1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
4Advanced Kernel Concepts
7Yocto Project Kernel Development and Maintenance
10Kernels available through the Yocto Project (Yocto Linux kernels), like
11other kernels, are based off the Linux kernel releases from
12https://www.kernel.org. At the beginning of a major Linux kernel
13development cycle, the Yocto Project team chooses a Linux kernel based
14on factors such as release timing, the anticipated release timing of
15final upstream ``kernel.org`` versions, and Yocto Project feature
16requirements. Typically, the Linux kernel chosen is in the final stages
17of development by the Linux community. In other words, the Linux kernel
18is in the release candidate or "rc" phase and has yet to reach final
19release. But, by being in the final stages of external development, the
20team knows that the ``kernel.org`` final release will clearly be within
21the early stages of the Yocto Project development window.
23This balance allows the Yocto Project team to deliver the most
24up-to-date Yocto Linux kernel possible, while still ensuring that the
25team has a stable official release for the baseline Linux kernel
28As implied earlier, the ultimate source for Yocto Linux kernels are
29released kernels from ``kernel.org``. In addition to a foundational
30kernel from ``kernel.org``, the available Yocto Linux kernels contain a
31mix of important new mainline developments, non-mainline developments
32(when no alternative exists), Board Support Package (BSP) developments,
33and custom features. These additions result in a commercially released
34Yocto Project Linux kernel that caters to specific embedded designer
35needs for targeted hardware.
37You can find a web interface to the Yocto Linux kernels in the
38:ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:yocto project source repositories`
39at :yocto_git:`/`. If you look at the interface, you will see to
40the left a grouping of Git repositories titled "Yocto Linux Kernel".
41Within this group, you will find several Linux Yocto kernels developed
42and included with Yocto Project releases:
44-  *linux-yocto-4.1:* The stable Yocto Project kernel to use with
45   the Yocto Project Release 2.0. This kernel is based on the Linux 4.1
46   released kernel.
48-  *linux-yocto-4.4:* The stable Yocto Project kernel to use with
49   the Yocto Project Release 2.1. This kernel is based on the Linux 4.4
50   released kernel.
52-  *linux-yocto-4.6:* A temporary kernel that is not tied to any
53   Yocto Project release.
55-  *linux-yocto-4.8:* The stable yocto Project kernel to use with
56   the Yocto Project Release 2.2.
58-  *linux-yocto-4.9:* The stable Yocto Project kernel to use with
59   the Yocto Project Release 2.3. This kernel is based on the Linux 4.9
60   released kernel.
62-  *linux-yocto-4.10:* The default stable Yocto Project kernel to
63   use with the Yocto Project Release 2.3. This kernel is based on the
64   Linux 4.10 released kernel.
66-  *linux-yocto-4.12:* The default stable Yocto Project kernel to
67   use with the Yocto Project Release 2.4. This kernel is based on the
68   Linux 4.12 released kernel.
70-  *yocto-kernel-cache:* The ``linux-yocto-cache`` contains patches
71   and configurations for the linux-yocto kernel tree. This repository
72   is useful when working on the linux-yocto kernel. For more
73   information on this "Advanced Kernel Metadata", see the
74   ":doc:`/kernel-dev/advanced`" Chapter.
76-  *linux-yocto-dev:* A development kernel based on the latest
77   upstream release candidate available.
79.. note::
81   Long Term Support Initiative (LTSI) for Yocto Linux kernels is as
82   follows:
84   -  For Yocto Project releases 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0, the LTSI kernel is
85      ``linux-yocto-3.14``.
87   -  For Yocto Project releases 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, the LTSI kernel is
88      ``linux-yocto-4.1``.
90   -  For Yocto Project release 2.4, the LTSI kernel is
91      ``linux-yocto-4.9``
93   -  ``linux-yocto-4.4`` is an LTS kernel.
95Once a Yocto Linux kernel is officially released, the Yocto Project team
96goes into their next development cycle, or upward revision (uprev)
97cycle, while still continuing maintenance on the released kernel. It is
98important to note that the most sustainable and stable way to include
99feature development upstream is through a kernel uprev process.
100Back-porting hundreds of individual fixes and minor features from
101various kernel versions is not sustainable and can easily compromise
104During the uprev cycle, the Yocto Project team uses an ongoing analysis
105of Linux kernel development, BSP support, and release timing to select
106the best possible ``kernel.org`` Linux kernel version on which to base
107subsequent Yocto Linux kernel development. The team continually monitors
108Linux community kernel development to look for significant features of
109interest. The team does consider back-porting large features if they
110have a significant advantage. User or community demand can also trigger
111a back-port or creation of new functionality in the Yocto Project
112baseline kernel during the uprev cycle.
