2# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5import os
6import re
7import subprocess
8from oeqa.utils.httpserver import HTTPService
10from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase
11from oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends
12from oeqa.core.decorator.data import skipIfNotDataVar, skipIfNotFeature, skipIfInDataVar, skipIfNotInDataVar
13from oeqa.runtime.decorator.package import OEHasPackage
15class DnfTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
17    def dnf(self, command, expected = 0):
18        command = 'dnf %s' % command
19        status, output = self.target.run(command, 1500)
20        message = os.linesep.join([command, output])
21        self.assertEqual(status, expected, message)
22        return output
24class DnfBasicTest(DnfTest):
26    @skipIfNotFeature('package-management',
27                      'Test requires package-management to be in IMAGE_FEATURES')
28    @skipIfNotDataVar('IMAGE_PKGTYPE', 'rpm',
29                      'RPM is not the primary package manager')
30    @OEHasPackage(['dnf'])
31    @OETestDepends(['ssh.SSHTest.test_ssh'])
32    def test_dnf_help(self):
33        self.dnf('--help')
35    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help'])
36    def test_dnf_version(self):
37        self.dnf('--version')
39    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help'])
40    def test_dnf_info(self):
41        self.dnf('info dnf')
43    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help'])
44    def test_dnf_search(self):
45        self.dnf('search dnf')
47    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help'])
48    def test_dnf_history(self):
49        self.dnf('history')
51class DnfRepoTest(DnfTest):
53    @classmethod
54    def setUpClass(cls):
55        cls.repo_server = HTTPService(os.path.join(cls.tc.td['WORKDIR'], 'oe-testimage-repo'),
56                                      '', port=cls.tc.target.server_port,
57                                      logger=cls.tc.logger)
58        cls.repo_server.start()
60    @classmethod
61    def tearDownClass(cls):
62        cls.repo_server.stop()
64    def dnf_with_repo(self, command):
65        pkgarchs = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tc.td['WORKDIR'], 'oe-testimage-repo'))
66        deploy_url = 'http://%s:%s/' %(self.target.server_ip, self.repo_server.port)
67        cmdlinerepoopts = ["--repofrompath=oe-testimage-repo-%s,%s%s" %(arch, deploy_url, arch) for arch in pkgarchs]
69        output = self.dnf(" ".join(cmdlinerepoopts) + " --nogpgcheck " + command)
70        return output
72    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfBasicTest.test_dnf_help'])
73    def test_dnf_makecache(self):
74        self.dnf_with_repo('makecache')
77# Does not work when repo is specified on the command line
78#    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
79#    def test_dnf_repolist(self):
80#        self.dnf_with_repo('repolist')
82    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
83    def test_dnf_repoinfo(self):
84        self.dnf_with_repo('repoinfo')
86    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
87    def test_dnf_install(self):
88        output = self.dnf_with_repo('list run-postinsts-dev')
89        if 'Installed Packages' in output:
90            self.dnf_with_repo('remove -y run-postinsts-dev')
91        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y run-postinsts-dev')
93    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install'])
94    def test_dnf_install_dependency(self):
95        self.dnf_with_repo('remove -y run-postinsts')
96        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y run-postinsts-dev')
98    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_dependency'])
99    def test_dnf_install_from_disk(self):
100        self.dnf_with_repo('remove -y run-postinsts-dev')
101        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y --downloadonly run-postinsts-dev')
102        status, output = self.target.run('find /var/cache/dnf -name run-postinsts-dev*rpm', 1500)
103        self.assertEqual(status, 0, output)
104        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y %s' % output)
106    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install_from_disk'])
107    def test_dnf_install_from_http(self):
108        output = subprocess.check_output('%s %s -name run-postinsts-dev*' % (bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "find"),
109                                                                           os.path.join(self.tc.td['WORKDIR'], 'oe-testimage-repo')), shell=True).decode("utf-8")
110        rpm_path = output.split("/")[-2] + "/" + output.split("/")[-1]
111        url = 'http://%s:%s/%s' %(self.target.server_ip, self.repo_server.port, rpm_path)
112        self.dnf_with_repo('remove -y run-postinsts-dev')
113        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y %s' % url)
115    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_install'])
116    def test_dnf_reinstall(self):
117        self.dnf_with_repo('reinstall -y run-postinsts-dev')
119    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
120    @skipIfInDataVar('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'usrmerge', 'Test run when not enable usrmerge')
121    @OEHasPackage('busybox')
122    def test_dnf_installroot(self):
123        rootpath = '/home/root/chroot/test'
124        #Copy necessary files to avoid errors with not yet installed tools on
125        #installroot directory.
