1*** Settings ***
2Documentation       Utility for RAS test scenarios through HOST & BMC.
3Resource            ../../lib/utils.robot
4Resource            ../../lib/ras/host_utils.robot
5Resource            ../../lib/resource.robot
6Resource            ../../lib/state_manager.robot
7Resource            ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
8Variables           ../../lib/ras/variables.py
9Variables           ../../data/variables.py
10Resource            ../../lib/dump_utils.robot
12Library             DateTime
13Library             OperatingSystem
14Library             random
15Library             Collections
17*** Variables ***
18${stack_mode}       normal
20*** Keywords ***
22Verify And Clear Gard Records On HOST
23    [Documentation]  Verify And Clear gard records on HOST.
25    ${output}=  Gard Operations On OS  list
26    Should Not Contain  ${output}  No GARD
27    Gard Operations On OS  clear all
29Verify Error Log Entry
30    [Documentation]  Verify error log entry & signature description.
31    [Arguments]  ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
32    # Description of argument(s):
33    # signature_desc  Error log signature description.
34    # log_prefix      Log path prefix.
37    Error Logs Should Exist
39    Collect eSEL Log  ${log_prefix}
40    ${error_log_file_path}=  Catenate  ${log_prefix}esel.txt
41    ${rc}  ${output}=  Run and Return RC and Output
42    ...  grep -i ${signature_desc} ${error_log_file_path}
43    Should Be Equal  ${rc}  ${0}
44    Should Not Be Empty  ${output}
46Inject Recoverable Error With Threshold Limit
47    [Documentation]  Inject and verify recoverable error on processor through
48    ...              BMC/HOST.
49    ...              Test sequence:
50    ...              1. Inject recoverable error on a given target
51    ...                 (e.g: Processor core, CAPP, MCA) through BMC/HOST.
52    ...              2. Check If HOST is running.
53    ...              3. Verify error log entry & signature description.
54    ...              4. Verify & clear gard records.
55    [Arguments]      ${interface_type}  ${fir_address}  ${value}  ${threshold_limit}
56    ...              ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
57    # Description of argument(s):
58    # interface_type      Inject error through 'BMC' or 'HOST'.
59    # fir_address         FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
60    # value               (e.g 2000000000000000).
61    # threshold_limit     Threshold limit (e.g 1, 5, 32).
62    # signature_desc      Error log signature description.
63    # log_prefix          Log path prefix.
65    Run Keyword  Inject Error Through ${interface_type}
66    ...  ${fir_address}  ${value}  ${threshold_limit}  ${master_proc_chip}
68    Is Host Running
69    ${output}=  Gard Operations On OS  list
70    Should Contain  ${output}  No GARD
71    Verify Error Log Entry  ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
74Inject Unrecoverable Error
75    [Documentation]  Inject and verify unrecoverable error on processor through
76    ...              BMC/HOST.
77    ...              Test sequence:
78    ...              1. Inject unrecoverable error on a given target
79    ...                 (e.g: Processor core, CAPP, MCA) through BMC/HOST.
80    ...              2. Check If HOST is rebooted.
81    ...              3. Verify & clear gard records.
82    ...              4. Verify error log entry & signature description.
83    ...              5. Verify & clear dump entry.
84    [Arguments]      ${interface_type}  ${fir_address}  ${value}  ${threshold_limit}
85    ...              ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}  ${bmc_reboot}=${0}
86    # Description of argument(s):
87    # interface_type      Inject error through 'BMC' or 'HOST'.
88    # fir_address         FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
89    # value               (e.g 2000000000000000).
90    # threshold_limit     Threshold limit (e.g 1, 5, 32).
91    # signature_desc      Error Log signature description.
92    #                     (e.g 'mcs(n0p0c0) (MCFIR[0]) mc internal recoverable')
93    # log_prefix          Log path prefix.
94    # bmc_reboot          Do bmc reboot If bmc_reboot is set.
96    Run Keyword  Inject Error Through ${interface_type}
97    ...  ${fir_address}  ${value}  ${threshold_limit}  ${master_proc_chip}
99    # Do BMC Reboot after error injection.
