1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
3Release notes for 5.0 (scarthgap)
6New Features / Enhancements in 5.0
9-  Linux kernel 6.6, gcc 13.2, glibc 2.39, LLVM 18.1, and over 300 other recipe upgrades
11-  New variables:
13   -  :term:`CVE_DB_INCR_UPDATE_AGE_THRES`: Configure the maximum age of the
14      internal CVE database for incremental update (instead of a full
15      redownload).
17   -  :term:`RPMBUILD_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra user-defined fields without
18      crashing the RPM package creation.
20   -  :term:`OPKG_MAKE_INDEX_EXTRA_PARAMS`: support extra parameters for
21      ``opkg-make-index``.
23   -  :term:`EFI_UKI_PATH`, :term:`EFI_UKI_DIR`: define the location of UKI
24      image in the EFI System partition.
26   -  :term:`TARGET_DBGSRC_DIR`: specifies the target path to debug source files
28-  Architecture-specific enhancements:
30   -  ``genericarm64``: a new :term:`MACHINE` to represent a 64-bit General Arm
31      SystemReady platform.
33   -  Add Power8 tune to PowerPC architecture.
35   -  ``arch-armv9``: remove CRC and SVE tunes, since FEAT_CRC32 is now mandatory
36      and SVE/SVE2 are enabled by default in GCC's ``-march=armv9-a``.
38   -  ``arm/armv*``: add all of the additional Arm tunes in GCC 13.2.0
40-  Kernel-related enhancements:
42   -  The default kernel is the current LTS (6.6).
44   -  Add support for ``genericarm64``.
46-  New core recipes:
48   -  `bmaptool <https://github.com/yoctoproject/bmaptool>`__: a tool for
49      creating block maps for files and flashing images, being now under the
50      Yocto Project umbrella.
52   -  ``core-image-initramfs-boot``: a minimal initramfs image, containing just
53      ``udev`` and ``init``, designed to find the main root filesystem and
54      pivot to it.
56   -  `lzlib <https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzlib.html>`__: a data compression
57      library that provides LZMA compression and decompression functions.
59   -  `lzop <https://www.lzop.org/>`__: a compression utility based on the LZO
60      library, that was brought back after a (now reverted) removal.
62   -  `python3-jsonschema-specifications <https://pypi.org/project/jsonschema-specifications/>`__:
63      support files for JSON Schema Specifications (meta-schemas and
64      vocabularies), added as a new dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``.
66   -  `python3-maturin <https://github.com/pyo3/maturin>`__: a project that
67      allows building and publishing Rust crates as Python packages.
69   -  `python3-meson-python <https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson-python>`__: a
70      Python build backend that enables the Meson build-system for Python packages.
72   -  `python3-pyproject-metadata <https://pypi.org/project/pyproject-metadata/>`__:
73      a class to handle PEP 621 metadata, and a dependency for
74      ``python3-meson-python``.
76   -  `python3-referencing <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/referencing>`__:
77      another dependency of ``python3-jsonschema``, it provides an
78      implementation of JSON reference resolution.
80   -  `python3-rpds-py <https://pypi.org/project/rpds-py/>`__: Python bindings
81      to the Rust rpds crate, and a runtime dependency for ``python3-referencing``.
83   -  `python3-sphinxcontrib-jquery <https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-jquery/>`__:
84      a Sphinx extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases. Recent
85      versions of ``python3-sphinx-rtd-theme`` depend on it.
87   -  `python3-yamllint <https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint>`__: a linter
88      for YAML files. In U-Boot, the ``binman`` tool uses this linter to verify the
89      configurations at compile time.
91   -  ``systemd-boot-native``: a UEFI boot manager, this time built as native to
92      provide the ``ukify`` tool.
94   -  `utfcpp <https://github.com/nemtrif/utfcpp>`__: a C++ library to handle
95      UTF-8 encoded strings. It was added as a dependency for ``taglib`` after
96      its upgrade to v2.0.
98   -  `vulkan-utility-libraries <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Utility-Libraries>`__:
99      a set of libraries to share code across various Vulkan repositories.
101   -  `vulkan-volk <https://github.com/zeux/volk>`__: a meta-loader for Vulkan,
102      needed to support building the latest ``vulkan-tools``.
104-  QEMU / ``runqemu`` enhancements:
106   -  QEMU has been upgraded to version 8.2.1
108   -  ``qemuboot``: support predictable network interface names.
110   -  ``runqemu``: match ".rootfs." in addition to "-image-" for the root
111      filesystem.
113   -  :ref:`ref-classes-cmake-qemu`: a new class allowing to execute cross-compiled
114      binaries using QEMU user-mode emulation.
116-  Rust improvements:
118   -  Rust has been upgraded to version 1.75
120   -  The Rust profiler (i.e., PGO - Profile-Guided Optimization) options were
121      enabled back.
123   -  The Rust ``oe-selftest`` were enabled, except for ``mips32`` whose tests
124      are skipped.
126   -  ``rust-cross-canadian``: added ``riscv64`` to cross-canadian hosts.
