1*** Settings *** 2 3Documentation Test Redfish session and its connection stability. 4 5Resource ../../lib/resource.robot 6Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot 7Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot 8Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot 9 10Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout 11Test Setup Printn 12Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail 13 14 15*** Variables *** 16 17${duration} 6h 18${interval} 30s 19${reboot_interval} 30m 20${REDFISH_DELETE_SESSIONS} ${0} 21 22 23*** Test Cases *** 24 25Create Session And Check Connection Stability 26 [Documentation] Send heartbeat on session continuously and verify connection stability. 27 [Tags] Create_Session_And_Check_Connection_Stability 28 [Setup] Redfish.logout 29 30 # Clear old session and start new session. 31 Redfish.Login 32 33 Repeat Keyword ${duration} Send Heartbeat 34 35 36Create Session And Check Connection Stability On Reboot 37 [Documentation] Create Session And Check Connection Stability On Reboot 38 [Tags] Create_Session_And_Check_Connection_Stability_On_Reboot 39 [Setup] Redfish.logout 40 41 # Clear old session and start new session. 42 Redfish.Login 43 44 Repeat Keyword ${duration} Check Connection On Reboot 45 46 47*** Keywords *** 48 49Send Heartbeat 50 [Documentation] Send heartbeat to BMC. 51 52 ${hostname}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI} HostName 53 Sleep ${interval} 54 55 56Check Connection On Reboot 57 [Documentation] Send heartbeat on BMC reboot. 58 59 # Reboot BMC 60 Redfish OBMC Reboot (Off) 61 62 # Verify session is still active and no issues on connection after reboot. 63 Repeat Keyword ${reboot_interval} Send Heartbeat 64 65