xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/oe/sstatesig.py (revision d3575837)
2# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6import bb.siggen
7import bb.runqueue
8import oe
10def sstate_rundepfilter(siggen, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCaches):
11    # Return True if we should keep the dependency, False to drop it
12    def isNative(x):
13        return x.endswith("-native")
14    def isCross(x):
15        return "-cross-" in x
16    def isNativeSDK(x):
17        return x.startswith("nativesdk-")
18    def isKernel(mc, fn):
19        inherits = " ".join(dataCaches[mc].inherits[fn])
20        return inherits.find("/module-base.bbclass") != -1 or inherits.find("/linux-kernel-base.bbclass") != -1
21    def isPackageGroup(mc, fn):
22        inherits = " ".join(dataCaches[mc].inherits[fn])
23        return "/packagegroup.bbclass" in inherits
24    def isAllArch(mc, fn):
25        inherits = " ".join(dataCaches[mc].inherits[fn])
26        return "/allarch.bbclass" in inherits
27    def isImage(mc, fn):
28        return "/image.bbclass" in " ".join(dataCaches[mc].inherits[fn])
30    depmc, _, deptaskname, depmcfn = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(dep)
31    mc, _ = bb.runqueue.split_mc(fn)
33    # We can skip the rm_work task signature to avoid running the task
34    # when we remove some tasks from the dependencie chain
35    # i.e INHERIT:remove = "create-spdx" will trigger the do_rm_work
36    if task == "do_rm_work":
37        return False
39    # (Almost) always include our own inter-task dependencies (unless it comes
40    # from a mcdepends). The exception is the special
41    # do_kernel_configme->do_unpack_and_patch dependency from archiver.bbclass.
42    if recipename == depname and depmc == mc:
43        if task == "do_kernel_configme" and deptaskname == "do_unpack_and_patch":
44            return False
45        return True
47    # Exclude well defined recipe->dependency
48    if "%s->%s" % (recipename, depname) in siggen.saferecipedeps:
49        return False
51    # Check for special wildcard
52    if "*->%s" % depname in siggen.saferecipedeps and recipename != depname:
53        return False
55    # Don't change native/cross/nativesdk recipe dependencies any further
56    if isNative(recipename) or isCross(recipename) or isNativeSDK(recipename):
57        return True
59    # Only target packages beyond here
61    # allarch packagegroups are assumed to have well behaved names which don't change between architecures/tunes
62    if isPackageGroup(mc, fn) and isAllArch(mc, fn) and not isNative(depname):
63        return False
65    # Exclude well defined machine specific configurations which don't change ABI
66    if depname in siggen.abisaferecipes and not isImage(mc, fn):
67        return False
69    # Kernel modules are well namespaced. We don't want to depend on the kernel's checksum
70    # if we're just doing an RRECOMMENDS:xxx = "kernel-module-*", not least because the checksum
71    # is machine specific.
72    # Therefore if we're not a kernel or a module recipe (inheriting the kernel classes)
73    # and we reccomend a kernel-module, we exclude the dependency.
