1# Copyright (C) 2012 Linux Foundation
2# Author: Richard Purdie
3# Some code and influence taken from srctree.bbclass:
4# Copyright (C) 2009 Chris Larson <clarson@kergoth.com>
6# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
8# externalsrc.bbclass enables use of an existing source tree, usually external to
9# the build system to build a piece of software rather than the usual fetch/unpack/patch
10# process.
12# To use, add externalsrc to the global inherit and set EXTERNALSRC to point at the
13# directory you want to use containing the sources e.g. from local.conf for a recipe
14# called "myrecipe" you would do:
16# INHERIT += "externalsrc"
17# EXTERNALSRC:pn-myrecipe = "/path/to/my/source/tree"
19# In order to make this class work for both target and native versions (or with
20# multilibs/cross or other BBCLASSEXTEND variants), B is set to point to a separate
21# directory under the work directory (split source and build directories). This is
22# the default, but the build directory can be set to the source directory if
23# circumstances dictate by setting EXTERNALSRC_BUILD to the same value, e.g.:
25# EXTERNALSRC_BUILD:pn-myrecipe = "/path/to/my/source/tree"
28SRCTREECOVEREDTASKS ?= "do_patch do_unpack do_fetch"
29EXTERNALSRC_SYMLINKS ?= "oe-workdir:${WORKDIR} oe-logs:${T}"
31python () {
32    externalsrc = d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC')
33    externalsrcbuild = d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC_BUILD')
35    if externalsrc and not externalsrc.startswith("/"):
36        bb.error("EXTERNALSRC must be an absolute path")
37    if externalsrcbuild and not externalsrcbuild.startswith("/"):
38        bb.error("EXTERNALSRC_BUILD must be an absolute path")
40    # If this is the base recipe and EXTERNALSRC is set for it or any of its
41    # derivatives, then enable BB_DONT_CACHE to force the recipe to always be
42    # re-parsed so that the file-checksums function for do_compile is run every
43    # time.
44    bpn = d.getVar('BPN')
45    classextend = (d.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND') or '').split()
46    if bpn == d.getVar('PN') or not classextend:
47        if (externalsrc or
48                ('native' in classextend and
49                 d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC:pn-%s-native' % bpn)) or
50                ('nativesdk' in classextend and
51                 d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC:pn-nativesdk-%s' % bpn)) or
52                ('cross' in classextend and
53                 d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC:pn-%s-cross' % bpn))):
54            d.setVar('BB_DONT_CACHE', '1')
56    if externalsrc:
57        import oe.recipeutils
58        import oe.path
60        d.setVar('S', externalsrc)
61        if externalsrcbuild:
62            d.setVar('B', externalsrcbuild)
63        else:
64            d.setVar('B', '${WORKDIR}/${BPN}-${PV}')
66        local_srcuri = []
67        fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch((d.getVar('SRC_URI') or '').split(), d)
68        for url in fetch.urls:
69            url_data = fetch.ud[url]
70            parm = url_data.parm
71            if url_data.type in ['file', 'npmsw', 'crate'] or parm.get('type') in ['kmeta', 'git-dependency']:
72                local_srcuri.append(url)
74        d.setVar('SRC_URI', ' '.join(local_srcuri))
76        # Dummy value because the default function can't be called with blank SRC_URI
77        d.setVar('SRCPV', '999')
78        # sstate is never going to work for external source trees, disable it
79        d.setVar('SSTATE_SKIP_CREATION', '1')
81        if d.getVar('CONFIGUREOPT_DEPTRACK') == '--disable-dependency-tracking':
82            d.setVar('CONFIGUREOPT_DEPTRACK', '')
84        tasks = filter(lambda k: d.getVarFlag(k, "task"), d.keys())
86        for task in tasks:
87            if os.path.realpath(d.getVar('S')) == os.path.realpath(d.getVar('B')):
88                # Since configure will likely touch ${S}, ensure only we lock so one task has access at a time
89                d.appendVarFlag(task, "lockfiles", " ${S}/singletask.lock")
91        for v in d.keys():
92            cleandirs = d.getVarFlag(v, "cleandirs", False)
93            if cleandirs:
94                # We do not want our source to be wiped out, ever (kernel.bbclass does this for do_clean)
95                cleandirs = oe.recipeutils.split_var_value(cleandirs)
96                setvalue = False
97                for cleandir in cleandirs[:]:
98                    if oe.path.is_path_parent(externalsrc, d.expand(cleandir)):
99                        cleandirs.remove(cleandir)
100                        setvalue = True
101                if setvalue:
102                    d.setVarFlag(v, 'cleandirs', ' '.join(cleandirs))
104        fetch_tasks = ['do_fetch', 'do_unpack']
105        # If we deltask do_patch, there's no dependency to ensure do_unpack gets run, so add one
106        # Note that we cannot use d.appendVarFlag() here because deps is expected to be a list object, not a string
107        d.setVarFlag('do_configure', 'deps', (d.getVarFlag('do_configure', 'deps', False) or []) + ['do_unpack'])
109        for task in d.getVar("SRCTREECOVEREDTASKS").split():
110            if local_srcuri and task in fetch_tasks:
111                continue
112            bb.build.deltask(task, d)
113            if task == 'do_unpack':
114                # The reproducible build create_source_date_epoch_stamp function must
115                # be run after the source is available and before the
116                # do_deploy_source_date_epoch task.  In the normal case, it's attached
117                # to do_unpack as a postfuncs, but since we removed do_unpack (above)
118                # we need to move the function elsewhere.  The easiest thing to do is
119                # move it into the prefuncs of the do_deploy_source_date_epoch task.
120                # This is safe, as externalsrc runs with the source already unpacked.
121                d.prependVarFlag('do_deploy_source_date_epoch', 'prefuncs', 'create_source_date_epoch_stamp ')
123        d.prependVarFlag('do_compile', 'prefuncs', "externalsrc_compile_prefunc ")
124        d.prependVarFlag('do_configure', 'prefuncs', "externalsrc_configure_prefunc ")
126        d.setVarFlag('do_compile', 'file-checksums', '${@srctree_hash_files(d)}')
127        d.setVarFlag('do_configure', 'file-checksums', '${@srctree_configure_hash_files(d)}')
129        # We don't want the workdir to go away
130        d.appendVar('RM_WORK_EXCLUDE', ' ' + d.getVar('PN'))
132        bb.build.addtask('do_buildclean',
133                         'do_clean' if d.getVar('S') == d.getVar('B') else None,
134                         None, d)
136        # If B=S the same builddir is used even for different architectures.
137        # Thus, use a shared CONFIGURESTAMPFILE and STAMP directory so that
138        # change of do_configure task hash is correctly detected and stamps are
139        # invalidated if e.g. MACHINE changes.
140        if d.getVar('S') == d.getVar('B'):
141            configstamp = '${TMPDIR}/work-shared/${PN}/${EXTENDPE}${PV}-${PR}/configure.sstate'
142            d.setVar('CONFIGURESTAMPFILE', configstamp)
143            d.setVar('STAMP', '${STAMPS_DIR}/work-shared/${PN}/${EXTENDPE}${PV}-${PR}')
144            d.setVar('STAMPCLEAN', '${STAMPS_DIR}/work-shared/${PN}/*-*')
147python externalsrc_configure_prefunc() {
148    s_dir = d.getVar('S')
149    # Create desired symlinks
150    symlinks = (d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC_SYMLINKS') or '').split()
151    newlinks = []
152    for symlink in symlinks:
153        symsplit = symlink.split(':', 1)
154        lnkfile = os.path.join(s_dir, symsplit[0])
155        target = d.expand(symsplit[1])
156        if len(symsplit) > 1:
157            if os.path.islink(lnkfile):
158                # Link already exists, leave it if it points to the right location already
159                if os.readlink(lnkfile) == target:
160                    continue
161                os.unlink(lnkfile)
162            elif os.path.exists(lnkfile):
163                # File/dir exists with same name as link, just leave it alone
164                continue
165            os.symlink(target, lnkfile)
166            newlinks.append(symsplit[0])
167    # Hide the symlinks from git
168    try:
169        git_exclude_file = os.path.join(s_dir, '.git/info/exclude')
170        if os.path.exists(git_exclude_file):
171            with open(git_exclude_file, 'r+') as efile:
172                elines = efile.readlines()
173                for link in newlinks:
174                    if link in elines or '/'+link in elines:
175                        continue
176                    efile.write('/' + link + '\n')
177    except IOError as ioe:
178        bb.note('Failed to hide EXTERNALSRC_SYMLINKS from git')
181python externalsrc_compile_prefunc() {
182    # Make it obvious that this is happening, since forgetting about it could lead to much confusion
