1Documentation Utility for SNMP configurations via Redfish. 2 3*** Settings *** 4 5Resource ../../lib/utils.robot 6Resource ../../lib/connection_client.robot 7Library ../../lib/gen_misc.py 8Library ../../lib/utils.py 9 10*** Variables *** 11 12${snmp_function} SNMPTrap 13${snmp_version} SNMPv2c 14${subscription_uri} /redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions 15 16${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging 17... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure 18... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0 19 20${CMD_FRU_CALLOUT} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging 21... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout 22... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 2 "TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC" "5" 23... "CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH" "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard" 24 25${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging 26... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.TestError2 27... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Informational 0 28 29${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_INTERNAL_FAILURE} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure 30${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_CALLOUT_ERROR} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout 31${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.TestError2 32 33 34*** Keywords *** 35 36Get SNMP Manager List 37 [Documentation] Get the list of SNMP managers and return IP addresses and ports. 38 39 # Get the list of SNMP manager URIs. 40 @{snmp_mgr_uris}= Get SNMP Child URIs 41 42 ${snmp_mgr_list}= Create List 43 44 FOR ${snmp_mgr_uri} IN @{snmp_mgr_uris} 45 # Sample output: 46 # { 47 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1", 48 # "@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_7_0.EventDestination", 49 # "Context": "", 50 # "Destination": "snmp://xx.xx.xx.xx:162", 51 # "EventFormatType": "Event", 52 # "Id": "snmp1", 53 # "Name": "Event Destination snmp1", 54 # "Protocol": "SNMPv2c", 55 # "SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap" 56 57 ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${snmp_mgr_uri} 58 ${snmp_mgr}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} Destination 59 Append To List ${snmp_mgr_list} ${snmp_mgr} 60 END 61 62 [Return] ${snmp_mgr_list} 63 64 65Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish 66 [Documentation] Configure SNMP manager on BMC via Redfish. 67 [Arguments] ${snmp_mgr_ip} ${snmp_port} ${valid_status_codes}=${HTTP_CREATED} 68 69 # Description of argument(s): 70 # snmp_mgr_ip SNMP manager IP address 71 # snmp_port SNMP manager port 72 # valid_status_code expected code 73 74 ${snmp_mgr_data}= Create Dictionary Destination=snmp://${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} 75 ... SubscriptionType=${snmp_function} Protocol=${snmp_version} 76 77 Redfish.Post ${subscription_uri} body=&{snmp_mgr_data} 78 ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_codes}] 79 80 81Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC 82 [Documentation] Verify SNMP manager configured on BMC. 83 [Arguments] ${snmp_mgr_ip} ${snmp_port} 84 85 # Description of argument(s): 86 # snmp_mgr_ip SNMP manager IP address 87 # snmp_port SNMP manager port 88 89 # Get the list of SNMP managers that are configured on BMC. 90 @{snmp_mgr_list}= Get SNMP Manager List 91 92 ${snmp_ip_port}= Catenate ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} 93 94 List Should Contain Value ${snmp_mgr_list} snmp://${snmp_ip_port} 95 ... msg=SNMP manager is not configured. 96 97 98Get SNMP Child URIs 99 [Documentation] Get the list of all SNMP manager URIs. 100 101 # Sample output of SNMP URI: 102 # { 103 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions", 104 # "@odata.type": "#EventDestinationCollection.EventDestinationCollection", 105 # "Members": [ 106 # { 107 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp6" 108 # }, 109 # { 110 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp2" 111 # }, 112 # { 113 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp9" 114 # }, 115 # { 116 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1" 117 # }, 118 # { 119 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp8" 120 # }, 121 # { 122 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp4" 123 # }, 124 # { 125 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp7" 126 # }, 127 # { 128 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp5" 129 # }, 130 # { 131 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp3" 132 # } 133 # ], 134 # "Members@odata.count": 9, 135 # "Name": "Event Destination Collections" 136 137 # Get the list of child URIs. 138 @{snmp_mgr_uris}= Redfish.Get Members List ${subscription_uri} filter=snmp 139 140 [Return] ${snmp_mgr_uris} 141 142 143Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish 144 [Documentation] Delete SNMP manager. 145 [Arguments] ${snmp_mgr_ip} ${snmp_port} 146 147 # Description of argument(s): 148 # snmp_mgr_ip SNMP manager IP. 149 # snmp_port Network port where SNMP manager is listening. 150 151 ${is_snmp_found}= Set Variable ${False} 152 ${snmp_ip_port}= Catenate ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} 153 154 # Get the list of SNMP manager URIs. 155 @{snmp_mgr_uris}= Get SNMP Child URIs 156 157 # Find the SNMP manager URI that has IP and port configured. 158 FOR ${snmp_mgr_uri} IN @{snmp_mgr_uris} 159 # Sample output: 160 # { 161 # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1", 162 # "@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_7_0.EventDestination", 163 # "Context": "", 164 # "Destination": "snmp://xx.xx.xx.xx:162", 165 # "EventFormatType": "Event", 166 # "Id": "snmp1", 167 # "Name": "Event Destination snmp1", 168 # "Protocol": "SNMPv2c", 169 # "SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap" 170 171 # Find the SNMP manager that has matching destination details. 