74    if dataCaches and isKernel(depmc, depmcfn) and not isKernel(mc, fn):
75        for pkg in dataCaches[mc].runrecs[fn]:
76            if " ".join(dataCaches[mc].runrecs[fn][pkg]).find("kernel-module-") != -1:
77                return False
79    # Default to keep dependencies
80    return True
82def sstate_lockedsigs(d):
83    sigs = {}
84    types = (d.getVar("SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TYPES") or "").split()
85    for t in types:
86        siggen_lockedsigs_var = "SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_%s" % t
87        lockedsigs = (d.getVar(siggen_lockedsigs_var) or "").split()
88        for ls in lockedsigs:
89            pn, task, h = ls.split(":", 2)
90            if pn not in sigs:
91                sigs[pn] = {}
92            sigs[pn][task] = [h, siggen_lockedsigs_var]
93    return sigs
95class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHashMixIn(object):
96    supports_multiconfig_datacaches = True
98    def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
99        self.abisaferecipes = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE") or "").split()
100        self.saferecipedeps = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS") or "").split()
101        self.lockedsigs = sstate_lockedsigs(data)
102        self.lockedhashes = {}
103        self.lockedpnmap = {}
104        self.lockedhashfn = {}
105        self.machine = data.getVar("MACHINE")
106        self.mismatch_msgs = []
107        self.mismatch_number = 0
108        self.lockedsigs_msgs = ""
109        self.unlockedrecipes = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_UNLOCKED_RECIPES") or
110                                "").split()
111        self.unlockedrecipes = { k: "" for k in self.unlockedrecipes }
112        self._internal = False
113        pass
115    def tasks_resolved(self, virtmap, virtpnmap, dataCache):
116        # Translate virtual/xxx entries to PN values
117        newabisafe = []
118        for a in self.abisaferecipes:
119            if a in virtpnmap:
120                newabisafe.append(virtpnmap[a])
121            else:
122                newabisafe.append(a)
123        self.abisaferecipes = newabisafe
124        newsafedeps = []
125        for a in self.saferecipedeps:
126            a1, a2 = a.split("->")
127            if a1 in virtpnmap:
128                a1 = virtpnmap[a1]
129            if a2 in virtpnmap:
130                a2 = virtpnmap[a2]
131            newsafedeps.append(a1 + "->" + a2)
132        self.saferecipedeps = newsafedeps
134    def rundep_check(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCaches = None):
135        return sstate_rundepfilter(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCaches)
137    def get_taskdata(self):
138        return (self.lockedpnmap, self.lockedhashfn, self.lockedhashes) + super().get_taskdata()
140    def set_taskdata(self, data):
141        self.lockedpnmap, self.lockedhashfn, self.lockedhashes = data[:3]
142        super().set_taskdata(data[3:])
144    def dump_sigs(self, dataCache, options):
145        if 'lockedsigs' in options:
146            sigfile = os.getcwd() + "/locked-sigs.inc"
147            bb.plain("Writing locked sigs to %s" % sigfile)
148            self.dump_lockedsigs(sigfile)
149        return super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).dump_sigs(dataCache, options)
152    def get_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
153        if tid in self.lockedhashes:
154            if self.lockedhashes[tid]:
155                return self.lockedhashes[tid]
156            else:
157                return super().get_taskhash(tid, deps, dataCaches)
159        h = super().get_taskhash(tid, deps, dataCaches)
161        (mc, _, task, fn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
163        recipename = dataCaches[mc].pkg_fn[fn]
164        self.lockedpnmap[fn] = recipename
165        self.lockedhashfn[fn] = dataCaches[mc].hashfn[fn]
167        unlocked = False
168        if recipename in self.unlockedrecipes:
169            unlocked = True
170        else:
171            def recipename_from_dep(dep):
172                (depmc, _, _, depfn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(dep)
173                return dataCaches[depmc].pkg_fn[depfn]
175            # If any unlocked recipe is in the direct dependencies then the
176            # current recipe should be unlocked as well.
