1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
4Yocto Project Terms
7Following is a list of terms and definitions users new to the Yocto Project
8development environment might find helpful. While some of these terms are
9universal, the list includes them just in case:
11.. glossary::
13   :term:`Append Files`
14      Files that append build information to a recipe file.  Append files are
15      known as BitBake append files and ``.bbappend`` files. The OpenEmbedded
16      build system expects every append file to have a corresponding recipe
17      (``.bb``) file. Furthermore, the append file and corresponding recipe file
18      must use the same root filename.  The filenames can differ only in the
19      file type suffix used (e.g. ``formfactor_0.0.bb`` and
20      ``formfactor_0.0.bbappend``).
22      Information in append files extends or overrides the information in the
23      similarly-named recipe file. For an example of an append file in use, see
24      the    ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:appending other layers metadata with your layer`"
25      section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
27      When you name an append file, you can use the "``%``" wildcard character
28      to allow for matching recipe names. For example, suppose you have an
29      append file named as follows::
31         busybox_1.21.%.bbappend
33      That append file
34      would match any ``busybox_1.21.x.bb`` version of the recipe. So,
35      the append file would match any of the following recipe names:
37      .. code-block:: shell
39         busybox_1.21.1.bb
40         busybox_1.21.2.bb
41         busybox_1.21.3.bb
42         busybox_1.21.10.bb
43         busybox_1.21.25.bb
45      .. note::
47         The use of the "%" character is limited in that it only works
48         directly in front of the .bbappend portion of the append file's
49         name. You cannot use the wildcard character in any other location of
50         the name.
52   :term:`BitBake`
53      The task executor and scheduler used by the OpenEmbedded build system to
54      build images. For more information on BitBake, see the :doc:`BitBake User
55      Manual <bitbake:index>`.
57   :term:`Board Support Package (BSP)`
58      A group of drivers, definitions, and other components that provide support
59      for a specific hardware configuration. For more information on BSPs, see
60      the :doc:`/bsp-guide/index`.
62   :term:`Build Directory`
63      This term refers to the area used by the OpenEmbedded build system for
64      builds. The area is created when you ``source`` the setup environment
65      script that is found in the Source Directory
66      (i.e. :ref:`ref-manual/structure:\`\`oe-init-build-env\`\``). The
67      :term:`TOPDIR` variable points to the Build Directory.
69      You have a lot of flexibility when creating the Build Directory.
70      Following are some examples that show how to create the directory.  The
71      examples assume your :term:`Source Directory` is named ``poky``:
73         -  Create the Build Directory inside your Source Directory and let
74            the name of the Build Directory default to ``build``:
76            .. code-block:: shell
78               $ cd poky
79               $ source oe-init-build-env
81         -  Create the Build Directory inside your home directory and
82            specifically name it ``test-builds``:
84            .. code-block:: shell
86               $ source poky/oe-init-build-env test-builds
88         -  Provide a directory path and specifically name the Build
89            Directory. Any intermediate folders in the pathname must exist.
90            This next example creates a Build Directory named
91            ``YP-&POKYVERSION;`` within the existing directory ``mybuilds``:
93            .. code-block:: shell
95               $ source poky/oe-init-build-env mybuilds/YP-&POKYVERSION;
97      .. note::
99         By default, the Build Directory contains :term:`TMPDIR`, which is a
100         temporary directory the build system uses for its work. :term:`TMPDIR` cannot
101         be under NFS. Thus, by default, the Build Directory cannot be under
102         NFS. However, if you need the Build Directory to be under NFS, you can
103         set this up by setting :term:`TMPDIR` in your ``local.conf`` file to use a local
104         drive. Doing so effectively separates :term:`TMPDIR` from :term:`TOPDIR`, which is the
105         Build Directory.
107   :term:`Build Host`
108      The system used to build images in a Yocto Project Development
109      environment. The build system is sometimes referred to as the development
110      host.
