1 #include <unistd.h>
3 #include <analyzer/analyzer_main.hpp>
4 #include <attn/attn_common.hpp>
5 #include <attn/attn_dbus.hpp>
6 #include <attn/attn_dump.hpp>
7 #include <attn/attn_logging.hpp>
8 #include <attn/pel/pel_minimal.hpp>
9 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
11 namespace attn
12 {
14 /** @brief Journal entry of type INFO using phosphor logging */
15 template <>
16 void trace<INFO>(const char* i_message)
17 {
18     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(i_message);
19 }
21 template <>
22 void trace<ERROR>(const char* i_message)
23 {
24     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(i_message);
25 }
27 /** @brief Tuple containing information about ffdc files */
28 using FFDCTuple =
29     std::tuple<util::FFDCFormat, uint8_t, uint8_t, sdbusplus::message::unix_fd>;
31 /** @brief Gather messages from the journal */
32 std::vector<std::string> sdjGetMessages(const std::string& field,
33                                         const std::string& fieldValue,
34                                         unsigned int max);
36 /**
37  * Create FFDCTuple objects corresponding to the specified FFDC files.
38  *
39  * The D-Bus method to create an error log requires a vector of tuples to
40  * pass in the FFDC file information.
41  *
42  * @param   files - FFDC files
43  * @return  vector of FFDCTuple objects
44  */
45 std::vector<FFDCTuple>
46     createFFDCTuples(const std::vector<util::FFDCFile>& files)
47 {
48     std::vector<FFDCTuple> ffdcTuples{};
49     util::transformFFDC(files, ffdcTuples);
51     return ffdcTuples;
52 }
54 /**
55  * @brief Create an FFDCFile object containing raw data
56  *
57  * Throws an exception if an error occurs.
58  *
59  * @param   i_buffer - raw data to add to ffdc faw data file
60  * @param   i_size - size of the raw data
61  * @return  FFDCFile object
62  */
63 util::FFDCFile createFFDCRawFile(void* i_buffer, size_t i_size)
64 {
65     util::FFDCFile file{util::FFDCFormat::Custom};
67     // Write buffer to file and then reset file description file offset
68     int fd          = file.getFileDescriptor();
69     size_t numBytes = write(fd, static_cast<char*>(i_buffer), i_size);
70     if (i_size != numBytes)
71     {
72         std::stringstream traceMsg;
73         traceMsg << file.getPath().c_str() << " only " << (int)numBytes
74                  << " of " << (int)i_size << " bytes written";
75         auto strobj = traceMsg.str();
76         trace<level::ERROR>(strobj.c_str());
77     }
79     lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
81     return file;
82 }
84 /**
85  * @brief Create an FFDCFile object containing the specified lines of text data
86  *
87  * Throws an exception if an error occurs.
88  *
89  * @param   lines - lines of text data to write to file
90  * @return  FFDCFile object
91  */
92 util::FFDCFile createFFDCTraceFile(const std::vector<std::string>& lines)
93 {
94     // Create FFDC file of type Text
95     util::FFDCFile file{util::FFDCFormat::Text};
96     int fd = file.getFileDescriptor();
98     // Write FFDC lines to file
99     std::string buffer;
100     for (const std::string& line : lines)
101     {
102         // Copy line to buffer.  Add newline if necessary.
103         buffer = line;
104         if (line.empty() || (line.back() != '\n'))
105         {
106             buffer += '\n';
107         }
109         // write buffer to file
110         size_t numBytes = write(fd, buffer.c_str(), buffer.size());
111         if (buffer.size() != numBytes)
112         {
113             std::stringstream traceMsg;
114             traceMsg << file.getPath().c_str() << " only " << (int)numBytes
115                      << " of " << (int)buffer.size() << " bytes written";
116             auto strobj = traceMsg.str();
117             trace<level::ERROR>(strobj.c_str());
118         }
119     }
121     // Seek to beginning of file so error logging system can read data
122     lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
124     return file;
125 }
127 /**
128  * Create FDDC files from journal messages of relevant executables
129  *
130  * Parse the system journal looking for log entries created by the executables
131  * of interest for logging. For each of these entries create a ffdc trace file
132  * that will be used to create ffdc log entries. These files will be pushed
133  * onto the stack of ffdc files.