177            depnames = [ recipename_from_dep(x) for x in deps if mc == bb.runqueue.mc_from_tid(x)]
178            if any(x in y for y in depnames for x in self.unlockedrecipes):
179                self.unlockedrecipes[recipename] = ''
180                unlocked = True
182        if not unlocked and recipename in self.lockedsigs:
183            if task in self.lockedsigs[recipename]:
184                h_locked = self.lockedsigs[recipename][task][0]
185                var = self.lockedsigs[recipename][task][1]
186                self.lockedhashes[tid] = h_locked
187                self._internal = True
188                unihash = self.get_unihash(tid)
189                self._internal = False
190                #bb.warn("Using %s %s %s" % (recipename, task, h))
192                if h != h_locked and h_locked != unihash:
193                    self.mismatch_number += 1
194                    self.mismatch_msgs.append('The %s:%s sig is computed to be %s, but the sig is locked to %s in %s'
195                                          % (recipename, task, h, h_locked, var))
197                return h_locked
199        self.lockedhashes[tid] = False
200        #bb.warn("%s %s %s" % (recipename, task, h))
201        return h
203    def get_stampfile_hash(self, tid):
204        if tid in self.lockedhashes and self.lockedhashes[tid]:
205            return self.lockedhashes[tid]
206        return super().get_stampfile_hash(tid)
208    def get_unihash(self, tid):
209        if tid in self.lockedhashes and self.lockedhashes[tid] and not self._internal:
210            return self.lockedhashes[tid]
211        return super().get_unihash(tid)
213    def dump_sigtask(self, fn, task, stampbase, runtime):
214        tid = fn + ":" + task
215        if tid in self.lockedhashes and self.lockedhashes[tid]:
216            return
217        super(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash, self).dump_sigtask(fn, task, stampbase, runtime)
219    def dump_lockedsigs(self, sigfile, taskfilter=None):
220        types = {}
221        for tid in self.runtaskdeps:
222            # Bitbake changed this to a tuple in newer versions
223            if isinstance(tid, tuple):
224                tid = tid[1]
225            if taskfilter:
226                if not tid in taskfilter:
227                    continue
228            fn = bb.runqueue.fn_from_tid(tid)
229            t = self.lockedhashfn[fn].split(" ")[1].split(":")[5]
230            t = 't-' + t.replace('_', '-')
231            if t not in types:
232                types[t] = []
233            types[t].append(tid)
235        with open(sigfile, "w") as f:
236            l = sorted(types)
237            for t in l:
238                f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_%s = "\\\n' % t)
239                types[t].sort()
240                sortedtid = sorted(types[t], key=lambda tid: self.lockedpnmap[bb.runqueue.fn_from_tid(tid)])
241                for tid in sortedtid:
242                    (_, _, task, fn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
243                    if tid not in self.taskhash:
244                        continue
245                    f.write("    " + self.lockedpnmap[fn] + ":" + task + ":" + self.get_unihash(tid) + " \\\n")
246                f.write('    "\n')
247            f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TYPES:%s = "%s"' % (self.machine, " ".join(l)))
249    def dump_siglist(self, sigfile, path_prefix_strip=None):
250        def strip_fn(fn):
251            nonlocal path_prefix_strip
252            if not path_prefix_strip:
253                return fn
255            fn_exp = fn.split(":")
256            if fn_exp[-1].startswith(path_prefix_strip):
257                fn_exp[-1] = fn_exp[-1][len(path_prefix_strip):]
259            return ":".join(fn_exp)
261        with open(sigfile, "w") as f:
262            tasks = []
263            for taskitem in self.taskhash:
264                (fn, task) = taskitem.rsplit(":", 1)
265                pn = self.lockedpnmap[fn]
266                tasks.append((pn, task, strip_fn(fn), self.taskhash[taskitem]))
267            for (pn, task, fn, taskhash) in sorted(tasks):
268                f.write('%s:%s %s %s\n' % (pn, task, fn, taskhash))
270    def checkhashes(self, sq_data, missed, found, d):
271        warn_msgs = []
272        error_msgs = []
273        sstate_missing_msgs = []
274        info_msgs = None
276        if self.lockedsigs:
277            if len(self.lockedsigs) > 10:
278                self.lockedsigs_msgs = "There are %s recipes with locked tasks (%s task(s) have non matching signature)" % (len(self.lockedsigs), self.mismatch_number)
279            else:
280                self.lockedsigs_msgs = "The following recipes have locked tasks:"
281                for pn in self.lockedsigs:
282                    self.lockedsigs_msgs += " %s" % (pn)
284        for tid in sq_data['hash']:
285            if tid not in found:
286                for pn in self.lockedsigs:
287                    taskname = bb.runqueue.taskname_from_tid(tid)
288                    if sq_data['hash'][tid] in iter(self.lockedsigs[pn].values()):
289                        if taskname == 'do_shared_workdir':
290                            continue
291                        sstate_missing_msgs.append("Locked sig is set for %s:%s (%s) yet not in sstate cache?"
