std::exception in case of construction failure. Caller needs
48fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * to handle to detect successful object creation.
49fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
50765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava     Worker(std::string pathToConfigJson = std::string(),
51765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava            uint8_t i_maxThreadCount = constants::MAX_THREADS);
52fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
53fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
54fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief Destructor
55fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
56fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     ~Worker() = default;
57fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
58fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #ifdef IBM_SYSTEM
59fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
60fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to perform initial setup before manager claims Bus name.
61fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
62fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Before BUS name for VPD-Manager is claimed, fitconfig whould be set for
63fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * corret device tree, inventory JSON w.r.t system should be linked and
64fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * system VPD should be on DBus.
65fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
66fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void performInitialSetup();
67fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava #endif
68fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
69fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
70fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to check if system VPD is already published.
71fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
72fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return Status, true if system is already collected else false.
73fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
74fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool isSystemVPDOnDBus() const;
75fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
76fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
77fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to process all FRUs presnt in config JSON file.
78fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
79fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * This API based on config JSON passed/selected for the system, will
80fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * trigger parser for all the FRUs and publish it on DBus.
81fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
82fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Config JSON file path should be passed to worker class constructor
83fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * to make use of this API.
84fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
85fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
86fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void collectFrusFromJson();
87fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
88fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
89fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to parse VPD data
90fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
91fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFilePath - Path to the VPD file.
92fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
93fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     types::VPDMapVariant parseVpdFile(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath);
94fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
95fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
96fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to populate DBus interfaces for a FRU.
97fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
98fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Call this API to populate D-Bus. Also caller should handle empty
99fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * objectInterfaceMap.
100fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
101fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
102fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] objectInterfaceMap - Object and its interfaces map.
103fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] vpdFilePath - EEPROM path of FRU.
104fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
105fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void populateDbus(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
106fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                       types::ObjectMap& objectInterfaceMap,
107fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                       const std::string& vpdFilePath);
108fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
109fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
110fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to delete FRU VPD over DBus.
111fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
112fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_dbusObjPath - Dbus object path of the FRU.
113fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
114fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @throw std::runtime_error if given input path is empty.
115fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
116fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void deleteFruVpd(const std::string& i_dbusObjPath);
117fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
118fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
119fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to get status of VPD collection process.
120fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
121fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return - True when done, false otherwise.
122fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
isAllFruCollectionDone() const123fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     inline bool isAllFruCollectionDone() const
124fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     {
125fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava         return m_isAllFruCollected;
126fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     }
127fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
128fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
129fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to get system config JSON object
130fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
131fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return System config JSON object.
132fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
getSysCfgJsonObj() const133fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     inline nlohmann::json getSysCfgJsonObj() const
134fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     {
135fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava         return m_parsedJson;
136fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     }
137fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
138fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
139fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to get active thread count.
140fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
141fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Each FRU is collected in a separate thread. This API gives the active
142fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * thread collecting FRU's VPD at any given time.
143fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
144fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return Count of active threads.
145fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
getActiveThreadCount() const146fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     size_t getActiveThreadCount() const
147fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     {
148fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava         return m_activeCollectionThreadCount;
149fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     }
150fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
1511f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     /**
1521f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * @brief API to get list of EEPROMs for which thread creation failed.
1531f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      *
1541f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * This API returns reference to list of EEPROM paths for which VPD
1551f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * collection thread creation has failed. Manager needs to process this list
1561f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * of EEPROMs and take appropriate action.
1571f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      *
1581f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * @return reference to list of EEPROM paths for which VPD collection thread
1591f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      * creation has failed
1601f4c8f81SSouvik Roy      */
getFailedEepromPaths()1611f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     inline std::forward_list<std::string>& getFailedEepromPaths() noexcept
1621f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     {
1631f4c8f81SSouvik Roy         return m_failedEepromPaths;
1641f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     }
1651f4c8f81SSouvik Roy 
166fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava   private:
167fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
168fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to parse and publish a FRU VPD over D-Bus.
169fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
170fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: This API will handle all the exceptions internally and will only
171fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * return status of parsing and publishing of VPD over D-Bus.
172fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
173fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFilePath - Path of file containing VPD.
174fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return Tuple of status and file path. Status, true if successfull else
175fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * false.
176fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
17743fedabcSPatrick Williams     std::tuple<bool, std::string> parseAndPublishVPD(
17843fedabcSPatrick Williams         const std::string& i_vpdFilePath);
179fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
180fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
181fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to set appropriate device tree and JSON.
182fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
183fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * This API based on system chooses corresponding device tree and JSON.
184fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * If device tree change is required, it updates the "fitconfig" and reboots
185fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * the system. Else it is NOOP.
186fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
187fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @throw std::runtime_error
188fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
189fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void setDeviceTreeAndJson();
190fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
191fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
192fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to select system specific JSON.
193fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
194fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * The API based on the IM value of VPD, will select appropriate JSON for
195fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * the system. In case no system is found corresponding to the extracted IM
196fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * value, error will be logged.
197fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
198fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] systemJson - System JSON name.
199fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD map.
200fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
201fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void getSystemJson(std::string& systemJson,
202fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                        const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap);
203fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
204fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
205fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to read IM value from VPD.
206fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
207fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Throws exception in case of error. Caller need to handle.
208fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
209fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpd - Parsed VPD.
210fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
211fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     std::string getIMValue(const types::IPZVpdMap& parsedVpd) const;
212fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
213fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
214fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to read HW version from VPD.
215fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
216fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Throws exception in case of error. Caller need to handle.
217fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
218fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpd - Parsed VPD.
219fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
220fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     std::string getHWVersion(const types::IPZVpdMap& parsedVpd) const;
221fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
222fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
223fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to parse given VPD file path.
224fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
225fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] vpdFilePath - EEPROM file path.
226fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] parsedVpd - Parsed VPD as a map.
227fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
228fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void fillVPDMap(const std::string& vpdFilePath,
229fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                     types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpd);
230fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
231fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
232fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to parse and publish system VPD on D-Bus.
233fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
234fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Note: Throws exception in case of invalid VPD format.
235fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
236fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
237fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
238fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void publishSystemVPD(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap);
239fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
240fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
241fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to process extrainterfaces w.r.t a FRU.
242fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
243fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] singleFru - JSON block for a single FRU.
244fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaces - Map to hold interface along with its properties.
245fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
246fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
247fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processExtraInterfaces(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
248fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                 types::InterfaceMap& interfaces,
249fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap);
250fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
251fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
252fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to process embedded and synthesized FRUs.
253fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
254fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] singleFru - FRU to be processed.
255fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaces - Map to hold interface along with its properties.
256fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
257fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processEmbeddedAndSynthesizedFrus(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
258fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                            types::InterfaceMap& interfaces);
259fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
260fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
261fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to read process FRU based in CCIN.
262fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
263fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * For some FRUs VPD can be processed only if the FRU has some specific
264fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * value for CCIN. In case the value is not from that set, VPD for those
265fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * FRUs can't be processed.
266fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
267fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] singleFru - Fru whose CCIN value needs to be matched.
268fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD map.
269fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
270fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool processFruWithCCIN(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
271fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                             const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap);
272fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
273fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
274fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to process json's inherit flag.
275fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
276fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Inherit flag denotes that some property in the child FRU needs to be
277fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * inherited from parent FRU.
278fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
279fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
280fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaces - Map to hold interface along with its properties.
281fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
282fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processInheritFlag(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
283fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                             types::InterfaceMap& interfaces);
284fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
285fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
286fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to process json's "copyRecord" flag.
287fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
288fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * copyRecord flag denotes if some record data needs to be copies in the
289fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * given FRU.
290fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
291fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] singleFru - FRU being processed.
292fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
293fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaces - Map to hold interface along with its properties.
294fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
295fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processCopyRecordFlag(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
296fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
297fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                types::InterfaceMap& interfaces);
298fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
299fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
300fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to populate IPZ VPD property map.
301fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
302fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfacePropMap - Map of interface and properties under it.
303fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] keyordValueMap - Keyword value map of IPZ VPD.
304fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] interfaceName - Name of the interface.
305fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
306fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void populateIPZVPDpropertyMap(types::InterfaceMap& interfacePropMap,
307fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                    const types::IPZKwdValueMap& keyordValueMap,
308fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                    const std::string& interfaceName);
309fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
310fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
311fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to populate Kwd VPD property map.
312fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
313fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] keyordValueMap - Keyword value map of Kwd VPD.
314fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaceMap - interface and property,value under it.
315fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
316fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void populateKwdVPDpropertyMap(const types::KeywordVpdMap& keyordVPDMap,
317fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                    types::InterfaceMap& interfaceMap);
318fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
319fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
320fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to populate all required interface for a FRU.
321fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
322fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] interfaceJson - JSON containing interfaces to be populated.
323fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[out] interfaceMap - Map to hold populated interfaces.
324fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD as a map.
325fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
326fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void populateInterfaces(const nlohmann::json& interfaceJson,
327fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                             types::InterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
328fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                             const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap);
329fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
330fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
331fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief Check if the given CPU is an IO only chip.
332fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
333fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * The CPU is termed as IO, whose all of the cores are bad and can never be
334fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * used. Those CPU chips can be used for IO purpose like connecting PCIe
335fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * devices etc., The CPU whose every cores are bad, can be identified from
336fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * the CP00 record's PG keyword, only if all of the 8 EQs' value equals
337fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * 0xE7F9FF. (1EQ has 4 cores grouped together by sharing its cache memory.)
338fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
339fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param [in] pgKeyword - PG Keyword of CPU.
340fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return true if the given cpu is an IO, false otherwise.
341fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
342fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool isCPUIOGoodOnly(const std::string& pgKeyword);
343fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
344fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
345fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to prime inventory Objects.
346fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
347fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFilePath - EEPROM file path.
348fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return true if the prime inventory is success, false otherwise.
349fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
350fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool primeInventory(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath);
351fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
352fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
353fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to process preAction(base_action) defined in config JSON.
354fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
355fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @note sequence of tags under any given flag of preAction is EXTREMELY
356fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * important to ensure proper processing. The API will process all the
357fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * nested items under the base action sequentially. Also if any of the tag
358fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * processing fails, the code will not process remaining tags under the
359fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * flag.
360fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * ******** sample format **************
361fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * fru EEPROM path: {
362fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *     base_action: {
363fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         flag1: {
364fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tag1: {
365fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            },
366fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tag2: {
367fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            }
368fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         }
369fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         flag2: {
370fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tags: {
371fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            }
372fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         }
373fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *     }
374fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * }
375fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * *************************************
376fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
377fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFilePath - Path to the EEPROM file.
378fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_flagToProcess - To identify which flag(s) needs to be
379fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * processed under PreAction tag of config JSON.
380fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return Execution status.
381fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
382fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool processPreAction(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath,
383fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                           const std::string& i_flagToProcess);
384fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
385fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
386fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to process postAction(base_action) defined in config JSON.
387fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
388fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @note Sequence of tags under any given flag of postAction is EXTREMELY
389fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * important to ensure proper processing. The API will process all the
390fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * nested items under the base action sequentially. Also if any of the tag
391fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * processing fails, the code will not process remaining tags under the
392fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * flag.
393fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * ******** sample format **************
394fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * fru EEPROM path: {
395fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *     base_action: {
396fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         flag1: {
397fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tag1: {
398fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            },
399fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tag2: {
400fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            }
401fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         }
402fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         flag2: {
403fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *           tags: {
404fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *            }
405fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *         }
406fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *     }
407fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * }
408fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * *************************************
409fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Also, if post action is required to be processed only for FRUs with
410fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * certain CCIN then CCIN list can be provided under flag.
411fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
412fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFruPath - Path to the EEPROM file.
413fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_flagToProcess - To identify which flag(s) needs to be
414fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * processed under postAction tag of config JSON.
415fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_parsedVpd - Optional Parsed VPD map. If CCIN match is
416fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * required.
417fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return Execution status.
418fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
419fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool processPostAction(
420fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava         const std::string& i_vpdFruPath, const std::string& i_flagToProcess,
421fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava         const std::optional<types::VPDMapVariant> i_parsedVpd = std::nullopt);
422fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
423fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
424fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief Function to enable and bring MUX out of idle state.
425fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
426fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * This finds all the MUX defined in the system json and enables them by
427fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * setting the holdidle parameter to 0.
428fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
429fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @throw std::runtime_error
430fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
431fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void enableMuxChips();
432fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
433fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
434fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief An API to perform backup or restore of VPD.
435fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
436fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in,out] io_srcVpdMap - Source VPD map.
437fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
438fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void performBackupAndRestore(types::VPDMapVariant& io_srcVpdMap);
439fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
440fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
441fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to update "Functional" property.
442fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
443fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * The API sets the default value for "Functional" property once if the
444fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * property is not yet populated over DBus. As the property value is not
445fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * controlled by the VPD-Collection process, if it is found already
446fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * populated, the functions skips re-populating the property so that already
447fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * existing value can be retained.
448fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
449fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_inventoryObjPath - Inventory path as read from config JSON.
450fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] io_interfaces - Map to hold all the interfaces for the FRU.
451fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
452fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processFunctionalProperty(const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath,
453fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                    types::InterfaceMap& io_interfaces);
454fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
455fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
456fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to update "enabled" property.
457fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
458fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * The API sets the default value for "enabled" property once if the
459fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * property is not yet populated over DBus. As the property value is not
460fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * controlled by the VPD-Collection process, if it is found already
461fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * populated, the functions skips re-populating the property so that already
462fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * existing value can be retained.
463fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
464fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_inventoryObjPath - Inventory path as read from config JSON.
465fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] io_interfaces - Map to hold all the interfaces for the FRU.
466fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
467fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void processEnabledProperty(const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath,
468fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava                                 types::InterfaceMap& io_interfaces);
469fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
470fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
471fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to form asset tag string for the system.
472fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
473fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_parsedVpdMap - Parsed VPD map.
474fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
475fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @throw std::runtime_error
476fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
477fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @return - Formed asset tag string.
478fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
47943fedabcSPatrick Williams     std::string createAssetTagString(
48043fedabcSPatrick Williams         const types::VPDMapVariant& i_parsedVpdMap);
481fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
482fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
483fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to prime system blueprint.
484fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
485fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * The API will traverse the system config JSON and will prime all the FRU
486fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * paths which qualifies for priming.
487fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
488fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void primeSystemBlueprint();
489fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
490fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     /**
491fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to set symbolic link for system config JSON.
492fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
493fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * Once correct device tree is set, symbolic link to the correct sytsem
494fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * config JSON is set to be used in subsequent BMC boot.
495fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      *
496fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_systemJson - system config JSON.
497fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava      */
498fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     void setJsonSymbolicLink(const std::string& i_systemJson);
499fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
500d159bb49SSunny Srivastava     /**
501d159bb49SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to set present property.
502d159bb49SSunny Srivastava      *
503*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * This API updates the present property of the given FRU with the given
504*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * value. Note: It is the responsibility of the caller to determine whether
505*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * the present property for the FRU should be updated or not.
506*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      *
507d159bb49SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdPath - EEPROM or inventory path.
508d159bb49SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_value - value to be set.
509d159bb49SSunny Srivastava      */
510d159bb49SSunny Srivastava     void setPresentProperty(const std::string& i_fruPath, const bool& i_value);
511d159bb49SSunny Srivastava 
51261611751SSunny Srivastava     /**
51361611751SSunny Srivastava      * @brief API to check if the path needs to be skipped for collection.
51461611751SSunny Srivastava      *
51561611751SSunny Srivastava      * Some FRUs, under some given scenarios should not be collected and
51661611751SSunny Srivastava      * skipped.
51761611751SSunny Srivastava      *
518765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava      * @param[in] i_vpdFilePath - EEPROM path.
519765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava      *
52061611751SSunny Srivastava      * @return True - if path is empty or should be skipped, false otherwise.
52161611751SSunny Srivastava      */
52261611751SSunny Srivastava     bool skipPathForCollection(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath);
52361611751SSunny Srivastava 
524*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy     /**
525*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * @brief API to check if present property should be handled for given FRU.
526*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      *
527*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * vpd-manager should update present property for a FRU if and only if it's
528*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * not synthesized and vpd-manager handles present property for the FRU.
529*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * This API assumes "handlePresence" tag is a subset of "synthesized" tag.
530*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      *
531*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * @param[in] i_fru -  JSON block for a single FRU.
532*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      *
533*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      * @return true if present property should be handled, false otherwise.
534*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy      */
isPresentPropertyHandlingRequired(const nlohmann::json & i_fru) const535*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy     inline bool isPresentPropertyHandlingRequired(
536*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy         const nlohmann::json& i_fru) const noexcept
537*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy     {
538*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy         // TODO: revisit this to see if this logic can be optimized.
539*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy         return !i_fru.value("synthesized", false) &&
540*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy                i_fru.value("handlePresence", true);
541*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy     }
542*6a9553c8SSouvik Roy 
543fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Parsed JSON file.
544fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     nlohmann::json m_parsedJson{};
545fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
546fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Hold if symlink is present or not.
547fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool m_isSymlinkPresent = false;
548fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
549fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Path to config JSON if applicable.
550fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     std::string& m_configJsonPath;
551fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
552fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Keeps track of active thread(s) doing VPD collection.
553fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     size_t m_activeCollectionThreadCount = 0;
554fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
555fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Holds status, if VPD collection has been done or not.
556fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Note: This variable does not give information about successfull or failed
557fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // collection. It just states, if the VPD collection process is over or not.
558fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool m_isAllFruCollected = false;
559fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
560fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // To distinguish the factory reset path.
561fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     bool m_isFactoryResetDone = false;
562fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
563fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Mutex to guard critical resource m_activeCollectionThreadCount.
564fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     std::mutex m_mutex;
565fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava 
566fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava     // Counting semaphore to limit the number of threads.
567765cf7b8SSunny Srivastava     std::counting_semaphore<constants::MAX_THREADS> m_semaphore;
5681f4c8f81SSouvik Roy 
5691f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     // List of EEPROM paths for which VPD collection thread creation has failed.
5701f4c8f81SSouvik Roy     std::forward_list<std::string> m_failedEepromPaths;
571fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava };
572fa5e4d32SSunny Srivastava } // namespace vpd