xref: /openbmc/openpower-vpd-parser/ibm_vpd_app.cpp (revision c0a534f4075fc515d143321e6a535006bf36ac87)
1 #include "config.h"
3 #include "defines.hpp"
4 #include "ipz_parser.hpp"
5 #include "keyword_vpd_parser.hpp"
6 #include "memory_vpd_parser.hpp"
7 #include "parser_factory.hpp"
8 #include "utils.hpp"
9 #include "vpd_exceptions.hpp"
11 #include <assert.h>
12 #include <ctype.h>
14 #include <CLI/CLI.hpp>
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <cstdarg>
17 #include <exception>
18 #include <filesystem>
19 #include <fstream>
20 #include <gpiod.hpp>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <iterator>
23 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
24 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
26 using namespace std;
27 using namespace openpower::vpd;
28 using namespace CLI;
29 using namespace vpd::keyword::parser;
30 using namespace openpower::vpd::constants;
31 namespace fs = filesystem;
32 using json = nlohmann::json;
33 using namespace openpower::vpd::parser::factory;
34 using namespace openpower::vpd::inventory;
35 using namespace openpower::vpd::memory::parser;
36 using namespace openpower::vpd::parser::interface;
37 using namespace openpower::vpd::exceptions;
38 using namespace phosphor::logging;
40 static const deviceTreeMap deviceTreeSystemTypeMap = {
41     {RAINIER_2U, "conf-aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dtb"},
42     {RAINIER_4U, "conf-aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier-4u.dtb"},
43     {RAINIER_1S4U, "conf-aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier-1s4u.dtb"},
44     {EVEREST, "conf-aspeed-bmc-ibm-everest.dtb"}};
46 /**
47  * @brief Returns the power state for chassis0
48  */
49 static auto getPowerState()
50 {
51     // TODO: How do we handle multiple chassis?
52     string powerState{};
53     auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
54     auto properties =
55         bus.new_method_call("xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis",
56                             "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis0",
57                             "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get");
58     properties.append("xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis");
59     properties.append("CurrentPowerState");
60     auto result = bus.call(properties);
61     if (!result.is_method_error())
62     {
63         variant<string> val;
64         result.read(val);
65         if (auto pVal = get_if<string>(&val))
66         {
67             powerState = *pVal;
68         }
69     }
70     cout << "Power state is: " << powerState << endl;
71     return powerState;
72 }
74 /**
75  * @brief Expands location codes
76  */
77 static auto expandLocationCode(const string& unexpanded, const Parsed& vpdMap,
78                                bool isSystemVpd)
79 {
80     auto expanded{unexpanded};
81     static constexpr auto SYSTEM_OBJECT = "/system/chassis/motherboard";
82     static constexpr auto VCEN_IF = "com.ibm.ipzvpd.VCEN";
83     static constexpr auto VSYS_IF = "com.ibm.ipzvpd.VSYS";
84     size_t idx = expanded.find("fcs");
85     try
86     {
87         if (idx != string::npos)
88         {
89             string fc{};
90             string se{};
91             if (isSystemVpd)
92             {
93                 const auto& fcData = vpdMap.at("VCEN").at("FC");
94                 const auto& seData = vpdMap.at("VCEN").at("SE");
95                 fc = string(fcData.data(), fcData.size());
96                 se = string(seData.data(), seData.size());
97             }
98             else
99             {
100                 fc = readBusProperty(SYSTEM_OBJECT, VCEN_IF, "FC");
101                 se = readBusProperty(SYSTEM_OBJECT, VCEN_IF, "SE");
102             }
104             // TODO: See if ND0 can be placed in the JSON
105             expanded.replace(idx, 3, fc.substr(0, 4) + ".ND0." + se);
106         }
107         else
108         {
109             idx = expanded.find("mts");
110             if (idx != string::npos)
111             {
112                 string mt{};
113                 string se{};
114                 if (isSystemVpd)
115                 {
116                     const auto& mtData = vpdMap.at("VSYS").at("TM");
117                     const auto& seData = vpdMap.at("VSYS").at("SE");
118                     mt = string(mtData.data(), mtData.size());
119                     se = string(seData.data(), seData.size());
120                 }
121                 else
122                 {
123                     mt = readBusProperty(SYSTEM_OBJECT, VSYS_IF, "TM");
124                     se = readBusProperty(SYSTEM_OBJECT, VSYS_IF, "SE");
125                 }
127                 replace(mt.begin(), mt.end(), '-', '.');
128                 expanded.replace(idx, 3, mt + "." + se);
129             }
130         }
131     }
132     catch (exception& e)
133     {
134         cerr << "Failed to expand location code with exception: " << e.what()
135              << "\n";
136     }
137     return expanded;
138 }
140 /**
141  * @brief Populate FRU specific interfaces.