128-  wic Image Creator enhancements:
130   -  Allow the imager's output file extension to match the imager's name,
131      instead of hardcoding it to ``direct`` (i.e., the default imager)
133   -  For GPT-based disks, add reproducible Disk GUID generation
135   -  Allow generating reproducible ext4 images
137   -  Add feature to fill a specific range of a partition with zeros
139   -  ``bootimg-efi``: add ``install-kernel-into-boot-dir`` parameter to
140      configure kernel installation point(s) (i.e., rootfs and/or boot partition)
142   -  ``rawcopy``: add support for zstd decompression
144-  SDK-related improvements:
146   -  ``nativesdk``: let :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` be set by ``machine-sdk``
147      configuration files.
149   -  ``nativesdk``: prevent :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` and :term:`DISTRO_FEATURES`
150      from being backfilled.
152   -  Support for ``riscv64`` as an SDK host architecture
154   -  Extend recipes to ``nativesdk``: ``acpica``, ``libpcap``, ``python3-setuptools-rust``
156-  Testing:
158   -  Add an optional ``unimplemented-ptest`` QA warning to detect upstream
159      packages with tests, that do not use ptest.
161   -  ``testimage``: retrieve the ptests directory, especially for the logs,
162      upon ptest failure.
164   -  ``oeqa``, ``oe-selftest``: add test cases for Maturin (SDK and runtime).
166   -  Enable ptests for ``python3-attrs``, ``python3-pyyaml``, ``xz``
168-  Utility script changes:
170   -  ``oe-init-build-env`` can generate a initial configuration (``.vscode``)
171      for VSCode and its "Yocto Project BitBake" extension.
173   -  The ``sstate-cache-management`` script has been rewritten in python for better performance and maintainability
175   -  ``bitbake-layers``: added an option to update the reference of repositories in layer setup
177-  BitBake improvements:
179   -  New ``inherit_defer`` statement which works as
180      :ref:`inherit <bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-metadata:\`\`inherit\`\` directive>`
181      does, except that it is only evaluated at the end of parsing
182      --- recommended where a conditional expression is used, e.g.::
184         inherit_defer ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'python', 'python3targetconfig', '', d)}
186      This allows conditional expressions to be evaluated 'late' meaning changes
187      to the variable after the line is parsed will take effect - with inherit this
188      is not the case.
190   -  Add support for :term:`BB_LOADFACTOR_MAX`, so Bitbake can stop running
191      extra tasks if the system load is too high, especially in distributions
192      where ``/proc/pressure`` is disabled.
194   -  Add garbage collection to remove unused unihashes from the database.
196   -  ``taskexp_ncurses``: add ncurses version of ``taskexp``, the dependency
197      explorer originally implemented with GTK.
199   -  Improve ``runqueue`` performance by adding a cache mechanism in
200      ``build_taskdepdata``.
202   -  ``bitbake.conf``: add ``runtimedir`` to represent the path to the runtime
203      state directory (i.e., ``/run``).
205   -  Allow to disable colored text output through the
206      `NO_OUTPUT <https://no-color.org/>`__ environment variable.
208   -  ``git-make-shallow`` script: add support for Git's ``safe.bareRepository=explicit``
209      configuration setting.
211-  devtool improvements:
213   -  Introduce a new ``ide-sdk`` plugin to generate a configuration to use
214      the eSDK through an IDE.
216   -  Add ``--no-pypi`` option for Python projects that are not hosted on PyPI.
218   -  Add support for Git submodules.
220   -  ``ide``: ``vscode``: generate files from recipe sysroots and debug the
221      root filesystem in read-only mode to avoid confusion.
223   -  ``modify``: add support for multiple sources in :term:`SRC_URI`.
225   -  Support plugins within plugins.
227-  recipetool improvements:
229   - ``appendsrcfile(s)``: add a mode to update the recipe itself.
231   - ``appendsrcfile(s)``: add ``--dry-run`` mode.
233   - ``create``: add handler to create Go recipes.
235   - ``create``: improve identification of licenses.
237   - ``create``: add support for modern Python PEP-517 build systems including
238     hatchling, maturin, meson-python.
240   - ``create``: add PyPi support.
242   - ``create``: prefix created Python recipes with ``python3-``.
244-  Packaging changes:
246   -  ``package_rpm``: the RPM package compressor's mode can now be overriden.
248   -  ipk packaging (using ``opkg``) now uses ``zstd`` compression instead of
249      ``xz`` for better compression and performance.
251-  Security improvements:
253   -  Improve incremental CVE database download from NVD. Rejected CVEs are
254      removed, configuration is kept up-to-date. The age threshold for
255      incremental update can be configured with :term:`CVE_DB_INCR_UPDATE_AGE_THRES`
256      variable.
258-  Prominent documentation updates:
260   -  Documentation for using the new ``devtool ide-sdk`` command and features.
261      See :ref:`using_devtool` for details.
263   -  New ":doc:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-ref-variables-context`"
264      section in the BitBake User Manual.
266   -  New ``make stylecheck`` command to run `Vale <https://vale.sh>`__,
267      to perform text style checks and comply with text writing standards in
268      the industry.
