1*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerCERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal
2*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
3*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerPreamble
4*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
5*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerCERN has developed this licence to promote collaboration among
6*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerhardware designers and to provide a legal tool which supports the
7*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerfreedom to use, study, modify, share and distribute hardware designs
8*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerand products based on those designs. Version 2 of the CERN Open
9*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerHardware Licence comes in three variants: CERN-OHL-P (permissive); and
10*5199d831SAndrew Geisslertwo reciprocal licences: this licence, CERN- OHL-W (weakly reciprocal)
11*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerand CERN-OHL-S (strongly reciprocal).
12*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
13*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerThe CERN-OHL-W is copyright CERN 2020. Anyone is welcome to use it, in
14*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerunmodified form only.
15*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
16*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerUse of this Licence does not imply any endorsement by CERN of any
17*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerLicensor or their designs nor does it imply any involvement by CERN in
18*5199d831SAndrew Geisslertheir development.
19*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
20*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
21*5199d831SAndrew Geissler1 Definitions
22*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
23*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.1 'Licence' means this CERN-OHL-W.
24*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
25*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.2 'Compatible Licence' means
26*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
27*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       a) any earlier version of the CERN Open Hardware licence, or
28*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
29*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       b) any version of the CERN-OHL-S or the CERN-OHL-W, or
30*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
31*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       c) any licence which permits You to treat the Source to which
32*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          it applies as licensed under CERN-OHL-S or CERN-OHL-W
33*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          provided that on Conveyance of any such Source, or any
34*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          associated Product You treat the Source in question as being
35*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          licensed under CERN-OHL-S or CERN-OHL-W as appropriate.
36*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
37*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.3 'Source' means information such as design materials or digital
38*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      code which can be applied to Make or test a Product or to
39*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      prepare a Product for use, Conveyance or sale, regardless of its
40*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      medium or how it is expressed. It may include Notices.
41*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
42*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.4 'Covered Source' means Source that is explicitly made available
43*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      under this Licence.
44*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
45*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.5 'Product' means any device, component, work or physical object,
46*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      whether in finished or intermediate form, arising from the use,
47*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      application or processing of Covered Source.
48*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
49*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.6 'Make' means to create or configure something, whether by
50*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      manufacture, assembly, compiling, loading or applying Covered
51*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Source or another Product or otherwise.
52*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
53*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.7 'Available Component' means any part, sub-assembly, library or
54*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      code which:
55*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
56*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      a) is licensed to You as Complete Source under a Compatible
57*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         Licence; or
58*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
59*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      b) is available, at the time a Product or the Source containing
60*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         it is first Conveyed, to You and any other prospective
61*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         licensees
62*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
63*5199d831SAndrew Geissler           i) with sufficient rights and information (including any
64*5199d831SAndrew Geissler              configuration and programming files and information
65*5199d831SAndrew Geissler              about its characteristics and interfaces) to enable it
66*5199d831SAndrew Geissler              either to be Made itself, or to be sourced and used to
67*5199d831SAndrew Geissler              Make the Product; or
68*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          ii) as part of the normal distribution of a tool used to
69*5199d831SAndrew Geissler              design or Make the Product.
70*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
71*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.8 'External Material' means anything (including Source) which:
72*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
73*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      a) is only combined with Covered Source in such a way that it
74*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         interfaces with the Covered Source using a documented
75*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         interface which is described in the Covered Source; and
76*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
77*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      b) is not a derivative of or contains Covered Source, or, if it
78*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         is, it is solely to the extent necessary to facilitate such
79*5199d831SAndrew Geissler         interfacing.
80*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
81*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  1.9 'Complete Source' means the set of all Source necessary to Make
82*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      a Product, in the preferred form for making modifications,
83*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      including necessary installation and interfacing information
84*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      both for the Product, and for any included Available Components.
85*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      If the format is proprietary, it must also be made available in
86*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      a format (if the proprietary tool can create it) which is
87*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      viewable with a tool available to potential licensees and
88*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      licensed under a licence approved by the Free Software
89*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Foundation or the Open Source Initiative. Complete Source need
90*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      not include the Source of any Available Component, provided that
91*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      You include in the Complete Source sufficient information to
92*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      enable a recipient to Make or source and use the Available
93*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Component to Make the Product.
94*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
95*5199d831SAndrew Geissler 1.10 'Source Location' means a location where a Licensor has placed
96*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Covered Source, and which that Licensor reasonably believes will
97*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      remain easily accessible for at least three years for anyone to
98*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      obtain a digital copy.
99*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
100*5199d831SAndrew Geissler 1.11 'Notice' means copyright, acknowledgement and trademark notices,
101*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Source Location references, modification notices (subsection
102*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      3.3(b)) and all notices that refer to this Licence and to the
103*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      disclaimer of warranties that are included in the Covered
104*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Source.
