1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
4``devtool`` Quick Reference
7The ``devtool`` command-line tool provides a number of features that
8help you build, test, and package software. This command is available
9alongside the ``bitbake`` command. Additionally, the ``devtool`` command
10is a key part of the extensible SDK.
12This chapter provides a Quick Reference for the ``devtool`` command. For
13more information on how to apply the command when using the extensible
14SDK, see the ":doc:`/sdk-manual/extensible`" chapter in the Yocto
15Project Application Development and the Extensible Software Development
16Kit (eSDK) manual.
18.. _devtool-getting-help:
20Getting Help
23The ``devtool`` command line is organized similarly to Git in that it
24has a number of sub-commands for each function. You can run
25``devtool --help`` to see all the commands::
27   $ devtool -h
28   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
29   usage: devtool [--basepath BASEPATH] [--bbpath BBPATH] [-d] [-q] [--color COLOR] [-h] <subcommand> ...
31   OpenEmbedded development tool
33   options:
34     --basepath BASEPATH   Base directory of SDK / build directory
35     --bbpath BBPATH       Explicitly specify the BBPATH, rather than getting it from the metadata
36     -d, --debug           Enable debug output
37     -q, --quiet           Print only errors
38     --color COLOR         Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never)
39     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
41   subcommands:
42     Beginning work on a recipe:
43       add                   Add a new recipe
44       modify                Modify the source for an existing recipe
45       upgrade               Upgrade an existing recipe
46     Getting information:
47       status                Show workspace status
48       latest-version        Report the latest version of an existing recipe
49       check-upgrade-status  Report upgradability for multiple (or all) recipes
50       search                Search available recipes
51     Working on a recipe in the workspace:
52       build                 Build a recipe
53       rename                Rename a recipe file in the workspace
54       edit-recipe           Edit a recipe file
55       find-recipe           Find a recipe file
56       configure-help        Get help on configure script options
57       update-recipe         Apply changes from external source tree to recipe
58       reset                 Remove a recipe from your workspace
59       finish                Finish working on a recipe in your workspace
60     Testing changes on target:
61       deploy-target         Deploy recipe output files to live target machine
62       undeploy-target       Undeploy recipe output files in live target machine
63       build-image           Build image including workspace recipe packages
64     Advanced:
65       create-workspace      Set up workspace in an alternative location
66       extract               Extract the source for an existing recipe
67       sync                  Synchronize the source tree for an existing recipe
68       menuconfig            Alter build-time configuration for a recipe
69       import                Import exported tar archive into workspace
70       export                Export workspace into a tar archive
71     other:
72       selftest-reverse      Reverse value (for selftest)
73       pluginfile            Print the filename of this plugin
74       bbdir                 Print the BBPATH directory of this plugin
75       count                 How many times have this plugin been registered.
76       multiloaded           How many times have this plugin been initialized
77   Use devtool <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command
79As directed in the general help output, you can
80get more syntax on a specific command by providing the command name and
81using ``--help``::
83   $ devtool add --help
84   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
85   usage: devtool add [-h] [--same-dir | --no-same-dir] [--fetch URI] [--npm-dev] [--version VERSION] [--no-git] [--srcrev SRCREV | --autorev] [--srcbranch SRCBRANCH] [--binary] [--also-native] [--src-subdir SUBDIR] [--mirrors]
86                      [--provides PROVIDES]
87                      [recipename] [srctree] [fetchuri]
89   Adds a new recipe to the workspace to build a specified source tree. Can optionally fetch a remote URI and unpack it to create the source tree.
91   arguments:
92     recipename            Name for new recipe to add (just name - no version, path or extension). If not specified, will attempt to auto-detect it.
93     srctree               Path to external source tree. If not specified, a subdirectory of /media/build1/poky/build/workspace/sources will be used.
94     fetchuri              Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the source tree
96   options:
97     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
98     --same-dir, -s        Build in same directory as source
99     --no-same-dir         Force build in a separate build directory
100     --fetch URI, -f URI   Fetch the specified URI and extract it to create the source tree (deprecated - pass as positional argument instead)
101     --npm-dev             For npm, also fetch devDependencies
102     --version VERSION, -V VERSION
103                           Version to use within recipe (PV)
104     --no-git, -g          If fetching source, do not set up source tree as a git repository
105     --srcrev SRCREV, -S SRCREV
106                           Source revision to fetch if fetching from an SCM such as git (default latest)
107     --autorev, -a         When fetching from a git repository, set SRCREV in the recipe to a floating revision instead of fixed
108     --srcbranch SRCBRANCH, -B SRCBRANCH
109                           Branch in source repository if fetching from an SCM such as git (default master)
110     --binary, -b          Treat the source tree as something that should be installed verbatim (no compilation, same directory structure). Useful with binary packages e.g. RPMs.
