1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
3Release notes for Yocto-4.0.9 (Kirkstone)
6Security Fixes in Yocto-4.0.9
9-  binutils: Fix :cve:`2023-22608`
10-  curl: Fix :cve:`2023-23914`, :cve:`2023-23915` and :cve:`2023-23916`
11-  epiphany: Fix :cve:`2023-26081`
12-  git: Ignore :cve:`2023-22743`
13-  glibc: Fix  :cve:`2023-0687`
14-  gnutls: Fix :cve:`2023-0361`
15-  go: Fix :cve:`2022-2879`, :cve:`2022-41720` and :cve:`2022-41723`
16-  harfbuzz: Fix :cve:`2023-25193`
17-  less: Fix :cve:`2022-46663`
18-  libmicrohttpd: Fix :cve:`2023-27371`
19-  libsdl2: Fix :cve:`2022-4743`
20-  openssl: Fix :cve:`2022-3996`, :cve:`2023-0464`, :cve:`2023-0465` and :cve:`2023-0466`
21-  pkgconf: Fix :cve:`2023-24056`
22-  python3: Fix :cve:`2023-24329`
23-  shadow: Ignore :cve:`2016-15024`
24-  systemd: Fix :cve:`2022-4415`
25-  tiff: Fix :cve:`2023-0800`, :cve:`2023-0801`, :cve:`2023-0802`, :cve:`2023-0803` and :cve:`2023-0804`
26-  vim: Fix :cve:`2023-0433`, :cve:`2023-0512`, :cve:`2023-1127`, :cve:`2023-1170`, :cve:`2023-1175`, :cve:`2023-1264` and :cve:`2023-1355`
27-  xserver-xorg: Fix :cve:`2023-0494`
28-  xwayland: Fix :cve:`2023-0494`
31Fixes in Yocto-4.0.9
34-  base-files: Drop localhost.localdomain from hosts file
35-  binutils: Fix nativesdk ld.so search
36-  bitbake: cookerdata: Drop dubious exception handling code
37-  bitbake: cookerdata: Improve early exception handling
38-  bitbake: cookerdata: Remove incorrect SystemExit usage
39-  bitbake: fetch/git: Fix local clone url to make it work with repo
40-  bitbake: utils: Allow to_boolean to support int values
41-  bmap-tools: switch to main branch
42-  buildtools-tarball: Handle spaces within user $PATH
43-  busybox: Fix depmod patch
44-  cracklib: update github branch to 'main'
45-  cups: add/fix web interface packaging
46-  cups: check PACKAGECONFIG for pam feature
47-  cups: use BUILDROOT instead of DESTDIR
48-  curl: fix dependencies when building with ldap/ldaps
49-  cve-check: Fix false negative version issue
50-  dbus: upgrade to 1.14.6
51-  devtool/upgrade: do not delete the workspace/recipes directory
52-  dhcpcd: Fix install conflict when enable multilib.
53-  dhcpcd: fix dhcpcd start failure on qemuppc64
54-  gcc-shared-source: do not use ${S}/.. in deploy_source_date_epoch
55-  glibc: Add missing binutils dependency
56-  image_types: fix multiubi var init
57-  iso-codes: upgrade to  4.13.0
58-  json-c: Add ptest for json-c
59-  kernel-yocto: fix kernel-meta data detection
60-  lib/buildstats: handle tasks that never finished
61-  lib/resulttool: fix typo breaking resulttool log --ptest
62-  libjpeg-turbo: upgrade to
63-  libmicrohttpd: upgrade to 0.9.76
64-  libseccomp: fix for the ptest result format
65-  libssh2: Clean up ptest patch/coverage
66-  linux-firmware: add yamato fw files to qcom-adreno-a2xx package
67-  linux-firmware: properly set license for all Qualcomm firmware
68-  linux-firmware: upgrade to 20230210
69-  linux-yocto-rt/5.15: update to -rt59
70-  linux-yocto/5.10: upgrade to v5.10.175
71-  linux-yocto/5.15: upgrade to v5.15.103
72-  linux: inherit pkgconfig in kernel.bbclass
73-  lttng-modules: fix for kernel 6.2+
74-  lttng-modules: upgrade to v2.13.9
75-  lua: Fix install conflict when enable multilib.