134  *
135  * @param   i_files - vector of ffdc files that will become log entries
136  */
137 void createFFDCTraceFiles(std::vector<util::FFDCFile>& i_files)
138 {
139     // Executables of interest
140     std::vector<std::string> executables{"openpower-hw-diags"};
142     for (const std::string& executable : executables)
143     {
144         try
145         {
146             // get journal messages
147             std::vector<std::string> messages =
148                 sdjGetMessages("SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER", executable, 30);
150             // Create FFDC file containing the journal messages
151             if (!messages.empty())
152             {
153                 i_files.emplace_back(createFFDCTraceFile(messages));
154             }
155         }
156         catch (const std::exception& e)
157         {
158             trace<level::INFO>("createFFDCTraceFiles exception");
159             std::string traceMsg = std::string(e.what(), maxTraceLen);
160             trace<level::INFO>(traceMsg.c_str());
161         }
162     }
163 }
165 /**
166  * Create FFDCFile objects containing debug data to store in the error log.
167  *
168  * If an error occurs, the error is written to the journal but an exception
169  * is not thrown.
170  *
171  * @param   i_buffer - raw data (if creating raw dump ffdc entry in log)
172  * @return  vector of FFDCFile objects
173  */
174 std::vector<util::FFDCFile> createFFDCFiles(char* i_buffer = nullptr,
175                                             size_t i_size  = 0)
176 {
177     std::vector<util::FFDCFile> files{};
179     // Create raw dump file
180     if ((nullptr != i_buffer) && (0 != i_size))
181     {
182         files.emplace_back(createFFDCRawFile(i_buffer, i_size));
183     }
185     // Create trace dump file
186     createFFDCTraceFiles(files);
188     return files;
189 }
191 /**
192  * Create a PEL from an existing PEL
193  *
194  * Create a new PEL based on the specified raw PEL and submit the new PEL
195  * to the backend logging code as a raw PEL. Note that  additional data map
196  * here contains data to be committed to the PEL and it can also be used to
197  * create the PEL as it contains needed information.
198  *
199  * @param   i_rawPel - buffer containing a raw PEL
200  * @param   i_additional - additional data to be added to the new PEL
201  */
202 void createPelCustom(std::vector<uint8_t>& i_rawPel,
203                      std::map<std::string, std::string> i_additional)
204 {
205     // create PEL object from buffer
206     auto tiPel = std::make_unique<pel::PelMinimal>(i_rawPel);
208     // The additional data contains the TI info as well as the value for the
209     // subystem that provided the TI info. Get the subystem from additional
210     // data and then populate the prmary SRC and SRC words for the custom PEL
211     // based on the sybsystem's TI info.
212     uint8_t subsystem = std::stoi(i_additional["Subsystem"]);
213     tiPel->setSubsystem(subsystem);
215     // If recoverable attentions are active we will call the analyzer and
216     // then link the custom pel to analyzer pel.
217     std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
218     it = i_additional.find("recoverables");
219     if (it != i_additional.end() && "true" == it->second)
220     {
221         DumpParameters dumpParameters;
222         auto plid = analyzer::analyzeHardware(
223             analyzer::AnalysisType::TERMINATE_IMMEDIATE, dumpParameters);
224         if (0 != plid)
225         {
226             // Link the PLID if an attention was found and a PEL was generated.
227             tiPel->setPlid(plid);
228         }
229     }
231     if (static_cast<uint8_t>(pel::SubsystemID::hypervisor) == subsystem)
232     {
233         // populate hypervisor SRC words
234         tiPel->setSrcWords(std::array<uint32_t, pel::numSrcWords>{
235             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x10 SRC Word 12"], 0, 16),
236             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x14 SRC Word 13"], 0, 16),
237             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x18 SRC Word 14"], 0, 16),
238             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x1c SRC Word 15"], 0, 16),
239             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x20 SRC Word 16"], 0, 16),
240             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x24 SRC Word 17"], 0, 16),
241             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x28 SRC Word 18"], 0, 16),
242             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x2c SRC Word 19"], 0, 16)});
244         // Populate phyp primary SRC
246         // char array for raw pel src
247         std::array<char, pel::asciiStringSize> srcChars{'0'};
249         // src from TI info
250         std::string srcString = i_additional["SrcAscii"];
252         // copy from string to char array
253         srcString.copy(srcChars.data(),
254                        std::min(srcString.size(), pel::asciiStringSize), 0);
256         tiPel->setAsciiString(srcChars); // pel object src is char array
258         // set symptom-id
259         auto symptomId = (i_additional["SrcAscii"].substr(0, 8) + '_');
261         symptomId += (i_additional["0x10 SRC Word 12"]);
262         symptomId += (i_additional["0x14 SRC Word 13"] + '_');
263         symptomId += (i_additional["0x18 SRC Word 14"]);
264         symptomId += (i_additional["0x1c SRC Word 15"] + '_');
265         symptomId += (i_additional["0x20 SRC Word 16"]);
266         symptomId += (i_additional["0x24 SRC Word 17"] + '_');
267         symptomId += (i_additional["0x28 SRC Word 18"]);
268         symptomId += (i_additional["0x2c SRC Word 19"]);
270         // setSymptomId will take care of required null-terminate and padding
271         tiPel->setSymptomId(symptomId);
272     }
273     else
274     {
275         // Populate hostboot SRC words - note HB word 0 from the shared info
276         // data (additional data "0x10 HB Word") is reflected in the PEL as
277         // "reason code" so we zero it here. Also note that the first word
278         // in this group of words starts at word 0 and word 1 does not exits.