270   -  New ``make sphinx-lint`` command to run `sphinx-lint
271      <https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/sphinx-lint>`__. After customization,
272      this will allow us to enforce Sphinx syntax style choices.
274-  Miscellaneous changes:
276   -  Systemd's following :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` options were added:
277      ``cryptsetup-plugins``, ``no-ntp-fallback``, and ``p11kit``.
279   -  New PACKAGECONFIG options added to ``libarchive``, ``libinput``,
280      ``libunwind``, ``mesa``, ``mesa-gl``, ``openssh``, ``perf``,
281      ``python3-pyyaml``, ``qemu``, ``rpm``, ``shadow``, ``strace``,
282      ``syslinux``, ``systemd``, ``vte``, ``webkitgtk``, ``xserver-xorg``.
284   -  ``systemd-boot`` can, from now on, be compiled as ``native``, thus
285      providing ``ukify`` tool to build UKI images.
287   -  systemd: split bash completion for ``udevadm`` in a new
288      ``udev-bash-completion`` package.
290   -  The :ref:`ref-classes-go-vendor` class was added to support offline builds
291      (i.e., vendoring). It can also handle modules from the same repository,
292      taking into account their versions.
294   -  Disable strace support of bluetooth by default.
296   -  ``openssh`` now has a systemd service: ``sshd.service``.
298   -  The :ref:`ref-classes-python_mesonpy` class was added (moved in from
299      ``meta-python``) to support Python package builds using the meson-python
300      PEP-517 build backend.
302   -  Support for unpacking ``.7z`` archives in :term:`SRC_URI` using ``p7zip``.
304   -  Add minimal VS Code configuration to avoid VS Code's indexer from choking
305      on build directories.
308Known Issues in 5.0
311-  ``gpgme`` has had Python binding support disabled since upstream does not yet support Python 3.12.
314Recipe License changes in 5.0
317The following corrections have been made to the :term:`LICENSE` values set by recipes:
319-  ``elfutils``: split license for libraries & backend and utilities.
320-  ``ghostscript``: correct :term:`LICENSE` to ``AGPL-3.0-or-later``.
321-  ``libsystemd``: set its own :term:`LICENSE` value (``LGPL-2.1-or-later``) to add more granularity.
322-  ``libtest-warnings-perl``: update :term:`LICENSE` ``Artistic-1.0`` to ``Artistic-1.0-Perl``.
323-  ``linux-firmware``: set package :term:`LICENSE` appropriately for ``carl9170``, ``rockchip`` and ``powerpr``.
324-  ``newlib``: add license ``Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exception``.
325-  ``python3-poetry-core``: add license ``BSD-3-Clause`` for ``fastjsonschema``.
326-  ``systemd``: make the scope of ``LGPL`` more accurate (``LGPL-2.1`` -> ``LGPL-2.1-or-later``).
327-  ``util-linux``: add ``GPL-1.0-or-later`` license for fdisk and ``MIT`` license for ``flock``.
328-  ``zstd``: set to dual-licensed ``BSD-3-Clause`` or ``GPL-2.0-only``.
330Security Fixes in 5.0
333-  avahi: :cve:`2023-1981`, :cve:`2023-38469`, :cve:`2023-38470`, :cve:`2023-38471`, :cve:`2023-38469`, :cve:`2023-38470`, :cve:`2023-38471`, :cve:`2023-38472`, :cve:`2023-38473`
334-  bind: :cve:`2023-4408`, :cve:`2023-5517`, :cve:`2023-5679`, :cve:`2023-50387`
335-  bluez5: :cve:`2023-45866`
336-  coreutils: :cve:`2024-0684`
337-  cups: :cve:`2023-4504`
338-  curl: :cve:`2023-46218`
339-  expat: :cve:`2024-28757`
340-  gcc: :cve:`2023-4039`
341-  glibc: :cve:`2023-5156`, :cve:`2023-0687`
342-  gnutls: :cve:`2024-0553`, :cve:`2024-0567`, :cve:`2024-28834`, :cve:`2024-28835`
343-  go: :cve:`2023-45288`
344-  grub: :cve:`2023-4692`, :cve:`2023-4693`
345-  grub2: :cve:`2023-4001` (ignored), :cve:`2024-1048` (ignored)