142  *
143  * This is a common method which handles both
144  * ipz and keyword specific interfaces thus,
145  * reducing the code redundancy.
146  * @param[in] map - Reference to the innermost keyword-value map.
147  * @param[in] preIntrStr - Reference to the interface string.
148  * @param[out] interfaces - Reference to interface map.
149  */
150 template <typename T>
151 static void populateFruSpecificInterfaces(const T& map,
152                                           const string& preIntrStr,
153                                           inventory::InterfaceMap& interfaces)
154 {
155     inventory::PropertyMap prop;
157     for (const auto& kwVal : map)
158     {
159         vector<uint8_t> vec(kwVal.second.begin(), kwVal.second.end());
161         auto kw = kwVal.first;
163         if (kw[0] == '#')
164         {
165             kw = string("PD_") + kw[1];
166         }
167         else if (isdigit(kw[0]))
168         {
169             kw = string("N_") + kw;
170         }
171         prop.emplace(move(kw), move(vec));
172     }
174     interfaces.emplace(preIntrStr, move(prop));
175 }
177 /**
178  * @brief Populate Interfaces.
179  *
180  * This method populates common and extra interfaces to dbus.
181  * @param[in] js - json object
182  * @param[out] interfaces - Reference to interface map
183  * @param[in] vpdMap - Reference to the parsed vpd map.
184  * @param[in] isSystemVpd - Denotes whether we are collecting the system VPD.
185  */
186 template <typename T>
187 static void populateInterfaces(const nlohmann::json& js,
188                                inventory::InterfaceMap& interfaces,
189                                const T& vpdMap, bool isSystemVpd)
190 {
191     for (const auto& ifs : js.items())
192     {
193         string inf = ifs.key();
194         inventory::PropertyMap props;
196         for (const auto& itr : ifs.value().items())
197         {
198             const string& busProp = itr.key();
200             if (itr.value().is_boolean())
201             {
202                 props.emplace(busProp, itr.value().get<bool>());
203             }
204             else if (itr.value().is_string())
205             {
206                 if constexpr (is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
207                 {
208                     if (busProp == "LocationCode" &&
209                         inf == "com.ibm.ipzvpd.Location")
210                     {
211                         auto prop = expandLocationCode(
212                             itr.value().get<string>(), vpdMap, isSystemVpd);
213                         props.emplace(busProp, prop);
214                     }
215                     else
216                     {
217                         props.emplace(busProp, itr.value().get<string>());
218                     }
219                 }
220                 else
221                 {
222                     props.emplace(busProp, itr.value().get<string>());
223                 }
224             }
225             else if (itr.value().is_object())
226             {
227                 const string& rec = itr.value().value("recordName", "");
228                 const string& kw = itr.value().value("keywordName", "");
229                 const string& encoding = itr.value().value("encoding", "");
231                 if constexpr (is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
232                 {
233                     if (!rec.empty() && !kw.empty() && vpdMap.count(rec) &&
234                         vpdMap.at(rec).count(kw))
235                     {
236                         auto encoded =
237                             encodeKeyword(vpdMap.at(rec).at(kw), encoding);
238                         props.emplace(busProp, encoded);
239                     }
240                 }
241                 else if constexpr (is_same<T, KeywordVpdMap>::value)
242                 {
243                     if (!kw.empty() && vpdMap.count(kw))
244                     {
245                         auto prop =
246                             string(vpdMap.at(kw).begin(), vpdMap.at(kw).end());
247                         auto encoded = encodeKeyword(prop, encoding);
248                         props.emplace(busProp, encoded);
249                     }
250                 }
251             }
252         }
253         interfaces.emplace(inf, move(props));
254     }
255 }
257 static Binary getVpdDataInVector(const nlohmann::json& js, const string& file)
258 {
259     uint32_t offset = 0;
260     // check if offset present?
