1# Script utility functions
3# Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
8import argparse
9import glob
10import logging
11import os
12import random
13import shlex
14import shutil
15import string
16import subprocess
17import sys
18import tempfile
19import threading
20import importlib
21from importlib import machinery
23class KeepAliveStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
24    def __init__(self, keepalive=True, **kwargs):
25        super().__init__(**kwargs)
26        if keepalive is True:
27            keepalive = 5000 # default timeout
28        self._timeout = threading.Condition()
29        self._stop = False
31        # background thread waits on condition, if the condition does not
32        # happen emit a keep alive message
33        def thread():
34            while not self._stop:
35                with self._timeout:
36                    if not self._timeout.wait(keepalive):
37                        self.emit(logging.LogRecord("keepalive", logging.INFO,
38                            None, None, "Keepalive message", None, None))
40        self._thread = threading.Thread(target = thread, daemon = True)
41        self._thread.start()
43    def close(self):
44        # mark the thread to stop and notify it
45        self._stop = True
46        with self._timeout:
47            self._timeout.notify()
48        # wait for it to join
49        self._thread.join()
50        super().close()
52    def emit(self, record):
53        super().emit(record)
54        # trigger timer reset
55        with self._timeout:
56            self._timeout.notify()
58def logger_create(name, stream=None, keepalive=None):
59    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
60    if keepalive is not None:
61        loggerhandler = KeepAliveStreamHandler(stream=stream, keepalive=keepalive)
62    else:
63        loggerhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream)
64    loggerhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s"))
65    logger.addHandler(loggerhandler)
66    logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
67    return logger
69def logger_setup_color(logger, color='auto'):
70    from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter
72    for handler in logger.handlers:
73        if (isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler) and
74            isinstance(handler.formatter, BBLogFormatter)):
75            if color == 'always' or (color == 'auto' and handler.stream.isatty()):
76                handler.formatter.enable_color()
79def load_plugins(logger, plugins, pluginpath):
81    def load_plugin(name):
82        logger.debug('Loading plugin %s' % name)
83        spec = importlib.machinery.PathFinder.find_spec(name, path=[pluginpath] )
84        if spec:
85            return spec.loader.load_module()
87    def plugin_name(filename):
88        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
90    known_plugins = [plugin_name(p.__name__) for p in plugins]
91    logger.debug('Loading plugins from %s...' % pluginpath)
92    for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(pluginpath, '*.py')):
93        name = plugin_name(fn)
94        if name != '__init__' and name not in known_plugins:
95            plugin = load_plugin(name)
96            if hasattr(plugin, 'plugin_init'):
97                plugin.plugin_init(plugins)
98            plugins.append(plugin)
101def git_convert_standalone_clone(repodir):
102    """If specified directory is a git repository, ensure it's a standalone clone"""
103    import bb.process
104    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, '.git')):
105        alternatesfile = os.path.join(repodir, '.git', 'objects', 'info', 'alternates')
106        if os.path.exists(alternatesfile):
107            # This will have been cloned with -s, so we need to convert it so none
108            # of the contents is shared
109            bb.process.run('git repack -a', cwd=repodir)
110            os.remove(alternatesfile)
112def _get_temp_recipe_dir(d):
113    # This is a little bit hacky but we need to find a place where we can put
114    # the recipe so that bitbake can find it. We're going to delete it at the
115    # end so it doesn't really matter where we put it.
116    bbfiles = d.getVar('BBFILES').split()
117    fetchrecipedir = None
118    for pth in bbfiles:
119        if pth.endswith('.bb'):
120            pthdir = os.path.dirname(pth)
121            if os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pthdir)), os.W_OK):
122                fetchrecipedir = pthdir.replace('*', 'recipetool')
123                if pthdir.endswith('workspace/recipes/*'):
124                    # Prefer the workspace
125                    break
126    return fetchrecipedir
128class FetchUrlFailure(Exception):
129    def __init__(self, url):
130        self.url = url
131    def __str__(self):
132        return "Failed to fetch URL %s" % self.url
134def fetch_url(tinfoil, srcuri, srcrev, destdir, logger, preserve_tmp=False, mirrors=False):
135    """
