145d841e3SSushil Singh*** Settings ***
245d841e3SSushil Singh
345d841e3SSushil SinghDocumentation     Test client identifier feature on BMC.
445d841e3SSushil Singh
545d841e3SSushil SinghResource          ../../lib/rest_client.robot
645d841e3SSushil SinghResource          ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
745d841e3SSushil SinghResource          ../../lib/resource.robot
845d841e3SSushil SinghResource          ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
945d841e3SSushil SinghLibrary           ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.py
1045d841e3SSushil SinghLibrary           ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py
1145d841e3SSushil Singh
1245d841e3SSushil SinghSuite Setup       Redfish.Login
1345d841e3SSushil SinghSuite Teardown    Delete All Redfish Sessions
1445d841e3SSushil SinghTest Setup        Printn
1545d841e3SSushil SinghTest Teardown     FFDC On Test Case Fail
1645d841e3SSushil Singh
1745d841e3SSushil Singh
1845d841e3SSushil Singh*** Test Cases ***
1945d841e3SSushil Singh
2045d841e3SSushil SinghCreate A Session With ClientID And Verify
2145d841e3SSushil Singh   [Documentation]  Create a session with client id and verify client id is same.
2245d841e3SSushil Singh   [Tags]  Create_A_Session_With_ClientID_And_Verify
23*1384321bSSushil Singh   [Template]  Create And Verify Session ClientID
2445d841e3SSushil Singh
25*1384321bSSushil Singh   # client_id           # reboot_flag
26*1384321bSSushil Singh   12345                 False
27*1384321bSSushil Singh   123456                False
28*1384321bSSushil Singh   EXTERNAL-CLIENT-01    False
29*1384321bSSushil Singh   EXTERNAL-CLIENT-02    False
30*1384321bSSushil Singh
31*1384321bSSushil Singh
32*1384321bSSushil SinghCheck ClientID Persistency On BMC Reboot
33*1384321bSSushil Singh   [Documentation]  Create a session with client id and verify client id is same after the reboot.
34*1384321bSSushil Singh   [Tags]  Check_ClientID_Persistency_On_BMC_Reboot
35*1384321bSSushil Singh   [Template]  Create And Verify Session ClientID
36*1384321bSSushil Singh
37*1384321bSSushil Singh   # client_id           # reboot_flag
38*1384321bSSushil Singh   12345                 True
39*1384321bSSushil Singh   EXTERNAL-CLIENT-01    True
4045d841e3SSushil Singh
4145d841e3SSushil Singh*** Keywords ***
4245d841e3SSushil Singh
4345d841e3SSushil SinghCreate A Session With ClientID
4445d841e3SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Create redifish session with client id.
4545d841e3SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}
4645d841e3SSushil Singh
4745d841e3SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
4845d841e3SSushil Singh    # client_id    This client id can contain string value
4945d841e3SSushil Singh    #              (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT").
5045d841e3SSushil Singh
5145d841e3SSushil Singh    ${resp}=  Redfish Login  kwargs= "Oem":{"OpenBMC" : {"ClientID":"${client_id}"}}
5245d841e3SSushil Singh
53*1384321bSSushil Singh    [Return]  ${resp}
5445d841e3SSushil Singh
5545d841e3SSushil SinghVerify A Session Created With ClientID
5645d841e3SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Verify session created with client id.
5745d841e3SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}  ${session_id}
5845d841e3SSushil Singh
5945d841e3SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
6045d841e3SSushil Singh    # client_id    External client name.
6145d841e3SSushil Singh    # session_id   This value is a session id.
6245d841e3SSushil Singh
6345d841e3SSushil Singh    ${sessions}=  Redfish.Get Properties  /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/${session_id}
6445d841e3SSushil Singh
6545d841e3SSushil Singh    # {
6645d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/H8q2ZKucSJ",
6745d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_2.Session",
6845d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "Description": "Manager User Session",
6945d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "Id": "H8q2ZKucSJ",
7045d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "Name": "User Session",
7145d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "Oem": {
7245d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "OpenBMC": {
7345d841e3SSushil Singh    #  "@odata.type": "#OemSession.v1_0_0.Session",
7445d841e3SSushil Singh    #  "ClientID": "",
7545d841e3SSushil Singh    #  "ClientOriginIP": "::ffff:x.x.x.x"
7645d841e3SSushil Singh    #       }
7745d841e3SSushil Singh    #     },
7845d841e3SSushil Singh    #   "UserName": "root"
7945d841e3SSushil Singh    # }
8045d841e3SSushil Singh
8145d841e3SSushil Singh    Rprint Vars  sessions
8245d841e3SSushil Singh    @{words} =  Split String  ${sessions["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientOriginIP"]}  :
8345d841e3SSushil Singh    ${ipaddr}=  Get Running System IP
8445d841e3SSushil Singh    Set Test Variable  ${temp_ipaddr}  ${words}[-1]
8545d841e3SSushil Singh    Valid Value  client_id  ['${sessions["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientID"]}']
8645d841e3SSushil Singh    Valid Value  sessions["Id"]  ['${session_id}']
8745d841e3SSushil Singh    Valid Value  temp_ipaddr  ${ipaddr}
88*1384321bSSushil Singh
89*1384321bSSushil Singh
90*1384321bSSushil SinghCreate And Verify Session ClientID
91*1384321bSSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Create redifish session with client id and verify it remain same.
92*1384321bSSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}  ${reboot_flag}=False
93*1384321bSSushil Singh
94*1384321bSSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
95*1384321bSSushil Singh    # client_id    This client id contain string value
96*1384321bSSushil Singh    #              (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT").
97*1384321bSSushil Singh    # reboot_flag  Flag is used to run reboot the BMC code.
98*1384321bSSushil Singh    #               (e.g. True or False).
99*1384321bSSushil Singh
100*1384321bSSushil Singh    ${session_info}=  Create A Session With ClientID  ${client_id}
101*1384321bSSushil Singh    Verify A Session Created With ClientID  ${client_id}  ${session_info['Id']}
102*1384321bSSushil Singh    Run Keyword If  '${reboot_flag}' == 'True'
103*1384321bSSushil Singh    ...  Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
104*1384321bSSushil Singh    Verify A Session Created With ClientID  ${client_id}  ${session_info['Id']}