114Generally speaking, every new Linux kernel both adds features and
115introduces new bugs. These consequences are the basic properties of
116upstream Linux kernel development and are managed by the Yocto Project
117team's Yocto Linux kernel development strategy. It is the Yocto Project
118team's policy to not back-port minor features to the released Yocto
119Linux kernel. They only consider back-porting significant technological
120jumps - and, that is done after a complete gap analysis. The reason
121for this policy is that back-porting any small to medium sized change
122from an evolving Linux kernel can easily create mismatches,
123incompatibilities and very subtle errors.
125The policies described in this section result in both a stable and a
126cutting edge Yocto Linux kernel that mixes forward ports of existing
127Linux kernel features and significant and critical new functionality.
128Forward porting Linux kernel functionality into the Yocto Linux kernels
129available through the Yocto Project can be thought of as a "micro
130uprev". The many "micro uprevs" produce a Yocto Linux kernel version
131with a mix of important new mainline, non-mainline, BSP developments and
132feature integrations. This Yocto Linux kernel gives insight into new
133features and allows focused amounts of testing to be done on the kernel,
134which prevents surprises when selecting the next major uprev. The
135quality of these cutting edge Yocto Linux kernels is evolving and the
136kernels are used in leading edge feature and BSP development.
138Yocto Linux Kernel Architecture and Branching Strategies
141As mentioned earlier, a key goal of the Yocto Project is to present the
142developer with a kernel that has a clear and continuous history that is
143visible to the user. The architecture and mechanisms, in particular the
144branching strategies, used achieve that goal in a manner similar to
145upstream Linux kernel development in ``kernel.org``.
147You can think of a Yocto Linux kernel as consisting of a baseline Linux
148kernel with added features logically structured on top of the baseline.
149The features are tagged and organized by way of a branching strategy
150implemented by the Yocto Project team using the Source Code Manager
151(SCM) Git.
153.. note::
155   -  Git is the obvious SCM for meeting the Yocto Linux kernel
156      organizational and structural goals described in this section. Not
157      only is Git the SCM for Linux kernel development in ``kernel.org``
158      but, Git continues to grow in popularity and supports many
159      different work flows, front-ends and management techniques.
161   -  You can find documentation on Git at https://git-scm.com/doc. You can
162      also get an introduction to Git as it applies to the Yocto Project in the
163      ":ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:git`" section in the Yocto Project
164      Overview and Concepts Manual. The latter reference provides an
165      overview of Git and presents a minimal set of Git commands that
166      allows you to be functional using Git. You can use as much, or as
167      little, of what Git has to offer to accomplish what you need for
168      your project. You do not have to be a "Git Expert" in order to use
169      it with the Yocto Project.
171Using Git's tagging and branching features, the Yocto Project team
172creates kernel branches at points where functionality is no longer
173shared and thus, needs to be isolated. For example, board-specific
174incompatibilities would require different functionality and would
175require a branch to separate the features. Likewise, for specific kernel
176features, the same branching strategy is used.
178This "tree-like" architecture results in a structure that has features
179organized to be specific for particular functionality, single kernel
180types, or a subset of kernel types. Thus, the user has the ability to
181see the added features and the commits that make up those features. In
182addition to being able to see added features, the user can also view the
183history of what made up the baseline Linux kernel.
185Another consequence of this strategy results in not having to store the
186same feature twice internally in the tree. Rather, the kernel team
187stores the unique differences required to apply the feature onto the
188kernel type in question.
190.. note::
192   The Yocto Project team strives to place features in the tree such
193   that features can be shared by all boards and kernel types where
194   possible. However, during development cycles or when large features
195   are merged, the team cannot always follow this practice. In those
196   cases, the team uses isolated branches to merge features.
198BSP-specific code additions are handled in a similar manner to
199kernel-specific additions. Some BSPs only make sense given certain
200kernel types. So, for these types, the team creates branches off the end
201of that kernel type for all of the BSPs that are supported on that
202kernel type. From the perspective of the tools that create the BSP
203branch, the BSP is really no different than a feature. Consequently, the
204same branching strategy applies to BSPs as it does to kernel features.
