2  power_on_delay: 20
6#Air cooled zones
7- zone_conditions:
8  - name: air_cooled_chassis
10  zones:
11    - zone: 0
12      cooling_profiles:
13      - air
14      - all
15      full_speed: 10500
16      default_floor: 8000
17      increase_delay: 5
18      decrease_interval: 30
19      interfaces:
20          - name: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ThermalMode
21            properties:
22                - name: Supported
23                  type: array[string]
24                  values:
25                      - value: DEFAULT
26                        description: >
27                            Default thermal control mode
28                      - value: CUSTOM
29                        description: >
30                            Custom thermal control mode for handling the use of
31                            PCI cards located behind the GPU exhaust that
32                            could overtemp where the default mode is not
33                            sufficient enough.
34                      - value: HEAVY_IO
35                        description: >
36                            Heavy IO thermal control mode for handling the use
37                            of PCI cards that produce heavy IO utilization and
38                            could overtemp.
39                      - value: MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR
40                        description: >
41                            Maximum base fan floor mode is for handling the
42                            use of any hardware that requires the highest
43                            amount of cooling even when the system may be idle.
44                - name: Current
45                  type: string
46                  persist: true
47                  values:
48                      - value: DEFAULT
49                        description: >
50                            Set current thermal control mode to the
51                            default which will be replaced on startup if
52                            another selected mode was persisted.
54#Water cooled zones
55- zone_conditions:
56  - name: water_and_air_cooled_chassis
58  zones:
59    - zone: 0
60      cooling_profiles:
61      - water
62      - all
63      full_speed: 10500
64      default_floor: 8000
65      increase_delay: 5
66      decrease_interval: 30
67      interfaces:
68          - name: xyz.openbmc_project.Control.ThermalMode
69            properties:
70                - name: Supported
71                  type: array[string]
72                  values:
73                      - value: DEFAULT
74                        description: >
75                            Default thermal control mode
76                      - value: CUSTOM
77                        description: >
78                            Custom thermal control mode for handling the use of
79                            PCI cards located behind the GPU exhaust that
80                            could overtemp where the default mode is not
81                            sufficient enough.
82                      - value: HEAVY_IO
83                        description: >
84                            Heavy IO thermal control mode for handling the use
85                            of PCI cards that produce heavy IO utilization and
86                            could overtemp.
87                      - value: MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR
88                        description: >
89                            Maximum base fan floor mode is for handling the
90                            use of any hardware that requires the highest
91                            amount of cooling even when the system may be idle.
92                - name: Current
93                  type: string
94                  persist: true
95                  values:
96                     - value: DEFAULT
97                       description: >
98                           Set current thermal control mode to the
99                           default which will be replaced on startup if
100                           another selected mode was persisted.