261     for (const auto& item : js["frus"][file])
262     {
263         if (item.find("offset") != item.end())
264         {
265             offset = item["offset"];
266         }
267     }
269     // TODO: Figure out a better way to get max possible VPD size.
270     Binary vpdVector;
271     vpdVector.resize(65504);
272     ifstream vpdFile;
273     vpdFile.open(file, ios::binary);
275     vpdFile.seekg(offset, ios_base::cur);
276     vpdFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vpdVector[0]), 65504);
277     vpdVector.resize(vpdFile.gcount());
279     return vpdVector;
280 }
282 /* It does nothing. Just an empty function to return null
283  * at the end of variadic template args
284  */
285 static string getCommand()
286 {
287     return "";
288 }
290 /* This function to arrange all arguments to make command
291  */
292 template <typename T, typename... Types>
293 static string getCommand(T arg1, Types... args)
294 {
295     string cmd = " " + arg1 + getCommand(args...);
297     return cmd;
298 }
300 /* This API takes arguments and run that command
301  * returns output of that command
302  */
303 template <typename T, typename... Types>
304 static vector<string> executeCmd(T&& path, Types... args)
305 {
306     vector<string> stdOutput;
307     array<char, 128> buffer;
309     string cmd = path + getCommand(args...);
311     unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"), pclose);
312     if (!pipe)
313     {
314         throw runtime_error("popen() failed!");
315     }
316     while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr)
317     {
318         stdOutput.emplace_back(buffer.data());
319     }
321     return stdOutput;
322 }
324 /** This API will be called at the end of VPD collection to perform any post
325  * actions.
326  *
327  * @param[in] json - json object
328  * @param[in] file - eeprom file path
329  */
330 static void postFailAction(const nlohmann::json& json, const string& file)
331 {
332     if ((json["frus"][file].at(0)).find("postActionFail") ==
333         json["frus"][file].at(0).end())
334     {
335         return;
336     }
338     uint8_t pinValue = 0;
339     string pinName;
341     for (const auto& postAction :
342          (json["frus"][file].at(0))["postActionFail"].items())
343     {
344         if (postAction.key() == "pin")
345         {
346             pinName = postAction.value();
347         }
348         else if (postAction.key() == "value")
349         {
350             // Get the value to set
351             pinValue = postAction.value();
352         }
353     }
355     cout << "Setting GPIO: " << pinName << " to " << (int)pinValue << endl;
357     try
358     {
359         gpiod::line outputLine = gpiod::find_line(pinName);
361         if (!outputLine)
362         {
363             cout << "Couldn't find output line:" << pinName
364                  << " on GPIO. Skipping...\n";
366             return;
367         }
368         outputLine.request(
369             {"Disable line", ::gpiod::line_request::DIRECTION_OUTPUT, 0},
370             pinValue);
371     }
372     catch (system_error&)
373     {
374         cerr << "Failed to set post-action GPIO" << endl;
375     }
376 }
378 /** Performs any pre-action needed to get the FRU setup for collection.