292                                               % (pn, taskname, sq_data['hash'][tid]))
294        checklevel = d.getVar("SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TASKSIG_CHECK")
295        if checklevel == 'info':
296            info_msgs = self.lockedsigs_msgs
297        if checklevel == 'warn' or checklevel == 'info':
298            warn_msgs += self.mismatch_msgs
299        elif checklevel == 'error':
300            error_msgs += self.mismatch_msgs
302        checklevel = d.getVar("SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_SSTATE_EXISTS_CHECK")
303        if checklevel == 'warn':
304            warn_msgs += sstate_missing_msgs
305        elif checklevel == 'error':
306            error_msgs += sstate_missing_msgs
308        if info_msgs:
309            bb.note(info_msgs)
310        if warn_msgs:
311            bb.warn("\n".join(warn_msgs))
312        if error_msgs:
313            bb.fatal("\n".join(error_msgs))
315class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHashMixIn, bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
316    name = "OEBasicHash"
318class SignatureGeneratorOEEquivHash(SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHashMixIn, bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorUniHashMixIn, bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
319    name = "OEEquivHash"
321    def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
322        super().init_rundepcheck(data)
323        self.server = data.getVar('BB_HASHSERVE')
324        if not self.server:
325            bb.fatal("OEEquivHash requires BB_HASHSERVE to be set")
326        self.method = data.getVar('SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_METHOD')
327        if not self.method:
328            bb.fatal("OEEquivHash requires SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_METHOD to be set")
330# Insert these classes into siggen's namespace so it can see and select them
331bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash = SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash
332bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorOEEquivHash = SignatureGeneratorOEEquivHash
335def find_siginfo(pn, taskname, taskhashlist, d):
336    """ Find signature data files for comparison purposes """
338    import fnmatch
339    import glob
341    if not taskname:
342        # We have to derive pn and taskname
343        key = pn
344        if key.startswith("mc:"):
345           # mc:<mc>:<pn>:<task>
346           _, _, pn, taskname = key.split(':', 3)
347        else:
348           # <pn>:<task>
349           pn, taskname = key.split(':', 1)
351    hashfiles = {}
353    def get_hashval(siginfo):
354        if siginfo.endswith('.siginfo'):
355            return siginfo.rpartition(':')[2].partition('_')[0]
356        else:
357            return siginfo.rpartition('.')[2]
359    def get_time(fullpath):
360        return os.stat(fullpath).st_mtime
362    # First search in stamps dir
363    localdata = d.createCopy()
364    localdata.setVar('MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS', '*')
365    localdata.setVar('PN', pn)
366    localdata.setVar('PV', '*')
367    localdata.setVar('PR', '*')
368    localdata.setVar('EXTENDPE', '')
369    stamp = localdata.getVar('STAMP')
370    if pn.startswith("gcc-source"):
371        # gcc-source shared workdir is a special case :(
372        stamp = localdata.expand("${STAMPS_DIR}/work-shared/gcc-${PV}-${PR}")
374    filespec = '%s.%s.sigdata.*' % (stamp, taskname)
375    foundall = False
