3# Examine build performance test results
5# Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation.
7# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
9# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
14# more details.
16import argparse
17import json
18import logging
19import os
20import re
21import sys
22from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
23from operator import attrgetter
24from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
26# Import oe libs
27scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
28sys.path.append(os.path.join(scripts_path, 'lib'))
29import scriptpath
30from build_perf import print_table
31from build_perf.report import (metadata_xml_to_json, results_xml_to_json,
32                               aggregate_data, aggregate_metadata, measurement_stats,
33                               AggregateTestData)
34from build_perf import html
35from buildstats import BuildStats, diff_buildstats, BSVerDiff
39from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo, GitError
42# Setup logging
43logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
44log = logging.getLogger('oe-build-perf-report')
47# Container class for tester revisions
48TestedRev = namedtuple('TestedRev', 'commit commit_number tags')
51def get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
52    """Get a sorted list of test runs, matching given pattern"""
53    # First, get field names from the tag name pattern
54    field_names = [m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(r'{(\w+)}', tag_name)]
55    undef_fields = [f for f in field_names if f not in kwargs.keys()]
57    # Fields for formatting tag name pattern
58    str_fields = dict([(f, '*') for f in field_names])
59    str_fields.update(kwargs)
61    # Get a list of all matching tags
62    tag_pattern = tag_name.format(**str_fields)
63    tags = repo.run_cmd(['tag', '-l', tag_pattern]).splitlines()
64    log.debug("Found %d tags matching pattern '%s'", len(tags), tag_pattern)
66    # Parse undefined fields from tag names
67    str_fields = dict([(f, r'(?P<{}>[\w\-.()]+)'.format(f)) for f in field_names])
68    str_fields['branch'] = r'(?P<branch>[\w\-.()/]+)'
69    str_fields['commit'] = '(?P<commit>[0-9a-f]{7,40})'
70    str_fields['commit_number'] = '(?P<commit_number>[0-9]{1,7})'
71    str_fields['tag_number'] = '(?P<tag_number>[0-9]{1,5})'
72    # escape parenthesis in fields in order to not messa up the regexp
73    fixed_fields = dict([(k, v.replace('(', r'\(').replace(')', r'\)')) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
74    str_fields.update(fixed_fields)
75    tag_re = re.compile(tag_name.format(**str_fields))
77    # Parse fields from tags
78    revs = []
79    for tag in tags:
80        m = tag_re.match(tag)
81        groups = m.groupdict()
82        revs.append([groups[f] for f in undef_fields] + [tag])
84    # Return field names and a sorted list of revs
85    return undef_fields, sorted(revs)
87def list_test_revs(repo, tag_name, verbosity, **kwargs):
88    """Get list of all tested revisions"""
89    valid_kwargs = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None])
91    fields, revs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **valid_kwargs)
92    ignore_fields = ['tag_number']
93    if verbosity < 2:
94        extra_fields = ['COMMITS', 'TEST RUNS']
95        ignore_fields.extend(['commit_number', 'commit'])
96    else:
97        extra_fields = ['TEST RUNS']
99    print_fields = [i for i, f in enumerate(fields) if f not in ignore_fields]
101    # Sort revs
102    rows = [[fields[i].upper() for i in print_fields] + extra_fields]
104    prev = [''] * len(print_fields)
105    prev_commit = None
106    commit_cnt = 0
107    commit_field = fields.index('commit')
108    for rev in revs:
109        # Only use fields that we want to print
110        cols = [rev[i] for i in print_fields]
113        if cols != prev:
114            commit_cnt = 1
115            test_run_cnt = 1
116            new_row = [''] * (len(print_fields) + len(extra_fields))
118            for i in print_fields:
119                if cols[i] != prev[i]:
120                    break
121            new_row[i:-len(extra_fields)] = cols[i:]
122            rows.append(new_row)
123        else:
124            if rev[commit_field] != prev_commit:
125                commit_cnt += 1
126            test_run_cnt += 1
128        if verbosity < 2:
129            new_row[-2] = commit_cnt