346-  libgit2: :cve:`2024-24575`, :cve:`2024-24577`
347-  libsndfile1: :cve:`2022-33065`
348-  libssh2: :cve:`2023-48795`
349-  libuv: :cve:`2024-24806`
350-  libxml2: :cve:`2023-45322` (ignored)
351-  linux-yocto/6.6: :cve:`2020-16119`
352-  openssh: :cve:`2023-48795`, :cve:`2023-51384`, :cve:`2023-51385`
353-  openssl: :cve:`2023-5363`, :cve:`2023-5678`, :cve:`2023-6129`, :cve_mitre:`2023-6237`, :cve:`2024-0727`
354-  perl: :cve:`2023-47100`
355-  pixman: :cve:`2023-37769` (ignored)
356-  python3-cryptography{-vectors}: :cve:`2023-49083`, :cve:`2024-26130`
357-  python3-urllib3: :cve:`2023-45803`
358-  shadow: :cve:`2023-4641`
359-  sudo: :cve:`2023-42456`
360-  tiff: :cve:`2023-6228`, :cve:`2023-6277`, :cve:`2023-52355`, :cve:`2023-52356`
361-  vim: :cve:`2023-46246`, :cve:`2023-48231`, :cve:`2023-48232`, :cve:`2023-48233`, :cve:`2023-48234`, :cve:`2023-48235`, :cve:`2023-48236`, :cve:`2023-48237`, :cve:`2024-22667`
362-  wpa-supplicant: :cve:`2023-52160`
363-  xserver-xorg: :cve:`2023-5574`, :cve:`2023-6816`, :cve:`2024-0229`, :cve:`2024-0408`, :cve:`2024-0409`, :cve:`2024-21885`, :cve:`2024-21886`
364-  xwayland: :cve:`2023-5367`, :cve:`2024-0408`, :cve:`2024-0409`, :cve:`2023-6816`, :cve:`2024-0229`, :cve:`2024-21885`, :cve:`2024-21886`
365-  zlib: :cve:`2023-45853` (ignored), :cve:`2023-6992` (ignored)
368Recipe Upgrades in 5.0
371-  acl 2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
372-  acpica 20230628 -> 20240322
373-  alsa-lib 1.2.10 -> 1.2.11
374-  alsa-tools 1.2.5 -> 1.2.11
375-  alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.10 -> 1.2.11
376-  alsa-utils 1.2.10 -> 1.2.11
377-  appstream 0.16.3 -> 1.0.2
378-  autoconf 2.72c -> 2.72e
379-  bash 5.2.15 -> 5.2.21
380-  bash-completion 2.11 -> 2.12.0
381-  binutils 2.41 -> 2.42
382-  bluez5 5.69 -> 5.72
383-  boost 1.83.0 -> 1.84.0
384-  boost-build-native 1.83.0 -> 1.84.0
385-  btrfs-tools 6.5.1 -> 6.7.1
386-  cairo 1.16.0 -> 1.18.0
387-  cargo 1.70.0 -> 1.75.0
388-  cargo-c-native 0.9.18 -> 0.9.30+cargo-0.77.0
389-  ccache 4.8.3 -> 4.9.1
390-  cmake 3.27.7 -> 3.28.3
391-  cmake-native 3.27.7 -> 3.28.3
392-  createrepo-c 1.0.0 -> 1.0.4
393-  cronie 1.6.1 -> 1.7.1
394-  cross-localedef-native 2.38+git -> 2.39+git
395-  cups 2.4.6 -> 2.4.7
396-  curl 8.4.0 -> 8.7.1
397-  dbus-wait 0.1+git (6cc6077a36fe…) -> 0.1+git (64bc7c8fae61…)
398-  debianutils 5.13 -> 5.16
399-  desktop-file-utils 0.26 -> 0.27
400-  dhcpcd 10.0.2 -> 10.0.6
401-  diffoscope 249 -> 259
402-  diffstat 1.65 -> 1.66
403-  dnf 4.17.0 -> 4.19.0
404-  dos2unix 7.5.1 -> 7.5.2
405-  ed 1.19 -> 1.20.1
406-  efivar 38+39+git -> 39+39+git
407-  elfutils 0.189 -> 0.191
408-  ell 0.60 -> 0.63
409-  enchant2 2.6.2 -> 2.6.7
410-  epiphany 44.6 -> 46.0
411-  erofs-utils 1.6 -> 1.7.1
412-  ethtool 6.5 -> 6.7
413-  eudev 3.2.12 -> 3.2.14
414-  expat 2.5.0 -> 2.6.2
415-  ffmpeg 6.0 -> 6.1.1
416-  fontconfig 2.14.2 -> 2.15.0
417-  gawk 5.2.2 -> 5.3.0
418-  gcr 4.1.0 -> 4.2.0
419-  gdb 13.2 -> 14.2
420-  gettext 0.22 -> 0.22.5
421-  gettext-minimal-native 0.22 -> 0.22.5
422-  gi-docgen 2023.1 -> 2023.3
423-  git 2.42.0 -> 2.44.0
424-  glib-2.0 2.78.3 -> 2.78.4
425-  glib-networking 2.76.1 -> 2.78.1
426-  glibc 2.38+git -> 2.39+git
427-  glibc-locale 2.38 -> 2.39+git
428-  glibc-mtrace 2.38 -> 2.39+git
429-  glibc-scripts 2.38 -> 2.39+git
430-  glibc-testsuite 2.38+git -> 2.39+git
431-  glibc-y2038-tests 2.38+git -> 2.39+git
432-  glslang ->
433-  gnu-config 20230216+git -> 20240101+git
434-  gnupg 2.4.3 -> 2.4.4
435-  gnutls 3.8.3 -> 3.8.4
436-  go 1.20.12 -> 1.22.2
437-  go-binary-native 1.20.12 -> 1.22.2
