2# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Siemens AG
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6"""Devtool ide-sdk IDE plugin interface definition and helper functions"""
8import errno
9import json
10import logging
11import os
12import stat
13from enum import Enum, auto
14from devtool import DevtoolError
15from bb.utils import mkdirhier
17logger = logging.getLogger('devtool')
20class BuildTool(Enum):
21    UNDEFINED = auto()
22    CMAKE = auto()
23    MESON = auto()
25    @property
26    def is_c_ccp(self):
27        if self is BuildTool.CMAKE:
28            return True
29        if self is BuildTool.MESON:
30            return True
31        return False
34class GdbCrossConfig:
35    """Base class defining the GDB configuration generator interface
37    Generate a GDB configuration for a binary on the target device.
38    Only one instance per binary is allowed. This allows to assign unique port
39    numbers for all gdbserver instances.
40    """
41    _gdbserver_port_next = 1234
42    _binaries = []
44    def __init__(self, image_recipe, modified_recipe, binary, gdbserver_multi=True):
45        self.image_recipe = image_recipe
46        self.modified_recipe = modified_recipe
47        self.gdb_cross = modified_recipe.gdb_cross
48        self.binary = binary
49        if binary in GdbCrossConfig._binaries:
50            raise DevtoolError(
51                "gdbserver config for binary %s is already generated" % binary)
52        GdbCrossConfig._binaries.append(binary)
53        self.script_dir = modified_recipe.ide_sdk_scripts_dir
54        self.gdbinit_dir = os.path.join(self.script_dir, 'gdbinit')
55        self.gdbserver_multi = gdbserver_multi
56        self.binary_pretty = self.binary.replace(os.sep, '-').lstrip('-')
57        self.gdbserver_port = GdbCrossConfig._gdbserver_port_next
58        GdbCrossConfig._gdbserver_port_next += 1
59        self.id_pretty = "%d_%s" % (self.gdbserver_port, self.binary_pretty)
60        # gdbserver start script
61        gdbserver_script_file = 'gdbserver_' + self.id_pretty
62        if self.gdbserver_multi:
63            gdbserver_script_file += "_m"
64        self.gdbserver_script = os.path.join(
65            self.script_dir, gdbserver_script_file)
66        # gdbinit file
67        self.gdbinit = os.path.join(
68            self.gdbinit_dir, 'gdbinit_' + self.id_pretty)
69        # gdb start script
70        self.gdb_script = os.path.join(
71            self.script_dir, 'gdb_' + self.id_pretty)
73    def _gen_gdbserver_start_script(self):
74        """Generate a shell command starting the gdbserver on the remote device via ssh
76        GDB supports two modes:
77        multi: gdbserver remains running over several debug sessions
78        once: gdbserver terminates after the debugged process terminates
79        """
80        cmd_lines = ['#!/bin/sh']
81        if self.gdbserver_multi:
82            temp_dir = "TEMP_DIR=/tmp/gdbserver_%s; " % self.id_pretty
83            gdbserver_cmd_start = temp_dir
84            gdbserver_cmd_start += "test -f \\$TEMP_DIR/pid && exit 0; "
85            gdbserver_cmd_start += "mkdir -p \\$TEMP_DIR; "
86            gdbserver_cmd_start += "%s --multi :%s > \\$TEMP_DIR/log 2>&1 & " % (
87                self.gdb_cross.gdbserver_path, self.gdbserver_port)
88            gdbserver_cmd_start += "echo \\$! > \\$TEMP_DIR/pid;"
90            gdbserver_cmd_stop = temp_dir
91            gdbserver_cmd_stop += "test -f \\$TEMP_DIR/pid && kill \\$(cat \\$TEMP_DIR/pid); "
92            gdbserver_cmd_stop += "rm -rf \\$TEMP_DIR; "
94            gdbserver_cmd_l = []
95            gdbserver_cmd_l.append('if [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then')
96            gdbserver_cmd_l.append('  shift')
97            gdbserver_cmd_l.append("  %s %s %s %s 'sh -c \"%s\"'" % (
98                self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_sshexec, self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_port, self.gdb_cross.target_device.extraoptions, self.gdb_cross.target_device.target, gdbserver_cmd_stop))
99            gdbserver_cmd_l.append('else')