130        new_row[-1] = test_run_cnt
131        prev = cols
132        prev_commit = rev[commit_field]
134    print_table(rows)
136def get_test_revs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs):
137    """Get list of all tested revisions"""
138    fields, runs = get_test_runs(repo, tag_name, **kwargs)
140    revs = {}
141    commit_i = fields.index('commit')
142    commit_num_i = fields.index('commit_number')
143    for run in runs:
144        commit = run[commit_i]
145        commit_num = run[commit_num_i]
146        tag = run[-1]
147        if not commit in revs:
148            revs[commit] = TestedRev(commit, commit_num, [tag])
149        else:
150            assert commit_num == revs[commit].commit_number, "Commit numbers do not match"
151            revs[commit].tags.append(tag)
153    # Return in sorted table
154    revs = sorted(revs.values(), key=attrgetter('commit_number'))
155    log.debug("Found %d tested revisions:\n    %s", len(revs),
156              "\n    ".join(['{} ({})'.format(rev.commit_number, rev.commit) for rev in revs]))
157    return revs
159def rev_find(revs, attr, val):
160    """Search from a list of TestedRev"""
161    for i, rev in enumerate(revs):
162        if getattr(rev, attr) == val:
163            return i
164    raise ValueError("Unable to find '{}' value '{}'".format(attr, val))
166def is_xml_format(repo, commit):
167    """Check if the commit contains xml (or json) data"""
168    if repo.rev_parse(commit + ':results.xml'):
169        log.debug("Detected report in xml format in %s", commit)
170        return True
171    else:
172        log.debug("No xml report in %s, assuming json formatted results", commit)
173        return False
175def read_results(repo, tags, xml=True):
176    """Read result files from repo"""
178    def parse_xml_stream(data):
179        """Parse multiple concatenated XML objects"""
180        objs = []
181        xml_d = ""
182        for line in data.splitlines():
183            if xml_d and line.startswith('<?xml version='):
184                objs.append(ET.fromstring(xml_d))
185                xml_d = line
186            else:
187                xml_d += line
188        objs.append(ET.fromstring(xml_d))
189        return objs
191    def parse_json_stream(data):
192        """Parse multiple concatenated JSON objects"""
193        objs = []
194        json_d = ""
195        for line in data.splitlines():
196            if line == '}{':
197                json_d += '}'
198                objs.append(json.loads(json_d, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
199                json_d = '{'
200            else:
201                json_d += line
202        objs.append(json.loads(json_d, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
203        return objs
205    num_revs = len(tags)
207    # Optimize by reading all data with one git command
208    log.debug("Loading raw result data from %d tags, %s...", num_revs, tags[0])
209    if xml:
210        git_objs = [tag + ':metadata.xml' for tag in tags] + [tag + ':results.xml' for tag in tags]
211        data = parse_xml_stream(repo.run_cmd(['show'] + git_objs + ['--']))
212        return ([metadata_xml_to_json(e) for e in data[0:num_revs]],
213                [results_xml_to_json(e) for e in data[num_revs:]])
214    else:
215        git_objs = [tag + ':metadata.json' for tag in tags] + [tag + ':results.json' for tag in tags]
216        data = parse_json_stream(repo.run_cmd(['show'] + git_objs + ['--']))
217        return data[0:num_revs], data[num_revs:]
220def get_data_item(data, key):
221    """Nested getitem lookup"""
222    for k in key.split('.'):
223        data = data[k]
224    return data
227def metadata_diff(metadata_l, metadata_r):
228    """Prepare a metadata diff for printing"""
229    keys = [('Hostname', 'hostname', 'hostname'),
230            ('Branch', 'branch', 'layers.meta.branch'),
231            ('Commit number', 'commit_num', 'layers.meta.commit_count'),
232            ('Commit', 'commit', 'layers.meta.commit'),
233            ('Number of test runs', 'testrun_count', 'testrun_count')
234           ]
236    def _metadata_diff(key):
237        """Diff metadata from two test reports"""
238        try:
239            val1 = get_data_item(metadata_l, key)
240        except KeyError:
241            val1 = '(N/A)'
242        try:
243            val2 = get_data_item(metadata_r, key)
244        except KeyError:
245            val2 = '(N/A)'
246        return val1, val2
