xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/devtool (revision 520786cc)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# OpenEmbedded Development tool
5# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Intel Corporation
7# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
10import sys
11import os
12import argparse
13import glob
14import re
15import configparser
16import subprocess
17import logging
19basepath = ''
20workspace = {}
21config = None
22context = None
25scripts_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
26lib_path = scripts_path + '/lib'
27sys.path = sys.path + [lib_path]
28from devtool import DevtoolError, setup_tinfoil
29import scriptutils
30import argparse_oe
31logger = scriptutils.logger_create('devtool')
33plugins = []
36class ConfigHandler(object):
37    config_file = ''
38    config_obj = None
39    init_path = ''
40    workspace_path = ''
42    def __init__(self, filename):
43        self.config_file = filename
44        self.config_obj = configparser.ConfigParser()
46    def get(self, section, option, default=None):
47        try:
48            ret = self.config_obj.get(section, option)
49        except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError):
50            if default != None:
51                ret = default
52            else:
53                raise
54        return ret
56    def read(self):
57        if os.path.exists(self.config_file):
58            self.config_obj.read(self.config_file)
60            if self.config_obj.has_option('General', 'init_path'):
61                pth = self.get('General', 'init_path')
62                self.init_path = os.path.join(basepath, pth)
63                if not os.path.exists(self.init_path):
64                    logger.error('init_path %s specified in config file cannot be found' % pth)
65                    return False
66        else:
67            self.config_obj.add_section('General')
69        self.workspace_path = self.get('General', 'workspace_path', os.path.join(basepath, 'workspace'))
70        return True
73    def write(self):
74        logger.debug('writing to config file %s' % self.config_file)
75        self.config_obj.set('General', 'workspace_path', self.workspace_path)
76        with open(self.config_file, 'w') as f:
77            self.config_obj.write(f)
79    def set(self, section, option, value):
80        if not self.config_obj.has_section(section):
81            self.config_obj.add_section(section)
82        self.config_obj.set(section, option, value)
84class Context:
85    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
86        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
89def read_workspace():
90    global workspace
91    workspace = {}
92    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.workspace_path, 'conf', 'layer.conf')):
93        if context.fixed_setup:
94            logger.error("workspace layer not set up")
95            sys.exit(1)
96        else:
97            logger.info('Creating workspace layer in %s' % config.workspace_path)
98            _create_workspace(config.workspace_path, config, basepath)
99    if not context.fixed_setup:
100        _enable_workspace_layer(config.workspace_path, config, basepath)
102    logger.debug('Reading workspace in %s' % config.workspace_path)
103    externalsrc_re = re.compile(r'^EXTERNALSRC(:pn-([^ =]+))? *= *"([^"]*)"$')
104    for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(config.workspace_path, 'appends', '*.bbappend')):
105        with open(fn, 'r') as f:
106            pnvalues = {}
107            pn = None
108            for line in f:
109                res = externalsrc_re.match(line.rstrip())
110                if res:
111                    recipepn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0].split('_')[0]
112                    pn = res.group(2) or recipepn
113                    # Find the recipe file within the workspace, if any
114                    bbfile = os.path.basename(fn).replace('.bbappend', '.bb').replace('%', '*')
115                    recipefile = glob.glob(os.path.join(config.workspace_path,
116                                                        'recipes',
117                                                        recipepn,
118                                                        bbfile))
119                    if recipefile:
120                        recipefile = recipefile[0]
121                    pnvalues['srctree'] = res.group(3)
122                    pnvalues['bbappend'] = fn
123                    pnvalues['recipefile'] = recipefile
124                elif line.startswith('# srctreebase: '):
125                    pnvalues['srctreebase'] = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
126            if pnvalues:
127                if not pn:
128                    raise DevtoolError("Found *.bbappend in %s, but could not determine EXTERNALSRC:pn-*. "
129                            "Maybe still using old syntax?" % config.workspace_path)