379  *
380  * @param[in] json - json object
381  * @param[in] file - eeprom file path
382  */
383 static void preAction(const nlohmann::json& json, const string& file)
384 {
385     if ((json["frus"][file].at(0)).find("preAction") ==
386         json["frus"][file].at(0).end())
387     {
388         return;
389     }
391     uint8_t pinValue = 0;
392     string pinName;
394     for (const auto& postAction :
395          (json["frus"][file].at(0))["preAction"].items())
396     {
397         if (postAction.key() == "pin")
398         {
399             pinName = postAction.value();
400         }
401         else if (postAction.key() == "value")
402         {
403             // Get the value to set
404             pinValue = postAction.value();
405         }
406     }
408     cout << "Setting GPIO: " << pinName << " to " << (int)pinValue << endl;
409     try
410     {
411         gpiod::line outputLine = gpiod::find_line(pinName);
413         if (!outputLine)
414         {
415             cout << "Couldn't find output line:" << pinName
416                  << " on GPIO. Skipping...\n";
418             return;
419         }
420         outputLine.request(
421             {"FRU pre-action", ::gpiod::line_request::DIRECTION_OUTPUT, 0},
422             pinValue);
423     }
424     catch (system_error&)
425     {
426         cerr << "Failed to set pre-action GPIO" << endl;
427         return;
428     }
430     // Now bind the device
431     string bind = json["frus"][file].at(0).value("bind", "");
432     cout << "Binding device " << bind << endl;
433     string bindCmd = string("echo \"") + bind +
434                      string("\" > /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/at24/bind");
435     cout << bindCmd << endl;
436     executeCmd(bindCmd);
438     // Check if device showed up (test for file)
439     if (!fs::exists(file))
440     {
441         cout << "EEPROM " << file << " does not exist. Take failure action"
442              << endl;
443         // If not, then take failure postAction
444         postFailAction(json, file);
445     }
446 }
448 /**
449  * @brief Prime the Inventory
450  * Prime the inventory by populating only the location code,
451  * type interface and the inventory object for the frus
452  * which are not system vpd fru.
453  *
454  * @param[in] jsObject - Reference to vpd inventory json object
455  * @param[in] vpdMap -  Reference to the parsed vpd map
456  *
457  * @returns Map of items in extraInterface.
458  */
459 template <typename T>
460 inventory::ObjectMap primeInventory(const nlohmann::json& jsObject,
461                                     const T& vpdMap)
462 {
463     inventory::ObjectMap objects;
465     for (auto& itemFRUS : jsObject["frus"].items())
466     {
467         // Take pre actions
468         preAction(jsObject, itemFRUS.key());
469         for (auto& itemEEPROM : itemFRUS.value())
470         {
471             inventory::InterfaceMap interfaces;
472             auto isSystemVpd = itemEEPROM.value("isSystemVpd", false);
473             inventory::Object object(itemEEPROM.at("inventoryPath"));
475             if (!isSystemVpd && !itemEEPROM.value("noprime", false))
476             {
477                 inventory::PropertyMap presProp;
478                 presProp.emplace("Present", false);
479                 interfaces.emplace("xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item",
480                                    move(presProp));
482                 if (itemEEPROM.find("extraInterfaces") != itemEEPROM.end())
483                 {
484                     for (const auto& eI : itemEEPROM["extraInterfaces"].items())
485                     {
486                         inventory::PropertyMap props;
487                         if (eI.key() ==
488                             openpower::vpd::constants::LOCATION_CODE_INF)
489                         {
490                             if constexpr (std::is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
491                             {
492                                 for (auto& lC : eI.value().items())
493                                 {
494                                     auto propVal = expandLocationCode(
495                                         lC.value().get<string>(), vpdMap, true);
497                                     props.emplace(move(lC.key()),
498                                                   move(propVal));
499                                     interfaces.emplace(move(eI.key()),
500                                                        move(props));
501                                 }
502                             }
503                         }
504                         else if (eI.key().find("Inventory.Item.") !=
505                                  string::npos)
506                         {
507                             interfaces.emplace(move(eI.key()), move(props));
508                         }
509                     }
510                 }
511                 objects.emplace(move(object), move(interfaces));
512             }
513         }
514     }
515     return objects;
516 }
518 /**
519  * @brief This API executes command to set environment variable
520  *        And then reboot the system
521  * @param[in] key   -env key to set new value
522  * @param[in] value -value to set.
523  */
524 void setEnvAndReboot(const string& key, const string& value)
525 {
526     // set env and reboot and break.