438-  go-native 1.20.12 -> 1.22.2
439-  go-runtime 1.20.12 -> 1.22.2
440-  gpgme 1.22.0 -> 1.23.2
441-  grub 2.06 -> 2.12
442-  grub-efi 2.06 -> 2.12
443-  gsettings-desktop-schemas 44.0 -> 46.0
444-  gst-devtools 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
445-  gstreamer1.0 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
446-  gstreamer1.0-libav 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
447-  gstreamer1.0-omx 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
448-  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
449-  gstreamer1.0-plugins-base 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
450-  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
451-  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
452-  gstreamer1.0-python 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
453-  gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
454-  gstreamer1.0-vaapi 1.22.9 -> 1.22.11
455-  gtk+3 3.24.38 -> 3.24.41
456-  gtk4 4.12.3 -> 4.14.1
457-  harfbuzz 8.2.2 -> 8.3.0
458-  hwlatdetect 2.5 -> 2.6
459-  icu 73-2 -> 74-1
460-  inetutils 2.4 -> 2.5
461-  init-system-helpers 1.65.2 -> 1.66
462-  iproute2 6.5.0 -> 6.7.0
463-  iptables 1.8.9 -> 1.8.10
464-  iputils 20221126 -> 20240117
465-  iso-codes 4.15.0 -> 4.16.0
466-  iw 5.19 -> 6.7
467-  json-glib 1.6.6 -> 1.8.0
468-  kbd 2.6.3 -> 2.6.4
469-  kexec-tools 2.0.27 -> 2.0.28
470-  kmod 30 -> 31
471-  kmscube git -> 0.0.1+git
472-  libadwaita 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0
473-  libbsd 0.11.7 -> 0.12.1
474-  libcap-ng 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
475-  libcap-ng-python 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
476-  libcomps 0.1.19 -> 0.1.20
477-  libdnf 0.71.0 -> 0.73.0
478-  libdrm 2.4.116 -> 2.4.120
479-  libffi 3.4.4 -> 3.4.6
480-  libgit2 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2
481-  libgloss 4.3.0+git -> 4.4.0+git
482-  libgpg-error 1.47 -> 1.48
483-  libhandy 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3
484-  libical 3.0.16 -> 3.0.17
485-  libidn2 2.3.4 -> 2.3.7
486-  libinput 1.24.0 -> 1.25.0
487-  libksba 1.6.4 -> 1.6.6
488-  libmicrohttpd 0.9.77 -> 1.0.1
489-  libnl 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
490-  libnotify 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
491-  libpciaccess 0.17 -> 0.18
492-  libpcre2 10.42 -> 10.43
493-  libpng 1.6.40 -> 1.6.42
494-  libproxy 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4
495-  libpsl 0.21.2 -> 0.21.5
496-  librepo 1.16.0 -> 1.17.0
497-  librsvg 2.56.3 -> 2.57.1
498-  libsdl2 2.28.4 -> 2.30.0
499-  libseccomp 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5
500-  libsecret 0.21.1 -> 0.21.4
501-  libsolv 0.7.26 -> 0.7.28
502-  libsoup 3.4.2 -> 3.4.4
503-  libstd-rs 1.70.0 -> 1.75.0
504-  libtest-warnings-perl 0.031 -> 0.033
505-  libtirpc 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4
506-  libubootenv 0.3.4 -> 0.3.5
507-  libunistring 1.1 -> 1.2
508-  liburi-perl 5.21 -> 5.27
509-  libusb1 1.0.26 -> 1.0.27
510-  libuv 1.46.0 -> 1.48.0
511-  libva 2.19.0 -> 2.20.0
512-  libva-initial 2.19.0 -> 2.20.0
513-  libwpe 1.14.1 -> 1.14.2
514-  libxext 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6
515-  libxkbcommon 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
516-  libxkbfile 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
517-  libxml-parser-perl 2.46 -> 2.47
518-  libxml2 2.11.7 -> 2.12.5
519-  libxmlb 0.3.14 -> 0.3.15
520-  libxrandr 1.5.3 -> 1.5.4
521-  libxvmc 1.0.13 -> 1.0.14
522-  lighttpd 1.4.71 -> 1.4.74
