1 #include "config.h"
4 #include "ubi/item_updater_ubi.hpp"
5 #include "ubi/watch.hpp"
6 #elif defined MMC_LAYOUT
7 #include "mmc/item_updater_mmc.hpp"
8 #else
9 #include "static/item_updater_static.hpp"
10 #endif
11 #include "functions.hpp"
13 #include <CLI/CLI.hpp>
14 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
15 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
16 #include <sdbusplus/server/manager.hpp>
17 #include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <system_error>
23 #include <vector>
25 namespace openpower
26 {
27 namespace software
28 {
29 namespace updater
30 {
31 void initializeService(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus)
32 {
33     static sdbusplus::server::manager::manager objManager(bus,
34                                                           SOFTWARE_OBJPATH);
35 #ifdef UBIFS_LAYOUT
36     static ItemUpdaterUbi updater(bus, SOFTWARE_OBJPATH);
37     static Watch watch(
38         bus.get_event(),
39         std::bind(std::mem_fn(&ItemUpdater::updateFunctionalAssociation),
40                   &updater, std::placeholders::_1));
41 #elif defined MMC_LAYOUT
42     static ItemUpdaterMMC updater(bus, SOFTWARE_OBJPATH);
43 #else
44     static ItemUpdaterStatic updater(bus, SOFTWARE_OBJPATH);
45 #endif
46     bus.request_name(BUSNAME_UPDATER);
47 }
48 } // namespace updater
49 } // namespace software
50 } // namespace openpower
52 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
53 {
54     using namespace openpower::software::updater;
55     using namespace phosphor::logging;
56     auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
57     auto loop = sdeventplus::Event::get_default();
59     bus.attach_event(loop.get(), SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
61     CLI::App app{"OpenPOWER host firmware manager"};
63     using namespace std::string_literals;
64     std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> extensionMap{{
65         {"ibm,everest"s, {".EVEREST_XML"s, ".P10"s}},
66         {"ibm,rainier-2u"s, {".RAINIER_2U_XML"s, ".P10"s}},
67         {"ibm,rainier-4u"s, {".RAINIER_4U_XML"s, ".P10"s}},
68         {"ibm,rainier-1s4u"s, {".RAINIER_4U_XML"s, ".P10"s}},
69     }};
71     // subcommandContext allows program subcommand callbacks to add loop event
72     // callbacks (e.g. reception of a dbus signal) and then return to main,
73     // without the loop event callback being destroyed until the loop event
74     // callback has a chance to run and instruct the loop to exit.
75     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<void>> subcommandContext;
76     static_cast<void>(
77         app.add_subcommand("process-host-firmware",
78                            "Point the host firmware at its data.")
79             ->callback([&bus, &loop, &subcommandContext, extensionMap]() {
80                 auto hostFirmwareDirectory = "/media/hostfw/running"s;
81                 auto logCallback = [](const auto& path, auto& ec) {
82                     std::cerr << path << ": " << ec.message() << "\n";
83                 };
84                 subcommandContext.push_back(
85                     functions::process_hostfirmware::processHostFirmware(
86                         bus, extensionMap, std::move(hostFirmwareDirectory),
87                         std::move(logCallback), loop));
88             }));
89     static_cast<void>(
90         app.add_subcommand("update-bios-attr-table",
91                            "Update the bios attribute table with the host "
92                            "firmware data details.")
93             ->callback([&bus, &loop, &subcommandContext, extensionMap]() {
94                 auto elementsJsonFilePath = "/usr/share/hostfw/elements.json"s;
95                 auto subcommands =
96                     functions::process_hostfirmware::updateBiosAttrTable(
97                         bus, extensionMap, std::move(elementsJsonFilePath),
98                         loop);
99                 for (const auto& subcommand : subcommands)
100                 {
101                     subcommandContext.push_back(subcommand);
102                 }
103             }));
105     CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
107     if (app.get_subcommands().size() == 0)
108     {
109         initializeService(bus);
110     }
112     try
113     {
114         auto rc = loop.loop();
115         if (rc < 0)
116         {
117             log<level::ERR>("Error occurred during the sd_event_loop",
118                             entry("RC=%d", rc));
119             return -1;
120         }
121     }
122     catch (const std::system_error& e)
123     {
124         log<level::ERR>(e.what());
125         return -1;
126     }
128     return 0;
129 }