1 #pragma once
2 #include "config.h"
4 #include "i2c_occ.hpp"
5 #include "occ_command.hpp"
6 #include "occ_device.hpp"
7 #include "occ_events.hpp"
8 #include "powercap.hpp"
9 #include "powermode.hpp"
10 #include "utils.hpp"
12 #include <org/open_power/Control/Host/server.hpp>
13 #include <org/open_power/OCC/Status/server.hpp>
14 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
15 #include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
16 #ifdef POWER10
17 #include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
18 #include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
19 #endif
21 #include <functional>
23 namespace open_power
24 {
25 namespace occ
26 {
28 class Manager;
29 namespace Base = sdbusplus::org::open_power::OCC::server;
30 using Interface = sdbusplus::server::object_t<Base::Status>;
32 // IPMID's host control application
33 namespace Control = sdbusplus::org::open_power::Control::server;
35 // For waiting on signals
36 namespace sdbusRule = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules;
38 // OCC status instance. Ex. for "occ0", the instance is 0
39 using instanceID = unsigned int;
41 // IPMI sensor ID for a given OCC instance
42 using sensorID = uint8_t;
44 // Human readable sensor name for DBus tree. E.g. "CPU0_OCC"
45 using sensorName = std::string;
47 // OCC sensors definitions in the map
48 using sensorDefs = std::tuple<sensorID, sensorName>;
50 // OCC sysfs name prefix
51 const std::string sysfsName = "occ-hwmon";
53 /** @class Status
54  *  @brief Implementation of OCC Active Status
55  */
56 class Status : public Interface
57 {
58   public:
59     Status() = delete;
60     ~Status() = default;
61     Status(const Status&) = delete;
62     Status& operator=(const Status&) = delete;
63     Status(Status&&) = default;
64     Status& operator=(Status&&) = default;
66     /** @brief Constructs the Status object and
67      *         the underlying device object
68      *
69      *  @param[in] event    - sd_event unique pointer reference
70      *  @param[in] path     - DBus object path
71      *  @param[in] manager  - OCC manager instance
72      *  @param[in] callBack - Callback handler to invoke during
73      *                        property change
74      *  @param[in] resetCallBack - callback handler to invoke for resetting the
75      *                             OCC if PLDM is the host communication
76      *                             protocol
77      */
78     Status(EventPtr& event, const char* path, Manager& managerRef,
79 #ifdef POWER10
80            std::unique_ptr<powermode::PowerMode>& powerModeRef,
81 #endif
82            std::function<void(instanceID, bool)> callBack = nullptr
83 #ifdef PLDM
84            ,
85            std::function<void(instanceID)> resetCallBack = nullptr
86 #endif
87            ) :
89         Interface(utils::getBus(), getDbusPath(path).c_str(),
90                   Interface::action::defer_emit),
91         path(path), managerCallBack(callBack), instance(getInstance(path)),
92         manager(managerRef),
93 #ifdef POWER10
94         pmode(powerModeRef),
95 #endif
96         device(event,
97 #ifdef I2C_OCC
98                fs::path(DEV_PATH) / i2c_occ::getI2cDeviceName(path),
99 #else
100                fs::path(DEV_PATH) /
101                    fs::path(sysfsName + "." + std::to_string(instance + 1)),
102 #endif
103                managerRef, *this,
104 #ifdef POWER10
105                powerModeRef,
106 #endif
107                instance),
108         hostControlSignal(
109             utils::getBus(),
110             sdbusRule::type::signal() + sdbusRule::member("CommandComplete") +
111                 sdbusRule::path("/org/open_power/control/host0") +
112                 sdbusRule::interface("org.open_power.Control.Host") +
113                 sdbusRule::argN(0, Control::convertForMessage(
114                                        Control::Host::Command::OCCReset)),
115             std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Status::hostControlEvent), this,
116                       std::placeholders::_1)),
117         occCmd(instance, (fs::path(OCC_CONTROL_ROOT) /
118                           (std::string(OCC_NAME) + std::to_string(instance)))
119                              .c_str())
120 #ifdef POWER10
121         ,
122         sdpEvent(sdeventplus::Event::get_default()),
123         safeStateDelayTimer(
124             sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic>(
125                 sdpEvent, std::bind(&Status::safeStateDelayExpired, this))),
126         occReadStateFailTimer(
127             sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic>(
128                 sdpEvent, std::bind(&Status::occReadStateNow, this)))
129 #endif
131 #ifdef PLDM
132         ,
133         resetCallBack(resetCallBack)
134 #endif
135     {
136         // Announce that we are ready
137         this->emit_object_added();
138     }
140     /** @brief Since we are overriding the setter-occActive but not the
141      *         getter-occActive, we need to have this using in order to
142      *         allow passthrough usage of the getter-occActive
143      */
144     using Base::Status::occActive;
146     /** @brief SET OccActive to True or False
147      *
148      *  @param[in] value - Intended value
149      *
150      *  @return          - Updated value of the property
151      */
152     bool occActive(bool value) override;
154     /** @brief Starts OCC error detection */
155     inline void addErrorWatch()
156     {
157         return device.addErrorWatch();
158     }
160     /** @brief Stops OCC error detection */
161     inline void removeErrorWatch()
162     {
163         return device.removeErrorWatch();
164     }
166     /** @brief Starts to watch how many OCCs are present on the master */
167     inline void addPresenceWatchMaster()
168     {
169         return device.addPresenceWatchMaster();
170     }
172     /** @brief Gets the occ instance number */
173     unsigned int getOccInstanceID()
174     {
175         return instance;
176     }
178     /** @brief Is this OCC the master OCC */
179     bool isMasterOcc()
180     {
181         return device.master();
182     }
184     /** @brief Read OCC state (will trigger kernel to poll the OCC) */
185     void readOccState();
187     /** @brief Called when device errors are detected
188      *
189      * @param[in] d - description of the error that occurred
190      */
191     void deviceError(Error::Descriptor d = Error::Descriptor());
193 #ifdef POWER10
194     /** @brief Handle additional tasks when the OCCs reach active state */
195     void occsWentActive();
197     /** @brief Send Ambient & Altitude data to OCC
198      *
199      *  @param[in] ambient - temperature to send (0xFF will force read
200      *                       of current temperature and altitude)
201      *  @param[in] altitude - altitude to send (0xFFFF = unavailable)
202      *
203      *  @return SUCCESS on success
204      */
205     CmdStatus sendAmbient(const uint8_t ambient = 0xFF,
206                           const uint16_t altitude = 0xFFFF);
208     /** @brief Set flag indicating if PLDM sensor has been received
209      *
210      *  @param[in] wasReceived - true if PLDM sensor was read
211      */
212     void setPldmSensorReceived(const bool wasReceived)
213     {
214         pldmSensorStateReceived = wasReceived;
215     }
217     /** @brief Read flag indicating if PLDM sensor has been read
218      *
219      *  @return true if sensor has been read
220      */
221     bool getPldmSensorReceived()
222     {
223         return pldmSensorStateReceived;
224     }
226 #endif // POWER10
228     /** @brief Return the HWMON path for this OCC
229      *
230      *  @return path or empty path if not found
231      */
232     fs::path getHwmonPath();
234   private:
235     /** @brief OCC dbus object path */
236     std::string path;
238     /** @brief Callback handler to be invoked during property change.
