1{% extends "report-base.html.jinja" %}
2{% block title %}Recipe Report for {{ machine }}{% endblock %}
4{# Write a tag element using the Upstream-Status to determine the class. #}
5{% macro make_patch_tag(status) -%}
6  {% set status = status.split()[0] %}
7  {% if status in ("Unknown", "Pending") %}
8    {% set class = "is-danger" %}
9  {% elif status in ("Backport", "Accepted", "Inappropriate", "Denied") %}
10    {% set class = "is-success" %}
11  {% elif status in ("Submitted",) %}
12    {% set class = "is-info" %}
13  {% else %}
14    {% set class = "is-info" %}
15  {% endif %}
16  <span class="tag {{ class }}">{{ status }}</span>
17{%- endmacro %}
19{% block content %}
20  <!-- TODO table of contents -->
22  {% for name, data in data|dictsort if data.needs_update or data.patched %}
23  <h2 class="title is-4">
24    {{ data.recipe }} {{ data.fullversion }}
25    {% if name != data.recipe %}
26      (provides {{ name }})
27    {% endif %}
28    {% if data.needs_update %}<span class="tag is-danger">Upgrade Needed</span>{% endif %}
29    <a id="recipe-{{ data.recipe }}" class="has-text-grey-lighter">#</a>
30  </h2>
32  {% if data.needs_update %}
33  <p>
34    Recipe is version {{ data.fullversion }}, latest upstream release is <strong>{{ data.upstream }}</strong>.
35  </p>
36  {% endif%}
38  {% if data.patched %}
39  <table class="table is-striped is-bordered">
40    <thead>
41      <tr>
42        <th>Patch</th>
43        <th style="width: 20em">Layer</th>
44        <th style="width: 10em">Status</th>
45      </tr>
46    </thead>
47    <tbody>
48      {% for pinfo in data.patches %}
49      <tr>
50        <td>
51          {% if pinfo.url %}<a href="{{pinfo.url}}">{% endif %}
52          {{ pinfo.name }}
53          {% if pinfo.url %}</a>{% endif %}
54        </td>
55        <td>{{ pinfo.layer }}</td>
56        <!-- TODO: tooltip with full status? -->
57        <td class="has-text-centered">{{ make_patch_tag(pinfo.status)}}</td>
58      </tr>
59      {% endfor %}
60    </tbody>
61  </table>
62  {% endif %}
63  {% endfor %}
64{% endblock %}