100            gdbserver_cmd_l.append("  %s %s %s %s 'sh -c \"%s\"'" % (
101                self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_sshexec, self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_port, self.gdb_cross.target_device.extraoptions, self.gdb_cross.target_device.target, gdbserver_cmd_start))
102            gdbserver_cmd_l.append('fi')
103            gdbserver_cmd = os.linesep.join(gdbserver_cmd_l)
104        else:
105            gdbserver_cmd_start = "%s --once :%s %s" % (
106                self.gdb_cross.gdbserver_path, self.gdbserver_port, self.binary)
107            gdbserver_cmd = "%s %s %s %s 'sh -c \"%s\"'" % (
108                self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_sshexec, self.gdb_cross.target_device.ssh_port, self.gdb_cross.target_device.extraoptions, self.gdb_cross.target_device.target, gdbserver_cmd_start)
109        cmd_lines.append(gdbserver_cmd)
110        GdbCrossConfig.write_file(self.gdbserver_script, cmd_lines, True)
112    def _gen_gdbinit_config(self):
113        """Generate a gdbinit file for this binary and the corresponding gdbserver configuration"""
114        gdbinit_lines = ['# This file is generated by devtool ide-sdk']
115        if self.gdbserver_multi:
116            target_help = '#   gdbserver --multi :%d' % self.gdbserver_port
117            remote_cmd = 'target extended-remote'
118        else:
119            target_help = '#   gdbserver :%d %s' % (
120                self.gdbserver_port, self.binary)
121            remote_cmd = 'target remote'
122        gdbinit_lines.append('# On the remote target:')
123        gdbinit_lines.append(target_help)
124        gdbinit_lines.append('# On the build machine:')
125        gdbinit_lines.append('#   cd ' + self.modified_recipe.real_srctree)
126        gdbinit_lines.append(
127            '#   ' + self.gdb_cross.gdb + ' -ix ' + self.gdbinit)
129        gdbinit_lines.append('set sysroot ' + self.modified_recipe.d)
130        gdbinit_lines.append('set substitute-path "/usr/include" "' +
131                             os.path.join(self.modified_recipe.recipe_sysroot, 'usr', 'include') + '"')
132        # Disable debuginfod for now, the IDE configuration uses rootfs-dbg from the image workdir.
133        gdbinit_lines.append('set debuginfod enabled off')
134        if self.image_recipe.rootfs_dbg:
135            gdbinit_lines.append(
136                'set solib-search-path "' + self.modified_recipe.solib_search_path_str(self.image_recipe) + '"')
137            # First: Search for sources of this recipe in the workspace folder
138            if self.modified_recipe.pn in self.modified_recipe.target_dbgsrc_dir:
139                gdbinit_lines.append('set substitute-path "%s" "%s"' %
140                                     (self.modified_recipe.target_dbgsrc_dir, self.modified_recipe.real_srctree))
141            else:
142                logger.error(
143                    "TARGET_DBGSRC_DIR must contain the recipe name PN.")
144            # Second: Search for sources of other recipes in the rootfs-dbg
145            if self.modified_recipe.target_dbgsrc_dir.startswith("/usr/src/debug"):
146                gdbinit_lines.append('set substitute-path "/usr/src/debug" "%s"' % os.path.join(
147                    self.image_recipe.rootfs_dbg, "usr", "src", "debug"))
148            else:
149                logger.error(
150                    "TARGET_DBGSRC_DIR must start with /usr/src/debug.")
151        else:
152            logger.warning(
153                "Cannot setup debug symbols configuration for GDB. IMAGE_GEN_DEBUGFS is not enabled.")
154        gdbinit_lines.append(
155            '%s %s:%d' % (remote_cmd, self.gdb_cross.host, self.gdbserver_port))
156        gdbinit_lines.append('set remote exec-file ' + self.binary)
157        gdbinit_lines.append(
158            'run ' + os.path.join(self.modified_recipe.d, self.binary))
160        GdbCrossConfig.write_file(self.gdbinit, gdbinit_lines)
162    def _gen_gdb_start_script(self):
163        """Generate a script starting GDB with the corresponding gdbinit configuration."""