136    Fetch the specified URL using normal do_fetch and do_unpack tasks, i.e.
137    any dependencies that need to be satisfied in order to support the fetch
138    operation will be taken care of
139    """
141    import bb
143    checksums = {}
144    fetchrecipepn = None
146    # We need to put our temp directory under ${BASE_WORKDIR} otherwise
147    # we may have problems with the recipe-specific sysroot population
148    tmpparent = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BASE_WORKDIR')
149    bb.utils.mkdirhier(tmpparent)
150    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='recipetool-', dir=tmpparent)
151    try:
152        tmpworkdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'work')
153        logger.debug('fetch_url: temp dir is %s' % tmpdir)
155        fetchrecipedir = _get_temp_recipe_dir(tinfoil.config_data)
156        if not fetchrecipedir:
157            logger.error('Searched BBFILES but unable to find a writeable place to put temporary recipe')
158            sys.exit(1)
159        fetchrecipe = None
160        bb.utils.mkdirhier(fetchrecipedir)
161        try:
162            # Generate a dummy recipe so we can follow more or less normal paths
163            # for do_fetch and do_unpack
164            # I'd use tempfile functions here but underscores can be produced by that and those
165            # aren't allowed in recipe file names except to separate the version
166            rndstring = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8))
167            fetchrecipe = os.path.join(fetchrecipedir, 'tmp-recipetool-%s.bb' % rndstring)
168            fetchrecipepn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fetchrecipe))[0]
169            logger.debug('Generating initial recipe %s for fetching' % fetchrecipe)
170            with open(fetchrecipe, 'w') as f:
171                # We don't want to have to specify LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
172                f.write('LICENSE = "CLOSED"\n')
173                # We don't need the cross-compiler
174                f.write('INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1"\n')
175                # We don't have the checksums yet so we can't require them
176                f.write('BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM = "ignore"\n')
177                f.write('SRC_URI = "%s"\n' % srcuri)
178                f.write('SRCREV = "%s"\n' % srcrev)
179                f.write('WORKDIR = "%s"\n' % tmpworkdir)
180                # Set S out of the way so it doesn't get created under the workdir
181                f.write('S = "%s"\n' % os.path.join(tmpdir, 'emptysrc'))
182                if not mirrors:
183                    # We do not need PREMIRRORS since we are almost certainly
184                    # fetching new source rather than something that has already
185                    # been fetched. Hence, we disable them by default.
186                    # However, we provide an option for users to enable it.
187                    f.write('PREMIRRORS = ""\n')
188                    f.write('MIRRORS = ""\n')
190            logger.info('Fetching %s...' % srcuri)
192            # FIXME this is too noisy at the moment
194            # Parse recipes so our new recipe gets picked up
195            tinfoil.parse_recipes()
197            def eventhandler(event):
198                if isinstance(event, bb.fetch2.MissingChecksumEvent):
199                    checksums.update(event.checksums)
200                    return True
201                return False
203            # Run the fetch + unpack tasks
204            res = tinfoil.build_targets(fetchrecipepn,
205                                        'do_unpack',
206                                        handle_events=True,
207                                        extra_events=['bb.fetch2.MissingChecksumEvent'],
208                                        event_callback=eventhandler)
209            if not res:
210                raise FetchUrlFailure(srcuri)
212            # Remove unneeded directories
213            rd = tinfoil.parse_recipe(fetchrecipepn)
214            if rd:
215                pathvars = ['T', 'RECIPE_SYSROOT', 'RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE']
216                for pathvar in pathvars:
217                    path = rd.getVar(pathvar)
218                    shutil.rmtree(path)
219        finally:
220            if fetchrecipe:
221                try:
222                    os.remove(fetchrecipe)
223                except FileNotFoundError:
224                    pass
225            try:
226                os.rmdir(fetchrecipedir)
227            except OSError as e:
228                import errno
229                if e.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
230                    raise
232        bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir)
233        for fn in os.listdir(tmpworkdir):
234            shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpworkdir, fn), destdir)
236    finally:
237        if not preserve_tmp:
238            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
239            tmpdir = None
241    return checksums, tmpdir
244def run_editor(fn, logger=None):
245    if isinstance(fn, str):
246        files = [fn]
247    else:
248        files = fn
250    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL', os.getenv('EDITOR', 'vi'))
251    try:
252        #print(shlex.split(editor) + files)
253        return subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(editor) + files)
254    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
255        logger.error("Execution of '%s' failed: %s" % (editor, exc))
256        return 1
258def is_src_url(param):
259    """
260    Check if a parameter is a URL and return True if so
261    NOTE: be careful about changing this as it will influence how devtool/recipetool command line handling works
262    """
263    if not param:
264        return False
265    elif '://' in param:
266        return True
267    elif param.startswith('git@') or ('@' in param and param.endswith('.git')):
268        return True
269    return False
271def filter_src_subdirs(pth):
272    """
273    Filter out subdirectories of initial unpacked source trees that we do not care about.
274    Used by devtool and recipetool.
275    """
276    dirlist = os.listdir(pth)
277    filterout = ['git.indirectionsymlink', 'source-date-epoch']
278    dirlist = [x for x in dirlist if x not in filterout]
279    return dirlist