1 extern "C"
2 {
3 #include <libpdbg.h>
4 }
6 #include "create_pel.hpp"
7 #include "dump_utils.hpp"
8 #include "extensions/phal/common_utils.hpp"
9 #include "phal_error.hpp"
11 #include <attributes_info.H>
12 #include <fmt/format.h>
13 #include <libekb.H>
14 #include <libphal.H>
16 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
17 #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cstdlib>
21 #include <cstring>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include <list>
24 #include <map>
25 #include <sstream>
26 #include <string>
28 namespace openpower
29 {
30 namespace phal
31 {
32 using namespace phosphor::logging;
33 using namespace openpower::phal::exception;
35 /**
36  * Used to pass buffer to pdbg callback api to get required target
37  * data (attributes) based on given data (attribute).
38  */
39 struct TargetInfo
40 {
41     ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath;
42     ATTR_LOCATION_CODE_Type locationCode;
43     ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH_Type physDevPath;
44     ATTR_MRU_ID_Type mruId;
46     bool deconfigure;
48     TargetInfo()
49     {
50         memset(&physBinPath, '\0', sizeof(physBinPath));
51         memset(&locationCode, '\0', sizeof(locationCode));
52         memset(&physDevPath, '\0', sizeof(physDevPath));
53         mruId = 0;
54         deconfigure = false;
55     }
56 };
58 /**
59  * Used to return in callback function which are used to get
60  * physical path value and it binary format value.
61  *
62  * The value for constexpr defined based on pdbg_target_traverse function usage.
63  */
64 constexpr int continueTgtTraversal = 0;
65 constexpr int requireAttrFound = 1;
66 constexpr int requireAttrNotFound = 2;
68 /**
69  * @brief Used to get target location code from phal device tree
70  *
71  * @param[in] target current device tree target
72  * @param[out] appPrivData used for accessing|storing from|to application
73  *
74  * @return 0 to continue traverse, non-zero to stop traverse
75  */
76 int pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal(struct pdbg_target* target,
77                                     void* appPrivData)
78 {
79     using namespace openpower::phal::pdbg;
81     TargetInfo* targetInfo = static_cast<TargetInfo*>(appPrivData);
83     ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath;
84     /**
85      * TODO: Issue: phal/pdata#16
86      * Should not use direct pdbg api to read attribute. Need to use DT_GET_PROP
87      * macro for bmc app's and this will call libdt-api api but, it will print
88      * "pdbg_target_get_attribute failed" trace if attribute is not found and
89      * this callback will call recursively by using pdbg_target_traverse() until
90      * find expected attribute based on return code from this callback. Because,
91      * need to do target iteration to get actual attribute (ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH)
92      * value when device tree target info doesn't know to read attribute from
93      * device tree. So, Due to this error trace user will get confusion while
94      * looking traces. Hence using pdbg api to avoid trace until libdt-api
95      * provides log level setup.
96      */
97     if (!pdbg_target_get_attribute(
98             target, "ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH",
99             std::stoi(dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Spec),
100             dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_ElementCount, physBinPath))
101     {
102         return continueTgtTraversal;
103     }
105     if (std::memcmp(physBinPath, targetInfo->physBinPath,
106                     sizeof(physBinPath)) != 0)
107     {
108         return continueTgtTraversal;
109     }
111     // Found Target, now collect the required attributes associated to the
112     // target. Incase of any attribute read failure, initialize the data with
113     // default value.
114     try
115     {
116         // Get location code information
117         openpower::phal::pdbg::getLocationCode(target,
118                                                targetInfo->locationCode);
119     }
120     catch (const std::exception& e)
121     {
122         log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("getLocationCode({}): Exception({})",
123                                     pdbg_target_path(target), e.what())
124                             .c_str());
125     }
127     if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH, target, targetInfo->physDevPath))
128     {
129         log<level::ERR>(
130             fmt::format("Could not read({}) PHYS_DEV_PATH attribute",
131                         pdbg_target_path(target))
132                 .c_str());
133     }
135     if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_MRU_ID, target, targetInfo->mruId))
136     {
137         log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Could not read({}) ATTR_MRU_ID attribute",
138                                     pdbg_target_path(target))
139                             .c_str());
140     }
142     return requireAttrFound;
143 }
145 /**
146  * @brief Used to get target info (attributes data)
147  *
148  * To get target required attributes value using another attribute value
149  * ("PHYS_BIN_PATH" which is present in same target attributes list) by using
150  * "ipdbg_target_traverse" api because, here we have attribute value only and
151  * doesn't have respective device tree target info to get required attributes
152  * values from it attributes list.