112   :term:`Classes`
113      Files that provide for logic encapsulation and inheritance so that
114      commonly used patterns can be defined once and then easily used in
115      multiple recipes. For reference information on the Yocto Project classes,
116      see the ":ref:`ref-manual/classes:Classes`" chapter. Class files end with the
117      ``.bbclass`` filename extension.
119   :term:`Configuration File`
120      Files that hold global definitions of variables, user-defined variables,
121      and hardware configuration information. These files tell the OpenEmbedded
122      build system what to build and what to put into the image to support a
123      particular platform.
125      Configuration files end with a ``.conf`` filename extension. The
126      :file:`conf/local.conf` configuration file in the :term:`Build Directory`
127      contains user-defined variables that affect every build. The
128      :file:`meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf` configuration file defines Yocto
129      "distro" configuration variables used only when building with this
130      policy. Machine configuration files, which are located throughout the
131      :term:`Source Directory`, define variables for specific hardware and are
132      only used when building for that target (e.g. the
133      :file:`machine/beaglebone.conf` configuration file defines variables for
134      the Texas Instruments ARM Cortex-A8 development board).
136   :term:`Container Layer`
137      A flexible definition that typically refers to a single Git checkout
138      which contains multiple (and typically related) sub-layers which can
139      be included independently in your project's ``bblayers.conf`` file.
141      In some cases, such as with OpenEmbedded's
142      `meta-openembedded <https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded>`_
143      layer, the top level ``meta-openembedded/`` directory is not itself an actual layer,
144      so you would never explicitly include it in a ``bblayers.conf`` file;
145      rather, you would include any number of its layer subdirectories, such as
146      `meta-openembedded/meta-oe <https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded/tree/master/meta-oe>`_,
147      `meta-openembedded/meta-python <https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded/tree/master/meta-python>`_
148      and so on.
150      On the other hand, some container layers (such as
151      `meta-security <https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-security>`_)
152      have a top-level directory that is itself an actual layer, as well as
153      a variety of sub-layers, both of which could be included in your
154      ``bblayers.conf`` file.
156      In either case, the phrase "container layer" is simply used to describe
157      a directory structure which contains multiple valid OpenEmbedded layers.
159   :term:`Cross-Development Toolchain`
160      In general, a cross-development toolchain is a collection of software
161      development tools and utilities that run on one architecture and allow you
162      to develop software for a different, or targeted, architecture. These
163      toolchains contain cross-compilers, linkers, and debuggers that are
164      specific to the target architecture.
166      The Yocto Project supports two different cross-development toolchains:
168      - A toolchain only used by and within BitBake when building an image for a
169        target architecture.
171      - A relocatable toolchain used outside of BitBake by developers when
172        developing applications that will run on a targeted device.
174      Creation of these toolchains is simple and automated. For information on
175      toolchain concepts as they apply to the Yocto Project, see the
176      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:Cross-Development
177      Toolchain Generation`" section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts
178      Manual. You can also find more information on using the relocatable
179      toolchain in the :doc:`/sdk-manual/index` manual.
181   :term:`Extensible Software Development Kit (eSDK)`
182      A custom SDK for application developers. This eSDK allows developers to
183      incorporate their library and programming changes back into the image to
184      make their code available to other application developers.
186      For information on the eSDK, see the :doc:`/sdk-manual/index` manual.
188   :term:`Image`
189      An image is an artifact of the BitBake build process given a collection of
190      recipes and related Metadata. Images are the binary output that run on
191      specific hardware or QEMU and are used for specific use-cases. For a list
192      of the supported image types that the Yocto Project provides, see the
193      ":ref:`ref-manual/images:Images`" chapter.
195   :term:`Layer`
196      A collection of related recipes. Layers allow you to consolidate related
197      metadata to customize your build. Layers also isolate information used
198      when building for multiple architectures.  Layers are hierarchical in
199      their ability to override previous specifications. You can include any
200      number of available layers from the Yocto Project and customize the build
201      by adding your layers after them. You can search the Layer Index for
202      layers used within Yocto Project.