523-  linux-firmware 20240220 -> 20240312
524-  linux-libc-headers 6.5 -> 6.6
525-  linux-yocto 6.1.78+git, 6.5.13+git -> 6.6.23+git
526-  linux-yocto-dev 6.6+git -> 6.9+git
527-  linux-yocto-rt 6.1.78+git, 6.5.13+git -> 6.6.23+git
528-  linux-yocto-tiny 6.1.78+git, 6.5.13+git -> 6.6.23+git
529-  llvm 17.0.3 -> 18.1.2
530-  lsof 4.98.0 -> 4.99.3
531-  ltp 20230516 -> 20240129
532-  lttng-modules 2.13.10 -> 2.13.12
533-  lttng-ust 2.13.6 -> 2.13.7
534-  lzip 1.23 -> 1.24
535-  makedepend 1.0.8 -> 1.0.9
536-  man-db 2.11.2 -> 2.12.0
537-  man-pages 6.05.01 -> 6.06
538-  mc 4.8.30 -> 4.8.31
539-  mesa 23.2.1 -> 24.0.2
540-  mesa-gl 23.2.1 -> 24.0.2
541-  meson 1.2.2 -> 1.3.1
542-  minicom 2.8 -> 2.9
543-  mmc-utils 0.1+git (613495ecaca9…) -> 0.1+git (b5ca140312d2…)
544-  mpg123 1.31.3 -> 1.32.5
545-  newlib 4.3.0+git -> 4.4.0+git
546-  nghttp2 1.57.0 -> 1.61.0
547-  numactl 2.0.16 -> 2.0.18
548-  ofono 2.1 -> 2.4
549-  opensbi 1.2 -> 1.4
550-  openssh 9.5p1 -> 9.6p1
551-  openssl 3.1.5 -> 3.2.1
552-  opkg 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
553-  opkg-utils 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
554-  orc 0.4.34 -> 0.4.38
555-  ovmf edk2-stable202308 -> edk2-stable202402
556-  p11-kit 0.25.0 -> 0.25.3
557-  pango 1.51.0 -> 1.52.0
558-  pciutils 3.10.0 -> 3.11.1
559-  piglit 1.0+gitr (71c21b1157c4…) -> 1.0+gitr (22eaf6a91cfd…)
560-  pkgconf 2.0.3 -> 2.1.1
561-  psplash 0.1+git (44afb7506d43…) -> 0.1+git (ecc191375669…)
562-  ptest-runner 2.4.2+git -> 2.4.3+git
563-  pulseaudio 16.1 -> 17.0
564-  puzzles 0.0+git (2d9e414ee316…) -> 0.0+git (80aac3104096…)
565-  python3 3.11.5 -> 3.12.2
566-  python3-alabaster 0.7.13 -> 0.7.16
567-  python3-attrs 23.1.0 -> 23.2.0
568-  python3-babel 2.12.1 -> 2.14.0
569-  python3-bcrypt 4.0.1 -> 4.1.2
570-  python3-beartype 0.15.0 -> 0.17.2
571-  python3-build 1.0.3 -> 1.1.1
572-  python3-certifi 2023.7.22 -> 2024.2.2
573-  python3-cffi 1.15.1 -> 1.16.0
574-  python3-cryptography 41.0.4 -> 42.0.5
575-  python3-cryptography-vectors 41.0.4 -> 42.0.5
576-  python3-cython 0.29.36 -> 3.0.8
577-  python3-dbusmock 0.29.1 -> 0.31.1
578-  python3-dtschema 2023.7 -> 2024.2
579-  python3-git 3.1.36 -> 3.1.42
580-  python3-gitdb 4.0.10 -> 4.0.11
581-  python3-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 23.1.0 -> 24.1.0
582-  python3-hatch-vcs 0.3.0 -> 0.4.0
583-  python3-hatchling 1.18.0 -> 1.21.1
584-  python3-hypothesis 6.86.2 -> 6.98.15
585-  python3-idna 3.4 -> 3.6
586-  python3-importlib-metadata 6.8.0 -> 7.0.1
587-  python3-iso8601 2.0.0 -> 2.1.0
588-  python3-jsonschema 4.17.3 -> 4.21.1
589-  python3-license-expression 30.1.1 -> 30.2.0
590-  python3-lxml 4.9.3 -> 5.0.0
591-  python3-mako 1.2.4 -> 1.3.2
592-  python3-markdown 3.4.4 -> 3.5.2
593-  python3-markupsafe 2.1.3 -> 2.1.5
594-  python3-more-itertools 10.1.0 -> 10.2.0
595-  python3-numpy 1.26.0 -> 1.26.4
596-  python3-packaging 23.1 -> 23.2
597-  python3-pathspec 0.11.2 -> 0.12.1
598-  python3-pbr 5.11.1 -> 6.0.0
599-  python3-pip 23.2.1 -> 24.0
600-  python3-pluggy 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
601-  python3-poetry-core 1.7.0 -> 1.9.0
602-  python3-psutil 5.9.5 -> 5.9.8
603-  python3-pyasn1 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1
604-  python3-pycairo 1.24.0 -> 1.26.0
605-  python3-pycryptodome 3.19.0 -> 3.20.0
606-  python3-pycryptodomex 3.19.0 -> 3.20.0
607-  python3-pygments 2.16.1 -> 2.17.2
608-  python3-pyopenssl 23.2.0 -> 24.0.0
609-  python3-pyrsistent 0.19.3 -> 0.20.0
610-  python3-pytest 7.4.2 -> 8.0.2
611-  python3-pytest-runner 6.0.0 -> 6.0.1
612-  python3-pytz 2023.3 -> 2024.1