527     executeCmd("/sbin/fw_setenv", key, value);
528     log<level::INFO>("Rebooting BMC to pick up new device tree");
529     // make dbus call to reboot
530     auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default_system();
531     auto method = bus.new_method_call(
532         "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1",
533         "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", "Reboot");
534     bus.call_noreply(method);
535 }
537 /*
538  * @brief This API checks for env var fitconfig.
539  *        If not initialised OR updated as per the current system type,
540  *        update this env var and reboot the system.
541  *
542  * @param[in] systemType IM kwd in vpd tells about which system type it is.
543  * */
544 void setDevTreeEnv(const string& systemType)
545 {
546     string newDeviceTree;
548     if (deviceTreeSystemTypeMap.find(systemType) !=
549         deviceTreeSystemTypeMap.end())
550     {
551         newDeviceTree = deviceTreeSystemTypeMap.at(systemType);
552     }
554     string readVarValue;
555     bool envVarFound = false;
557     vector<string> output = executeCmd("/sbin/fw_printenv");
558     for (const auto& entry : output)
559     {
560         size_t pos = entry.find("=");
561         string key = entry.substr(0, pos);
562         if (key != "fitconfig")
563         {
564             continue;
565         }
567         envVarFound = true;
568         if (pos + 1 < entry.size())
569         {
570             readVarValue = entry.substr(pos + 1);
571             if (readVarValue.find(newDeviceTree) != string::npos)
572             {
573                 // fitconfig is Updated. No action needed
574                 break;
575             }
576         }
577         // set env and reboot and break.
578         setEnvAndReboot(key, newDeviceTree);
579         exit(0);
580     }
582     // check If env var Not found
583     if (!envVarFound)
584     {
585         setEnvAndReboot("fitconfig", newDeviceTree);
586     }
587 }
589 /**
590  * @brief API to call VPD manager to write VPD to EEPROM.
591  * @param[in] Object path.
592  * @param[in] record to be updated.
593  * @param[in] keyword to be updated.
594  * @param[in] keyword data to be updated
595  */
596 void updateHardware(const string& objectName, const string& recName,
597                     const string& kwdName, const Binary& data)
598 {
599     try
600     {
601         auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
602         auto properties =
603             bus.new_method_call(BUSNAME, OBJPATH, IFACE, "WriteKeyword");
604         properties.append(
605             static_cast<sdbusplus::message::object_path>(objectName));
606         properties.append(recName);
607         properties.append(kwdName);
608         properties.append(data);
609         bus.call(properties);
610     }
611     catch (const sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& e)
612     {
613         std::string what =
614             "VPDManager WriteKeyword api failed for inventory path " +
615             objectName;
616         what += " record " + recName;
617         what += " keyword " + kwdName;
618         what += " with bus error = " + std::string(e.what());
620         // map to hold additional data in case of logging pel
621         PelAdditionalData additionalData{};
622         additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH", objectName);
623         additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", what);
624         createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForBusFailure);
625     }
626 }
628 /**
629  * @brief API to check if we need to restore system VPD
630  * This functionality is only applicable for IPZ VPD data.