204      For introductory information on layers, see the
205      ":ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:The Yocto Project Layer
206      Model`" section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual. For
207      more detailed information on layers, see the
208      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:Understanding and Creating
209      Layers`" section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. For a
210      discussion specifically on BSP Layers, see the ":ref:`bsp-guide/bsp:BSP
211      Layers`" section in the Yocto Project Board Support Packages (BSP)
212      Developer's Guide.
214   :term:`Metadata`
215      A key element of the Yocto Project is the Metadata that
216      is used to construct a Linux distribution and is contained in the
217      files that the :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`
218      parses when building an image. In general, Metadata includes recipes,
219      configuration files, and other information that refers to the build
220      instructions themselves, as well as the data used to control what
221      things get built and the effects of the build. Metadata also includes
222      commands and data used to indicate what versions of software are
223      used, from where they are obtained, and changes or additions to the
224      software itself (patches or auxiliary files) that are used to fix
225      bugs or customize the software for use in a particular situation.
226      OpenEmbedded-Core is an important set of validated metadata.
228      In the context of the kernel ("kernel Metadata"), the term refers to
229      the kernel config fragments and features contained in the
230      :yocto_git:`yocto-kernel-cache </yocto-kernel-cache>`
231      Git repository.
233   :term:`OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core)`
234      OE-Core is metadata comprised of
235      foundational recipes, classes, and associated files that are meant to
236      be common among many different OpenEmbedded-derived systems,
237      including the Yocto Project. OE-Core is a curated subset of an
238      original repository developed by the OpenEmbedded community that has
239      been pared down into a smaller, core set of continuously validated
240      recipes. The result is a tightly controlled and an quality-assured
241      core set of recipes.
243      You can see the Metadata in the ``meta`` directory of the Yocto
244      Project :yocto_git:`Source Repositories </poky>`.
246   :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`
247      The build system specific to the Yocto
248      Project. The OpenEmbedded build system is based on another project
249      known as "Poky", which uses :term:`BitBake` as the task
250      executor. Throughout the Yocto Project documentation set, the
251      OpenEmbedded build system is sometimes referred to simply as "the
252      build system". If other build systems, such as a host or target build
253      system are referenced, the documentation clearly states the
254      difference.
256      .. note::
258         For some historical information about Poky, see the :term:`Poky` term.
260   :term:`Package`
261      In the context of the Yocto Project, this term refers to a
262      recipe's packaged output produced by BitBake (i.e. a "baked recipe").
263      A package is generally the compiled binaries produced from the
264      recipe's sources. You "bake" something by running it through BitBake.
266      It is worth noting that the term "package" can, in general, have
267      subtle meanings. For example, the packages referred to in the
268      ":ref:`ref-manual/system-requirements:required packages for the build host`"
269      section are compiled binaries that, when installed, add functionality to
270      your Linux distribution.
272      Another point worth noting is that historically within the Yocto
273      Project, recipes were referred to as packages - thus, the existence
274      of several BitBake variables that are seemingly mis-named, (e.g.
275      :term:`PR`, :term:`PV`, and
276      :term:`PE`).
278   :term:`Package Groups`
279      Arbitrary groups of software Recipes. You use
280      package groups to hold recipes that, when built, usually accomplish a
281      single task. For example, a package group could contain the recipes
282      for a company's proprietary or value-add software. Or, the package
283      group could contain the recipes that enable graphics. A package group
284      is really just another recipe. Because package group files are
285      recipes, they end with the ``.bb`` filename extension.
287   :term:`Poky`
288      Poky, which is pronounced *Pock*-ee, is a reference embedded
289      distribution and a reference test configuration. Poky provides the
290      following:
292      -  A base-level functional distro used to illustrate how to customize
293         a distribution.
295      -  A means by which to test the Yocto Project components (i.e. Poky
296         is used to validate the Yocto Project).
298      -  A vehicle through which you can download the Yocto Project.
300      Poky is not a product level distro. Rather, it is a good starting
301      point for customization.