248    metadata = OrderedDict()
249    for title, key, key_json in keys:
250        value_l, value_r = _metadata_diff(key_json)
251        metadata[key] = {'title': title,
252                         'value_old': value_l,
253                         'value': value_r}
254    return metadata
257def print_diff_report(metadata_l, data_l, metadata_r, data_r):
258    """Print differences between two data sets"""
260    # First, print general metadata
261    print("\nTEST METADATA:\n==============")
262    meta_diff = metadata_diff(metadata_l, metadata_r)
263    rows = []
264    row_fmt = ['{:{wid}} ', '{:<{wid}}   ', '{:<{wid}}']
265    rows = [['', 'CURRENT COMMIT', 'COMPARING WITH']]
266    for key, val in meta_diff.items():
267        # Shorten commit hashes
268        if key == 'commit':
269            rows.append([val['title'] + ':', val['value'][:20], val['value_old'][:20]])
270        else:
271            rows.append([val['title'] + ':', val['value'], val['value_old']])
272    print_table(rows, row_fmt)
275    # Print test results
276    print("\nTEST RESULTS:\n=============")
278    tests = list(data_l['tests'].keys())
279    # Append tests that are only present in 'right' set
280    tests += [t for t in list(data_r['tests'].keys()) if t not in tests]
282    # Prepare data to be printed
283    rows = []
284    row_fmt = ['{:8}', '{:{wid}}', '{:{wid}}', '  {:>{wid}}', ' {:{wid}} ', '{:{wid}}',
285               '  {:>{wid}}', '  {:>{wid}}']
286    num_cols = len(row_fmt)
287    for test in tests:
288        test_l = data_l['tests'][test] if test in data_l['tests'] else None
289        test_r = data_r['tests'][test] if test in data_r['tests'] else None
290        pref = ' '
291        if test_l is None:
292            pref = '+'
293        elif test_r is None:
294            pref = '-'
295        descr = test_l['description'] if test_l else test_r['description']
296        heading = "{} {}: {}".format(pref, test, descr)
298        rows.append([heading])
300        # Generate the list of measurements
301        meas_l = test_l['measurements'] if test_l else {}
302        meas_r = test_r['measurements'] if test_r else {}
303        measurements = list(meas_l.keys())
304        measurements += [m for m in list(meas_r.keys()) if m not in measurements]
306        for meas in measurements:
307            m_pref = ' '
308            if meas in meas_l:
309                stats_l = measurement_stats(meas_l[meas], 'l.')
310            else:
311                stats_l = measurement_stats(None, 'l.')
312                m_pref = '+'
313            if meas in meas_r:
314                stats_r = measurement_stats(meas_r[meas], 'r.')
315            else:
316                stats_r = measurement_stats(None, 'r.')
317                m_pref = '-'
318            stats = stats_l.copy()
319            stats.update(stats_r)
321            absdiff = stats['val_cls'](stats['r.mean'] - stats['l.mean'])
322            reldiff = "{:+.1f} %".format(absdiff * 100 / stats['l.mean'])
323            if stats['r.mean'] > stats['l.mean']:
324                absdiff = '+' + str(absdiff)
325            else:
326                absdiff = str(absdiff)
327            rows.append(['', m_pref, stats['name'] + ' ' + stats['quantity'],
328                         str(stats['l.mean']), '->', str(stats['r.mean']),
329                         absdiff, reldiff])
330        rows.append([''] * num_cols)
332    print_table(rows, row_fmt)
334    print()
337class BSSummary(object):
338    def __init__(self, bs1, bs2):
339        self.tasks = {'count': bs2.num_tasks,
340                      'change': '{:+d}'.format(bs2.num_tasks - bs1.num_tasks)}
341        self.top_consumer = None
342        self.top_decrease = None
343        self.top_increase = None
344        self.ver_diff = OrderedDict()
346        tasks_diff = diff_buildstats(bs1, bs2, 'cputime')
348        # Get top consumers of resources
349        tasks_diff = sorted(tasks_diff, key=attrgetter('value2'))
350        self.top_consumer = tasks_diff[-5:]
352        # Get biggest increase and decrease in resource usage
353        tasks_diff = sorted(tasks_diff, key=attrgetter('absdiff'))
354        self.top_decrease = tasks_diff[0:5]
355        self.top_increase = tasks_diff[-5:]
357        # Compare recipe versions and prepare data for display
358        ver_diff = BSVerDiff(bs1, bs2)
359        if ver_diff:
360            if ver_diff.new:
361                self.ver_diff['New recipes'] = [(n, r.evr) for n, r in ver_diff.new.items()]
362            if ver_diff.dropped:
363                self.ver_diff['Dropped recipes'] = [(n, r.evr) for n, r in ver_diff.dropped.items()]
364            if ver_diff.echanged:
365                self.ver_diff['Epoch changed'] = [(n, "{} &rarr; {}".format(r.left.evr, r.right.evr)) for n, r in ver_diff.echanged.items()]
366            if ver_diff.vchanged:
367                self.ver_diff['Version changed'] = [(n, "{} &rarr; {}".format(r.left.version, r.right.version)) for n, r in ver_diff.vchanged.items()]
368            if ver_diff.rchanged:
369                self.ver_diff['Revision changed'] = [(n, "{} &rarr; {}".format(r.left.evr, r.right.evr)) for n, r in ver_diff.rchanged.items()]
372def print_html_report(data, id_comp, buildstats):
373    """Print report in html format"""
374    # Handle metadata
375    metadata = metadata_diff(data[id_comp].metadata, data[-1].metadata)
377    # Generate list of tests
378    tests = []
379    for test in data[-1].results['tests'].keys():
380        test_r = data[-1].results['tests'][test]
381        new_test = {'name': test_r['name'],
382                    'description': test_r['description'],
383                    'status': test_r['status'],
384                    'measurements': [],
385                    'err_type': test_r.get('err_type'),
386                   }
387        # Limit length of err output shown
388        if 'message' in test_r:
389            lines = test_r['message'].splitlines()
390            if len(lines) > 20:
391                new_test['message'] = '...\n' + '\n'.join(lines[-20:])
392            else:
393                new_test['message'] = test_r['message']
396        # Generate the list of measurements
397        for meas in test_r['measurements'].keys():
398            meas_r = test_r['measurements'][meas]
399            meas_type = 'time' if meas_r['type'] == 'sysres' else 'size'
400            new_meas = {'name': meas_r['name'],
401                        'legend': meas_r['legend'],
402                        'description': meas_r['name'] + ' ' + meas_type,
403                       }
404            samples = []
406            # Run through all revisions in our data
407            for meta, test_data in data:
408                if (not test in test_data['tests'] or
409                        not meas in test_data['tests'][test]['measurements']):
410                    samples.append(measurement_stats(None))
411                    continue
412                test_i = test_data['tests'][test]
413                meas_i = test_i['measurements'][meas]
414                commit_num = get_data_item(meta, 'layers.meta.commit_count')
415                samples.append(measurement_stats(meas_i))
416                samples[-1]['commit_num'] = commit_num
418            absdiff = samples[-1]['val_cls'](samples[-1]['mean'] - samples[id_comp]['mean'])
419            new_meas['absdiff'] = absdiff
420            new_meas['absdiff_str'] = str(absdiff) if absdiff < 0 else '+' + str(absdiff)
421            new_meas['reldiff'] = "{:+.1f} %".format(absdiff * 100 / samples[id_comp]['mean'])
422            new_meas['samples'] = samples
423            new_meas['value'] = samples[-1]
424            new_meas['value_type'] = samples[-1]['val_cls']
426            # Compare buildstats
427            bs_key = test + '.' + meas
428            rev = metadata['commit_num']['value']
429            comp_rev = metadata['commit_num']['value_old']
430            if (rev in buildstats and bs_key in buildstats[rev] and
431                    comp_rev in buildstats and bs_key in buildstats[comp_rev]):
432                new_meas['buildstats'] = BSSummary(buildstats[comp_rev][bs_key],
433                                                   buildstats[rev][bs_key])
436            new_test['measurements'].append(new_meas)
437        tests.append(new_test)
439    # Chart options
440    chart_opts = {'haxis': {'min': get_data_item(data[0][0], 'layers.meta.commit_count'),
441                            'max': get_data_item(data[-1][0], 'layers.meta.commit_count')}
442                 }
444    print(html.template.render(title="Build Perf Test Report",
445                               metadata=metadata, test_data=tests,
446                               chart_opts=chart_opts))
449def get_buildstats(repo, notes_ref, revs, outdir=None):
450    """Get the buildstats from git notes"""
451    full_ref = 'refs/notes/' + notes_ref