631  * @param[in] vpdMap - IPZ vpd map
632  * @param[in] objectPath - Object path for the FRU
633  * @return EEPROMs with records and keywords updated at standby
634  */
635 std::vector<RestoredEeproms> restoreSystemVPD(Parsed& vpdMap,
636                                               const string& objectPath)
637 {
638     // the list of keywords for VSYS record is as per the S0 system. Should be
639     // updated for another type of systems
640     static std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> svpdKwdMap{
641         {"VSYS", {"BR", "TM", "SE", "SU", "RB"}},
642         {"VCEN", {"FC", "SE"}},
643         {"LXR0", {"LX"}}};
645     // vector to hold all the EEPROMs updated at standby
646     std::vector<RestoredEeproms> updatedEeproms = {};
648     for (const auto& systemRecKwdPair : svpdKwdMap)
649     {
650         auto it = vpdMap.find(systemRecKwdPair.first);
652         // check if record is found in map we got by parser
653         if (it != vpdMap.end())
654         {
655             const auto& kwdListForRecord = systemRecKwdPair.second;
656             for (const auto& keyword : kwdListForRecord)
657             {
658                 DbusPropertyMap& kwdValMap = it->second;
659                 auto iterator = kwdValMap.find(keyword);
661                 if (iterator != kwdValMap.end())
662                 {
663                     string& kwdValue = iterator->second;
665                     // check bus data
666                     const string& recordName = systemRecKwdPair.first;
667                     const string& busValue = readBusProperty(
668                         objectPath, ipzVpdInf + recordName, keyword);
670                     if (busValue.find_first_not_of(' ') != string::npos)
671                     {
672                         if (kwdValue.find_first_not_of(' ') != string::npos)
673                         {
674                             // both the data are present, check for mismatch
675                             if (busValue != kwdValue)
676                             {
677                                 string errMsg = "VPD data mismatch on cache "
678                                                 "and hardware for record: ";
679                                 errMsg += (*it).first;
680                                 errMsg += " and keyword: ";
681                                 errMsg += keyword;
683                                 // data mismatch
684                                 PelAdditionalData additionalData;
685                                 additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
686                                                        objectPath);
688                                 additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", errMsg);
690                                 createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForInvalidVPD);
691                             }
692                         }
693                         else
694                         {
695                             // implies hardware data is blank
696                             // update the map
697                             Binary busData(busValue.begin(), busValue.end());
699                             updatedEeproms.push_back(std::make_tuple(
700                                 objectPath, recordName, keyword, busData));
701                         }
703                         // update the map as well, so that cache data is not
704                         // updated as blank while populating VPD map on Dbus in
705                         // populateDBus Api
706                         kwdValue = busValue;
707                         continue;
708                     }
709                     else if (kwdValue.find_first_not_of(' ') == string::npos)
710                     {
711                         string errMsg = "VPD is blank on both cache and "
712                                         "hardware for record: ";
713                         errMsg += (*it).first;
714                         errMsg += " and keyword: ";
715                         errMsg += keyword;
716                         errMsg += ". SSR need to update hardware VPD.";
718                         // both the data are blanks, log PEL
719                         PelAdditionalData additionalData;
720                         additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
721                                                objectPath);
723                         additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", errMsg);
725                         // log PEL TODO: Block IPL
726                         createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForBlankSystemVPD);
727                         continue;
728                     }
729                 }
730             }
731         }
732     }
734     return updatedEeproms;
735 }
737 /**
738  * @brief Populate Dbus.
739  * This method invokes all the populateInterface functions
740  * and notifies PIM about dbus object.
741  * @param[in] vpdMap - Either IPZ vpd map or Keyword vpd map based on the
742  * input.
743  * @param[in] js - Inventory json object
744  * @param[in] filePath - Path of the vpd file
745  * @param[in] preIntrStr - Interface string
746  */
747 template <typename T>
748 static void populateDbus(T& vpdMap, nlohmann::json& js, const string& filePath)
749 {
750     inventory::InterfaceMap interfaces;
751     inventory::ObjectMap objects;
752     inventory::PropertyMap prop;
754     // map to hold all the keywords whose value has been changed at standby
755     vector<RestoredEeproms> updatedEeproms = {};
757     bool isSystemVpd = false;
758     for (const auto& item : js["frus"][filePath])
759     {
760         const auto& objectPath = item["inventoryPath"];
761         sdbusplus::message::object_path object(objectPath);
762         isSystemVpd = item.value("isSystemVpd", false);
764         // Populate the VPD keywords and the common interfaces only if we
765         // are asked to inherit that data from the VPD, else only add the
766         // extraInterfaces.
767         if (item.value("inherit", true))
768         {
769             if constexpr (is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
770             {
771                 if (isSystemVpd)
772                 {
773                     std::vector<std::string> interfaces = {
774                         motherBoardInterface};
775                     // call mapper to check for object path creation
776                     MapperResponse subTree =
777                         getObjectSubtreeForInterfaces(pimPath, 0, interfaces);
779                     // Skip system vpd restore if object path is not generated
780                     // for motherboard, Implies first boot.