111     --also-native         Also add native variant (i.e. support building recipe for the build host as well as the target machine)
112     --src-subdir SUBDIR   Specify subdirectory within source tree to use
113     --mirrors             Enable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS for source tree fetching (disable by default).
114     --provides PROVIDES, -p PROVIDES
115                           Specify an alias for the item provided by the recipe. E.g. virtual/libgl
117.. _devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure:
119The Workspace Layer Structure
122``devtool`` uses a "Workspace" layer in which to accomplish builds. This
123layer is not specific to any single ``devtool`` command but is rather a
124common working area used across the tool.
126The following figure shows the workspace structure:
128.. image:: figures/build-workspace-directory.png
129   :align: center
130   :scale: 70%
132.. code-block:: none
134   attic - A directory created if devtool believes it must preserve
135           anything when you run "devtool reset".  For example, if you
136           run "devtool add", make changes to the recipe, and then
137           run "devtool reset", devtool takes notice that the file has
138           been changed and moves it into the attic should you still
139           want the recipe.
141   README - Provides information on what is in workspace layer and how to
142            manage it.
144   .devtool_md5 - A checksum file used by devtool.
146   appends - A directory that contains *.bbappend files, which point to
147             external source.
149   conf - A configuration directory that contains the layer.conf file.
151   recipes - A directory containing recipes.  This directory contains a
152             folder for each directory added whose name matches that of the
153             added recipe.  devtool places the recipe.bb file
154             within that sub-directory.
156   sources - A directory containing a working copy of the source files used
157             when building the recipe.  This is the default directory used
158             as the location of the source tree when you do not provide a
159             source tree path.  This directory contains a folder for each
160             set of source files matched to a corresponding recipe.
162.. _devtool-adding-a-new-recipe-to-the-workspace:
164Adding a New Recipe to the Workspace Layer
167Use the ``devtool add`` command to add a new recipe to the workspace
168layer. The recipe you add should not exist - ``devtool`` creates it for
169you. The source files the recipe uses should exist in an external area.
171The following example creates and adds a new recipe named ``jackson`` to
172a workspace layer the tool creates. The source code built by the recipes
173resides in ``/home/user/sources/jackson``::
175   $ devtool add jackson /home/user/sources/jackson
177If you add a recipe and the workspace layer does not exist, the command
178creates the layer and populates it as described in
179":ref:`devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure`" section.
181Running ``devtool add`` when the workspace layer exists causes the tool
182to add the recipe, append files, and source files into the existing
183workspace layer. The ``.bbappend`` file is created to point to the
184external source tree.
186.. note::
188   If your recipe has runtime dependencies defined, you must be sure
189   that these packages exist on the target hardware before attempting to
190   run your application. If dependent packages (e.g. libraries) do not
191   exist on the target, your application, when run, will fail to find
192   those functions. For more information, see the
193   ":ref:`ref-manual/devtool-reference:deploying your software on the target machine`"
194   section.
196By default, ``devtool add`` uses the latest revision (i.e. master) when
197unpacking files from a remote URI. In some cases, you might want to
198specify a source revision by branch, tag, or commit hash. You can
199specify these options when using the ``devtool add`` command:
201-  To specify a source branch, use the ``--srcbranch`` option::
203      $ devtool add --srcbranch &DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP; jackson /home/user/sources/jackson
205   In the previous example, you are checking out the &DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;
206   branch.
208-  To specify a specific tag or commit hash, use the ``--srcrev``
209   option::
211      $ devtool add --srcrev &DISTRO_REL_TAG; jackson /home/user/sources/jackson
212      $ devtool add --srcrev some_commit_hash /home/user/sources/jackson
214   The previous examples check out the
215   &DISTRO_REL_TAG; tag and the commit associated with the
216   some_commit_hash hash.
218.. note::
220   If you prefer to use the latest revision every time the recipe is
221   built, use the options ``--autorev`` or ``-a``.
223.. _devtool-extracting-the-source-for-an-existing-recipe:
225Extracting the Source for an Existing Recipe
228Use the ``devtool extract`` command to extract the source for an
229existing recipe. When you use this command, you must supply the root
230name of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions), and you must
231supply the directory to which you want the source extracted.
