1 #include <libpdbg.h>
3 #include <attn_handler.hpp>
4 #include <attn_monitor.hpp>
6 #include <algorithm>
8 /*
9  * @brief Search the command line arguments for an option
10  *
11  * @param i_begin   command line args vector begin
12  * @param i_end     command line args vector end
13  * @param i_option  configuration option to look for
14  *
15  * @return true = option found on command line
16  */
17 bool getCliOption(char** i_begin, char** i_end, const std::string& i_option)
18 {
19     return (i_end != std::find(i_begin, i_end, i_option));
20 }
22 /*
23  * @brief Search the command line arguments for a setting value
24  *
25  * @param i_begin   command line args vector begin
26  * @param i_end     command line args vectory end
27  * @param i_setting configuration setting to look for
28  *
29  * @return value of the setting or 0 if setting not found or value not given
30  */
31 char* getCliSetting(char** i_begin, char** i_end, const std::string& i_setting)
32 {
33     char** value = std::find(i_begin, i_end, i_setting);
34     if (value != i_end && ++value != i_end)
35     {
36         return *value;
37     }
38     return 0; // nullptr
39 }
41 /**
42  * @brief Attention handler application main()
43  *
44  * This is the main interface to the Attention handler application, it will
45  * initialize the libgpd targets and start a gpio mointor.
46  *
47  * Command line arguments:
48  *
49  *  breakpoints - enables breakpoint special attn handling
50  *
51  * @return 0 = success
52  */
53 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
54 {
55     int rc = 0; // return code
57     gpiod_line* line; // gpio line to monitor
59     boost::asio::io_service io; // async io monitoring service
61     // initialize pdbg targets
62     pdbg_targets_init(nullptr);
64     // GPIO line configuration (falling edge, active low)
65     struct gpiod_line_request_config config
66     {
67         "attention", GPIOD_LINE_REQUEST_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE, 0
68     };
70     // get handle to attention GPIO line
71     line = gpiod_line_get("gpiochip0", 74);
73     if (nullptr == line)
74     {
75         rc = 1; // error
76     }
77     else
78     {
79         // Check command line args for breakpoint handling enable option
80         bool bp_enable = getCliOption(argv, argv + argc, "-breakpoints");
82         // Creating a vector of one gpio to monitor
83         std::vector<std::unique_ptr<attn::AttnMonitor>> gpios;
84         gpios.push_back(
85             std::make_unique<attn::AttnMonitor>(line, config, io, bp_enable));
87         io.run(); // start GPIO monitor
88     }
90     return rc;
91 }