1*517393d9SAndrew Geissler.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
2*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
3*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerMaking Images More Secure
4*517393d9SAndrew Geissler*************************
5*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
6*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerSecurity is of increasing concern for embedded devices. Consider the
7*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerissues and problems discussed in just this sampling of work found across
8*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerthe Internet:
9*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
10*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  *"*\ `Security Risks of Embedded
11*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Systems <https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/01/security_risks_9.html>`__\ *"*
12*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   by Bruce Schneier
13*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
14*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  *"*\ `Internet Census
15*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   2012 <http://census2012.sourceforge.net/paper.html>`__\ *"* by Carna
16*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Botnet
17*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
18*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  *"*\ `Security Issues for Embedded
19*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Devices <https://elinux.org/images/6/6f/Security-issues.pdf>`__\ *"*
20*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   by Jake Edge
21*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
22*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerWhen securing your image is of concern, there are steps, tools, and
23*517393d9SAndrew Geisslervariables that you can consider to help you reach the security goals you
24*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerneed for your particular device. Not all situations are identical when
25*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerit comes to making an image secure. Consequently, this section provides
26*517393d9SAndrew Geisslersome guidance and suggestions for consideration when you want to make
27*517393d9SAndrew Geissleryour image more secure.
28*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
29*517393d9SAndrew Geissler.. note::
30*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
31*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Because the security requirements and risks are different for every
32*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   type of device, this section cannot provide a complete reference on
33*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   securing your custom OS. It is strongly recommended that you also
34*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   consult other sources of information on embedded Linux system
35*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   hardening and on security.
36*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
37*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerGeneral Considerations
38*517393d9SAndrew Geissler======================
39*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
40*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerThere are general considerations that help you create more secure images.
41*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerYou should consider the following suggestions to make your device
42*517393d9SAndrew Geisslermore secure:
43*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
44*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Scan additional code you are adding to the system (e.g. application
45*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   code) by using static analysis tools. Look for buffer overflows and
46*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   other potential security problems.
47*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
48*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Pay particular attention to the security for any web-based
49*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   administration interface.
50*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
51*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Web interfaces typically need to perform administrative functions and
52*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   tend to need to run with elevated privileges. Thus, the consequences
53*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   resulting from the interface's security becoming compromised can be
54*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   serious. Look for common web vulnerabilities such as
55*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   cross-site-scripting (XSS), unvalidated inputs, and so forth.
56*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
57*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   As with system passwords, the default credentials for accessing a
58*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   web-based interface should not be the same across all devices. This
59*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   is particularly true if the interface is enabled by default as it can
60*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   be assumed that many end-users will not change the credentials.
61*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
62*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Ensure you can update the software on the device to mitigate
63*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   vulnerabilities discovered in the future. This consideration
64*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   especially applies when your device is network-enabled.
65*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
66*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Regularly scan and apply fixes for CVE security issues affecting
67*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   all software components in the product, see ":ref:`dev-manual/vulnerabilities:checking for vulnerabilities`".
68*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
69*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Regularly update your version of Poky and OE-Core from their upstream
70*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   developers, e.g. to apply updates and security fixes from stable
71*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   and LTS branches.
72*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
73*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Ensure you remove or disable debugging functionality before producing
74*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   the final image. For information on how to do this, see the
75*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   ":ref:`dev-manual/securing-images:considerations specific to the openembedded build system`"
76*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   section.
77*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
78*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Ensure you have no network services listening that are not needed.
79*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
80*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Remove any software from the image that is not needed.
81*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
82*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Enable hardware support for secure boot functionality when your
83*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   device supports this functionality.
84*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
85*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerSecurity Flags
86*517393d9SAndrew Geissler==============
87*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
88*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerThe Yocto Project has security flags that you can enable that help make
89*517393d9SAndrew Geissleryour build output more secure. The security flags are in the
90*517393d9SAndrew Geissler``meta/conf/distro/include/security_flags.inc`` file in your
91*517393d9SAndrew Geissler:term:`Source Directory` (e.g. ``poky``).
92*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
93*517393d9SAndrew Geissler.. note::
94*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
95*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Depending on the recipe, certain security flags are enabled and
96*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   disabled by default.
97*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
98*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerUse the following line in your ``local.conf`` file or in your custom
99*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerdistribution configuration file to enable the security compiler and
100*517393d9SAndrew Geisslerlinker flags for your build::
101*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
102*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   require conf/distro/include/security_flags.inc
103*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
104*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerConsiderations Specific to the OpenEmbedded Build System
105*517393d9SAndrew Geissler========================================================
106*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
107*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerYou can take some steps that are specific to the OpenEmbedded build
108*517393d9SAndrew Geisslersystem to make your images more secure:
109*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
110*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Ensure "debug-tweaks" is not one of your selected
111*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`.
112*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   When creating a new project, the default is to provide you with an
113*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   initial ``local.conf`` file that enables this feature using the
114*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   :term:`EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES`
115*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   variable with the line::
116*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
117*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks"
118*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
119*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   To disable that feature, simply comment out that line in your
120*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   ``local.conf`` file, or make sure :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES` does not contain
121*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   "debug-tweaks" before producing your final image. Among other things,
122*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   leaving this in place sets the root password as blank, which makes
123*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   logging in for debugging or inspection easy during development but
124*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   also means anyone can easily log in during production.
125*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
126*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  It is possible to set a root password for the image and also to set
127*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   passwords for any extra users you might add (e.g. administrative or
128*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   service type users). When you set up passwords for multiple images or
129*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   users, you should not duplicate passwords.
130*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
131*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   To set up passwords, use the :ref:`ref-classes-extrausers` class, which
132*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   is the preferred method. For an example on how to set up both root and
133*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   user passwords, see the ":ref:`ref-classes-extrausers`" section.
134*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
135*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   .. note::
136*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
137*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      When adding extra user accounts or setting a root password, be
138*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      cautious about setting the same password on every device. If you
139*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      do this, and the password you have set is exposed, then every
140*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      device is now potentially compromised. If you need this access but
141*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      want to ensure security, consider setting a different, random
142*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      password for each device. Typically, you do this as a separate
143*517393d9SAndrew Geissler      step after you deploy the image onto the device.
144*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
145*517393d9SAndrew Geissler-  Consider enabling a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) framework such as
146*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   SMACK or SELinux and tuning it appropriately for your device's usage.
147*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   You can find more information in the
148*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   :yocto_git:`meta-selinux </meta-selinux/>` layer.
149*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
150*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerTools for Hardening Your Image
151*517393d9SAndrew Geissler==============================
152*517393d9SAndrew Geissler
153*517393d9SAndrew GeisslerThe Yocto Project provides tools for making your image more secure. You
154*517393d9SAndrew Geisslercan find these tools in the ``meta-security`` layer of the
155*517393d9SAndrew Geissler:yocto_git:`Yocto Project Source Repositories <>`.
156*517393d9SAndrew Geissler