76-  mdadm: Fix raid0, 06wrmostly and 02lineargrow tests
77-  meson: Fix wrapper handling of implicit setup command
78-  migration-guides: add 4.0.8 release notes
79-  nghttp2: never build python bindings
80-  oeqa rtc.py: skip if read-only-rootfs
81-  oeqa ssh.py: fix hangs in run()
82-  oeqa/sdk: Improve Meson test
83-  oeqa/selftest/prservice: Improve debug output for failure
84-  oeqa/selftest/resulttooltests: fix minor typo
85-  openssl: upgrade to 3.0.8
86-  package.bbclase: Add check for /build in copydebugsources()
87-  patchelf: replace a rejected patch with an equivalent uninative.bbclass tweak
88-  poky.conf: bump version for 4.0.9
89-  populate_sdk_ext: Handle spaces within user $PATH
90-  pybootchartui: Fix python syntax issue
91-  python3-git: fix indent error
92-  python3-setuptools-rust-native: Add direct dependency of native python3 modules
93-  qemu: Revert "fix :cve:`2021-3507`" as not applicable for qemu 6.2
94-  rsync: Add missing prototypes to function declarations
95-  rsync: Turn on -pedantic-errors at the end of 'configure'
96-  runqemu: kill qemu if it hangs
97-  scripts/lib/buildstats: handle top-level build_stats not being complete
98-  selftest/recipetool: Stop test corrupting tinfoil class
99-  selftest/runtime_test/virgl: Disable for all Rocky Linux
100-  selftest: devtool: set BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM when setting SSTATE_MIRROR
101-  sstatesig: Improve output hash calculation
102-  staging/multilib: Fix manifest corruption
103-  staging: Separate out different multiconfig manifests
104-  sudo: update 1.9.12p2 -> 1.9.13p3
105-  systemd.bbclass: Add /usr/lib/systemd to searchpaths as well
106-  systemd: add group sgx to udev package
107-  systemd: fix wrong nobody-group assignment
108-  timezone: use 'tz' subdir instead of ${WORKDIR} directly
109-  toolchain-scripts: Handle spaces within user $PATH
110-  tzcode-native: fix build with gcc-13 on host
111-  tzdata: use separate B instead of WORKDIR for zic output
112-  uninative: upgrade to 3.9 to include libgcc and glibc 2.37
113-  vala: Fix install conflict when enable multilib.
114-  vim: add missing pkgconfig inherit
115-  vim: set modified-by to the recipe MAINTAINER
116-  vim: upgrade to 9.0.1429
117-  wic: Fix usage of fstype=none in wic
118-  wireless-regdb: upgrade to 2023.02.13
119-  xserver-xorg: upgrade to 21.1.7
120-  xwayland: upgrade to 22.1.8
123Known Issues in Yocto-4.0.9
126- N/A
129Contributors to Yocto-4.0.9
132-  Alexander Kanavin
133-  Alexis Lothoré
134-  Bruce Ashfield
135-  Changqing Li
136-  Chee Yang Lee
137-  Dmitry Baryshkov
138-  Federico Pellegrin
139-  Geoffrey GIRY
140-  Hitendra Prajapati
141-  Hongxu Jia
142-  Joe Slater
143-  Kai Kang
144-  Kenfe-Mickael Laventure
145-  Khem Raj
146-  Martin Jansa
147-  Mateusz Marciniec
148-  Michael Halstead
149-  Michael Opdenacker
150-  Mikko Rapeli
151-  Ming Liu
152-  Mingli Yu
153-  Narpat Mali
154-  Pavel Zhukov
155-  Pawan Badganchi
156-  Peter Marko
157-  Piotr Łobacz
158-  Poonam Jadhav
159-  Randy MacLeod
160-  Richard Purdie
161-  Robert Yang
162-  Romuald Jeanne
163-  Ross Burton
164-  Sakib Sajal
165-  Saul Wold
166-  Shubham Kulkarni
167-  Siddharth Doshi
168-  Simone Weiss
169-  Steve Sakoman
170-  Tim Orling
171-  Tom Hochstein
172-  Trevor Woerner
173-  Ulrich Ölmann
174-  Vivek Kumbhar
175-  Wang Mingyu
176-  Xiangyu Chen
177-  Yash Shinde
180Repositories / Downloads for Yocto-4.0.9
185-  Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/poky`
186-  Branch: :yocto_git:`kirkstone </poky/log/?h=kirkstone>`
187-  Tag:  :yocto_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </poky/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
188-  Git Revision: :yocto_git:`09def309f91929f47c6cce386016ccb777bd2cfc </poky/commit/?id=09def309f91929f47c6cce386016ccb777bd2cfc>`
189-  Release Artefact: poky-09def309f91929f47c6cce386016ccb777bd2cfc
