1{% extends "basebuilddetailpage.html" %}
2{% load projecttags %}
4{% block title %}
5  {% if target %}
6    {{package.fullpackagespec}} - {{ target.target }} {{ build.machine }} - {{ build.project.name }} - Toaster
7  {% else %}
8    {{package.fullpackagespec}} - {{ build.target_set.all|dictsort:"target"|join:", " }} {{ build.machine }} - {{ build.project.name }} - Toaster
9  {% endif %}
10{% endblock %}
11{% block extraheadcontent %}
12    <!-- functions to format package 'installed_package' alias -->
13    <script>
14    function fmtAliasHelp(package_name, alias, hover) {
15        var r = null;
16        if (alias != null && alias != '') {
17            r = '<span class="text-muted"> as ' + alias + '&nbsp';
18            r += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help';
19            if (hover) {
20                r+= ' hover-help';
21            }
22            else {
23                r+= ' heading-help';
24            }
25            r += '"';
26            title = '<code>' + package_name + '</code> was renamed at packaging time and was installed on your system as <code>' + alias + '</code>';
27            r += ' title="' + title + '">';
28            r += '</span>';
29            r += '</span>';
30            document.write(r);
31        }
32    }
33    </script>
34{% endblock extraheadcontent %}
35{% block localbreadcrumb %}
36    {% if target %}
37        <li><a href="{% url "target" build.id target.id %}">{{target.target}}</a></li>
38        <li>{{package.fullpackagespec}} {% if package.alias %} as {{package.alias}}{% endif %}</li>
39    {% else %}
40        <li><a href="{% url "packages" build.id %}"> Packages </a></li>
41        <li>{{package.fullpackagespec}}</li>
42    {% endif %}
43{% endblock localbreadcrumb %}
45{% block pagedetailinfomain %}
46    <div class="row">
47      <div class="col-md-12">
48        <div class="page-header build-data">
49            {% block mainheading %}
50            <h1>{{package.fullpackagespec}}</h1>
51            {% endblock %}
52        </div> <!-- page-header -->
53      </div> <!-- col-md-12 page-header -->
54    </div> <!-- end row -->
56    {% block twocolumns %}
57    <div class="row">
58    <div class="col-md-8 tabbable">
59        {% block tabcontent %}
60        {% endblock tabcontent %}
61    </div> <!-- row col-md-8 -->
63    <div class="col-md-4">
64      <div class="well">
65        <h2>Package information</h2>
67        <!-- info presented as definition list -->
68        <dl class="item-info">
69            <dt>
70                Size
71                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The size of the package"></span>
72            </dt>
73            <dd>
74                {% comment %}
75                    if recipe is absent, filesize is not 0
76                {% endcomment %}
77                {% if package.recipe_id > 0 %}
78                    {{package.size|filtered_filesizeformat}}
79                    {% if target.file_size %}
80                        ({{package.size|multiply:100|divide:target.file_size}}% of included package size)
81                    {% endif %}
83                {% endif %}
84            </dd>
86            <dt>
87                License
88                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The license under which this package is distributed"></span>
89            </dt>
90            <dd>{{package.license}}</dd>
92            {% comment %}
93            # Removed per review on 1/18/2014 until license data population
94            # problemse are resolved.
95            <dt>
96                License files
97                <i class="icon-question-sign get-help" title="Path to the license files that apply to the package"></i>
98            </dt>
99            <dd></dd>
100            {% endcomment %}
102            <dt>
103                Recipe
104                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The name of the recipe building this package"></span>
105            </dt>
106            <dd>
107                {% if package.recipe_id > 0 %}
108                    <a href="{% url "recipe" build.id package.recipe_id %}"> {{package.recipe.name}} </a>
109                {% else %}
110                    {{package.recipe.name}}
111                {% endif %}
112            </dd>
114            <dt>
115                Recipe version
116                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The version of the recipe building this package"></span>
117            </dt>
118            <dd>{{package.recipe.version}}</dd>
120            <dt>
121                Layer
122                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The name of the layer providing the recipe that builds this package"></span>
123            </dt>
124            <dd>
125                {{package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name}}
126                {% if package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name|format_none_and_zero != "" %}
127                    {% comment %}
128                    # Removed per team meeting of 1/29/2014 until
129                    # decision on index search algorithm
130                    <a href="http://layers.openembedded.org"  target="_blank">
131                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-share get-info"></i>
132                    </a>
133                    {% endcomment %}
134                {% endif %}
135            </dd>
136            <dt>
137                Layer branch
138                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The Git branch of the layer providing the recipe that builds this package"></span>
139                {%if package.recipe.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir %}
140		<dd>
141		<span class="text-muted">Not applicable</span>
142		<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The source code of {{package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name}} is not in a Git repository, so there is no branch associated with it"></span>
143		</dd>
144		{% endif %}
145            </dt>
146	    {% if not package.recipe.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir %}
147            <dd>{{package.recipe.layer_version.branch}}</dd>
148	    {% endif %}
149            <dt>
150                Layer commit
151                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The Git commit of the layer providing the recipe that builds this package"></span>
152                {%if package.recipe.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir %}
153		<dd>
154		<span class="text-muted">Not applicable</span>
155		<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="The source code of {{package.recipe.layer_version.layer.name}} is not in a Git repository, so there is no commit associated with it"></span>
156		</dd>
157		{% endif %}
158            </dt>
160	    {% if not package.recipe.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir %}
161            <dd class="iscommit">{{package.recipe.layer_version.commit}}</dd>
162	    {% endif %}
164        </dl>
165      <div> <!-- end well -->
166    </div> <!-- end 4-column section -->
167    {% endblock twocolumns %}
168  </div> <!-- end row -->
169{% endblock pagedetailinfomain %}