233Additional command options let you control the name of a development
234branch into which you can checkout the source and whether or not to keep
235a temporary directory, which is useful for debugging.
237.. _devtool-synchronizing-a-recipes-extracted-source-tree:
239Synchronizing a Recipe's Extracted Source Tree
242Use the ``devtool sync`` command to synchronize a previously extracted
243source tree for an existing recipe. When you use this command, you must
244supply the root name of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or
245extensions), and you must supply the directory to which you want the
246source extracted.
248Additional command options let you control the name of a development
249branch into which you can checkout the source and whether or not to keep
250a temporary directory, which is useful for debugging.
252.. _devtool-modifying-a-recipe:
254Modifying an Existing Recipe
257Use the ``devtool modify`` command to begin modifying the source of an
258existing recipe. This command is very similar to the
259:ref:`add <devtool-adding-a-new-recipe-to-the-workspace>` command
260except that it does not physically create the recipe in the workspace
261layer because the recipe already exists in an another layer.
263The ``devtool modify`` command extracts the source for a recipe, sets it
264up as a Git repository if the source had not already been fetched from
265Git, checks out a branch for development, and applies any patches from
266the recipe as commits on top. You can use the following command to
267checkout the source files::
269   $ devtool modify recipe
271Using the above command form, ``devtool`` uses the existing recipe's
272:term:`SRC_URI` statement to locate the upstream source,
273extracts the source into the default sources location in the workspace.
274The default development branch used is "devtool".
276.. _devtool-edit-an-existing-recipe:
278Edit an Existing Recipe
281Use the ``devtool edit-recipe`` command to run the default editor, which
282is identified using the ``EDITOR`` variable, on the specified recipe.
284When you use the ``devtool edit-recipe`` command, you must supply the
285root name of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions). Also,
286the recipe file itself must reside in the workspace as a result of the
287``devtool add`` or ``devtool upgrade`` commands.
289.. _devtool-updating-a-recipe:
291Updating a Recipe
294Use the ``devtool update-recipe`` command to update your recipe with
295patches that reflect changes you make to the source files. For example,
296if you know you are going to work on some code, you could first use the
297:ref:`devtool modify <devtool-modifying-a-recipe>` command to extract
298the code and set up the workspace. After which, you could modify,
299compile, and test the code.
301When you are satisfied with the results and you have committed your
302changes to the Git repository, you can then run the
303``devtool update-recipe`` to create the patches and update the recipe::
305   $ devtool update-recipe recipe
307If you run the ``devtool update-recipe``
308without committing your changes, the command ignores the changes.
310Often, you might want to apply customizations made to your software in
311your own layer rather than apply them to the original recipe. If so, you
312can use the ``-a`` or ``--append`` option with the
313``devtool update-recipe`` command. These options allow you to specify
314the layer into which to write an append file::
316   $ devtool update-recipe recipe -a base-layer-directory
318The ``*.bbappend`` file is created at the
319appropriate path within the specified layer directory, which may or may
320not be in your ``bblayers.conf`` file. If an append file already exists,
321the command updates it appropriately.
323.. _devtool-checking-on-the-upgrade-status-of-a-recipe:
325Checking on the Upgrade Status of a Recipe
328Upstream recipes change over time. Consequently, you might find that you
329need to determine if you can upgrade a recipe to a newer version.
331To check on the upgrade status of a recipe, you can use the
332``devtool latest-version recipe`` command, which quickly shows the current
333version and the latest version available upstream. To get a more global
334picture, use the ``devtool check-upgrade-status`` command, which takes a
335list of recipes as input, or no arguments, in which case it checks all
336available recipes. This command will only print the recipes for which
337a new upstream version is available. Each such recipe will have its current
338version and latest upstream version, as well as the email of the maintainer
339and any additional information such as the commit hash or reason for not
340being able to upgrade it, displayed in a table.
342This upgrade checking mechanism relies on the optional :term:`UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI`,
345variables in package recipes.
347.. note::
349   -  Most of the time, the above variables are unnecessary. They are only
350      required when upstream does something unusual, and default
351      mechanisms cannot find the new upstream versions.
353   -  For the ``oe-core`` layer, recipe maintainers come from the
354      :yocto_git:`maintainers.inc </poky/tree/meta/conf/distro/include/maintainers.inc>`
355      file.
357   -  If the recipe is using the :ref:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-fetching:git fetcher (\`\`git://\`\`)`
358      rather than a tarball, the commit hash points to the commit that matches
359      the recipe's latest version tag, or in the absence of suitable tags,
360      to the latest commit (when :term:`UPSTREAM_CHECK_COMMITS` set to ``1``
361      in the recipe).