190-  sha: 5c7ce209c8a6b37ec2898e5ca21858234d91999c11fa862880ba98e8bde62f63
191-  Download Locations:
192   http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/poky-09def309f91929f47c6cce386016ccb777bd2cfc.tar.bz2
193   http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/poky-09def309f91929f47c6cce386016ccb777bd2cfc.tar.bz2
197-  Repository Location: :oe_git:`/openembedded-core`
198-  Branch: :oe_git:`kirkstone </openembedded-core/log/?h=kirkstone>`
199-  Tag:  :oe_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </openembedded-core/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
200-  Git Revision: :oe_git:`ff4b57ffff903a93b710284c7c7f916ddd74712f </openembedded-core/commit/?id=ff4b57ffff903a93b710284c7c7f916ddd74712f>`
201-  Release Artefact: oecore-ff4b57ffff903a93b710284c7c7f916ddd74712f
202-  sha: 726778ffc291136db1704316b196de979f68df9f96476b785e1791957fbb66b3
203-  Download Locations:
204   http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/oecore-ff4b57ffff903a93b710284c7c7f916ddd74712f.tar.bz2
205   http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/oecore-ff4b57ffff903a93b710284c7c7f916ddd74712f.tar.bz2
209-  Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/meta-mingw`
210-  Branch: :yocto_git:`kirkstone </meta-mingw/log/?h=kirkstone>`
211-  Tag:  :yocto_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </meta-mingw/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
212-  Git Revision: :yocto_git:`a90614a6498c3345704e9611f2842eb933dc51c1 </meta-mingw/commit/?id=a90614a6498c3345704e9611f2842eb933dc51c1>`
213-  Release Artefact: meta-mingw-a90614a6498c3345704e9611f2842eb933dc51c1
214-  sha: 49f9900bfbbc1c68136f8115b314e95d0b7f6be75edf36a75d9bcd1cca7c6302
215-  Download Locations:
216   http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/meta-mingw-a90614a6498c3345704e9611f2842eb933dc51c1.tar.bz2
217   http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/meta-mingw-a90614a6498c3345704e9611f2842eb933dc51c1.tar.bz2
221-  Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/meta-gplv2`
222-  Branch: :yocto_git:`kirkstone </meta-gplv2/log/?h=kirkstone>`
223-  Tag:  :yocto_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </meta-gplv2/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
224-  Git Revision: :yocto_git:`d2f8b5cdb285b72a4ed93450f6703ca27aa42e8a </meta-gplv2/commit/?id=d2f8b5cdb285b72a4ed93450f6703ca27aa42e8a>`
225-  Release Artefact: meta-gplv2-d2f8b5cdb285b72a4ed93450f6703ca27aa42e8a
226-  sha: c386f59f8a672747dc3d0be1d4234b6039273d0e57933eb87caa20f56b9cca6d
227-  Download Locations:
228   http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/meta-gplv2-d2f8b5cdb285b72a4ed93450f6703ca27aa42e8a.tar.bz2
229   http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/meta-gplv2-d2f8b5cdb285b72a4ed93450f6703ca27aa42e8a.tar.bz2
233-  Repository Location: :oe_git:`/bitbake`
234-  Branch: :oe_git:`2.0 </bitbake/log/?h=2.0>`
235-  Tag:  :oe_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </bitbake/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
236-  Git Revision: :oe_git:`2802adb572eb73a3eb2725a74a9bbdaafc543fa7 </bitbake/commit/?id=2802adb572eb73a3eb2725a74a9bbdaafc543fa7>`
237-  Release Artefact: bitbake-2802adb572eb73a3eb2725a74a9bbdaafc543fa7
238-  sha: 5c6e713b5e26b3835c0773095c7a1bc1f8affa28316b33597220ed86f1f1b643
239-  Download Locations:
240   http://downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/bitbake-2802adb572eb73a3eb2725a74a9bbdaafc543fa7.tar.bz2
241   http://mirrors.kernel.org/yocto/yocto/yocto-4.0.9/bitbake-2802adb572eb73a3eb2725a74a9bbdaafc543fa7.tar.bz2
245-  Repository Location: :yocto_git:`/yocto-docs`
246-  Branch: :yocto_git:`kirkstone </yocto-docs/log/?h=kirkstone>`
247-  Tag: :yocto_git:`yocto-4.0.9 </yocto-docs/log/?h=yocto-4.0.9>`
248-  Git Revision: :yocto_git:`86d0b38a97941ad52b1af220c7b801a399d50e93 </yocto-docs/commit/?id=86d0b38a97941ad52b1af220c7b801a399d50e93>`