1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Test BMC using https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator 3... DMTF tool. 4 5Library OperatingSystem 6Resource ../../lib/dmtf_tools_utils.robot 7Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot 8 9*** Variables *** 10 11${DEFAULT_PYTHON} python3 12${rsv_dir_path} Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator 13${rsv_github_url} https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator.git 14${command_string} ${DEFAULT_PYTHON} ${rsv_dir_path}${/}Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator.py 15... -r https://${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} -p ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -S -v 16 17*** Test Case *** 18 19Test BMC Redfish Using Redfish JsonSchema ResponseValidator 20 [Documentation] Check OpenBMC conformance with JsonSchema files at the DMTF site. 21 [Tags] Test_BMC_Redfish_Using_Redfish_JsonSchema_ResponseValidator 22 23 Download DMTF Tool ${rsv_dir_path} ${rsv_github_url} 24 25 Redfish.Login 26 ${url_list}= redfish_utils.List Request /redfish/v1 27 Redfish.Logout 28 29 Shell Cmd mkdir -p logs/ 30 31 Set Test Variable ${test_run_status} ${True} 32 33 FOR ${url} IN @{url_list} 34 ${rc} ${output}= Run DMTF Tool ${rsv_dir_path} ${command_string} -i ${url} 35 ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish JsonSchema ResponseValidator Result ${output} 36 Run Keyword If ${status} == ${False} Set Test Variable ${test_run_status} ${status} 37 Save Logs For Debugging ${status} ${url} 38 END 39 40 Run Keyword If ${test_run_status} == ${False} 41 ... Fail Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator detected errors. 42 43 44*** Keywords *** 45 46Save Logs For Debugging 47 [Documentation] Save validate_errs on errors. 48 [Arguments] ${status} ${url} 49 50 # Description of arguments: 51 # status True/False. 52 # url Redfish resource path (e.g. "/redfish/v1/AccountService"). 53 54 ${validate_errs}= Shell Cmd cat validate_errs 55 Log ${validate_errs} 56 57 # URL /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc strip the last ending string and save off 58 # the logs for debugging "validate_errs_AccountService" and move to logs/. 59 Run Keyword If ${status} == ${False} 60 ... Shell Cmd mv validate_errs logs/validate_errs_${url.rsplit("/")[-1]} 61