172 ${snmp_mgr}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${snmp_mgr_uri} Destination 173 174 # Delete the SNMP manager if the requested IP & ports are found 175 # and mark is_snmp_found to true. 176 Run Keyword If 'snmp://${snmp_ip_port}' == '${snmp_mgr}' 177 ... Run Keywords Set Local Variable ${is_snmp_found} ${True} 178 ... AND Redfish.Delete ${snmp_mgr_uri} 179 ... AND Exit For Loop 180 END 181 182 Pass Execution If ${is_snmp_found} == ${False} 183 ... SNMP Manager: ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} is not configured on BMC 184 185 # Check if the SNMP manager is really deleted from BMC. 186 ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status 187 ... Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${snmp_mgr_ip} ${snmp_port} 188 189 Should Be Equal ${status} ${False} msg=SNMP manager is not deleted in the backend. 190 191 192Create Error On BMC And Verify Trap 193 [Documentation] Generate error on BMC and verify if trap is sent. 194 [Arguments] ${event_log}=${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} ${expected_error}=${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_INTERNAL_FAILURE} 195 196 # Description of argument(s): 197 # event_log Event logs to be created. 198 # expected_error Expected error on SNMP. 199 200 Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} ${HTTP_CREATED} 201 202 Start SNMP Manager 203 204 # Generate error log. 205 BMC Execute Command ${event_log} 206 207 SSHLibrary.Switch Connection snmp_server 208 ${SNMP_LISTEN_OUT}= Read delay=1s 209 210 Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} 211 212 # Stop SNMP manager process. 213 SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo killall snmptrapd 214 215 # Sample SNMP trap: 216 # 2021-06-16 07:05:29 xx.xx.xx.xx [UDP: [xx.xx.xx.xx]:58154->[xx.xx.xx.xx]:xxx]: 217 # DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (2100473) 5:50:04.73 218 # SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. 219 # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Gauge32: 369 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Opaque: 220 # UInt64: 1397718405502468474 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = INTEGER: 3 221 # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = STRING: "xxx.xx.xx Failure" 222 223 ${lines}= Split To Lines ${SNMP_LISTEN_OUT} 224 ${trap_info}= Get From List ${lines} -1 225 ${snmp_trap}= Split String ${trap_info} \t 226 227 Verify SNMP Trap ${snmp_trap} ${expected_error} 228 229 [Return] ${snmp_trap} 230 231 232Verify SNMP Trap 233 [Documentation] Verify SNMP trap. 234 [Arguments] ${snmp_trap} ${expected_error}=${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_INTERNAL_FAILURE} 235 236 # Description of argument(s): 237 # snmp_trap SNMP trap collected on SNMP manager. 238 # expected_error Expected error on SNMP. 239 240 # Verify all the mandatory fields of trap. 241 Should Contain ${snmp_trap}[0] DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: 242 Should Be Equal ${snmp_trap}[1] SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. 243 Should Match Regexp ${snmp_trap}[2] SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Gauge32: \[0-9]* 244 Should Match Regexp ${snmp_trap}[3] SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Opaque: UInt64: \[0-9]* 245 Should Match Regexp ${snmp_trap}[4] SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = INTEGER: \[0-9] 246 Should Be Equal ${snmp_trap}[5] SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = STRING: "${expected_error}" 247 248 249Start SNMP Manager 250 [Documentation] Start SNMP listener on the remote SNMP manager. 251 252 Open Connection And Log In ${SNMP_MGR1_USERNAME} ${SNMP_MGR1_PASSWORD} 253 ... alias=snmp_server host=${SNMP_MGR1_IP} 254 255 # The execution of the SNMP_TRAPD_CMD is necessary to cause SNMP to begin 256 # listening to SNMP messages. 257 SSHLibrary.write ${SNMP_TRAPD_CMD} & 258 259 260Create Error On BMC And Verify Trap On Non-Default Port 261 [Documentation] Generate error on BMC and verify if trap is sent to non default port. 262 [Arguments] ${event_log}=${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} ${expected_error}=${SNMP_TRAP_BMC_INTERNAL_FAILURE} 263 264 # Description of argument(s): 265 # event_log Event logs to be created. 266 # expected_error Expected error on SNMP. 267 268 Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} 269 270 Start SNMP Manager On Specific Port ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} 271 272 # Generate error log. 273 BMC Execute Command ${event_log} 274 275 SSHLibrary.Switch Connection snmp_server 276 ${SNMP_LISTEN_OUT}= Read delay=1s 277 278 Delete SNMP Manager Via Redfish ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} 279 280 # Stop SNMP manager process. 281 SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo killall snmptrapd 282 283 # Sample SNMP trap: 284 # 2021-06-16 07:05:29 xx.xx.xx.xx [UDP: [xx.xx.xx.xx]:58154->[xx.xx.xx.xx]:xxx]: 285 # DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (2100473) 5:50:04.73 286 # SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. 287 # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Gauge32: 369 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = Opaque: 288 # UInt64: 1397718405502468474 SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = INTEGER: 3 289 # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.49871. = STRING: "xxx.xx.xx Failure" 290 291 ${lines}= Split To Lines ${SNMP_LISTEN_OUT} 292 ${trap_info}= Get From List ${lines} -1 293 ${snmp_trap}= Split String ${trap_info} \t 294 295 Verify SNMP Trap ${snmp_trap} ${expected_error} 296 297 [Return] ${snmp_trap} 298 299 300Start SNMP Manager On Specific Port 301 [Documentation] Start SNMP listener on specific port on the remote SNMP manager. 302 [Arguments] ${snmp_mgr_ip} ${snmp_port} 303 304 # Description of argument(s): 305 # snmp_mgr_ip SNMP manager IP. 306 # snmp_port Network port on which SNMP manager need to run. 307 308 ${ip_and_port}= Catenate ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port} 309 310 Open Connection And Log In ${SNMP_MGR1_USERNAME} ${SNMP_MGR1_PASSWORD} 311 ... alias=snmp_server host=${SNMP_MGR1_IP} 312 313 # The execution of the SNMP_TRAPD_CMD is necessary to cause SNMP to begin 314 # listening to SNMP messages. 315 SSHLibrary.write ${SNMP_TRAPD_CMD} ${ip_and_port} & 316