376    import glob
377    bb.debug(1, "Calling glob.glob on {}".format(filespec))
378    for fullpath in glob.glob(filespec):
379        match = False
380        if taskhashlist:
381            for taskhash in taskhashlist:
382                if fullpath.endswith('.%s' % taskhash):
383                    hashfiles[taskhash] = {'path':fullpath, 'sstate':False, 'time':get_time(fullpath)}
384                    if len(hashfiles) == len(taskhashlist):
385                        foundall = True
386                        break
387        else:
388            hashval = get_hashval(fullpath)
389            hashfiles[hashval] = {'path':fullpath, 'sstate':False, 'time':get_time(fullpath)}
391    if not taskhashlist or (len(hashfiles) < 2 and not foundall):
392        # That didn't work, look in sstate-cache
393        hashes = taskhashlist or ['?' * 64]
394        localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
395        for hashval in hashes:
396            localdata.setVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', '*')
397            localdata.setVar('TARGET_VENDOR', '*')
398            localdata.setVar('TARGET_OS', '*')
399            localdata.setVar('PN', pn)
400            # gcc-source is a special case, same as with local stamps above
401            if pn.startswith("gcc-source"):
402                localdata.setVar('PN', "gcc")
403            localdata.setVar('PV', '*')
404            localdata.setVar('PR', '*')
405            localdata.setVar('BB_TASKHASH', hashval)
406            localdata.setVar('SSTATE_CURRTASK', taskname[3:])
407            swspec = localdata.getVar('SSTATE_SWSPEC')
408            if taskname in ['do_fetch', 'do_unpack', 'do_patch', 'do_populate_lic', 'do_preconfigure'] and swspec:
409                localdata.setVar('SSTATE_PKGSPEC', '${SSTATE_SWSPEC}')
410            elif pn.endswith('-native') or "-cross-" in pn or "-crosssdk-" in pn:
411                localdata.setVar('SSTATE_EXTRAPATH', "${NATIVELSBSTRING}/")
412            filespec = '%s.siginfo' % localdata.getVar('SSTATE_PKG')
414            bb.debug(1, "Calling glob.glob on {}".format(filespec))
415            matchedfiles = glob.glob(filespec)
416            for fullpath in matchedfiles:
417                actual_hashval = get_hashval(fullpath)
418                if actual_hashval in hashfiles:
419                    continue
420                hashfiles[actual_hashval] = {'path':fullpath, 'sstate':True, 'time':get_time(fullpath)}
422    return hashfiles
424bb.siggen.find_siginfo = find_siginfo
425bb.siggen.find_siginfo_version = 2
428def sstate_get_manifest_filename(task, d):
429    """
430    Return the sstate manifest file path for a particular task.
431    Also returns the datastore that can be used to query related variables.
432    """
433    d2 = d.createCopy()
434    extrainf = d.getVarFlag("do_" + task, 'stamp-extra-info')
435    if extrainf:
436        d2.setVar("SSTATE_MANMACH", extrainf)
437    return (d2.expand("${SSTATE_MANFILEPREFIX}.%s" % task), d2)
439def find_sstate_manifest(taskdata, taskdata2, taskname, d, multilibcache):
440    d2 = d
441    variant = ''
442    curr_variant = ''
443    if d.getVar("BBEXTENDCURR") == "multilib":
444        curr_variant = d.getVar("BBEXTENDVARIANT")
445        if "virtclass-multilib" not in d.getVar("OVERRIDES"):
446            curr_variant = "invalid"
447    if taskdata2.startswith("virtual:multilib"):
448        variant = taskdata2.split(":")[2]
449    if curr_variant != variant:
450        if variant not in multilibcache:
451            multilibcache[variant] = oe.utils.get_multilib_datastore(variant, d)
452        d2 = multilibcache[variant]
454    if taskdata.endswith("-native"):
455        pkgarchs = ["${BUILD_ARCH}", "${BUILD_ARCH}_${ORIGNATIVELSBSTRING}"]
456    elif taskdata.startswith("nativesdk-"):
457        pkgarchs = ["${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS}", "allarch"]
458    elif "-cross-canadian" in taskdata:
459        pkgarchs = ["${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}"]
460    elif "-cross-" in taskdata:
461        pkgarchs = ["${BUILD_ARCH}"]
462    elif "-crosssdk" in taskdata:
463        pkgarchs = ["${BUILD_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_OS}"]
464    else:
465        pkgarchs = ['${MACHINE_ARCH}']
466        pkgarchs = pkgarchs + list(reversed(d2.getVar("PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS").split()))
467        pkgarchs.append('allarch')
468        pkgarchs.append('${SDK_ARCH}_${SDK_ARCH}-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}')
470    searched_manifests = []
472    for pkgarch in pkgarchs:
473        manifest = d2.expand("${SSTATE_MANIFESTS}/manifest-%s-%s.%s" % (pkgarch, taskdata, taskname))
474        if os.path.exists(manifest):
475            return manifest, d2
476        searched_manifests.append(manifest)
477    bb.fatal("The sstate manifest for task '%s:%s' (multilib variant '%s') could not be found.\nThe pkgarchs considered were: %s.\nBut none of these manifests exists:\n    %s"
478            % (taskdata, taskname, variant, d2.expand(", ".join(pkgarchs)),"\n    ".join(searched_manifests)))
479    return None, d2
481def OEOuthashBasic(path, sigfile, task, d):
482    """
483    Basic output hash function
485    Calculates the output hash of a task by hashing all output file metadata,
486    and file contents.
487    """
488    import hashlib
489    import stat
490    import pwd
491    import grp
492    import re
493    import fnmatch
495    def update_hash(s):
496        s = s.encode('utf-8')
497        h.update(s)
498        if sigfile:
499            sigfile.write(s)
501    h = hashlib.sha256()
502    prev_dir = os.getcwd()
503    corebase = d.getVar("COREBASE")
504    tmpdir = d.getVar("TMPDIR")
505    include_owners = os.environ.get('PSEUDO_DISABLED') == '0'
506    if "package_write_" in task or task == "package_qa":
507        include_owners = False
508    include_timestamps = False
509    include_root = True
510    if task == "package":
511        include_timestamps = True
512        include_root = False
513    hash_version = d.getVar('HASHEQUIV_HASH_VERSION')
514    extra_sigdata = d.getVar("HASHEQUIV_EXTRA_SIGDATA")
516    filemaps = {}
517    for m in (d.getVar('SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_FILEMAP') or '').split():
518        entry = m.split(":")
519        if len(entry) != 3 or entry[0] != task:
520            continue
521        filemaps.setdefault(entry[1], [])
522        filemaps[entry[1]].append(entry[2])
524    try:
525        os.chdir(path)
526        basepath = os.path.normpath(path)
528        update_hash("OEOuthashBasic\n")
529        if hash_version:
530            update_hash(hash_version + "\n")
532        if extra_sigdata:
533            update_hash(extra_sigdata + "\n")
535        # It is only currently useful to get equivalent hashes for things that
536        # can be restored from sstate. Since the sstate object is named using
537        # SSTATE_PKGSPEC and the task name, those should be included in the
538        # output hash calculation.