279         tiPel->setSrcWords(std::array<uint32_t, pel::numSrcWords>{
280             (uint32_t)0x00000000,
281             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x14 HB Word 2"], 0, 16),
282             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x18 HB Word 3"], 0, 16),
283             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x1c HB Word 4"], 0, 16),
284             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x20 HB Word 5"], 0, 16),
285             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x24 HB Word 6"], 0, 16),
286             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x28 HB Word 7"], 0, 16),
287             (uint32_t)std::stoul(i_additional["0x2c HB Word 8"], 0, 16)});
289         // Populate hostboot primary SRC
291         // char array for raw pel src
292         std::array<char, pel::asciiStringSize> srcChars{'0'};
294         // src from TI info
295         std::string srcString = i_additional["SrcAscii"];
297         // copy from string to char array
298         srcString.copy(srcChars.data(),
299                        std::min(srcString.size(), pel::asciiStringSize), 0);
301         tiPel->setAsciiString(srcChars); // pel object src is char array
303         // set symptom-id
304         auto symptomId = (i_additional["SrcAscii"].substr(0, 8) + '_');
306         symptomId += (i_additional["0x10 HB Word 0"]);       // note: word 1
307         symptomId += (i_additional["0x14 HB Word 2"] + '_'); // does not exist
308         symptomId += (i_additional["0x18 HB Word 3"]);
309         symptomId += (i_additional["0x1c HB Word 4"] + '_');
310         symptomId += (i_additional["0x20 HB Word 5"]);
311         symptomId += (i_additional["0x24 HB Word 6"] + '_');
312         symptomId += (i_additional["0x28 HB Word 7"]);
313         symptomId += (i_additional["0x2c HB Word 8"]);
315         // setSymptomId will take care of required null-terminate and padding
316         tiPel->setSymptomId(symptomId);
317     }
319     // set severity, event type and action flags
320     tiPel->setSeverity(static_cast<uint8_t>(pel::Severity::termination));
321     tiPel->setType(static_cast<uint8_t>(pel::EventType::na));
322     tiPel->setAction(static_cast<uint16_t>(pel::ActionFlags::service |
323                                            pel::ActionFlags::report |
324                                            pel::ActionFlags::call));
326     // The raw PEL that we used as the basis for this custom PEL contains the
327     // attention handler trace data and does not needed to be in this PEL so
328     // we remove it here.
329     tiPel->setSectionCount(tiPel->getSectionCount() - 1);
331     // Update the raw PEL with the new custom PEL data
332     tiPel->raw(i_rawPel);
334     // create PEL from raw data
335     createPelRaw(i_rawPel);
336 }
338 /**
339  * Log an event handled by the attention handler
340  *
341  * Basic (non TI) events will generate a standard message-registry based PEL
342  *
343  * TI events will create two PEL's. One PEL will be informational and will
344  * contain trace information relevent to attention handler. The second PEL
345  * will be specific to the TI type (including the primary SRC) and will be
346  * based off of the TI information provided to the attention handler through
347  * shared TI info data area.