613-  python3-ruamel-yaml 0.17.32 -> 0.18.6
614-  python3-scons 4.5.2 -> 4.6.0
615-  python3-setuptools 68.2.2 -> 69.1.1
616-  python3-setuptools-rust 1.7.0 -> 1.9.0
617-  python3-setuptools-scm 7.1.0 -> 8.0.4
618-  python3-spdx-tools 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2
619-  python3-sphinx-rtd-theme 1.3.0 -> 2.0.0
620-  python3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.4 -> 1.0.8
621-  python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2 -> 1.0.6
622-  python3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.1 -> 2.0.5
623-  python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3 -> 1.0.7
624-  python3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5 -> 1.1.10
625-  python3-subunit 1.4.2 -> 1.4.4
626-  python3-testtools 2.6.0 -> 2.7.1
627-  python3-trove-classifiers 2023.9.19 -> 2024.2.23
628-  python3-typing-extensions 4.8.0 -> 4.10.0
629-  python3-unittest-automake-output 0.1 -> 0.2
630-  python3-urllib3 2.0.7 -> 2.2.1
631-  python3-wcwidth 0.2.6 -> 0.2.13
632-  python3-wheel 0.41.2 -> 0.42.0
633-  qemu 8.1.4 -> 8.2.1
634-  qemu-native 8.1.4 -> 8.2.1
635-  qemu-system-native 8.1.4 -> 8.2.1
636-  repo 2.36.1 -> 2.42
637-  resolvconf 1.91 -> 1.92
638-  rpm 4.18.1 -> 4.19.1
639-  rt-tests 2.5 -> 2.6
640-  rust 1.70.0 -> 1.75.0
641-  rust-cross-canadian 1.70.0 -> 1.75.0
642-  rust-llvm 1.70.0 -> 1.75.0
643-  shaderc 2023.6 -> 2023.8
644-  shadow 4.13 -> 4.14.2
645-  shared-mime-info 2.2 -> 2.4
646-  socat ->
647-  spirv-headers ->
648-  spirv-tools ->
649-  sqlite3 3.43.2 -> 3.45.1
650-  strace 6.5 -> 6.7
651-  stress-ng 0.16.05 -> 0.17.05
652-  subversion 1.14.2 -> 1.14.3
653-  swig 4.1.1 -> 4.2.1
654-  sysstat 12.7.4 -> 12.7.5
655-  systemd 254.4 -> 255.4
656-  systemd-boot 254.4 -> 255.4
657-  systemd-bootchart 234 -> 235
658-  systemtap 4.9 -> 5.0
659-  systemtap-native 4.9 -> 5.0
660-  taglib 1.13.1 -> 2.0
661-  ttyrun 2.29.0 -> 2.31.0
662-  u-boot 2023.10 -> 2024.01
663-  u-boot-tools 2023.10 -> 2024.01
664-  update-rc.d 0.8 (8636cf478d42…) -> 0.8 (b8f950105010…)
665-  usbutils 015 -> 017
666-  util-linux 2.39.2 -> 2.39.3
667-  util-linux-libuuid 2.39.2 -> 2.39.3
668-  vala 0.56.13 -> 0.56.15
669-  valgrind 3.21.0 -> 3.22.0
670-  vim 9.0.2190 -> 9.1.0114
671-  vim-tiny 9.0.2190 -> 9.1.0114
672-  virglrenderer 0.10.4 -> 1.0.1
673-  vte 0.72.2 -> 0.74.2
674-  vulkan-headers ->
675-  vulkan-loader ->
676-  vulkan-tools ->
677-  vulkan-validation-layers ->
678-  wayland-protocols 1.32 -> 1.33
679-  webkitgtk 2.40.5 -> 2.44.0
680-  weston 12.0.2 -> 13.0.0
681-  xkbcomp 1.4.6 -> 1.4.7
682-  xkeyboard-config 2.39 -> 2.41
683-  xprop 1.2.6 -> 1.2.7
684-  xwayland 23.2.4 -> 23.2.5
685-  xz 5.4.4 -> 5.4.6
686-  zlib 1.3 -> 1.3.1
689Contributors to 5.0
692Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release:
694-  Adam Johnston
695-  Adithya Balakumar
696-  Adrian Freihofer
697-  Alassane Yattara
698-  Alejandro Hernandez Samaniego
699-  Aleksey Smirnov
700-  Alexander Kanavin
701-  Alexander Lussier-Cullen
702-  Alexander Sverdlin
703-  Alexandre Belloni
704-  Alexandre Truong
705-  Alex Bennée
706-  Alexis Lothoré
707-  Alex Kiernan
708-  Alex Stewart
709-  André Draszik
710-  Anibal Limon
711-  Anuj Mittal
712-  Archana Polampalli
713-  Arne Schwerdt
714-  Bartosz Golaszewski
715-  Baruch Siach
716-  Bastian Krause
718-  BELOUARGA Mohamed
719-  Bruce Ashfield
720-  Changhyeok Bae
721-  Changqing Li
722-  Charlie Johnston
723-  Chen Qi
724-  Chi Xu
725-  Chris Laplante
726-  Christian Taedcke
727-  Christoph Vogtländer
728-  Claus Stovgaard
729-  Clay Chang
730-  Clément Péron