363As with all ``devtool`` commands, you can get help on the individual
366   $ devtool check-upgrade-status -h
367   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
368   usage: devtool check-upgrade-status [-h] [--all] [recipe [recipe ...]]
370   Prints a table of recipes together with versions currently provided by recipes, and latest upstream versions, when there is a later version available
372   arguments:
373     recipe      Name of the recipe to report (omit to report upgrade info for all recipes)
375   options:
376     -h, --help  show this help message and exit
377     --all, -a   Show all recipes, not just recipes needing upgrade
379Unless you provide a specific recipe name on the command line, the
380command checks all recipes in all configured layers.
382Following is a partial example table that reports on all the recipes.
383Notice the reported reason for not upgrading the ``base-passwd`` recipe.
384In this example, while a new version is available upstream, you do not
385want to use it because the dependency on ``cdebconf`` is not easily
386satisfied. Maintainers can explicit the reason that is shown by adding
387the :term:`RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON` variable to the corresponding recipe.
388See :yocto_git:`base-passwd.bb </poky/tree/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd_3.5.29.bb>`
389for an example.
393   $ devtool check-upgrade-status
394   ...
395   INFO: bind                      9.16.20         9.16.21         Armin Kuster <akuster808@gmail.com>
396   INFO: inetutils                 2.1             2.2             Tom Rini <trini@konsulko.com>
397   INFO: iproute2                  5.13.0          5.14.0          Changhyeok Bae <changhyeok.bae@gmail.com>
398   INFO: openssl                   1.1.1l          3.0.0           Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
399   INFO: base-passwd               3.5.29          3.5.51          Anuj Mittal <anuj.mittal@intel.com>  cannot be updated due to: Version 3.5.38 requires cdebconf for update-passwd utility
400   ...
402Last but not least, you may set :term:`UPSTREAM_VERSION_UNKNOWN` to ``1``
403in a recipe when there's currently no way to determine its latest upstream
406.. _devtool-upgrading-a-recipe:
408Upgrading a Recipe
411As software matures, upstream recipes are upgraded to newer versions. As
412a developer, you need to keep your local recipes up-to-date with the
413upstream version releases. There are several ways of upgrading recipes.
414You can read about them in the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:upgrading recipes`"
415section of the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. This section
416overviews the ``devtool upgrade`` command.
418Before you upgrade a recipe, you can check on its upgrade status. See
419the ":ref:`devtool-checking-on-the-upgrade-status-of-a-recipe`" section
420for more information.
422The ``devtool upgrade`` command upgrades an existing recipe to a more
423recent version of the recipe upstream. The command puts the upgraded
424recipe file along with any associated files into a "workspace" and, if
425necessary, extracts the source tree to a specified location. During the
426upgrade, patches associated with the recipe are rebased or added as
429When you use the ``devtool upgrade`` command, you must supply the root
430name of the recipe (i.e. no version, paths, or extensions), and you must
431supply the directory to which you want the source extracted. Additional
432command options let you control things such as the version number to
433which you want to upgrade (i.e. the :term:`PV`), the source
434revision to which you want to upgrade (i.e. the
435:term:`SRCREV`), whether or not to apply patches, and so
438You can read more on the ``devtool upgrade`` workflow in the
439":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:use \`\`devtool upgrade\`\` to create a version of the recipe that supports a newer version of the software`"
440section in the Yocto Project Application Development and the Extensible
441Software Development Kit (eSDK) manual. You can also see an example of
442how to use ``devtool upgrade`` in the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using \`\`devtool upgrade\`\``"
443section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
445.. _devtool-resetting-a-recipe:
447Resetting a Recipe
450Use the ``devtool reset`` command to remove a recipe and its
451configuration (e.g. the corresponding ``.bbappend`` file) from the
452workspace layer. Realize that this command deletes the recipe and the
453append file. The command does not physically move them for you.
454Consequently, you must be sure to physically relocate your updated
455recipe and the append file outside of the workspace layer before running
456the ``devtool reset`` command.
458If the ``devtool reset`` command detects that the recipe or the append
459files have been modified, the command preserves the modified files in a
460separate "attic" subdirectory under the workspace layer.
462Here is an example that resets the workspace directory that contains the
463``mtr`` recipe::
465   $ devtool reset mtr
466   NOTE: Cleaning sysroot for recipe mtr...
467   NOTE: Leaving source tree /home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/sources/mtr as-is; if you no longer need it then please delete it manually
468   $
470.. _devtool-building-your-recipe:
472Building Your Recipe
475Use the ``devtool build`` command to build your recipe. The
476``devtool build`` command is equivalent to the
477``bitbake -c populate_sysroot`` command.