126        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
127        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/bin %s/sbin %s/usr/bin %s/usr/sbin' % (rootpath, rootpath, rootpath, rootpath), 1500)
128        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/dev' % rootpath, 1500)
129        #Handle different architectures lib dirs
130        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/lib' % rootpath, 1500)
131        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/libx32' % rootpath, 1500)
132        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/lib64' % rootpath, 1500)
133        self.target.run('cp /lib/libtinfo.so.5 %s/lib' % rootpath, 1500)
134        self.target.run('cp /libx32/libtinfo.so.5 %s/libx32' % rootpath, 1500)
135        self.target.run('cp /lib64/libtinfo.so.5 %s/lib64' % rootpath, 1500)
136        self.target.run('cp -r /etc/rpm %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
137        self.target.run('cp -r /etc/dnf %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
138        self.target.run('cp /bin/sh %s/bin' % rootpath, 1500)
139        self.target.run('mount -o bind /dev %s/dev/' % rootpath, 1500)
140        self.dnf_with_repo('install --installroot=%s -v -y --rpmverbosity=debug busybox run-postinsts' % rootpath)
141        status, output = self.target.run('test -e %s/var/cache/dnf' % rootpath, 1500)
142        self.assertEqual(0, status, output)
143        status, output = self.target.run('test -e %s/bin/busybox' % rootpath, 1500)
144        self.assertEqual(0, status, output)
146    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
147    @skipIfNotInDataVar('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'usrmerge', 'Test run when enable usrmege')
148    @OEHasPackage('busybox')
149    def test_dnf_installroot_usrmerge(self):
150        rootpath = '/home/root/chroot/test'
151        #Copy necessary files to avoid errors with not yet installed tools on
152        #installroot directory.
153        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
154        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/usr/bin %s/usr/sbin' % (rootpath, rootpath), 1500)
155        self.target.run('ln -sf -r %s/usr/bin %s/bin'  % (rootpath, rootpath), 1500)
156        self.target.run('ln -sf -r %s/usr/sbin %s/sbin'  % (rootpath, rootpath), 1500)
157        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/dev' % rootpath, 1500)
158        #Handle different architectures lib dirs
159        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/usr/lib' % rootpath, 1500)
160        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/usr/libx32' % rootpath, 1500)
161        self.target.run('mkdir -p %s/usr/lib64' % rootpath, 1500)
162        self.target.run('cp /lib/libtinfo.so.5 %s/usr/lib' % rootpath, 1500)
163        self.target.run('cp /libx32/libtinfo.so.5 %s/usr/libx32' % rootpath, 1500)
164        self.target.run('cp /lib64/libtinfo.so.5 %s/usr/lib64' % rootpath, 1500)
165        self.target.run('ln -sf -r %s/lib %s/usr/lib' % (rootpath,rootpath), 1500)
166        self.target.run('ln -sf -r %s/libx32 %s/usr/libx32' % (rootpath,rootpath), 1500)
167        self.target.run('ln -sf -r %s/lib64 %s/usr/lib64' % (rootpath,rootpath), 1500)
168        self.target.run('cp -r /etc/rpm %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
169        self.target.run('cp -r /etc/dnf %s/etc' % rootpath, 1500)
170        self.target.run('cp /bin/sh %s/bin' % rootpath, 1500)
171        self.target.run('mount -o bind /dev %s/dev/' % rootpath, 1500)
172        self.dnf_with_repo('install --installroot=%s -v -y --rpmverbosity=debug busybox run-postinsts' % rootpath)
173        status, output = self.target.run('test -e %s/var/cache/dnf' % rootpath, 1500)
174        self.assertEqual(0, status, output)
175        status, output = self.target.run('test -e %s/bin/busybox' % rootpath, 1500)
176        self.assertEqual(0, status, output)
178    @OETestDepends(['dnf.DnfRepoTest.test_dnf_makecache'])
179    def test_dnf_exclude(self):
180        excludepkg = 'curl-dev'
181        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y curl*')
182        self.dnf('list %s' % excludepkg, 0)
183        #Avoid remove dependencies to skip some errors on different archs and images
184        self.dnf_with_repo('remove --setopt=clean_requirements_on_remove=0 -y curl*')
185        #check curl-dev is not installed adter removing all curl occurrences
186        status, output = self.target.run('dnf list --installed | grep %s'% excludepkg, 1500)
187        self.assertEqual(1, status, "%s was not removed,  is listed as installed"%excludepkg)
188        self.dnf_with_repo('install -y --exclude=%s --exclude=curl-staticdev curl*' % excludepkg)
189        #check curl-dev is not installed after being excluded
190        status, output = self.target.run('dnf list --installed | grep %s'% excludepkg , 1500)
191        self.assertEqual(1, status, "%s was not excluded, is listed as installed"%excludepkg)