205So again, rather than store the BSP twice, the team only stores the
206unique differences for the BSP across the supported multiple kernels.
208While this strategy can result in a tree with a significant number of
209branches, it is important to realize that from the developer's point of
210view, there is a linear path that travels from the baseline
211``kernel.org``, through a select group of features and ends with their
212BSP-specific commits. In other words, the divisions of the kernel are
213transparent and are not relevant to the developer on a day-to-day basis.
214From the developer's perspective, this path is the development branch.
215The developer does not need to be aware of the existence of
216any other branches at all. Of course, it can make sense to have these
217branches in the tree, should a person decide to explore them. For
218example, a comparison between two BSPs at either the commit level or at
219the line-by-line code ``diff`` level is now a trivial operation.
221The following illustration shows the conceptual Yocto Linux kernel.
223.. image:: figures/kernel-architecture-overview.png
224   :width: 100%
226In the illustration, the "Kernel.org Branch Point" marks the specific
227spot (or Linux kernel release) from which the Yocto Linux kernel is
228created. From this point forward in the tree, features and differences
229are organized and tagged.
231The "Yocto Project Baseline Kernel" contains functionality that is
232common to every kernel type and BSP that is organized further along in
233the tree. Placing these common features in the tree this way means
234features do not have to be duplicated along individual branches of the
235tree structure.
237From the "Yocto Project Baseline Kernel", branch points represent
238specific functionality for individual Board Support Packages (BSPs) as
239well as real-time kernels. The illustration represents this through
240three BSP-specific branches and a real-time kernel branch. Each branch
241represents some unique functionality for the BSP or for a real-time
242Yocto Linux kernel.
244In this example structure, the "Real-time (rt) Kernel" branch has common
245features for all real-time Yocto Linux kernels and contains more
246branches for individual BSP-specific real-time kernels. The illustration
247shows three branches as an example. Each branch points the way to
248specific, unique features for a respective real-time kernel as they
249apply to a given BSP.
251The resulting tree structure presents a clear path of markers (or
252branches) to the developer that, for all practical purposes, is the
253Yocto Linux kernel needed for any given set of requirements.
255.. note::
257   Keep in mind the figure does not take into account all the supported
258   Yocto Linux kernels, but rather shows a single generic kernel just
259   for conceptual purposes. Also keep in mind that this structure
260   represents the
261   :ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:yocto project source repositories`
262   that are either pulled from during the build or established on the
263   host development system prior to the build by either cloning a
264   particular kernel's Git repository or by downloading and unpacking a
265   tarball.
267Working with the kernel as a structured tree follows recognized
268community best practices. In particular, the kernel as shipped with the
269product, should be considered an "upstream source" and viewed as a
270series of historical and documented modifications (commits). These
271modifications represent the development and stabilization done by the
272Yocto Project kernel development team.
274Because commits only change at significant release points in the product
275life cycle, developers can work on a branch created from the last
276relevant commit in the shipped Yocto Project Linux kernel. As mentioned
277previously, the structure is transparent to the developer because the
278kernel tree is left in this state after cloning and building the kernel.
280Kernel Build File Hierarchy
283Upstream storage of all the available kernel source code is one thing,
284while representing and using the code on your host development system is
285another. Conceptually, you can think of the kernel source repositories
286as all the source files necessary for all the supported Yocto Linux
287kernels. As a developer, you are just interested in the source files for
288the kernel on which you are working. And, furthermore, you need them
289available on your host system.
291Kernel source code is available on your host system several different
294-  *Files Accessed While using devtool:* ``devtool``, which is
295   available with the Yocto Project, is the preferred method by which to
296   modify the kernel. See the ":ref:`kernel-dev/intro:kernel modification workflow`" section.
298-  *Cloned Repository:* If you are working in the kernel all the time,
299   you probably would want to set up your own local Git repository of
300   the Yocto Linux kernel tree. For information on how to clone a Yocto
301   Linux kernel Git repository, see the
302   ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:preparing the build host to work on the kernel`"
303   section.
305-  *Temporary Source Files from a Build:* If you just need to make some
306   patches to the kernel using a traditional BitBake workflow (i.e. not
307   using the ``devtool``), you can access temporary kernel source files
308   that were extracted and used during a kernel build.