153  *
154  * @param[in] physBinPath to pass PHYS_BIN_PATH value
155  * @param[out] targetInfo to pas buufer to fill with required attributes
156  *
157  * @return true on success otherwise false
158  */
159 bool getTgtReqAttrsVal(const std::vector<uint8_t>& physBinPath,
160                        TargetInfo& targetInfo)
161 {
162     std::memcpy(&targetInfo.physBinPath, physBinPath.data(),
163                 sizeof(targetInfo.physBinPath));
165     int ret = pdbg_target_traverse(NULL, pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal,
166                                    &targetInfo);
167     if (ret == 0)
168     {
169         log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Given ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH value({}) "
170                                     "not found in phal device tree",
171                                     targetInfo.physBinPath)
172                             .c_str());
173         return false;
174     }
175     else if (ret == requireAttrNotFound)
176     {
177         return false;
178     }
180     return true;
181 }
182 } // namespace phal
184 namespace pel
185 {
186 using namespace phosphor::logging;
188 namespace detail
189 {
190 using json = nlohmann::json;
192 // keys need to be unique so using counter value to generate unique key
193 static int counter = 0;
195 // list of debug traces
196 static std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> traceLog;
198 /**
199  * @brief Process platform realted boot failure
200  *
201  * @param[in] errInfo - error details
202  */
203 static void processPlatBootError(const ipl_error_info& errInfo);
205 void processLogTraceCallback(void*, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
206 {
207     va_list vap;
208     va_copy(vap, ap);
209     std::vector<char> logData(1 + std::vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, ap));
210     std::vsnprintf(logData.data(), logData.size(), fmt, vap);
211     va_end(vap);
212     std::string logstr(logData.begin(), logData.end());
214     log<level::INFO>(logstr.c_str());
216     char timeBuf[80];
217     time_t t = time(0);
218     tm myTm{};
219     gmtime_r(&t, &myTm);
220     strftime(timeBuf, 80, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &myTm);
222     // key values need to be unique for PEL
223     // TODO #openbmc/dev/issues/1563
224     // If written to Json no need to worry about unique KEY
225     std::stringstream str;
226     str << std::setfill('0');
227     str << "LOG" << std::setw(3) << counter;
228     str << " " << timeBuf;
229     traceLog.emplace_back(std::make_pair(str.str(), std::move(logstr)));
230     counter++;
231 }
233 /**
234  * @brief GET PEL priority from pHAL priority
235  *
236  * The pHAL callout priority is in different format than PEL format
237  * so, this api is used to return current phal supported priority into
238  * PEL expected format.
239  *
240  * @param[in] phalPriority used to pass phal priority format string
241  *
242  * @return pel priority format string else empty if failure
243  *
244  * @note For "NONE" returning "L" (LOW)
245  */
246 static std::string getPelPriority(const std::string& phalPriority)
247 {
248     const std::map<std::string, std::string> priorityMap = {
249         {"HIGH", "H"}, {"MEDIUM", "M"}, {"LOW", "L"}, {"NONE", "L"}};
251     auto it = priorityMap.find(phalPriority);
252     if (it == priorityMap.end())
253     {
254         log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Unsupported phal priority({}) is given "
255                                     "to get pel priority format",
256                                     phalPriority)
257                             .c_str());
258         return "H";
259     }
261     return it->second;
262 }
264 void processIplErrorCallback(const ipl_error_info& errInfo)
265 {
266     log<level::INFO>(
267         fmt::format("processIplErrorCallback: Error type({})", errInfo.type)
268             .c_str());
270     switch (errInfo.type)
271     {
272         case IPL_ERR_OK:
273             // reset trace log and exit
274             reset();
275             break;
276         case IPL_ERR_SBE_BOOT:
277         case IPL_ERR_SBE_CHIPOP:
278             // handle SBE related failures.
279             processSbeBootError();
280             break;
281         case IPL_ERR_HWP:
282             // Handle hwp failure
283             processBootError(false);
284             break;
285         case IPL_ERR_PLAT:
286             processPlatBootError(errInfo);
287             break;
288         default:
289             createPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot");
290             // reset trace log and exit
291             reset();
292             break;
293     }
294 }
296 /**
297  * @brief addPlanarCallout
298  *
299  * This function will add a json for planar callout in the input json list.
300  * The caller can pass this json list into createErrorPEL to apply the callout.
