1*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth#!/bin/bash
2*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho
3*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho "-----FPGA Ethanol<x> CRB Register Dump Utility"
4*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho
5*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothI2CBUS=2
6*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGAADDR=0x50
7*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
8*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# FPGA FW Version Information
9*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=39
10*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
11*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothMAJOR=$((DATA >> 4))
12*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothMINOR=$((DATA & 0x0F))
13*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA FW Version: $MAJOR.$MINOR
14*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
15*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# IP register information
16*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=0
17*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothIP_REG_MAX=3
18*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothprintf "IP Address Registers: "
19*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothwhile [ $FPGA_REG -le $IP_REG_MAX ]
20*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    do
21*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    # not using printf as integer and hex values are the same for this use
22*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    DATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR $FPGA_REG)
23*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    if [ $FPGA_REG -ne $IP_REG_MAX ] ; then
24*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        printf "%d." "$DATA"
25*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    else
26*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        printf "%d\n\n" "$DATA"
27*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    fi
28*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    ((FPGA_REG=FPGA_REG+1))
29*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    done
30*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
31*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# VDD block - Addresses 16 - 23
32*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=16
33*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothVDD_REG_MAX=23
34*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothSOCKET=0
35*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
36*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothwhile [ $FPGA_REG -le $VDD_REG_MAX ]
37*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    do
38*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    VDD_LOOP_CNT=0
39*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
40*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    while [ $VDD_LOOP_CNT -le 1 ]
41*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        do
42*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        if [ $VDD_LOOP_CNT -eq 0 ] ; then
43*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth            VDD_LOOP_CNT_TXT="Enables"
44*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        else
45*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth            VDD_LOOP_CNT_TXT="Power Goods"
46*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        fi
47*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        DATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
48*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----P$SOCKET VDD "$VDD_LOOP_CNT_TXT"
49*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_18_DUAL : $((DATA & 0x01))
50*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_SOC_DUAL: $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
51*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_SPD_ABCD: $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
52*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_VPP_ABCD: $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
53*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_VTT_ABCD: $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
54*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_MEM_ABCD: $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
55*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_SPD_EFGH: $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
56*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_VPP_EFGH: $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
57*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
58*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        ((FPGA_REG=FPGA_REG+1))
59*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        DATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
60*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_VTT_EFGH : $((DATA & 0x01))
61*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_MEM_EFGH : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
62*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_18_RUN-- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
63*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_SOC_RUN- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
64*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        echo VDD_CORE_RUN : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
65*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        ((FPGA_REG=FPGA_REG+1))
66*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        ((VDD_LOOP_CNT=VDD_LOOP_CNT+1))
67*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth        done
68*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    ((SOCKET=SOCKET+1))
69*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    done
70*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
71*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Power State/Reset Data
72*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=24
73*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
74*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Power state Information:
75*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_SLP_S5_L--- : $((DATA & 0x01))
76*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_SLP_S3_L--- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
77*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ATX_PS_ON----- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
78*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_5_DUAL_EN : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
79*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
80*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Power Good information
81*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=25
82*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
83*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Power Good Information:
84*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho VDD_33_DUAL_PG------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
85*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_VDD_CORE_DUAL_PG : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
86*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_VDD_VPP_DUAL_PG- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
87*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_VDD_MEM_DUAL_PG- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
88*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_VDD_CORE_DUAL_PG : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
89*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ATX_PWR_OK----------- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
90*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
91*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Power and Reset Signals
92*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=26
93*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothPWRRST_REG_MAX=27
94*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothSOCKET=0
95*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothwhile [ $FPGA_REG -le $PWRRST_REG_MAX ]
96*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    do
97*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    DATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
98*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----P$SOCKET Power and Reset Signals:
99*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo RSMRST_L----------------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
100*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PWR_GOOD----------------- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
101*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PWRGD_OUT---------------- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
102*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo FPGA_PWROK_RESET_BUF_EN_L : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
103*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo 33_PWROK----------------- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
104*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo VDD_CORE_RUN_PWROK------- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
105*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo VDD_SOC_RUN_PWROK-------- : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
106*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo 33_RESET_L--------------- : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
107*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    ((FPGA_REG=FPGA_REG+1))
108*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    done
109*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
110*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Processor and power cable preset signals
111*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=28
112*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
113*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Processor and power cable preset signals:
114*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_PRESENT_L--------------------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
115*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_MEM_ABCD_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
116*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_MEM_EFGH_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
117*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT--------- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
118*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_PRESENT_L--------------------- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
119*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_MEM_ABCD_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
120*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_MEM_EFGH_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
121*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_12_RUN_PLUG_PRSNT--------- : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
122*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
123*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Board LEDs
124*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=29
125*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