310The temporary kernel source files resulting from a build using BitBake
311have a particular hierarchy. When you build the kernel on your
312development system, all files needed for the build are taken from the
313source repositories pointed to by the
314:term:`SRC_URI` variable and gathered
315in a temporary work area where they are subsequently used to create the
316unique kernel. Thus, in a sense, the process constructs a local source
317tree specific to your kernel from which to generate the new kernel
320The following figure shows the temporary file structure created on your
321host system when you build the kernel using BitBake. This
322:term:`Build Directory` contains all the
323source files used during the build.
325.. image:: figures/kernel-overview-2-generic.png
326   :align: center
327   :width: 70%
329Again, for additional information on the Yocto Project kernel's
330architecture and its branching strategy, see the
331":ref:`kernel-dev/concepts-appx:yocto linux kernel architecture and branching strategies`"
332section. You can also reference the
333":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using \`\`devtool\`\` to patch the kernel`"
335":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using traditional kernel development to patch the kernel`"
336sections for detailed example that modifies the kernel.
338Determining Hardware and Non-Hardware Features for the Kernel Configuration Audit Phase
341This section describes part of the kernel configuration audit phase that
342most developers can ignore. For general information on kernel
343configuration including ``menuconfig``, ``defconfig`` files, and
344configuration fragments, see the
345":ref:`kernel-dev/common:configuring the kernel`" section.
347During this part of the audit phase, the contents of the final
348``.config`` file are compared against the fragments specified by the
349system. These fragments can be system fragments, distro fragments, or
350user-specified configuration elements. Regardless of their origin, the
351OpenEmbedded build system warns the user if a specific option is not
352included in the final kernel configuration.
354By default, in order to not overwhelm the user with configuration
355warnings, the system only reports missing "hardware" options as they
356could result in a boot failure or indicate that important hardware is
357not available.
359To determine whether or not a given option is "hardware" or
360"non-hardware", the kernel Metadata in ``yocto-kernel-cache`` contains
361files that classify individual or groups of options as either hardware
362or non-hardware. To better show this, consider a situation where the
363``yocto-kernel-cache`` contains the following files::
365   yocto-kernel-cache/features/drm-psb/hardware.cfg
366   yocto-kernel-cache/features/kgdb/hardware.cfg
367   yocto-kernel-cache/ktypes/base/hardware.cfg
368   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/mti-malta32/hardware.cfg
369   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/qemu-ppc32/hardware.cfg
370   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/qemuarma9/hardware.cfg
371   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/mti-malta64/hardware.cfg
372   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/arm-versatile-926ejs/hardware.cfg
373   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/common-pc/hardware.cfg
374   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/common-pc-64/hardware.cfg
375   yocto-kernel-cache/features/rfkill/non-hardware.cfg
376   yocto-kernel-cache/ktypes/base/non-hardware.cfg
377   yocto-kernel-cache/features/aufs/non-hardware.kcf
378   yocto-kernel-cache/features/ocf/non-hardware.kcf
379   yocto-kernel-cache/ktypes/base/non-hardware.kcf
380   yocto-kernel-cache/ktypes/base/hardware.kcf
381   yocto-kernel-cache/bsp/qemu-ppc32/hardware.kcf
383Here are explanations for the various files:
385-  ``hardware.kcf``: Specifies a list of kernel Kconfig files that
386   contain hardware options only.
388-  ``non-hardware.kcf``: Specifies a list of kernel Kconfig files that
389   contain non-hardware options only.
391-  ``hardware.cfg``: Specifies a list of kernel ``CONFIG_`` options that
392   are hardware, regardless of whether or not they are within a Kconfig
393   file specified by a hardware or non-hardware Kconfig file (i.e.
394   ``hardware.kcf`` or ``non-hardware.kcf``).
396-  ``non-hardware.cfg``: Specifies a list of kernel ``CONFIG_`` options
397   that are not hardware, regardless of whether or not they are within a
398   Kconfig file specified by a hardware or non-hardware Kconfig file
399   (i.e. ``hardware.kcf`` or ``non-hardware.kcf``).
401Here is a specific example using the
404   CONFIG_SERIAL_8250
412The kernel configuration audit automatically detects
413these files (hence the names must be exactly the ones discussed here),
414and uses them as inputs when generating warnings about the final
415``.config`` file.
417A user-specified kernel Metadata repository, or recipe space feature,
418can use these same files to classify options that are found within its
419``.cfg`` files as hardware or non-hardware, to prevent the OpenEmbedded
420build system from producing an error or warning when an option is not in
421the final ``.config`` file.