348  *
349  * @param  i_event - The event type
350  * @param  i_additional - Additional PEL data
351  * @param  i_ffdc - FFDC PEL data
352  * @return Event log Id (0 if no event log generated)
353  */
354 uint32_t event(EventType i_event,
355                std::map<std::string, std::string>& i_additional,
356                const std::vector<util::FFDCFile>& i_ffdc)
357 {
358     uint32_t pelId = 0; // assume no event log generated
360     bool eventValid = false; // assume no event created
361     bool tiEvent    = false; // assume not a terminate event
363     std::string eventName;
365     switch (i_event)
366     {
367         case EventType::Checkstop:
368             eventName  = "org.open_power.HwDiags.Error.Checkstop";
369             eventValid = true;
370             break;
371         case EventType::Terminate:
372             eventName  = "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Terminate";
373             eventValid = true;
374             tiEvent    = true;
375             break;
376         case EventType::Vital:
377             eventName  = "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Vital";
378             eventValid = true;
379             break;
380         case EventType::HwDiagsFail:
381         case EventType::AttentionFail:
382             eventName  = "org.open_power.Attn.Error.Fail";
383             eventValid = true;
384             break;
385         case EventType::PhalSbeChipop:
386             eventName  = "org.open_power.Processor.Error.SbeChipOpFailure";
387             eventValid = true;
388             break;
389         default:
390             eventValid = false;
391             break;
392     }
394     if (true == eventValid)
395     {
396         // Create PEL with additional data and FFDC data. The newly created
397         // PEL's platform log-id will be returned.
398         pelId = createPel(eventName, i_additional, createFFDCTuples(i_ffdc));
400         // If this is a TI event we will create an additional PEL that is
401         // specific to the subsystem that generated the TI.
402         if ((0 != pelId) && (true == tiEvent))
403         {
404             // get file descriptor and size of information PEL
405             int pelFd = getPel(pelId);
407             // if PEL found, read into buffer
408             if (-1 != pelFd)
409             {
410                 auto pelSize = lseek(pelFd, 0, SEEK_END);
411                 lseek(pelFd, 0, SEEK_SET);
413                 // read information PEL into buffer
414                 std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(pelSize);
415                 size_t numBytes = read(pelFd, buffer.data(), buffer.size());
416                 if (buffer.size() != numBytes)
417                 {
418                     std::stringstream traceMsg;
419                     traceMsg << "Error reading event log: " << (int)numBytes
420                              << " of " << (int)buffer.size() << " bytes read";
421                     auto strobj = traceMsg.str();
422                     trace<level::ERROR>(strobj.c_str());
423                 }
424                 else
425                 {
426                     // create PEL from buffer
427                     createPelCustom(buffer, i_additional);
428                 }
430                 close(pelFd);
431             }
433             uint8_t subsystem = std::stoi(i_additional["Subsystem"]);
435             // If not hypervisor TI
436             if (static_cast<uint8_t>(pel::SubsystemID::hypervisor) != subsystem)
437             {
438                 // Request a dump and transition the host
439                 if ("true" == i_additional["Dump"])
440                 {
441                     // will not return until dump is complete
442                     requestDump(pelId, DumpParameters{0, DumpType::Hostboot});
443                 }
444             }
445         }
446     }
447     return pelId;
448 }
450 /**
451  * Commit special attention TI event to log
452  *
453  * Create a event log with provided additional information and standard
454  * FFDC data plus TI FFDC data
455  *
456  * @param i_additional - Additional log data
457  * @param i_ti_InfoData - TI FFDC data
458  */
459 void eventTerminate(std::map<std::string, std::string> i_additionalData,
460                     char* i_tiInfoData)
461 {
463     uint32_t tiInfoSize = 0; // assume TI info was not available
465     if (nullptr != i_tiInfoData)
466     {
467         tiInfoSize = 56; // assume not hypervisor TI
469         uint8_t subsystem = std::stoi(i_additionalData["Subsystem"]);
471         // If hypervisor
472         if (static_cast<uint8_t>(pel::SubsystemID::hypervisor) == subsystem)
473         {
474             tiInfoSize = 1024; // assume hypervisor max
476             // hypervisor may just want some of the data
477             if (0 == (*(i_tiInfoData + 0x09) & 0x01))
478             {
479                 uint32_t* additionalLength = (uint32_t*)(i_tiInfoData + 0x50);
480                 uint32_t tiAdditional      = be32toh(*additionalLength);
481                 tiInfoSize = std::min(tiInfoSize, (84 + tiAdditional));
482             }
483         }
484     }
486     std::string traceMsg = "TI info size = " + std::to_string(tiInfoSize);
487     trace<level::INFO>(traceMsg.c_str());
489     event(EventType::Terminate, i_additionalData,
490           createFFDCFiles(i_tiInfoData, tiInfoSize));
491 }
493 /** @brief Commit SBE vital event to log, returns event log ID */
494 uint32_t eventVital()
495 {
496     // Additional data for log
497     std::map<std::string, std::string> additionalData;
499     // Create log event with additional data and FFDC data
500     return event(EventType::Vital, additionalData, createFFDCFiles(nullptr, 0));
501 }
503 /**
504  * Commit attention handler failure event to log
505  *
506  * Create an event log containing the specified error code.