452    if not repo.rev_parse(full_ref):
453        log.error("No buildstats found, please try running "
454                  "'git fetch origin %s:%s' to fetch them from the remote",
455                  full_ref, full_ref)
456        return
458    missing = False
459    buildstats = {}
460    log.info("Parsing buildstats from 'refs/notes/%s'", notes_ref)
461    for rev in revs:
462        buildstats[rev.commit_number] = {}
463        log.debug('Dumping buildstats for %s (%s)', rev.commit_number,
464                  rev.commit)
465        for tag in rev.tags:
466            log.debug('    %s', tag)
467            try:
468                bs_all = json.loads(repo.run_cmd(['notes', '--ref', notes_ref,
469                                                  'show', tag + '^0']))
470            except GitError:
471                log.warning("Buildstats not found for %s", tag)
472                bs_all = {}
473                missing = True
475            for measurement, bs in bs_all.items():
476                # Write out onto disk
477                if outdir:
478                    tag_base, run_id = tag.rsplit('/', 1)
479                    tag_base = tag_base.replace('/', '_')
480                    bs_dir = os.path.join(outdir, measurement, tag_base)
481                    if not os.path.exists(bs_dir):
482                        os.makedirs(bs_dir)
483                    with open(os.path.join(bs_dir, run_id + '.json'), 'w') as f:
484                        json.dump(bs, f, indent=2)
486                # Read buildstats into a dict
487                _bs = BuildStats.from_json(bs)
488                if measurement not in buildstats[rev.commit_number]:
489                    buildstats[rev.commit_number][measurement] = _bs
490                else:
491                    buildstats[rev.commit_number][measurement].aggregate(_bs)
493    if missing:
494        log.info("Buildstats were missing for some test runs, please "
495                 "run 'git fetch origin %s:%s' and try again",
496                 full_ref, full_ref)
498    return buildstats
501def auto_args(repo, args):
502    """Guess arguments, if not defined by the user"""
503    # Get the latest commit in the repo
504    log.debug("Guessing arguments from the latest commit")
505    msg = repo.run_cmd(['log', '-1', '--branches', '--remotes', '--format=%b'])
506    for line in msg.splitlines():
507        split = line.split(':', 1)
508        if len(split) != 2:
509            continue
511        key = split[0]
512        val = split[1].strip()
513        if key == 'hostname':
514            log.debug("Using hostname %s", val)
515            args.hostname = val
516        elif key == 'branch':
517            log.debug("Using branch %s", val)
518            args.branch = val
521def parse_args(argv):
522    """Parse command line arguments"""
523    description = """
524Examine build performance test results from a Git repository"""
525    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
526        formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
527        description=description)
529    parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true',
530                        help="Verbose logging")
531    parser.add_argument('--repo', '-r', required=True,
532                        help="Results repository (local git clone)")
533    parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', action='count',
534                        help="List available test runs")
535    parser.add_argument('--html', action='store_true',
536                        help="Generate report in html format")
537    group = parser.add_argument_group('Tag and revision')
538    group.add_argument('--tag-name', '-t',
539                       default='{hostname}/{branch}/{machine}/{commit_number}-g{commit}/{tag_number}',
540                       help="Tag name (pattern) for finding results")
541    group.add_argument('--hostname', '-H')
542    group.add_argument('--branch', '-B', default='master')
543    group.add_argument('--machine', default='qemux86')
544    group.add_argument('--history-length', default=25, type=int,
545                       help="Number of tested revisions to plot in html report")
546    group.add_argument('--commit',
547                       help="Revision to search for")
548    group.add_argument('--commit-number',
549                       help="Revision number to search for, redundant if "