781                     if (subTree.size() != 0)
782                     {
783                         assert(
784                             (subTree.find(pimPath + std::string(objectPath)) !=
785                              subTree.end()));
787                         updatedEeproms = restoreSystemVPD(vpdMap, objectPath);
788                     }
789                     else
790                     {
791                         log<level::ERR>("No object path found");
792                     }
793                 }
795                 // Each record in the VPD becomes an interface and all
796                 // keyword within the record are properties under that
797                 // interface.
798                 for (const auto& record : vpdMap)
799                 {
800                     populateFruSpecificInterfaces(
801                         record.second, ipzVpdInf + record.first, interfaces);
802                 }
803             }
804             else if constexpr (is_same<T, KeywordVpdMap>::value)
805             {
806                 populateFruSpecificInterfaces(vpdMap, kwdVpdInf, interfaces);
807             }
808             if (js.find("commonInterfaces") != js.end())
809             {
810                 populateInterfaces(js["commonInterfaces"], interfaces, vpdMap,
811                                    isSystemVpd);
812             }
813         }
814         else
815         {
816             // Check if we have been asked to inherit specific record(s)
817             if constexpr (is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
818             {
819                 if (item.find("copyRecords") != item.end())
820                 {
821                     for (const auto& record : item["copyRecords"])
822                     {
823                         const string& recordName = record;
824                         if (vpdMap.find(recordName) != vpdMap.end())
825                         {
826                             populateFruSpecificInterfaces(
827                                 vpdMap.at(recordName), ipzVpdInf + recordName,
828                                 interfaces);
829                         }
830                     }
831                 }
832             }
833         }
834         if (item.value("inheritEI", true))
835         {
836             // Populate interfaces and properties that are common to every FRU
837             // and additional interface that might be defined on a per-FRU
838             // basis.
839             if (item.find("extraInterfaces") != item.end())
840             {
841                 populateInterfaces(item["extraInterfaces"], interfaces, vpdMap,
842                                    isSystemVpd);
843             }
844         }
845         objects.emplace(move(object), move(interfaces));
846     }
848     if (isSystemVpd)
849     {
850         vector<uint8_t> imVal;
851         if constexpr (is_same<T, Parsed>::value)
852         {
853             auto property = vpdMap.find("VSBP");
854             if (property != vpdMap.end())
855             {
856                 auto value = (property->second).find("IM");
857                 if (value != (property->second).end())
858                 {
859                     copy(value->second.begin(), value->second.end(),
860                          back_inserter(imVal));
861                 }
862             }
863         }
865         fs::path target;
866         fs::path link = INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK;
868         ostringstream oss;
869         for (auto& i : imVal)
870         {
871             oss << setw(2) << setfill('0') << hex << static_cast<int>(i);
872         }
873         string imValStr = oss.str();
875         if ((imValStr == RAINIER_4U) || // 4U
876             (imValStr == RAINIER_1S4U))
877         {
878             target = INVENTORY_JSON_4U;
879         }
880         else if (imValStr == RAINIER_2U) // 2U
881         {
882             target = INVENTORY_JSON_2U;
883         }
884         else if (imValStr == EVEREST)
885         {
886             target = INVENTORY_JSON_EVEREST;
887         }
889         // Create the directory for hosting the symlink
890         fs::create_directories(VPD_FILES_PATH);
891         // unlink the symlink previously created (if any)
892         remove(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK);
893         // create a new symlink based on the system
894         fs::create_symlink(target, link);
896         // Reloading the json
897         ifstream inventoryJson(link);
898         auto js = json::parse(inventoryJson);
899         inventoryJson.close();
901         inventory::ObjectMap primeObject = primeInventory(js, vpdMap);
902         objects.insert(primeObject.begin(), primeObject.end());
904         // set the U-boot environment variable for device-tree
905         setDevTreeEnv(imValStr);
907         // if system VPD has been restored at standby, update the EEPROM
908         for (const auto& item : updatedEeproms)
909         {
910             updateHardware(get<0>(item), get<1>(item), get<2>(item),