100    Run Keyword If  ${bmc_reboot}  Run Keywords
101    ...    Initiate BMC Reboot
102    ...    Wait For BMC Ready
103    ...    Initiate Host PowerOff
104    ...    Initiate Host Boot
105    ...  ELSE
106    ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  500 sec  20 sec  Is Host Rebooted
108    Wait for OS
109    Verify Error Log Entry  ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
110    Read Properties  ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}list
111    Delete All BMC Dump
112    Verify And Clear Gard Records On HOST
114Fetch FIR Address Translation Value
115    [Documentation]  Fetch FIR address translation value through HOST.
116    [Arguments]  ${fir_address}  ${target_type}
117    # Description of argument(s):
118    # fir_address          FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. '2011400').
119    # core_id              Core ID (e.g. '9').
120    # target_type          Target type (e.g. 'EX', 'EQ', 'C').
122    Login To OS Host
123    Copy Address Translation Utils To HOST OS
125    # Fetch processor chip IDs.
126    ${proc_chip_id}=  Get ProcChipId From OS  Processor  ${master_proc_chip}
127    # Example output:
128    # 00000000
130    ${core_ids}=  Get Core IDs From OS  ${proc_chip_id[-1]}
131    # Example output:
132    #./probe_cpus.sh | grep 'CHIP ID: 0' | cut -c21-22
133    # ['14', '15', '16', '17']
135    # Ignoring master core ID.
136    ${output}=  Get Slice From List  ${core_ids}  1
137    # Feth random non-master core ID.
138    ${core_ids_sub_list}=   Evaluate  random.sample(${core_ids}, 1)  random
139    ${core_id}=  Get From List  ${core_ids_sub_list}  0
140    ${translated_fir_addr}=  FIR Address Translation Through HOST
141    ...  ${fir_address}  ${core_id}  ${target_type}
143    [Return]  ${translated_fir_addr}
145RAS Test SetUp
146    [Documentation]  Validates input parameters.
148    Should Not Be Empty
149    ...  ${OS_HOST}  msg=You must provide DNS name/IP of the OS host.
150    Should Not Be Empty
151    ...  ${OS_USERNAME}  msg=You must provide OS host user name.
152    Should Not Be Empty
153    ...  ${OS_PASSWORD}  msg=You must provide OS host user password.
155    Smart Power Off
157    # Boot to OS.
158    REST Power On  quiet=${1}
159    # Adding delay after host bring up.
160    Sleep  60s
162RAS Suite Setup
163    [Documentation]  Create RAS log directory to store all RAS test logs.
165    ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}=  Catenate  ${EXECDIR}/RAS_logs/
166    Set Suite Variable  ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
167    Set Suite Variable  ${master_proc_chip}  False
169    Create Directory  ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
170    OperatingSystem.Directory Should Exist  ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
171    Empty Directory  ${RAS_LOG_DIR_PATH}
173    Should Not Be Empty  ${ESEL_BIN_PATH}
174    Set Environment Variable  PATH  %{PATH}:${ESEL_BIN_PATH}
176    # Boot to Os.
177    REST Power On  quiet=${1}
179    # Check Opal-PRD service enabled on host.
180    ${opal_prd_state}=  Is Opal-PRD Service Enabled
181    Run Keyword If  '${opal_prd_state}' == 'disabled'
182    ...  Enable Opal-PRD Service On HOST
184RAS Suite Cleanup
185    [Documentation]  Perform RAS suite cleanup and verify that host
186    ...              boots after test suite run.
188    # Boot to OS.
189    REST Power On
190    Delete Error Logs
191    Gard Operations On OS  clear all
194Inject Error At HOST Boot Path
196    [Documentation]  Inject and verify recoverable error on processor through
197    ...              BMC using pdbg tool at HOST Boot path.
198    ...              Test sequence:
199    ...              1. Inject error on a given target
200    ...                 (e.g: Processor core, CAPP, MCA) through BMC using
201    ...                 pdbg tool at HOST Boot path.
202    ...              2. Check If HOST is rebooted and running.
203    ...              3. Verify error log entry & signature description.
204    ...              4. Verify & clear gard records.
205    [Arguments]      ${fir_address}  ${value}  ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
206    # Description of argument(s):
207    # fir_address         FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
208    # value               (e.g 2000000000000000).
209    # signature_desc      Error log signature description.
210    # log_prefix          Log path prefix.
212    Inject Error Through BMC At HOST Boot  ${fir_address}  ${value}
214    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  500 sec  20 sec  Is Host Rebooted
215    Wait for OS
216    Verify Error Log Entry  ${signature_desc}  ${log_prefix}
217    Verify And Clear Gard Records On HOST