239      *         This is a handler in Manager class
240      */
241     std::function<void(instanceID, bool)> managerCallBack;
243     /** @brief OCC instance number. Ex, 0,1, etc */
244     unsigned int instance;
246     /** @brief The last state read from the OCC */
247     unsigned int lastState = 0;
249     /** @brief Number of retry attempts to open file and update state. */
250     const unsigned int occReadRetries = 1;
252     /** @brief Current number of retries attempted towards occReadRetries. */
253     size_t currentOccReadRetriesCount = 0;
255     /** @brief The Trigger to indicate OCC State is valid or not. */
256     bool stateValid = false;
258     /** @brief OCC instance to Sensor definitions mapping */
259     static const std::map<instanceID, sensorDefs> sensorMap;
261     /** @brief OCC manager object */
262     const Manager& manager;
264 #ifdef POWER10
265     /** @brief OCC PowerMode object */
266     std::unique_ptr<powermode::PowerMode>& pmode;
267 #endif
269     /** @brief OCC device object to do bind and unbind */
270     Device device;
272     /** @brief Subscribe to host control signal
273      *
274      *  Once the OCC reset is requested, BMC sends that message to host.
275      *  If the host does not ack the message, then there would be a timeout
276      *  and we need to catch that to log an error
277      **/
278     sdbusplus::bus::match_t hostControlSignal;
280     /** @brief Command object to send commands to the OCC */
281     OccCommand occCmd;
283 #ifdef POWER10
284     /** @brief timer event */
285     sdeventplus::Event sdpEvent;
286 #endif
288     /** @brief hwmon path for this OCC */
289     fs::path hwmonPath;
291     /** @brief flag indicating if the OCC sensor has been received */
292     bool pldmSensorStateReceived = false;
294     /** @brief Callback function on host control signals
295      *
296      *  @param[in]  msg - Data associated with subscribed signal
297      */
298     void hostControlEvent(sdbusplus::message_t& msg);
300     /** @brief Sends a message to host control command handler to reset OCC
301      */
302     void resetOCC();
304     /** @brief Determines the instance ID by specified object path.
305      *  @param[in]  path  Estimated OCC Dbus object path
306      *  @return  Instance number
307      */
308     static int getInstance(const std::string& path)
309     {
310         return (path.empty() ? 0 : path.back() - '0');
311     }
313 #ifdef POWER10
314     /**
315      * @brief Timer that is started when OCC is detected to be in safe mode
316      */
317     sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic>
318         safeStateDelayTimer;
320     /** @brief Callback for timer that is started when OCC was detected to be in
321      * safe mode. Called to verify and then disable and reset the OCCs.
322      */
323     void safeStateDelayExpired();
325     /**
326      * @brief Timer that is started when OCC read Valid state failed.
327      */
328     sdeventplus::utility::Timer<sdeventplus::ClockId::Monotonic>
329         occReadStateFailTimer;
331 #endif // POWER10
332     /** @brief Callback for timer that is started when OCC state
333      * was not able to be read. Called to attempt another read when needed.
334      */
335     void occReadStateNow();
337     /** @brief Override the sensor name with name from the definition.
338      *  @param[in]  estimatedPath - Estimated OCC Dbus object path
339      *  @return  Fixed OCC DBus object path
340      */
341     static std::string getDbusPath(const std::string& estimatedPath)
342     {
343         if (!estimatedPath.empty())
344         {
345             auto it = sensorMap.find(getInstance(estimatedPath));
346             if (sensorMap.end() != it)
347             {
348                 auto& name = std::get<1>(it->second);
349                 if (!name.empty() && name != "None")
350                 {
351                     auto objectPath = fs::path(estimatedPath);
352                     objectPath.replace_filename(name);
353                     return objectPath.string();
354                 }
355             }
356         }
358         return estimatedPath;
359     }
360 #ifdef PLDM
361     std::function<void(instanceID)> resetCallBack = nullptr;
362 #endif
363 };
365 } // namespace occ
366 } // namespace open_power