2# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
3# Licensed on MIT
5rootfs_enabled() {
6	return 0
9rootfs_run() {
10        if [ -z "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]; then
11		return
12        fi
13	C=0
14	delay=${bootparam_rootdelay:-1}
15	timeout=${bootparam_roottimeout:-5}
16	while ! mountpoint -q $ROOTFS_DIR; do
17		if [ $(( $C * $delay )) -gt $timeout ]; then
18			fatal "root '$bootparam_root' doesn't exist or does not contain a /dev."
19		fi
21		if [ -n "$bootparam_root" ]; then
22			debug "No e2fs compatible filesystem has been mounted, mounting $bootparam_root..."
24			if [ "`echo ${bootparam_root} | cut -c1-5`" = "UUID=" ]; then
25				root_uuid=`echo $bootparam_root | cut -c6-`
26				bootparam_root="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$root_uuid"
27			elif [ "`echo ${bootparam_root} | cut -c1-9`" = "PARTUUID=" ]; then
28				root_partuuid=`echo $bootparam_root | cut -c10-`
29				bootparam_root="/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$root_partuuid"
30			elif [ "`echo ${bootparam_root} | cut -c1-10`" = "PARTLABEL=" ]; then
31				root_partlabel=`echo $bootparam_root | cut -c11-`
32				bootparam_root="/dev/disk/by-partlabel/$root_partlabel"
33			elif [ "`echo ${bootparam_root} | cut -c1-6`" = "LABEL=" ]; then
34				root_label=`echo $bootparam_root | cut -c7-`
35				bootparam_root="/dev/disk/by-label/$root_label"
36			fi
38			if [ -e "$bootparam_root" ]; then
39				flags=""
40				if [ -n "$bootparam_ro" ] && ! echo "$bootparam_rootflags" | grep -w -q "ro"; then
41					if [  -n "$bootparam_rootflags" ]; then
42						bootparam_rootflags="$bootparam_rootflags,"
43					fi
44					bootparam_rootflags="${bootparam_rootflags}ro"
45				fi
46				if [ -n "$bootparam_rootflags" ]; then
47					flags="$flags -o$bootparam_rootflags"
48				fi
49				if [ -n "$bootparam_rootfstype" ]; then
50					flags="$flags -t$bootparam_rootfstype"
51				fi
52				mount $flags $bootparam_root $ROOTFS_DIR
53				if mountpoint -q $ROOTFS_DIR; then
54					break
55				else
56					# It is unlikely to change, but keep trying anyway.
57					# Perhaps we pick a different device next time.
58					umount $ROOTFS_DIR
59				fi
60			fi
61		fi
62		debug "Sleeping for $delay second(s) to wait root to settle..."
63		sleep $delay
64		C=$(( $C + 1 ))
65	done