183    bb.plain('NOTE: %s: compiling from external source tree %s' % (d.getVar('PN'), d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC')))
186do_buildclean[dirs] = "${S} ${B}"
187do_buildclean[nostamp] = "1"
188do_buildclean[doc] = "Call 'make clean' or equivalent in ${B}"
189externalsrc_do_buildclean() {
190	if [ -e Makefile -o -e makefile -o -e GNUmakefile ]; then
191		rm -f ${@' '.join([x.split(':')[0] for x in (d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC_SYMLINKS') or '').split()])}
192		if [ "${CLEANBROKEN}" != "1" ]; then
193			oe_runmake clean || die "make failed"
194		fi
195	else
196		bbnote "nothing to do - no makefile found"
197	fi
200def srctree_hash_files(d, srcdir=None):
201    import shutil
202    import subprocess
203    import tempfile
204    import hashlib
206    s_dir = srcdir or d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC')
207    git_dir = None
209    try:
210        git_dir = os.path.join(s_dir,
211            subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', s_dir, 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8").rstrip())
212        top_git_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar("TOPDIR"),
213            subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', d.getVar("TOPDIR"), 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8").rstrip())
214        if git_dir == top_git_dir:
215            git_dir = None
216    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
217        pass
219    ret = " "
220    if git_dir is not None:
221        oe_hash_file = os.path.join(git_dir, 'oe-devtool-tree-sha1-%s' % d.getVar('PN'))
222        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='oe-devtool-index') as tmp_index:
223            # Clone index
224            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(git_dir, 'index'), tmp_index.name)
225            # Update our custom index
226            env = os.environ.copy()
227            env['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = tmp_index.name
228            subprocess.check_output(['git', 'add', '-A', '.'], cwd=s_dir, env=env)
229            git_sha1 = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'write-tree'], cwd=s_dir, env=env).decode("utf-8")
230            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(s_dir, ".gitmodules")) and os.path.getsize(os.path.join(s_dir, ".gitmodules")) > 0:
231                submodule_helper = subprocess.check_output(["git", "config", "--file", ".gitmodules", "--get-regexp", "path"], cwd=s_dir, env=env).decode("utf-8")
232                for line in submodule_helper.splitlines():
233                    module_dir = os.path.join(s_dir, line.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1])
234                    if os.path.isdir(module_dir):
235                        proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'add', '-A', '.'], cwd=module_dir, env=env, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
236                        proc.communicate()
237                        proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'write-tree'], cwd=module_dir, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
238                        stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
239                        git_sha1 += stdout.decode("utf-8")
240            sha1 = hashlib.sha1(git_sha1.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
241        with open(oe_hash_file, 'w') as fobj:
242            fobj.write(sha1)
243        ret = oe_hash_file + ':True'
244    else:
245        ret = s_dir + '/*:True'
246    return ret
248def srctree_configure_hash_files(d):
249    """
250    Get the list of files that should trigger do_configure to re-execute,
251    based on the value of CONFIGURE_FILES
252    """
253    in_files = (d.getVar('CONFIGURE_FILES') or '').split()
254    out_items = []
255    search_files = []
256    for entry in in_files:
257        if entry.startswith('/'):
258            out_items.append('%s:%s' % (entry, os.path.exists(entry)))
259        else:
260            search_files.append(entry)
261    if search_files:
262        s_dir = d.getVar('EXTERNALSRC')
263        for root, _, files in os.walk(s_dir):
264            for f in files:
265                if f in search_files:
266                    out_items.append('%s:True' % os.path.join(root, f))
267    return ' '.join(out_items)
269EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_buildclean