13df030faSGeorge Keishing*** Settings ***
23df030faSGeorge KeishingDocumentation    Test suite to verify if the Robot setup is ready for use.
33df030faSGeorge Keishing
4839a0c27SSandhya SomashekarResource         ../lib/resource.robot
53df030faSGeorge KeishingResource         ../lib/rest_client.robot
63df030faSGeorge KeishingResource         ../lib/connection_client.robot
73df030faSGeorge KeishingResource         ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
8998c16ccSGeorge KeishingResource        ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
93df030faSGeorge Keishing
103df030faSGeorge Keishing*** Test Cases ***
113df030faSGeorge Keishing
12998c16ccSGeorge KeishingTest Redfish Setup
13998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish works.
143df030faSGeorge Keishing
154eb1208bSGeorge Keishing    Skip If  ${REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE} == ${0}
165ad0b021SGeorge Keishing    ...  Skipping Redfish check, user explicitly requested for REST.
175ad0b021SGeorge Keishing
18998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    Redfish.Login
19998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    Redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/
20998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    Redfish.Logout
21998c16ccSGeorge Keishing
22998c16ccSGeorge Keishing
23998c16ccSGeorge KeishingTest REST Setup
24998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    [Documentation]  Verify REST works.
253df030faSGeorge Keishing
264eb1208bSGeorge Keishing    Skip If  ${REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE} == ${1}
275ad0b021SGeorge Keishing    ...  Skipping REST check, user explicitly requested for Redfish.
285ad0b021SGeorge Keishing
293df030faSGeorge Keishing    # REST Connection and request.
303df030faSGeorge Keishing    Initialize OpenBMC
313df030faSGeorge Keishing    # Raw GET REST operation to verify session is established.
32fbd67007SGeorge Keishing    ${resp}=  GET On Session  openbmc  /xyz/openbmc_project/  expected_status=any
333df030faSGeorge Keishing    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
34fbd67007SGeorge Keishing    Log To Console  \n ${resp.json()}
353df030faSGeorge Keishing
363df030faSGeorge Keishing
37998c16ccSGeorge KeishingTest SSH Setup
38998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    [Documentation]  Verify SSH works.
393df030faSGeorge Keishing
40*9a59df7fSUtpal Patel    ${stdout}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  uname -a  print_out=1  print_err=1
41*9a59df7fSUtpal Patel    IF  ${rc}
42*9a59df7fSUtpal Patel        Fail    BMC SSH login failed.
43*9a59df7fSUtpal Patel    END
443df030faSGeorge Keishing
45998c16ccSGeorge Keishing
46998c16ccSGeorge KeishingTest IPMI Setup
47998c16ccSGeorge Keishing    [Documentation]  Verify Out-of-band works.
48998c16ccSGeorge Keishing
493df030faSGeorge Keishing    ${chassis_status}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  chassis status
503df030faSGeorge Keishing    Log To Console  \n ${chassis_status}