550                            "--commit is specified")
551    group.add_argument('--commit2',
552                       help="Revision to compare with")
553    group.add_argument('--commit-number2',
554                       help="Revision number to compare with, redundant if "
555                            "--commit2 is specified")
556    parser.add_argument('--dump-buildstats', nargs='?', const='.',
557                        help="Dump buildstats of the tests")
559    return parser.parse_args(argv)
562def main(argv=None):
563    """Script entry point"""
564    args = parse_args(argv)
565    if args.debug:
566        log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
568    repo = GitRepo(args.repo)
570    if args.list:
571        list_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name, args.list, hostname=args.hostname)
572        return 0
574    # Determine hostname which to use
575    if not args.hostname:
576        auto_args(repo, args)
578    revs = get_test_revs(repo, args.tag_name, hostname=args.hostname,
579                         branch=args.branch, machine=args.machine)
580    if len(revs) < 2:
581        log.error("%d tester revisions found, unable to generate report",
582                  len(revs))
583        return 1
585    # Pick revisions
586    if args.commit:
587        if args.commit_number:
588            log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number as --commit was specified")
589        index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit)
590    elif args.commit_number:
591        index1 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number)
592    else:
593        index1 = len(revs) - 1
595    if args.commit2:
596        if args.commit_number2:
597            log.warning("Ignoring --commit-number2 as --commit2 was specified")
598        index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit', args.commit2)
599    elif args.commit_number2:
600        index2 = rev_find(revs, 'commit_number', args.commit_number2)
601    else:
602        if index1 > 0:
603            index2 = index1 - 1
604        else:
605            log.error("Unable to determine the other commit, use "
606                      "--commit2 or --commit-number2 to specify it")
607            return 1
609    index_l = min(index1, index2)
610    index_r = max(index1, index2)
612    rev_l = revs[index_l]
613    rev_r = revs[index_r]
614    log.debug("Using 'left' revision %s (%s), %s test runs:\n    %s",
615              rev_l.commit_number, rev_l.commit, len(rev_l.tags),
616              '\n    '.join(rev_l.tags))
617    log.debug("Using 'right' revision %s (%s), %s test runs:\n    %s",
618              rev_r.commit_number, rev_r.commit, len(rev_r.tags),
619              '\n    '.join(rev_r.tags))
621    # Check report format used in the repo (assume all reports in the same fmt)
622    xml = is_xml_format(repo, revs[index_r].tags[-1])
624    if args.html:
625        index_0 = max(0, min(index_l, index_r - args.history_length))
626        rev_range = range(index_0, index_r + 1)
627    else:
628        # We do not need range of commits for text report (no graphs)
629        index_0 = index_l
630        rev_range = (index_l, index_r)
632    # Read raw data
633    log.debug("Reading %d revisions, starting from %s (%s)",
634              len(rev_range), revs[index_0].commit_number, revs[index_0].commit)
635    raw_data = [read_results(repo, revs[i].tags, xml) for i in rev_range]
637    data = []
638    for raw_m, raw_d in raw_data:
639        data.append(AggregateTestData(aggregate_metadata(raw_m),
640                                      aggregate_data(raw_d)))
642    # Read buildstats only when needed
643    buildstats = None
644    if args.dump_buildstats or args.html:
645        outdir = 'oe-build-perf-buildstats' if args.dump_buildstats else None
646        notes_ref = 'buildstats/{}/{}/{}'.format(args.hostname, args.branch,
647                                                 args.machine)
648        buildstats = get_buildstats(repo, notes_ref, [rev_l, rev_r], outdir)
650    # Print report
651    if not args.html:
652        print_diff_report(data[0].metadata, data[0].results,
653                          data[1].metadata, data[1].results)
654    else:
655        # Re-map 'left' list index to the data table where index_0 maps to 0
656        print_html_report(data, index_l - index_0, buildstats)
658    return 0
660if __name__ == "__main__":
661    sys.exit(main())