507  *
508  * @param i_error - Error code
509  */
510 void eventAttentionFail(int i_error)
511 {
512     // Additional data for log
513     std::map<std::string, std::string> additionalData;
514     additionalData["ERROR_CODE"] = std::to_string(i_error);
516     // Create log event with additional data and FFDC data
517     event(EventType::AttentionFail, additionalData,
518           createFFDCFiles(nullptr, 0));
519 }
521 /**
522  * Commit SBE timeout event to log
523  *
524  * Create an event log indicating an SBE operation timed out.
525  *
526  * @param proc - processor that encountered the error
527  */
528 void eventPhalSbeChipop(uint32_t proc)
529 {
530     trace<level::ERROR>("SBE error while getting TI info");
532     // report proc number in event log entry
533     std::map<std::string, std::string> additionalData;
534     additionalData.emplace("SRC6", std::to_string(proc << 16));
536     // create event with additional data and no ffdc
537     event(EventType::PhalSbeChipop, additionalData,
538           createFFDCFiles(nullptr, 0));
539 }
541 /**
542  * Parse systemd journal message field
543  *
544  * Parse the journal looking for the specified field and return the journal
545  * data for that field.
546  *
547  * @param  journal - The journal to parse
548  * @param  field - Field containing the data to retrieve
549  * @return Data for the speciefied field
550  */
551 std::string sdjGetFieldValue(sd_journal* journal, const char* field)
552 {
553     const char* data{nullptr};
554     size_t length{0};
556     // get field value
557     if (0 == sd_journal_get_data(journal, field, (const void**)&data, &length))
558     {
559         size_t prefix{0};
561         // The data returned  by sd_journal_get_data will be prefixed with the
562         // field name and "="
563         const void* eq = memchr(data, '=', length);
564         if (nullptr != eq)
565         {
566             // get just data following the "="
567             prefix = (const char*)eq - data + 1;
568         }
569         else
570         {
571             // all the data (should not happen)
572             prefix = 0;
573             std::string value{}; // empty string
574         }
576         return std::string{data + prefix, length - prefix};
577     }
578     else
579     {
580         return std::string{}; // empty string
581     }
582 }
584 /**
585  * Gather messages from the journal
586  *
587  * Fetch journal entry data for all entries with the specified field equal to
588  * the specified value.
589  *
590  * @param   field - Field to search on
591  * @param   fieldValue -  Value to search for
592  * @param   max - Maximum number of messages fetch
593  * @return  Vector of journal entry data
594  */
595 std::vector<std::string> sdjGetMessages(const std::string& field,
596                                         const std::string& fieldValue,
597                                         unsigned int max)
598 {
599     sd_journal* journal;
600     std::vector<std::string> messages;
602     if (0 == sd_journal_open(&journal, SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY))
603     {
605         {
606             // Get input field
607             std::string value = sdjGetFieldValue(journal, field.c_str());
609             // Compare field value and read data
610             if (value == fieldValue)
611             {
612                 // Get SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER field (process that logged message)
613                 std::string syslog =
614                     sdjGetFieldValue(journal, "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER");
616                 // Get _PID field
617                 std::string pid = sdjGetFieldValue(journal, "_PID");
619                 // Get MESSAGE field
620                 std::string message = sdjGetFieldValue(journal, "MESSAGE");
622                 // Get timestamp
623                 uint64_t usec{0};
624                 if (0 == sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(journal, &usec))
625                 {
627                     // Convert realtime microseconds to date format
628                     char dateBuffer[80];
629                     std::string date;
630                     std::time_t timeInSecs = usec / 1000000;
631                     strftime(dateBuffer, sizeof(dateBuffer), "%b %d %H:%M:%S",
632                              std::localtime(&timeInSecs));
633                     date = dateBuffer;
635                     // Store value to messages
636                     value = date + " " + syslog + "[" + pid + "]: " + message;
637                     messages.insert(messages.begin(), value);
638                 }
639             }
641             // limit maximum number of messages
642             if (messages.size() >= max)
643             {
644                 break;
645             }
646         }
648         sd_journal_close(journal); // close journal when done
649     }
651     return messages;
652 }
654 } // namespace attn