731-  Colin McAllister
732-  Corentin Guillevic
733-  Daniel Ammann
734-  david d zuhn
735-  David Reyna
736-  Deepthi Hemraj
737-  Denys Dmytriyenko
738-  Derek Erdmann
739-  Desone Burns
740-  Dhairya Nagodra
741-  Dmitry Baryshkov
742-  Eero Aaltonen
743-  Eilís 'pidge' Ní Fhlannagáin
744-  Emil Kronborg
745-  Enguerrand de Ribaucourt
746-  Enrico Jörns
747-  Enrico Scholz
748-  Etienne Cordonnier
749-  Fabien Mahot
750-  Fabio Estevam
751-  Fahad Arslan
752-  Felix Moessbauer
753-  Florian Wickert
754-  Geoff Parker
755-  Glenn Strauss
756-  Harish Sadineni
757-  Hongxu Jia
758-  Ilya A. Kriveshko
759-  Jamin Lin
760-  Jan Vermaete
761-  Jason Andryuk
762-  Javier Tia
763-  Jeremy A. Puhlman
764-  Jérémy Rosen
765-  Jermain Horsman
766-  Jiang Kai
767-  Joakim Tjernlund
768-  Joao Marcos Costa
769-  Joe Slater
770-  Johan Bezem
771-  Johannes Schneider
772-  Jonathan GUILLOT
773-  Jon Mason
774-  Jörg Sommer
775-  Jose Quaresma
776-  Joshua Watt
777-  Julien Stephan
778-  Justin Bronder
779-  Kai Kang
780-  Kareem Zarka
781-  Kevin Hao
782-  Khem Raj
783-  Konrad Weihmann
784-  Lee Chee Yang
785-  Lei Maohui
786-  lixiaoyong
787-  Logan Gunthorpe
788-  Luca Ceresoli
789-  luca fancellu
790-  Lucas Stach
791-  Ludovic Jozeau
792-  Lukas Funke
793-  Maanya Goenka
794-  Malte Schmidt
795-  Marcel Ziswiler
796-  Marco Felsch
797-  Marcus Folkesson
798-  Marek Vasut
799-  Mark Asselstine
800-  Mark Hatle
801-  Markus Fuchs
802-  Markus Volk
803-  Marlon Rodriguez Garcia
804-  Marta Rybczynska
805-  Martin Hundebøll
806-  Martin Jansa
807-  Massimiliano Minella
808-  Maxin B. John
809-  Max Krummenacher
810-  Meenali Gupta
811-  Michael Halstead
812-  Michael Opdenacker
813-  Michal Sieron
814-  Mikko Rapeli
815-  Ming Liu
816-  Mingli Yu
817-  Munehisa Kamata
818-  Nick Owens
819-  Niko Mauno
820-  Ola x Nilsson
821-  Oleh Matiusha
822-  Patrick Williams
823-  Paul Barker
824-  Paul Eggleton
825-  Paul Gortmaker
826-  Pavel Zhukov
827-  Peter A. Bigot
828-  Peter Kjellerstedt
829-  Peter Marko
830-  Petr Vorel
831-  Philip Balister
832-  Philip Lorenz
833-  Philippe Rivest
834-  Piotr Łobacz
835-  Priyal Doshi
836-  Quentin Schulz
837-  Ragesh Nair
838-  Randolph Sapp
839-  Randy MacLeod
840-  Rasmus Villemoes
841-  Renat Khalikov
842-  Richard Haar
843-  Richard Purdie
844-  Robert Berger
845-  Robert Joslyn
846-  Robert P. J. Day
847-  Robert Yang
848-  Rodrigo M. Duarte
849-  Ross Burton
850-  Rouven Czerwinski
851-  Ryan Eatmon
852-  Sam Van Den Berge
853-  Saul Wold
854-  Sava Jakovljev
855-  Sean Nyekjaer
856-  Sergei Zhmylev
857-  Shinji Matsunaga
858-  Shubham Kulkarni
859-  Simone Weiß
860-  Siong W.LIM
861-  Soumya Sambu
862-  Sourav Kumar Pramanik
863-  Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
864-  Stéphane Veyret
865-  Steve Sakoman
866-  Sundeep KOKKONDA
867-  Thomas Perrot
868-  Thomas Wolber
869-  Timon Bergelt
870-  Tim Orling
871-  Timotheus Giuliani
872-  Tobias Hagelborn
873-  Tom Hochstein
874-  Tom Rini
875-  Toni Lammi
876-  Trevor Gamblin
877-  Trevor Woerner
878-  Ulrich Ölmann
879-  Valek Andrej
880-  venkata pyla
881-  Victor Kamensky
882-  Vijay Anusuri
883-  Vikas Katariya
884-  Vincent Davis Jr
885-  Viswanath Kraleti
886-  Vyacheslav Yurkov
887-  Wang Mingyu
888-  William A. Kennington III
889-  William Hauser
890-  William Lyu
891-  Xiangyu Chen
892-  Xiaotian Wu
893-  Yang Xu
894-  Yannick Rodriguez
895-  Yash Shinde
896-  Yi Zhao
897-  Yoann Congal
898-  Yogesh Tyagi
899-  Yogita Urade
900-  Zahir Hussain
901-  Zang Ruochen
902-  Zoltan Boszormenyi
904Repositories / Downloads for Yocto-5.0