164        cmd_lines = ['#!/bin/sh']
165        cmd_lines.append('cd ' + self.modified_recipe.real_srctree)
166        cmd_lines.append(self.gdb_cross.gdb + ' -ix ' +
167                         self.gdbinit + ' "$@"')
168        GdbCrossConfig.write_file(self.gdb_script, cmd_lines, True)
170    def initialize(self):
171        self._gen_gdbserver_start_script()
172        self._gen_gdbinit_config()
173        self._gen_gdb_start_script()
175    @staticmethod
176    def write_file(script_file, cmd_lines, executable=False):
177        script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_file)
178        mkdirhier(script_dir)
179        with open(script_file, 'w') as script_f:
180            script_f.write(os.linesep.join(cmd_lines))
181            script_f.write(os.linesep)
182        if executable:
183            st = os.stat(script_file)
184            os.chmod(script_file, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
185        logger.info("Created: %s" % script_file)
188class IdeBase:
189    """Base class defining the interface for IDE plugins"""
191    def __init__(self):
192        self.ide_name = 'undefined'
193        self.gdb_cross_configs = []
195    @classmethod
196    def ide_plugin_priority(cls):
197        """Used to find the default ide handler if --ide is not passed"""
198        return 10
200    def setup_shared_sysroots(self, shared_env):
201        logger.warn("Shared sysroot mode is not supported for IDE %s" %
202                    self.ide_name)
204    def setup_modified_recipe(self, args, image_recipe, modified_recipe):
205        logger.warn("Modified recipe mode is not supported for IDE %s" %
206                    self.ide_name)
208    def initialize_gdb_cross_configs(self, image_recipe, modified_recipe, gdb_cross_config_class=GdbCrossConfig):
209        binaries = modified_recipe.find_installed_binaries()
210        for binary in binaries:
211            gdb_cross_config = gdb_cross_config_class(
212                image_recipe, modified_recipe, binary)
213            gdb_cross_config.initialize()
214            self.gdb_cross_configs.append(gdb_cross_config)
216    @staticmethod
217    def gen_oe_scrtips_sym_link(modified_recipe):
218        # create a sym-link from sources to the scripts directory
219        if os.path.isdir(modified_recipe.ide_sdk_scripts_dir):
220            IdeBase.symlink_force(modified_recipe.ide_sdk_scripts_dir,
221                                  os.path.join(modified_recipe.real_srctree, 'oe-scripts'))
223    @staticmethod
224    def update_json_file(json_dir, json_file, update_dict):
225        """Update a json file
227        By default it uses the dict.update function. If this is not sutiable
228        the update function might be passed via update_func parameter.
229        """
230        json_path = os.path.join(json_dir, json_file)
231        logger.info("Updating IDE config file: %s (%s)" %
232                    (json_file, json_path))
233        if not os.path.exists(json_dir):
234            os.makedirs(json_dir)
235        try:
236            with open(json_path) as f:
237                orig_dict = json.load(f)
238        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
239            logger.info(
240                "Decoding %s failed. Probably because of comments in the json file" % json_path)
241            orig_dict = {}
242        except FileNotFoundError:
243            orig_dict = {}
244        orig_dict.update(update_dict)
245        with open(json_path, 'w') as f:
246            json.dump(orig_dict, f, indent=4)
248    @staticmethod
249    def symlink_force(tgt, dst):
250        try:
251            os.symlink(tgt, dst)
252        except OSError as err:
253            if err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
254                if os.readlink(dst) != tgt:
255                    os.remove(dst)
256                    os.symlink(tgt, dst)
257            else:
258                raise err
261def get_devtool_deploy_opts(args):
262    """Filter args for devtool deploy-target args"""
263    if not args.target:
264        return None
265    devtool_deploy_opts = [args.target]
266    if args.no_host_check:
267        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-c"]
268    if args.show_status:
269        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-s"]
270    if args.no_preserve:
271        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-p"]
272    if args.no_check_space:
273        devtool_deploy_opts += ["--no-check-space"]
274    if args.ssh_exec:
275        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-e", args.ssh.exec]
276    if args.port:
277        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-P", args.port]
278    if args.key:
279        devtool_deploy_opts += ["-I", args.key]
280    if args.strip is False:
281        devtool_deploy_opts += ["--no-strip"]
282    return devtool_deploy_opts