1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Get the system power supply voltage readings. 3 4Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot 5Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot 6Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot 7Library ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py 8 9Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution 10Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution 11Test Setup Printn 12Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution 13 14 15*** Test Cases *** 16 17Verify Power Control Consumed Watts 18 [Documentation] Verify there are no invalid power control consumed watt records. 19 [Tags] Verify_Power_Control_Consumed_Watts 20 [Template] Verify Power Metric Records 21 22 # record_type redfish_uri reading_type 23 PowerControl ${REDFISH_CHASSIS_POWER_URI} PowerConsumedWatts 24 25 26*** Keywords *** 27 28Verify Power Metric Records 29 [Documentation] Verify the power metric records. 30 [Arguments] ${record_type} ${redfish_uri} ${reading_type} 31 32 # Description of Arguments(s): 33 # record_type The sensor record type (e.g. "PowerControl") 34 # redfish_uri The power supply URI (e.g. /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Power) 35 # reading_type The power metric readings (e.g. "PowerConsumedWatts") 36 37 Verify Valid Records ${record_type} ${redfish_uri} ${reading_type} 38 39 ${records}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${redfish_uri} ${record_type} 40 41 ${invalid_records}= Evaluate 42 ... [x for x in ${records} if not x['${reading_type}'] <= x['PowerMetrics']['MaxConsumedWatts']] 43 44 Valid Length invalid_records max_length=0 45 46 47Suite Teardown Execution 48 [Documentation] Do the post suite teardown. 49 50 Redfish.Logout 51 52 53Suite Setup Execution 54 [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. 55 56 Printn 57 Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip 58 Redfish.Login 59 60 61Test Teardown Execution 62 [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. 63 64 FFDC On Test Case Fail 65