301  *
302  * @param[in,out] jsonCalloutDataList - json list where callout json will be
303  *                  emplaced
304  * @param[in] priority - string indicating priority.
305  */
306 static void addPlanarCallout(json& jsonCalloutDataList,
307                              const std::string& priority)
308 {
309     json jsonCalloutData;
311     // Inventory path for planar
312     jsonCalloutData["InventoryPath"] =
313         "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard";
314     jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = false;
315     jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = false;
316     jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = priority;
318     jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
319 }
321 void processBootErrorHelper(FFDC* ffdc, const std::string& ffdc_prefix)
322 {
323     log<level::INFO>("processBootErrorHelper ");
324     try
325     {
326         log<level::INFO>(
327             fmt::format("PHAL FFDC: Return Message[{}]", ffdc->message)
328                 .c_str());
330         // To store callouts details in json format as per pel expectation.
331         json jsonCalloutDataList;
332         jsonCalloutDataList = json::array();
334         // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc.
335         FFDCData pelAdditionalData;
337         if (ffdc->ffdc_type == FFDC_TYPE_HWP)
338         {
339             std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "RC");
340             // Adding hardware procedures return code details
341             pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix,
342                                            ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc);
343             keyWithPrefix = ffdc_prefix + "RC_DESC";
344             pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix,
345                                            ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.rc_desc);
347             // Adding hardware procedures required ffdc data for debug
348             for_each(ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.begin(),
349                      ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.end(),
350                      [&pelAdditionalData, &ffdc_prefix](
351                          std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
352                          std::string keyWithPrefix(ffdc_prefix + "FFDC_");
353                          keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
355                          pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix,
356                                                         ele.second);
357                      });
359             // Adding hardware callout details
360             int calloutCount = 0;
361             for_each(
362                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.begin(),
363                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.end(),
364                 [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
365                  &ffdc_prefix](const HWCallout& hwCallout) -> void {
366                     calloutCount++;
367                     std::stringstream keyPrefix;
368                     keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "HW_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
369                               << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
371                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
372                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("HW_ID"),
373                         hwCallout.hwid);
375                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
376                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
377                         hwCallout.callout_priority);
379                     // Log target details only if entity path is
380                     // available. For example target entity path will not
381                     // be available for non-hwp clock failure.
382                     if (!hwCallout.target_entity_path.empty())
383                     {
384                         phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
385                         phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(hwCallout.target_entity_path,
386                                                 targetInfo);
388                         std::string locationCode =
389                             std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
390                         pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
391                             std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
392                             locationCode);
394                         std::string physPath =
395                             std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
396                         pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
397                             std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"),
398                             physPath);
399                     }
401                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
402                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CLK_POS"),
403                         std::to_string(hwCallout.clkPos));
405                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
406                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CALLOUT_PLANAR"),
407                         (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout == true ? "true" : "false"));
409                     std::string pelPriority =
410                         getPelPriority(hwCallout.callout_priority);
412                     if (hwCallout.isPlanarCallout)
413                     {
414                         addPlanarCallout(jsonCalloutDataList, pelPriority);
415                     }
416                 });
418             // Adding CDG (callout, deconfigure and guard) targets details
419             calloutCount = 0;
420             for_each(
421                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(),
422                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(),
423                 [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
424                  &ffdc_prefix](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
425                     calloutCount++;
426                     std::stringstream keyPrefix;
427                     keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "CDG_TGT_" << std::setfill('0')
428                               << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
430                     phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
431                     targetInfo.deconfigure = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
433                     phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(cdg_tgt.target_entity_path,
434                                             targetInfo);
436                     std::string locationCode =
437                         std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
438                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
439                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
440                         locationCode);
441                     std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
442                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
443                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"),
444                         physPath);