105*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
106*5199d831SAndrew Geissler 1.12 'Licensee' or 'You' means any person exercising rights under
107*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      this Licence.
108*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
109*5199d831SAndrew Geissler 1.13 'Licensor' means a natural or legal person who creates or
110*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      modifies Covered Source. A person may be a Licensee and a
111*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Licensor at the same time.
112*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
113*5199d831SAndrew Geissler 1.14 'Convey' means to communicate to the public or distribute.
114*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
115*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
116*5199d831SAndrew Geissler2 Applicability
117*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
118*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  2.1 This Licence governs the use, copying, modification, Conveying
119*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      of Covered Source and Products, and the Making of Products. By
120*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      exercising any right granted under this Licence, You irrevocably
121*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      accept these terms and conditions.
122*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
123*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  2.2 This Licence is granted by the Licensor directly to You, and
124*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      shall apply worldwide and without limitation in time.
125*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
126*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  2.3 You shall not attempt to restrict by contract or otherwise the
127*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      rights granted under this Licence to other Licensees.
128*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
129*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  2.4 This Licence is not intended to restrict fair use, fair dealing,
130*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      or any other similar right.
131*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
132*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
133*5199d831SAndrew Geissler3 Copying, modifying and Conveying Covered Source
134*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
135*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  3.1 You may copy and Convey verbatim copies of Covered Source, in
136*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      any medium, provided You retain all Notices.
137*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
138*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  3.2 You may modify Covered Source, other than Notices, provided that
139*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      You irrevocably undertake to make that modified Covered Source
140*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      available from a Source Location should You Convey a Product in
141*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      circumstances where the recipient does not otherwise receive a
142*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      copy of the modified Covered Source. In each case subsection 3.3
143*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      shall apply.
144*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
145*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      You may only delete Notices if they are no longer applicable to
146*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the corresponding Covered Source as modified by You and You may
147*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      add additional Notices applicable to Your modifications.
148*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
149*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  3.3 You may Convey modified Covered Source (with the effect that You
150*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      shall also become a Licensor) provided that You:
151*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
152*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       a) retain Notices as required in subsection 3.2;
153*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
154*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       b) add a Notice to the modified Covered Source stating that You
155*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          have modified it, with the date and brief description of how
156*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          You have modified it;
157*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
158*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       c) add a Source Location Notice for the modified Covered Source
159*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          if You Convey in circumstances where the recipient does not
160*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          otherwise receive a copy of the modified Covered Source; and
161*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
162*5199d831SAndrew Geissler       d) license the modified Covered Source under the terms and
163*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          conditions of this Licence (or, as set out in subsection
164*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          8.3, a later version, if permitted by the licence of the
165*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          original Covered Source). Such modified Covered Source must
166*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          be licensed as a whole, but excluding Available Components
167*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          contained in it or External Material to which it is
168*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          interfaced, which remain licensed under their own applicable
169*5199d831SAndrew Geissler          licences.
170*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
171*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
172*5199d831SAndrew Geissler4 Making and Conveying Products
173*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
174*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  4.1 You may Make Products, and/or Convey them, provided that You
175*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      either provide each recipient with a copy of the Complete Source
176*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      or ensure that each recipient is notified of the Source Location
177*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      of the Complete Source. That Complete Source includes Covered
178*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Source and You must accordingly satisfy Your obligations set out
179*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      in subsection 3.3. If specified in a Notice, the Product must
180*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      visibly and securely display the Source Location on it or its
181*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      packaging or documentation in the manner specified in that
182*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Notice.
183*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
184*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  4.2 Where You Convey a Product which incorporates External Material,
185*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the Complete Source for that Product which You are required to
186*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      provide under subsection 4.1 need not include any Source for the
187*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      External Material.
188*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
189*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  4.3 You may license Products under terms of Your choice, provided
190*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      that such terms do not restrict or attempt to restrict any
191*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      recipients' rights under this Licence to the Covered Source.
192*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
193*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
194*5199d831SAndrew Geissler5 Research and Development
195*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
196*5199d831SAndrew GeisslerYou may Convey Covered Source, modified Covered Source or Products to
197*5199d831SAndrew Geisslera legal entity carrying out development, testing or quality assurance
198*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerwork on Your behalf provided that the work is performed on terms which
199*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerprevent the entity from both using the Source or Products for its own
200*5199d831SAndrew Geisslerinternal purposes and Conveying the Source or Products or any
201*5199d831SAndrew Geisslermodifications to them to any person other than You. Any modifications
202*5199d831SAndrew Geisslermade by the entity shall be deemed to be made by You pursuant to
203*5199d831SAndrew Geisslersubsection 3.2.