539        update_hash("SSTATE_PKGSPEC=%s\n" % d.getVar('SSTATE_PKGSPEC'))
540        update_hash("task=%s\n" % task)
542        for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.', topdown=True):
543            # Sort directories to ensure consistent ordering when recursing
544            dirs.sort()
545            files.sort()
547            def process(path):
548                s = os.lstat(path)
550                if stat.S_ISDIR(s.st_mode):
551                    update_hash('d')
552                elif stat.S_ISCHR(s.st_mode):
553                    update_hash('c')
554                elif stat.S_ISBLK(s.st_mode):
555                    update_hash('b')
556                elif stat.S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode):
557                    update_hash('s')
558                elif stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode):
559                    update_hash('l')
560                elif stat.S_ISFIFO(s.st_mode):
561                    update_hash('p')
562                else:
563                    update_hash('-')
565                def add_perm(mask, on, off='-'):
566                    if mask & s.st_mode:
567                        update_hash(on)
568                    else:
569                        update_hash(off)
571                add_perm(stat.S_IRUSR, 'r')
572                add_perm(stat.S_IWUSR, 'w')
573                if stat.S_ISUID & s.st_mode:
574                    add_perm(stat.S_IXUSR, 's', 'S')
575                else:
576                    add_perm(stat.S_IXUSR, 'x')
578                if include_owners:
579                    # Group/other permissions are only relevant in pseudo context
580                    add_perm(stat.S_IRGRP, 'r')
581                    add_perm(stat.S_IWGRP, 'w')
582                    if stat.S_ISGID & s.st_mode:
583                        add_perm(stat.S_IXGRP, 's', 'S')
584                    else:
585                        add_perm(stat.S_IXGRP, 'x')
587                    add_perm(stat.S_IROTH, 'r')
588                    add_perm(stat.S_IWOTH, 'w')
589                    if stat.S_ISVTX & s.st_mode:
590                        update_hash('t')
591                    else:
592                        add_perm(stat.S_IXOTH, 'x')
594                    try:
595                        update_hash(" %10s" % pwd.getpwuid(s.st_uid).pw_name)
596                        update_hash(" %10s" % grp.getgrgid(s.st_gid).gr_name)
597                    except KeyError as e:
598                        msg = ("KeyError: %s\nPath %s is owned by uid %d, gid %d, which doesn't match "
599                            "any user/group on target. This may be due to host contamination." %
600                            (e, os.path.abspath(path), s.st_uid, s.st_gid))
601                        raise Exception(msg).with_traceback(e.__traceback__)
603                if include_timestamps:
604                    update_hash(" %10d" % s.st_mtime)
606                update_hash(" ")
607                if stat.S_ISBLK(s.st_mode) or stat.S_ISCHR(s.st_mode):
608                    update_hash("%9s" % ("%d.%d" % (os.major(s.st_rdev), os.minor(s.st_rdev))))
609                else:
610                    update_hash(" " * 9)
612                filterfile = False
613                for entry in filemaps:
614                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, entry):
615                        filterfile = True
617                update_hash(" ")
618                if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode) and not filterfile:
619                    update_hash("%10d" % s.st_size)
620                else:
621                    update_hash(" " * 10)
623                update_hash(" ")
624                fh = hashlib.sha256()
625                if stat.S_ISREG(s.st_mode):
626                    # Hash file contents
627                    if filterfile:
628                        # Need to ignore paths in crossscripts and postinst-useradd files.
629                        with open(path, 'rb') as d:
630                            chunk = d.read()
631                            chunk = chunk.replace(bytes(basepath, encoding='utf8'), b'')
632                            for entry in filemaps:
633                                if not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, entry):
634                                    continue
635                                for r in filemaps[entry]:
636                                    if r.startswith("regex-"):
637                                        chunk = re.sub(bytes(r[6:], encoding='utf8'), b'', chunk)
638                                    else:
639                                        chunk = chunk.replace(bytes(r, encoding='utf8'), b'')
640                            fh.update(chunk)
641                    else:
642                        with open(path, 'rb') as d:
643                            for chunk in iter(lambda: d.read(4096), b""):
644                                fh.update(chunk)
645                    update_hash(fh.hexdigest())
646                else:
647                    update_hash(" " * len(fh.hexdigest()))
649                update_hash(" %s" % path)
651                if stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode):
652                    update_hash(" -> %s" % os.readlink(path))
654                update_hash("\n")
656            # Process this directory and all its child files
657            if include_root or root != ".":
658                process(root)
659            for f in files:
660                if f == 'fixmepath':
661                    continue
662                process(os.path.join(root, f))
664            for dir in dirs:
665                if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, dir)):
666                    process(os.path.join(root, dir))
667    finally:
668        os.chdir(prev_dir)
670    return h.hexdigest()