446                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
447                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_REQ"),
448                         (cdg_tgt.callout == true ? "true" : "false"));
450                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
451                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_PRIORITY"),
452                         cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
454                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
455                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("DECONF_REQ"),
456                         (cdg_tgt.deconfigure == true ? "true" : "false"));
458                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
459                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_REQ"),
460                         (cdg_tgt.guard == true ? "true" : "false"));
462                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
463                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_TYPE"),
464                         cdg_tgt.guard_type);
466                     json jsonCalloutData;
467                     jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode;
468                     std::string pelPriority =
469                         getPelPriority(cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
470                     jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
472                     if (targetInfo.mruId != 0)
473                     {
474                         jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({
475                             {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId},
476                              {"Priority", pelPriority}},
477                         });
478                     }
479                     jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
480                     jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = cdg_tgt.guard;
481                     jsonCalloutData["GuardType"] = cdg_tgt.guard_type;
482                     jsonCalloutData["EntityPath"] = cdg_tgt.target_entity_path;
484                     jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
485                 });
486             // Adding procedure callout
487             calloutCount = 0;
488             for_each(
489                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.procedures_callout.begin(),
490                 ffdc->hwp_errorinfo.procedures_callout.end(),
491                 [&pelAdditionalData, &calloutCount, &jsonCalloutDataList,
492                  &ffdc_prefix](const ProcedureCallout& procCallout) -> void {
493                     calloutCount++;
494                     std::stringstream keyPrefix;
495                     keyPrefix << ffdc_prefix << "PROC_CO_" << std::setfill('0')
496                               << std::setw(2) << calloutCount << "_";
498                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
499                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
500                         procCallout.callout_priority);
502                     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(
503                         std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("MAINT_PROCEDURE"),
504                         procCallout.proc_callout);
506                     json jsonCalloutData;
507                     jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = procCallout.proc_callout;
508                     std::string pelPriority =
509                         getPelPriority(procCallout.callout_priority);
510                     jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
511                     jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
512                 });
513         }
514         else if ((ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_NONE) &&
515                  (ffdc->ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED))
516         {
517             log<level::ERR>(
518                 fmt::format("Unsupported phal FFDC type to create PEL. "
519                             "MSG: {}",
520                             ffdc->message)
521                     .c_str());
522         }
524         // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data
525         for_each(traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
526                  [&pelAdditionalData](
527                      std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
528                      pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
529                  });
531         // TODO: #ibm-openbmc/dev/issues/2595 : Once enabled this support,
532         // callout details is not required to sort in H,M and L orders which
533         // are expected by pel because, pel will take care for sorting callouts
534         // based on priority so, now adding support to send callout in order
535         // i.e High -> Medium -> Low.
536         std::sort(
537             jsonCalloutDataList.begin(), jsonCalloutDataList.end(),
538             [](const json& aEle, const json& bEle) -> bool {
539                 // Considering b element having higher priority than a element
540                 // or Both element will be same priorty (to keep same order
541                 // which are given by phal when two callouts are having same
542                 // priority)
543                 if (((aEle["Priority"] == "M") && (bEle["Priority"] == "H")) ||
544                     ((aEle["Priority"] == "L") &&
545                      ((bEle["Priority"] == "H") ||
546                       (bEle["Priority"] == "M"))) ||
547                     (aEle["Priority"] == bEle["Priority"]))
548                 {
549                     return false;
550                 }
552                 // Considering a element having higher priority than b element
553                 return true;
554             });
555         openpower::pel::createErrorPEL("org.open_power.PHAL.Error.Boot",
556                                        jsonCalloutDataList, pelAdditionalData);
557     }
558     catch (const std::exception& ex)
559     {
560         reset();
561         throw ex;
562     }
563     reset();
564 }
566 void processPlatBootError(const ipl_error_info& errInfo)
567 {
568     log<level::INFO>("processPlatBootError ");
570     // Collecting ffdc details from phal
571     FFDC* ffdc = reinterpret_cast<FFDC*>(errInfo.private_data);
572     try
573     {
574         processBootErrorHelper(ffdc, "PLAT_");
575     }
576     catch (const std::exception& ex)
577     {
578         log<level::ERR>(
579             fmt::format("processPlatBootError: exception({})", ex.what())
580                 .c_str());
581         throw ex;
582     }
583 }
585 void processBootError(bool status)
586 {
587     log<level::INFO>(
588         fmt::format("processBootError: status({})", status).c_str());
590     try
591     {
592         // return If no failure during hwp execution
593         if (status)
594             return;
596         // Collecting ffdc details from phal
597         FFDC ffdc;
598         libekb_get_ffdc(ffdc);
600         processBootErrorHelper(&ffdc, "HWP_");
601     }
602     catch (const std::exception& ex)
603     {
604         log<level::ERR>(
605             fmt::format("processBootError: exception({})", ex.what()).c_str());
606         throw ex;
607     }
608 }
610 void processSbeBootError()
611 {
612     log<level::INFO>("processSbeBootError : Entered ");
614     using namespace openpower::phal::sbe;
616     // To store phal trace and other additional data about ffdc.