479When you use the ``devtool build`` command, you must supply the root
480name of the recipe (i.e. do not provide versions, paths, or extensions).
481You can use either the ``-s`` or the ``--disable-parallel-make`` options to
482disable parallel makes during the build. Here is an example::
484   $ devtool build recipe
486.. _devtool-building-your-image:
488Building Your Image
491Use the ``devtool build-image`` command to build an image, extending it
492to include packages from recipes in the workspace. Using this command is
493useful when you want an image that ready for immediate deployment onto a
494device for testing. For proper integration into a final image, you need
495to edit your custom image recipe appropriately.
497When you use the ``devtool build-image`` command, you must supply the
498name of the image. This command has no command line options::
500   $ devtool build-image image
502.. _devtool-deploying-your-software-on-the-target-machine:
504Deploying Your Software on the Target Machine
507Use the ``devtool deploy-target`` command to deploy the recipe's build
508output to the live target machine::
510   $ devtool deploy-target recipe target
512The target is the address of the target machine, which must be running
513an SSH server (i.e. ``user@hostname[:destdir]``).
515This command deploys all files installed during the
516:ref:`ref-tasks-install` task. Furthermore, you do not
517need to have package management enabled within the target machine. If
518you do, the package manager is bypassed.
520.. note::
522   The ``deploy-target`` functionality is for development only. You
523   should never use it to update an image that will be used in
524   production.
526Some conditions could prevent a deployed application from
527behaving as expected. When both of the following conditions are met, your
528application has the potential to not behave correctly when run on the
531-  You are deploying a new application to the target and the recipe you
532   used to build the application had correctly defined runtime
533   dependencies.
535-  The target does not physically have the packages on which the
536   application depends installed.
538If both of these conditions are met, your application will not behave as
539expected. The reason for this misbehavior is because the
540``devtool deploy-target`` command does not deploy the packages (e.g.
541libraries) on which your new application depends. The assumption is that
542the packages are already on the target. Consequently, when a runtime
543call is made in the application for a dependent function (e.g. a library
544call), the function cannot be found.
546To be sure you have all the dependencies local to the target, you need
547to be sure that the packages are pre-deployed (installed) on the target
548before attempting to run your application.
550.. _devtool-removing-your-software-from-the-target-machine:
552Removing Your Software from the Target Machine
555Use the ``devtool undeploy-target`` command to remove deployed build
556output from the target machine. For the ``devtool undeploy-target``
557command to work, you must have previously used the
558":ref:`devtool deploy-target <ref-manual/devtool-reference:deploying your software on the target machine>`"
562   $ devtool undeploy-target recipe target
564The target is the
565address of the target machine, which must be running an SSH server (i.e.
568.. _devtool-creating-the-workspace:
570Creating the Workspace Layer in an Alternative Location
573Use the ``devtool create-workspace`` command to create a new workspace
574layer in your :term:`Build Directory`. When you create a
575new workspace layer, it is populated with the ``README`` file and the
576``conf`` directory only.
578The following example creates a new workspace layer in your current
579working and by default names the workspace layer "workspace"::
581   $ devtool create-workspace
583You can create a workspace layer anywhere by supplying a pathname with
584the command. The following command creates a new workspace layer named
587   $ devtool create-workspace /home/scottrif/new-workspace
589.. _devtool-get-the-status-of-the-recipes-in-your-workspace:
591Get the Status of the Recipes in Your Workspace
594Use the ``devtool status`` command to list the recipes currently in your
595workspace. Information includes the paths to their respective external
596source trees.
598The ``devtool status`` command has no command-line options::
600   $ devtool status
602Following is sample output after using
603:ref:`devtool add <ref-manual/devtool-reference:adding a new recipe to the workspace layer>`
604to create and add the ``mtr_0.86.bb`` recipe to the ``workspace`` directory::
606   $ devtool status
607   mtr:/home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/sources/mtr (/home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace/recipes/mtr/mtr_0.86.bb)
608   $
610.. _devtool-search-for-available-target-recipes:
612Search for Available Target Recipes
615Use the ``devtool search`` command to search for available target
616recipes. The command matches the recipe name, package name, description,
617and installed files. The command displays the recipe name as a result of
618a match.
620When you use the ``devtool search`` command, you must supply a keyword.
621The command uses the keyword when searching for a match.