1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Test bmc web vulnerability. 3 4Resource ../lib/resource.robot 5Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot 6Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot 7 8Test Setup Test Setup Execution 9Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail 10 11*** Variables *** 12 13${LOOP_COUNT} 4 14 15*** Test Cases *** 16 17Check BMCWeb Service After Attempted GET With Invalid URL 18 [Documentation] Request BMC GET with invalid URL. 19 [Tags] Check_BMCWeb_Service_After_Attempted_GET_With_Invalid_URL 20 21 ${invalid_url}= Set Variable https://${OPENBMC_HOST}:${HTTPS_PORT}/'redfish\\[' 22 23 # Exhaust bmcweb restart policy by crashing 4 times in succession. 24 Repeat Keyword ${LOOP_COUNT} times Run ${curl_tool} -k ${invalid_url} 25 26 # This should fail, if bmcweb is crashed. 27 Redfish.Login 28 29*** Keywords *** 30 31Test Setup Execution 32 [Documentation] Do test setup execution. 33 34 ${cmd_tool}= Run which curl 35 Should Contain ${cmd_tool} curl 36 Set Test Variable ${curl_tool} ${cmd_tool} 37