130                if not pnvalues.get('srctreebase', None):
131                    pnvalues['srctreebase'] = pnvalues['srctree']
132                logger.debug('Found recipe %s' % pnvalues)
133                workspace[pn] = pnvalues
135def create_workspace(args, config, basepath, workspace):
136    if args.layerpath:
137        workspacedir = os.path.abspath(args.layerpath)
138    else:
139        workspacedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basepath, 'workspace'))
140    layerseries = None
141    if args.layerseries:
142        layerseries = args.layerseries
143    _create_workspace(workspacedir, config, basepath, layerseries)
144    if not args.create_only:
145        _enable_workspace_layer(workspacedir, config, basepath)
147def _create_workspace(workspacedir, config, basepath, layerseries=None):
148    import bb
150    confdir = os.path.join(workspacedir, 'conf')
151    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(confdir, 'layer.conf')):
152        logger.info('Specified workspace already set up, leaving as-is')
153    else:
154        if not layerseries:
155            tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=True, basepath=basepath)
156            try:
157                layerseries = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('LAYERSERIES_CORENAMES')
158            finally:
159                tinfoil.shutdown()
161        # Add a config file
162        bb.utils.mkdirhier(confdir)
163        with open(os.path.join(confdir, 'layer.conf'), 'w') as f:
164            f.write('# ### workspace layer auto-generated by devtool ###\n')
165            f.write('BBPATH =. "$' + '{LAYERDIR}:"\n')
166            f.write('BBFILES += "$' + '{LAYERDIR}/recipes/*/*.bb \\\n')
167            f.write('            $' + '{LAYERDIR}/appends/*.bbappend"\n')
168            f.write('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "workspacelayer"\n')
169            f.write('BBFILE_PATTERN_workspacelayer = "^$' + '{LAYERDIR}/"\n')
170            f.write('BBFILE_PATTERN_IGNORE_EMPTY_workspacelayer = "1"\n')
171            f.write('BBFILE_PRIORITY_workspacelayer = "99"\n')
172            f.write('LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_workspacelayer = "%s"\n' % layerseries)
173        # Add a README file
174        with open(os.path.join(workspacedir, 'README'), 'w') as f:
175            f.write('This layer was created by the OpenEmbedded devtool utility in order to\n')
176            f.write('contain recipes and bbappends that are currently being worked on. The idea\n')
177            f.write('is that the contents is temporary - once you have finished working on a\n')
178            f.write('recipe you use the appropriate method to move the files you have been\n')
179            f.write('working on to a proper layer. In most instances you should use the\n')
180            f.write('devtool utility to manage files within it rather than modifying files\n')
181            f.write('directly (although recipes added with "devtool add" will often need\n')
182            f.write('direct modification.)\n')
183            f.write('\nIf you no longer need to use devtool or the workspace layer\'s contents\n')
184            f.write('you can remove the path to this workspace layer from your conf/bblayers.conf\n')
185            f.write('file (and then delete the layer, if you wish).\n')
186            f.write('\nNote that by default, if devtool fetches and unpacks source code, it\n')
187            f.write('will place it in a subdirectory of a "sources" subdirectory of the\n')
188            f.write('layer. If you prefer it to be elsewhere you can specify the source\n')
189            f.write('tree path on the command line.\n')
191def _enable_workspace_layer(workspacedir, config, basepath):
192    """Ensure the workspace layer is in bblayers.conf"""
193    import bb
194    bblayers_conf = os.path.join(basepath, 'conf', 'bblayers.conf')
195    if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
196        logger.error('Unable to find bblayers.conf')
197        return
198    if os.path.abspath(workspacedir) != os.path.abspath(config.workspace_path):
199        removedir = config.workspace_path
200    else:
201        removedir = None
202    _, added = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, workspacedir, removedir)
203    if added:
204        logger.info('Enabling workspace layer in bblayers.conf')
205    if config.workspace_path != workspacedir:
206        # Update our config to point to the new location
207        config.workspace_path = workspacedir
208        config.write()
211def main():
212    global basepath
213    global config
214    global context
216    if sys.getfilesystemencoding() != "utf-8":
217        sys.exit("Please use a locale setting which supports utf-8.\nPython can't change the filesystem locale after loading so we need a utf-8 when python starts or things won't work.")