911                            get<3>(item));
912         }
913     }
915     // Notify PIM
916     inventory::callPIM(move(objects));
917 }
919 int main(int argc, char** argv)
920 {
921     int rc = 0;
922     string file{};
923     json js{};
925     // map to hold additional data in case of logging pel
926     PelAdditionalData additionalData{};
928     // this is needed to hold base fru inventory path in case there is ECC or
929     // vpd exception while parsing the file
930     std::string baseFruInventoryPath = {};
932     try
933     {
934         App app{"ibm-read-vpd - App to read IPZ format VPD, parse it and store "
935                 "in DBUS"};
936         string file{};
938         app.add_option("-f, --file", file, "File containing VPD (IPZ/KEYWORD)")
939             ->required();
941         CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
943         auto jsonToParse = INVENTORY_JSON_DEFAULT;
945         // If the symlink exists, it means it has been setup for us, switch the
946         // path
947         if (fs::exists(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK))
948         {
949             jsonToParse = INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK;
950         }
952         // Make sure that the file path we get is for a supported EEPROM
953         ifstream inventoryJson(jsonToParse);
954         if (!inventoryJson)
955         {
956             throw(
957                 (VpdJsonException("Failed to access Json path", jsonToParse)));
958         }
960         try
961         {
962             js = json::parse(inventoryJson);
963         }
964         catch (json::parse_error& ex)
965         {
966             throw((VpdJsonException("Json parsing failed", jsonToParse)));
967         }
969         if ((js.find("frus") == js.end()) ||
970             (js["frus"].find(file) == js["frus"].end()))
971         {
972             cout << "Device path not in JSON, ignoring" << endl;
973             return 0;
974         }
976         if (!fs::exists(file))
977         {
978             cout << "Device path: " << file
979                  << " does not exist. Spurious udev event? Exiting." << endl;
980             return 0;
981         }
983         baseFruInventoryPath = js["frus"][file][0]["inventoryPath"];
984         // Check if we can read the VPD file based on the power state
985         if (js["frus"][file].at(0).value("powerOffOnly", false))
986         {
987             if ("xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.On" ==
988                 getPowerState())
989             {
990                 cout << "This VPD cannot be read when power is ON" << endl;
991                 return 0;
992             }
993         }
995         try
996         {
997             Binary vpdVector = getVpdDataInVector(js, file);
998             ParserInterface* parser = ParserFactory::getParser(move(vpdVector));
1000             variant<KeywordVpdMap, Store> parseResult;
1001             parseResult = parser->parse();
1002             if (auto pVal = get_if<Store>(&parseResult))
1003             {
1004                 populateDbus(pVal->getVpdMap(), js, file);
1005             }
1006             else if (auto pVal = get_if<KeywordVpdMap>(&parseResult))
1007             {
1008                 populateDbus(*pVal, js, file);
1009             }
1011             // release the parser object
1012             ParserFactory::freeParser(parser);
1013         }
1014         catch (exception& e)
1015         {
1016             postFailAction(js, file);
1017             throw e;
1018         }
1019     }
1020     catch (const VpdJsonException& ex)
1021     {
1022         additionalData.emplace("JSON_PATH", ex.getJsonPath());
1023         additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", ex.what());
1024         createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForJsonFailure);
1026         cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
1027         rc = -1;
1028     }
1029     catch (const VpdEccException& ex)
1030     {
1031         additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", "ECC check failed");
1032         additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
1033                                INVENTORY_PATH + baseFruInventoryPath);
1034         createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForEccCheckFail);
1036         cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
1037         rc = -1;
1038     }
1039     catch (const VpdDataException& ex)
1040     {
1041         additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", "Invalid VPD data");
1042         additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
1043                                INVENTORY_PATH + baseFruInventoryPath);
1044         createPEL(additionalData, errIntfForInvalidVPD);
1046         cerr << ex.what() << "\n";
1047         rc = -1;
1048     }
1049     catch (exception& e)
1050     {
1051         cerr << e.what() << "\n";
1052         rc = -1;
1053     }
1055     return rc;
1056 }