303      .. note::
305         Poky began as an open-source project initially developed by
306         OpenedHand. OpenedHand developed Poky from the existing
307         OpenEmbedded build system to create a commercially supportable
308         build system for embedded Linux. After Intel Corporation acquired
309         OpenedHand, the poky project became the basis for the Yocto
310         Project's build system.
312   :term:`Recipe`
313      A set of instructions for building packages. A recipe
314      describes where you get source code, which patches to apply, how to
315      configure the source, how to compile it and so on. Recipes also
316      describe dependencies for libraries or for other recipes. Recipes
317      represent the logical unit of execution, the software to build, the
318      images to build, and use the ``.bb`` file extension.
320   :term:`Reference Kit`
321      A working example of a system, which includes a
322      :term:`BSP<Board Support Package (BSP)>` as well as a
323      :term:`build host<Build Host>` and other components, that can
324      work on specific hardware.
326   :term:`Source Directory`
327     This term refers to the directory structure
328     created as a result of creating a local copy of the ``poky`` Git
329     repository ``git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky`` or expanding a
330     released ``poky`` tarball.
332     .. note::
334        Creating a local copy of the
335        poky
336        Git repository is the recommended method for setting up your
337        Source Directory.
339     Sometimes you might hear the term "poky directory" used to refer to
340     this directory structure.
342     .. note::
344        The OpenEmbedded build system does not support file or directory
345        names that contain spaces. Be sure that the Source Directory you
346        use does not contain these types of names.
348     The Source Directory contains BitBake, Documentation, Metadata and
349     other files that all support the Yocto Project. Consequently, you
350     must have the Source Directory in place on your development system in
351     order to do any development using the Yocto Project.
353     When you create a local copy of the Git repository, you can name the
354     repository anything you like. Throughout much of the documentation,
355     "poky" is used as the name of the top-level folder of the local copy
356     of the poky Git repository. So, for example, cloning the ``poky`` Git
357     repository results in a local Git repository whose top-level folder
358     is also named "poky".
360     While it is not recommended that you use tarball expansion to set up
361     the Source Directory, if you do, the top-level directory name of the
362     Source Directory is derived from the Yocto Project release tarball.
363     For example, downloading and unpacking
364     :yocto_dl:`/releases/yocto/&DISTRO_REL_TAG;/&YOCTO_POKY;.tar.bz2`
365     results in a Source Directory whose root folder is named
366     ``&YOCTO_POKY;``.
368     It is important to understand the differences between the Source
369     Directory created by unpacking a released tarball as compared to
370     cloning ``git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky``. When you unpack a
371     tarball, you have an exact copy of the files based on the time of
372     release - a fixed release point. Any changes you make to your local
373     files in the Source Directory are on top of the release and will
374     remain local only. On the other hand, when you clone the ``poky`` Git
375     repository, you have an active development repository with access to
376     the upstream repository's branches and tags. In this case, any local
377     changes you make to the local Source Directory can be later applied
378     to active development branches of the upstream ``poky`` Git
379     repository.
381     For more information on concepts related to Git repositories,
382     branches, and tags, see the
383     ":ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:repositories, tags, and branches`"
384     section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
386   :term:`Task`
387      A per-recipe unit of execution for BitBake (e.g.
388      :ref:`ref-tasks-compile`,
389      :ref:`ref-tasks-fetch`,
390      :ref:`ref-tasks-patch`, and so forth).
391      One of the major benefits of the build system is that, since each
392      recipe will typically spawn the execution of numerous tasks,
393      it is entirely possible that many tasks can execute in parallel,
394      either tasks from separate recipes or independent tasks within
395      the same recipe, potentially up to the parallelism of your
396      build system.
398   :term:`Toaster`
399      A web interface to the Yocto Project's :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`.
400      The interface enables you to
401      configure and run your builds. Information about builds is collected
402      and stored in a database. For information on Toaster, see the
403      :doc:`/toaster-manual/index`.
405   :term:`Upstream`
406      A reference to source code or repositories that are not
407      local to the development system but located in a remote area that is
408      controlled by the maintainer of the source code. For example, in
409      order for a developer to work on a particular piece of code, they
410      need to first get a copy of it from an "upstream" source.