1 #pragma once
3 #include "config.h"
5 #include "occ_errors.hpp"
7 namespace open_power
8 {
9 namespace occ
10 {
12 /** @class FFDC
13  *  @brief Monitors for SBE FFDC availability
14  */
15 class FFDC : public Error
16 {
17   public:
18     FFDC() = delete;
19     FFDC(const FFDC&) = delete;
20     FFDC& operator=(const FFDC&) = delete;
21     FFDC(FFDC&&) = default;
22     FFDC& operator=(FFDC&&) = default;
24     /** @brief Constructs the FFDC object
25      *
26      *  @param[in] event    - reference to sd_event unique_ptr
27      *  @param[in] file     - File used by driver to communicate FFDC data
28      *  @param[in] instance - OCC instance number
29      */
30     FFDC(EventPtr& event, const fs::path& file, unsigned int instance) :
31         Error(event, file, nullptr), instance(instance)
32     {
33         // Nothing to do here.
34     }
36     ~FFDC()
37     {
38         for (auto&& it : temporaryFiles)
39         {
40             close(it.second);
41             fs::remove(it.first);
42         }
43     }
45     /** @brief Helper function to create a PEL with the OpenPower DBus
46      *         interface
47      *
48      * @param[in] path - the DBus error path
49      * @param[in] src6 - the SBE error SRC6 word
50      * @param[in] msg - the error message
51      * @param[in] fd - the file descriptor for any FFDC
52      */
53     static uint32_t createPEL(const char* path, uint32_t src6, const char* msg,
54                               int fd = -1);
56     /** @brief Helper function to create a PEL for the OCC reset with the
57      * OpenPower DBus interface
58      *
59      * @param[in] instance - the OCC instance id
60      * @param[in] path - the DBus error path
61      * @param[in] err - the error return code
62      * @param[in] callout - the PEL callout path
63      */
64     static void createOCCResetPEL(unsigned int instance, const char* path,
65                                   int err, const char* callout);
67   private:
68     /** @brief OCC instance number. Ex, 0,1, etc */
69     unsigned int instance;
71     /** @brief Stores the temporary files and file descriptors
72      *         in usage. They will be cleaned up when the class
73      *         is destroyed (when the application exits).
74      */
75     std::vector<std::pair<fs::path, int>> temporaryFiles;
77     /** @brief When the error event is received, analyzes it
78      *         and makes a callback to error handler if the
79      *         content denotes an error condition
80      */
81     void analyzeEvent() override;
82 };
84 } // namespace occ
85 } // namespace open_power