126*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----LED States:
127*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho PWR_GOOD_LED--- : $((DATA & 0x01))
128*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho PWROK_LED------ : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
129*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho RESET_LED_L---- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
130*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_PROCHOT_LED- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
131*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_PROCHOT_LED- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
132*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
133*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# VR thermal errors
134*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=30
135*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
136*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----VR Thermal Errors:
137*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_MEM_ABCD_SUS_VRHOT_L : $((DATA & 0x01))
138*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_MEM_EFGH_SUS_VRHOT_L : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
139*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_SOC_RUN_VRHOT_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
140*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_VDD_CORE_RUN_VRHOT_L---- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
141*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_MEM_ABCD_SUS_VRHOT_L : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
142*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_MEM_EFGH_SUS_VRHOT_L : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
143*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_SOC_RUN_VRHOT_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
144*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_VDD_CORE_RUN_VRHOT_L---- : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
145*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
146*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Processor and board Thermal Errors
147*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=31
148*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
149*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Processor and board Thermal Errors:
150*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_P0_THERMTRIP_L : $((DATA & 0x01))
151*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_P1_THERMTRIP_L : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
152*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho SENSOR_THERM_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
153*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_PROCHOT_L------- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
154*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_PROCHOT_L------- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
155*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
156*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# AST2500 control Signals
157*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=32
158*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
159*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----AST2500 Control Signals:
160*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_BMC_READY--- : $((DATA & 0x01))
161*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_LOCAL_LOCK-- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
162*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_PWR_BTN----- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
163*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_RST_BTN----- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
164*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_NMI_BTN----- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
165*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_P0_PROCHOT-- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
166*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_P1_PROCHOT-- : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
167*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_ASSERT_WARM_RST_BTN : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
168*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
169*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# FPGA processor control signals
170*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=33
171*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
172*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----FPGA processor Control Signals:
173*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P0_PWROK_L-------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
174*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P0_RESET_L-------- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
175*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P0_PROCHOT_L------ : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
176*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_SYS_MON_P0_PROCHOT_L : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
177*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P1_PWROK_L-------- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
178*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P1_RESET_L-------- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
179*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ASSERT_P1_PROCHOT_L------ : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
180*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_SYS_MON_P1_PROCHOT_L : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
181*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
182*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Buttons/Resets
183*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=34
184*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
185*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Button and Reset Signals:
186*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho PWR_BTN_L----- : $((DATA & 0x01))
187*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho RST_BTN_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
188*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho WARM_RST_BTN_L : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
189*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho NMI_BTN_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
190*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_BTN_L---- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
191*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_PWR_BTN_L-- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
192*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_SYS_RESET_L : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
193*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_KBRST_L---- : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
194*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
195*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Miscellaneous Block 1
196*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=35
197*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
198*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Miscellaneous 35 Signals:
199*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_AC_LOSS_L---------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
200*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_NV_FORCE_SELF_REFRESH : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
201*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_NV_FORCE_SELF_REFRESH : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
202*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_LOCAL_SPI_ROM_SEL_L-- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
203*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho PCIE_SLOT4_HP_FON_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
204*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_NMI_SYNC_FLOOD_L----- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
205*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_LPC_RST_L---------- : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
206*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_SMBUS_ALERT_L------ : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
207*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
208*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Miscellaneous Block 2
209*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=36
210*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothSHUTDOWNERR=0
211*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
212*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Miscellaneous 36 Signals:
213*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho physical_pg------------------- : $((DATA & 0x01))
214*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho shutdown_error---------------- : $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
215*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothSHUTDOWNERR=$(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1))
216*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P0_PRESENT_HDT---------------- : $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2))
217*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho P1_PRESENT_HDT---------------- : $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3))
218*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho DAP_EXT_P0_CORE_RUN_VOLTAGE_PG : $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4))
219*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_BRD_ID------------------- : $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5))
220*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho FPGA_BRD_ID------------------- : $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6))
221*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho MGMT_FPGA_RSVD---------------- : $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7))
222*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
223*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Switch S1
224*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=37
225*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
226*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Switch Bank S1:
227*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x01)) -eq 1 ] ; then
228*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-1 - OFF - P0 PwrReg PU with Proc"
229*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
230*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-1 - ON  - P0 PwrReg PU without Proc"
231*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
232*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1)) -eq 1 ] ; then
233*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-1 - OFF - P1 PwrReg PU with Proc"
234*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
235*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-1 - ON  - P1 PwrReg PU without Proc"
236*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
237*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2)) -eq 1 ] ; then
238*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-3 - OFF - ATX Connectors Valid"
239*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
240*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-3 - ON  - ATX Connectors Ignored"
