xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/oe/reproducible.py (revision 595f6308)
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
4import os
5import subprocess
6import bb
8# For reproducible builds, this code sets the default SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in each
9# component's build environment. The format is number of seconds since the
10# system epoch.
12# Upstream components (generally) respect this environment variable,
13# using it in place of the "current" date and time.
14# See https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
16# The default value of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH comes from the function
17# get_source_date_epoch_value which reads from the SDE_FILE, or if the file
18# is not available will use the fallback of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK.
20# The SDE_FILE is normally constructed from the function
21# create_source_date_epoch_stamp which is typically added as a postfuncs to
22# the do_unpack task.  If a recipe does NOT have do_unpack, it should be added
23# to a task that runs after the source is available and before the
24# do_deploy_source_date_epoch task is executed.
26# If a recipe wishes to override the default behavior it should set it's own
27# SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH or override the do_deploy_source_date_epoch_stamp task
28# with recipe-specific functionality to write the appropriate
31# SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is intended to be a reproducible value.  This value should
32# be reproducible for anyone who builds the same revision from the same
33# sources.
35# There are 4 ways the create_source_date_epoch_stamp function determines what
36# becomes SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:
38# 1. Use the value from __source_date_epoch.txt file if this file exists.
39#    This file was most likely created in the previous build by one of the
40#    following methods 2,3,4.
41#    Alternatively, it can be provided by a recipe via SRC_URI.
43# If the file does not exist:
45# 2. If there is a git checkout, use the last git commit timestamp.
46#    Git does not preserve file timestamps on checkout.
48# 3. Use the mtime of "known" files such as NEWS, CHANGLELOG, ...
49#    This works for well-kept repositories distributed via tarball.
51# 4. Use the modification time of the youngest file in the source tree, if
52#    there is one.
53#    This will be the newest file from the distribution tarball, if any.
55# 5. Fall back to a fixed timestamp (SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK).
57# Once the value is determined, it is stored in the recipe's SDE_FILE.
59def get_source_date_epoch_from_known_files(d, sourcedir):
60    source_date_epoch = None
61    newest_file = None
62    known_files = set(["NEWS", "ChangeLog", "Changelog", "CHANGES"])
63    for file in known_files:
64        filepath = os.path.join(sourcedir, file)
65        if os.path.isfile(filepath):
66            mtime = int(os.lstat(filepath).st_mtime)
67            # There may be more than one "known_file" present, if so, use the youngest one
68            if not source_date_epoch or mtime > source_date_epoch:
69                source_date_epoch = mtime
70                newest_file = filepath
71    if newest_file:
72        bb.debug(1, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH taken from: %s" % newest_file)
73    return source_date_epoch
75def find_git_folder(d, sourcedir):
76    # First guess: WORKDIR/git
77    # This is the default git fetcher unpack path
78    workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR')
79    gitpath = os.path.join(workdir, "git/.git")
80    if os.path.isdir(gitpath):
81        return gitpath
83    # Second guess: ${S}
84    gitpath = os.path.join(sourcedir, ".git")
85    if os.path.isdir(gitpath):
86        return gitpath
88    # Perhaps there was a subpath or destsuffix specified.
89    # Go looking in the WORKDIR
90    exclude = set(["build", "image", "license-destdir", "patches", "pseudo",
91                   "recipe-sysroot", "recipe-sysroot-native", "sysroot-destdir", "temp"])
92    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir, topdown=True):
93        dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude]
94        if '.git' in dirs:
95            return os.path.join(root, ".git")
97    bb.warn("Failed to find a git repository in WORKDIR: %s" % workdir)
98    return None
100def get_source_date_epoch_from_git(d, sourcedir):
101    if not "git://" in d.getVar('SRC_URI') and not "gitsm://" in d.getVar('SRC_URI'):
102        return None
104    gitpath = find_git_folder(d, sourcedir)
105    if not gitpath:
106        return None
108    # Check that the repository has a valid HEAD; it may not if subdir is used
109    # in SRC_URI
110    p = subprocess.run(['git', '--git-dir', gitpath, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
111    if p.returncode != 0:
112        bb.debug(1, "%s does not have a valid HEAD: %s" % (gitpath, p.stdout.decode('utf-8')))
113        return None
115    bb.debug(1, "git repository: %s" % gitpath)
116    p = subprocess.run(['git', '--git-dir', gitpath, 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%ct'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
117    return int(p.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
119def get_source_date_epoch_from_youngest_file(d, sourcedir):
120    if sourcedir == d.getVar('WORKDIR'):
121       # These sources are almost certainly not from a tarball
122       return None
124    # Do it the hard way: check all files and find the youngest one...
125    source_date_epoch = None
126    newest_file = None
127    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sourcedir, topdown=True):
128        files = [f for f in files if not f[0] == '.']
130        for fname in files:
131            filename = os.path.join(root, fname)
132            try:
133                mtime = int(os.lstat(filename).st_mtime)
134            except ValueError:
135                mtime = 0
136            if not source_date_epoch or mtime > source_date_epoch:
137                source_date_epoch = mtime
138                newest_file = filename
140    if newest_file:
141        bb.debug(1, "Newest file found: %s" % newest_file)
142    return source_date_epoch
144def fixed_source_date_epoch(d):
145    bb.debug(1, "No tarball or git repo found to determine SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
146    source_date_epoch = d.getVar('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK')
147    if source_date_epoch:
148        bb.debug(1, "Using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK")
149        return int(source_date_epoch)
150    return 0
152def get_source_date_epoch(d, sourcedir):
153    return (
154        get_source_date_epoch_from_git(d, sourcedir) or
155        get_source_date_epoch_from_known_files(d, sourcedir) or
156        get_source_date_epoch_from_youngest_file(d, sourcedir) or
157        fixed_source_date_epoch(d)       # Last resort
158    )
160def epochfile_read(epochfile, d):
161    cached, efile = d.getVar('__CACHED_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') or (None, None)
162    if cached and efile == epochfile:
163        return cached
165    if cached and epochfile != efile:
166        bb.debug(1, "Epoch file changed from %s to %s" % (efile, epochfile))
168    source_date_epoch = int(d.getVar('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK'))
169    try:
170        with open(epochfile, 'r') as f:
171            s = f.read()
172            try:
173                source_date_epoch = int(s)
174            except ValueError:
175                bb.warn("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH value '%s' is invalid. Reverting to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK" % s)
176                source_date_epoch = int(d.getVar('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_FALLBACK'))
177        bb.debug(1, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: %d" % source_date_epoch)
178    except FileNotFoundError:
179        bb.debug(1, "Cannot find %s. SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH will default to %d" % (epochfile, source_date_epoch))
181    d.setVar('__CACHED_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', (str(source_date_epoch), epochfile))
182    return str(source_date_epoch)
184def epochfile_write(source_date_epoch, epochfile, d):
186    bb.debug(1, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: %d" % source_date_epoch)
187    bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(epochfile))
189    tmp_file = "%s.new" % epochfile
190    with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f:
191        f.write(str(source_date_epoch))
192    os.rename(tmp_file, epochfile)