617     FFDCData pelAdditionalData;
619     // Adding collected phal logs into PEL additional data
620     for_each(
621         traceLog.begin(), traceLog.end(),
622         [&pelAdditionalData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
623             pelAdditionalData.emplace_back(ele.first, ele.second);
624         });
626     // reset the trace log and counter
627     reset();
629     // get primary processor to collect FFDC/Dump information.
630     struct pdbg_target* procTarget;
631     pdbg_for_each_class_target("proc", procTarget)
632     {
633         if (openpower::phal::isPrimaryProc(procTarget))
634             break;
635         procTarget = nullptr;
636     }
637     // check valid primary processor is available
638     if (procTarget == nullptr)
639     {
640         log<level::ERR>("processSbeBootError: fail to get primary processor");
641         // Add BMC code callout and create PEL
642         json jsonCalloutDataList;
643         jsonCalloutDataList = json::array();
644         json jsonCalloutData;
645         jsonCalloutData["Procedure"] = "BMC0001";
646         jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = "H";
647         jsonCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
648         openpower::pel::createErrorPEL(
649             "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootFailure",
650             jsonCalloutDataList);
651         return;
652     }
653     // SBE error object.
654     sbeError_t sbeError;
655     bool dumpIsRequired = false;
657     try
658     {
659         // Capture FFDC information on primary processor
660         sbeError = captureFFDC(procTarget);
661     }
662     catch (const phalError_t& phalError)
663     {
664         // Fail to collect FFDC information , trigger Dump
665         log<level::ERR>(
666             fmt::format("captureFFDC: Exception({})", phalError.what())
667                 .c_str());
668         dumpIsRequired = true;
669     }
671     std::string event;
673     if ((sbeError.errType() == SBE_FFDC_NO_DATA) ||
674         (sbeError.errType() == SBE_CMD_TIMEOUT) || (dumpIsRequired))
675     {
676         event = "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootTimeout";
677         dumpIsRequired = true;
678     }
679     else
680     {
681         event = "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeBootFailure";
682     }
683     // SRC6 : [0:15] chip position
684     uint32_t index = pdbg_target_index(procTarget);
685     pelAdditionalData.emplace_back("SRC6", std::to_string(index << 16));
686     // Create SBE Error with FFDC data.
687     auto logId = createSbeErrorPEL(event, sbeError, pelAdditionalData);
689     if (dumpIsRequired)
690     {
691         using namespace openpower::phal::dump;
692         DumpParameters dumpParameters = {logId, index, SBE_DUMP_TIMEOUT,
693                                          DumpType::SBE};
694         try
695         {
696             requestDump(dumpParameters);
697         }
698         catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
699         {
700             // Allowing call back to handle the error gracefully.
701             log<level::ERR>("Dump collection failed");
702             // TODO revist error handling.
703         }
704     }
705 }
707 void reset()
708 {
709     // reset the trace log and counter
710     traceLog.clear();
711     counter = 0;
712 }
714 void pDBGLogTraceCallbackHelper(int, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
715 {
716     processLogTraceCallback(NULL, fmt, ap);
717 }
718 } // namespace detail
720 static inline uint8_t getLogLevelFromEnv(const char* env, const uint8_t dValue)
721 {
722     auto logLevel = dValue;
723     try
724     {
725         if (const char* env_p = std::getenv(env))
726         {
727             logLevel = std::stoi(env_p);
728         }
729     }
730     catch (const std::exception& e)
731     {
732         log<level::ERR>(("Conversion Failure"), entry("ENVIRONMENT=%s", env),
733                         entry("EXCEPTION=%s", e.what()));
734     }
735     return logLevel;
736 }
738 void addBootErrorCallbacks()
739 {
740     // Get individual phal repos log level from environment variable
741     // and update the  log level.
742     pdbg_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("PDBG_LOG", PDBG_INFO));
743     libekb_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("LIBEKB_LOG", LIBEKB_LOG_IMP));
744     ipl_set_loglevel(getLogLevelFromEnv("IPL_LOG", IPL_INFO));
746     // add callback for debug traces
747     pdbg_set_logfunc(detail::pDBGLogTraceCallbackHelper);
748     libekb_set_logfunc(detail::processLogTraceCallback, NULL);
749     ipl_set_logfunc(detail::processLogTraceCallback, NULL);
751     // add callback for ipl failures
752     ipl_set_error_callback_func(detail::processIplErrorCallback);
753 }
755 } // namespace pel
756 } // namespace openpower