241*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
242*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3)) -eq 1 ] ; then
243*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-4 - OFF - Wait for BMC Boot"
244*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
245*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-4 - ON  - Do Not Wait for BMC Boot"
246*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
247*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4)) -eq 1 ] ; then
248*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-5 - OFF - MemPwrReg PU after ATX"
249*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
250*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-5 - ON  - MemPwrReg PU before ATX"
251*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
252*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5)) -eq 1 ] ; then
253*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-6 - OFF - DAP CORE Reg Bypass DISABLED"
254*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
255*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-6 - ON  - DAP CORE Reg Bypass ENABLED"
256*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
257*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6)) -eq 1 ] ; then
258*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-7 - OFF - Bypass P0 in HDT JTAG Chain DISABLED"
259*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
260*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-7 - ON  - Bypass P0 in HDT JTAG Chain ENABLED"
261*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
262*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7)) -eq 1 ] ; then
263*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-8 - OFF - Bypass P1 in HDT JTAG Chain DISABLED"
264*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
265*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-8 - ON  - Bypass P1 in HDT JTAG Chain ENABLED"
266*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
267*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
268*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Switch S2
269*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=38
270*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
271*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ----------FPGAreg$FPGA_REG-----Switch Bank S2:
272*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x01)) -eq 1 ] ; then
273*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-1 - OFF - Boot from SPI ROM behind BMC"
274*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
275*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-1 - ON  - Boot from P0 local SPI ROM"
276*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
277*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x02) >> 1)) -eq 1 ] ; then
278*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-2 - OFF - PCIe SLOT4 hot plug forced PwrON without driver"
279*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
280*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-2 - ON  - PCIe SLOT4 hot plug NOT forced PwrON without driver"
281*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
282*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x04) >> 2)) -eq 1 ] ; then
283*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-3 - OFF - SMI testing DISABLED"
284*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
285*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-3 - ON  - SMI testing ENABLED"
286*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
287*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x08) >> 3)) -eq 1 ] ; then
288*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-4 - OFF - PROCHOT testing DISABLED"
289*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
290*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-4 - ON  - PROCHOT testing ENABLED"
291*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
292*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x10) >> 4)) -eq 1 ] ; then
293*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-5 - OFF - PwrCycle on post code C0 DISABLED"
294*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
295*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-5 - ON  - PwrCycle on post code C0 ENABLED"
296*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
297*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x20) >> 5)) -eq 1 ] ; then
298*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-6 - OFF - PwrCycle Px DISABLED"
299*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
300*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-6 - ON  - PwrCycle - Px Present - RESET_L | Px Not Present VR PwrGood"
301*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
302*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x40) >> 6)) -eq 1 ] ; then
303*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-7 - OFF - BMC IP Address display DISABLED"
304*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
305*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW2-7 - ON  - BMC IP Address display ENABLED"
306*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
307*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $(((DATA & 0x80) >> 7)) -eq 1 ] ; then
308*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-8 - OFF - FORCE_SELFREFRESH support diabled"
309*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothelse
310*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "FPGA_SW1-8 - ON  - FORCE_SELFREFRESH support diabled"
311*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
312*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
313*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Powerup Error Group
314*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ------------------------Power and Thermal Error Group
315*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $SHUTDOWNERR = 0 ] ; then
316*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo NO Shutdown Errors Detected
317*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
318*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
319*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=40
320*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
321*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x0F)) != 0 ] ; then
322*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU1$((DATA & 0x0F))
323*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo "$DATA"
324*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
325*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
326*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=41
327*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
328*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x07)) != 0 ] ; then
329*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU2$((DATA & 0x07))
330*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
331*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
332*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=42
333*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
334*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x0F)) != 0 ] ; then
335*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU1$((DATA & 0x0F))
336*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
337*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
338*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=43
339*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
340*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x07)) != 0 ] ; then
341*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU4$((DATA & 0x07))
342*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
343*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
344*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=44
345*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
346*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x03)) != 0 ] ; then
347*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU5$((DATA & 0x03))
348*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
349*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
350*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=45
351*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
352*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x07)) != 0 ] ; then
353*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PU Error: PU6$((DATA & 0x07))
354*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
355*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
356*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth# Powerdown Error Group
357*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=46
358*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
359*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x0F)) != 0 ] ; then
360*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD1$((DATA & 0x0F))
361*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
362*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
363*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=47
364*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
365*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x07)) != 0 ] ; then
366*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD2$((DATA & 0x07))
367*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
368*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
369*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=48
370*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
371*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x0F)) != 0 ] ; then
372*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD3$((DATA & 0x0F))
373*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
374*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
375*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=49
376*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
377*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x07)) != 0 ] ; then
378*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD4$((DATA & 0x07))
379*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
380*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
381*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=50
382*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
383*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x03)) != 0 ] ; then
384*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD5$((DATA & 0x03))
385*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
386*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
387*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=51
388*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
389*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x03)) != 0 ] ; then
390*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo PD Error: PD6$((DATA & 0x03))
391*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
392*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth
393*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothFPGA_REG=52
394*95d26fc5SJayanth OthayothDATA=$(i2cget -y $I2CBUS $FPGAADDR "$(printf "0x%x" $FPGA_REG)")
395*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothif [ $((DATA & 0x0F)) != 0 ] ; then
396*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayoth    echo Thermal Error: H_0$((DATA & 0x0F))
397*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothfi
398*95d26fc5SJayanth Othayothecho ------------- end of data -----------------