219    context = Context(fixed_setup=False)
221    # Default basepath
222    basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
224    parser = argparse_oe.ArgumentParser(description="OpenEmbedded development tool",
225                                        add_help=False,
226                                        epilog="Use %(prog)s <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command")
227    parser.add_argument('--basepath', help='Base directory of SDK / build directory')
228    parser.add_argument('--bbpath', help='Explicitly specify the BBPATH, rather than getting it from the metadata')
229    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='Enable debug output', action='store_true')
230    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Print only errors', action='store_true')
231    parser.add_argument('--color', choices=['auto', 'always', 'never'], default='auto', help='Colorize output (where %(metavar)s is %(choices)s)', metavar='COLOR')
233    global_args, unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args()
235    # Help is added here rather than via add_help=True, as we don't want it to
236    # be handled by parse_known_args()
237    parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
238                        help='show this help message and exit')
240    if global_args.debug:
241        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
242    elif global_args.quiet:
243        logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
245    if global_args.basepath:
246        # Override
247        basepath = global_args.basepath
248        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basepath, '.devtoolbase')):
249            context.fixed_setup = True
250    else:
251        pth = basepath
252        while pth != '' and pth != os.sep:
253            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pth, '.devtoolbase')):
254                context.fixed_setup = True
255                basepath = pth
256                break
257            pth = os.path.dirname(pth)
259        if not context.fixed_setup:
260            basepath = os.environ.get('BUILDDIR')
261            if not basepath:
262                logger.error("This script can only be run after initialising the build environment (e.g. by using oe-init-build-env)")
263                sys.exit(1)
265    logger.debug('Using basepath %s' % basepath)
267    config = ConfigHandler(os.path.join(basepath, 'conf', 'devtool.conf'))
268    if not config.read():
269        return -1
270    context.config = config
272    bitbake_subdir = config.get('General', 'bitbake_subdir', '')
273    if bitbake_subdir:
274        # Normally set for use within the SDK
275        logger.debug('Using bitbake subdir %s' % bitbake_subdir)
276        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(basepath, bitbake_subdir, 'lib'))
277        core_meta_subdir = config.get('General', 'core_meta_subdir')
278        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(basepath, core_meta_subdir, 'lib'))
279    else:
280        # Standard location
281        import scriptpath
282        bitbakepath = scriptpath.add_bitbake_lib_path()
283        if not bitbakepath:
284            logger.error("Unable to find bitbake by searching parent directory of this script or PATH")
285            sys.exit(1)
286        logger.debug('Using standard bitbake path %s' % bitbakepath)
287        scriptpath.add_oe_lib_path()
289    scriptutils.logger_setup_color(logger, global_args.color)
291    if global_args.bbpath is None:
292        try:
293            tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=True, basepath=basepath)
294            try:
295                global_args.bbpath = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH')
296            finally:
297                tinfoil.shutdown()
298        except bb.BBHandledException:
299            return 2
301    # Search BBPATH first to allow layers to override plugins in scripts_path
302    for path in global_args.bbpath.split(':') + [scripts_path]:
303        pluginpath = os.path.join(path, 'lib', 'devtool')
304        scriptutils.load_plugins(logger, plugins, pluginpath)
306    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subparser_name", title='subcommands', metavar='<subcommand>')
307    subparsers.required = True
309    subparsers.add_subparser_group('sdk', 'SDK maintenance', -2)
310    subparsers.add_subparser_group('advanced', 'Advanced', -1)
311    subparsers.add_subparser_group('starting', 'Beginning work on a recipe', 100)
312    subparsers.add_subparser_group('info', 'Getting information')
313    subparsers.add_subparser_group('working', 'Working on a recipe in the workspace')
314    subparsers.add_subparser_group('testbuild', 'Testing changes on target')
316    if not context.fixed_setup:
317        parser_create_workspace = subparsers.add_parser('create-workspace',
318                                                        help='Set up workspace in an alternative location',
319                                                        description='Sets up a new workspace. NOTE: other devtool subcommands will create a workspace automatically as needed, so you only need to use %(prog)s if you want to specify where the workspace should be located.',
320                                                        group='advanced')
321        parser_create_workspace.add_argument('layerpath', nargs='?', help='Path in which the workspace layer should be created')
322        parser_create_workspace.add_argument('--layerseries', help='Layer series the workspace should be set to be compatible with')
323        parser_create_workspace.add_argument('--create-only', action="store_true", help='Only create the workspace layer, do not alter configuration')
324        parser_create_workspace.set_defaults(func=create_workspace, no_workspace=True)
326    for plugin in plugins:
327        if hasattr(plugin, 'register_commands'):
328            plugin.register_commands(subparsers, context)
330    args = parser.parse_args(unparsed_args, namespace=global_args)
332    try:
333        if not getattr(args, 'no_workspace', False):
334            read_workspace()
336        ret = args.func(args, config, basepath, workspace)
337    except DevtoolError as err:
338        if str(err):
339            logger.error(str(err))
340        ret = err.exitcode
341    except argparse_oe.ArgumentUsageError as ae:
342        parser.error_subcommand(ae.message, ae.subcommand)
344    return ret
347if __name__ == "__main__":
348    try:
349        ret = main()
350    except Exception:
351        ret = 1
352        import traceback
353        traceback.print_exc()
354    sys.exit(ret)