204*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
205*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
206*5199d831SAndrew Geissler6 DISCLAIMER AND LIABILITY
207*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
208*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  6.1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY -- The Covered Source and any Products
209*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      are provided 'as is' and any express or implied warranties,
210*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
211*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      merchantability, of satisfactory quality, non-infringement of
212*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      third party rights, and fitness for a particular purpose or use
213*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      are disclaimed in respect of any Source or Product to the
214*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      maximum extent permitted by law. The Licensor makes no
215*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      representation that any Source or Product does not or will not
216*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      infringe any patent, copyright, trade secret or other
217*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      proprietary right. The entire risk as to the use, quality, and
218*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      performance of any Source or Product shall be with You and not
219*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the Licensor. This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part
220*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      of this Licence and a condition for the grant of any rights
221*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      granted under this Licence.
222*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
223*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  6.2 EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY -- The Licensor shall, to
224*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the maximum extent permitted by law, have no liability for
225*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary,
226*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      punitive or other damages of any character including, without
227*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      limitation, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of
228*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      use, data or profits, or business interruption, however caused
229*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      and on any theory of contract, warranty, tort (including
230*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      negligence), product liability or otherwise, arising in any way
231*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      in relation to the Covered Source, modified Covered Source
232*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      and/or the Making or Conveyance of a Product, even if advised of
233*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the possibility of such damages, and You shall hold the
234*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Licensor(s) free and harmless from any liability, costs,
235*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      damages, fees and expenses, including claims by third parties,
236*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      in relation to such use.
237*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
238*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
239*5199d831SAndrew Geissler7 Patents
240*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
241*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  7.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence, each
242*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Licensor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide,
243*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as
244*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      stated in subsections 7.2 and 8.4) patent license to Make, have
245*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer
246*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the Covered Source and Products, where such licence applies only
247*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      to those patent claims licensable by such Licensor that are
248*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      necessarily infringed by exercising rights under the Covered
249*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Source as Conveyed by that Licensor.
250*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
251*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  7.2 If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including
252*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the
253*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Covered Source or a Product constitutes direct or contributory
254*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      patent infringement, or You seek any declaration that a patent
255*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      licensed to You under this Licence is invalid or unenforceable
256*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      then any rights granted to You under this Licence shall
257*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      terminate as of the date such process is initiated.
258*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
259*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
260*5199d831SAndrew Geissler8 General
261*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
262*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.1 If any provisions of this Licence are or subsequently become
263*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining
264*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      provisions shall remain effective.
265*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
266*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.2 You shall not use any of the name (including acronyms and
267*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      abbreviations), image, or logo by which the Licensor or CERN is
268*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      known, except where needed to comply with section 3, or where
269*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      the use is otherwise allowed by law. Any such permitted use
270*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      shall be factual and shall not be made so as to suggest any kind
271*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      of endorsement or implication of involvement by the Licensor or
272*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      its personnel.
273*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
274*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.3 CERN may publish updated versions and variants of this Licence
275*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      which it considers to be in the spirit of this version, but may
276*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. New
277*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      versions will be published with a unique version number and a
278*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      variant identifier specifying the variant. If the Licensor has
279*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      specified that a given variant applies to the Covered Source
280*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      without specifying a version, You may treat that Covered Source
281*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      as being released under any version of the CERN-OHL with that
282*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      variant. If no variant is specified, the Covered Source shall be
283*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      treated as being released under CERN-OHL-S. The Licensor may
284*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      also specify that the Covered Source is subject to a specific
285*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      version of the CERN-OHL or any later version in which case You
286*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      may apply this or any later version of CERN-OHL with the same
287*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      variant identifier published by CERN.
288*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
289*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      You may treat Covered Source licensed under CERN-OHL-W as
290*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      licensed under CERN-OHL-S if and only if all Available
291*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Components referenced in the Covered Source comply with the
292*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      corresponding definition of Available Component for CERN-OHL-S.
293*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
294*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.4 This Licence shall terminate with immediate effect if You fail
295*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      to comply with any of its terms and conditions.
296*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
297*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.5 However, if You cease all breaches of this Licence, then Your
298*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      Licence from any Licensor is reinstated unless such Licensor has
299*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      terminated this Licence by giving You, while You remain in
300*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      breach, a notice specifying the breach and requiring You to cure
301*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      it within 30 days, and You have failed to come into compliance
302*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      in all material respects by the end of the 30 day period. Should
303*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      You repeat the breach after receipt of a cure notice and
304*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      subsequent reinstatement, this Licence will terminate
305*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      immediately and permanently. Section 6 shall continue to apply
306*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      after any termination.
307*5199d831SAndrew Geissler
308*5199d831SAndrew Geissler  8.6 This Licence shall not be enforceable except by a Licensor
309*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      acting as such, and third party beneficiary rights are
310*5199d831SAndrew Geissler      specifically excluded.