1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Module for capturing BMC serial output 3 4Library Telnet newline=LF 5Library OperatingSystem 6Library Collections 7Library String 8 9 10*** Keywords *** 11 12Open Telnet Connection To BMC Serial Console 13 [Documentation] Open telnet connection session to BMC serial console 14 ... The login prompt expected, for example, for Witherspoon 15 ... is "Witherspoon login:". 16 [Arguments] ${i_host}=${OPENBMC_SERIAL_HOST} 17 ... ${i_port}=${OPENBMC_SERIAL_PORT} 18 ... ${i_model}=${OPENBMC_MODEL} 19 20 # Description of argument(s): 21 # i_host The host name or IP of the serial console. 22 # i_port The port of the serial console. 23 # i_model The path to the system data, i.e. "./data/Witherspoon.py". 24 25 ${prompt_string}= Convert To Lowercase ${i_model} login: 26 Telnet.Open Connection 27 ... ${i_host} port=${i_port} prompt=# 28 Telnet.Set Timeout 30 seconds 29 Telnet.Set Newline \n 30 Telnet.Set Newline CRLF 31 Telnet.Write \n 32 Telnet.Write exit 33 Telnet.Write \n 34 Telnet.Read Until Regexp (Password:|logout) 35 Telnet.Write \n 36 Telnet.Read Until ${prompt_string} 37 Telnet.Write ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} 38 Telnet.Write \n 39 Telnet.Read Until Password: 40 Telnet.Write ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 41 Telnet.Write \n 42 Telnet.Read Until Prompt 43 Telnet.Set Timeout 30 minute 30 seconds 44 45 46Read And Log BMC Serial Console Output 47 [Documentation] Reads everything that is currently available 48 ... in the output. 49 50 ${bmc_serial_log}= Telnet.Read 51 Log ${bmc_serial_log} 52 53 54Execute Command On Serial Console 55 [Documentation] Execute a command on the BMC serial console. 56 [Arguments] ${command_string} 57 58 # Description of argument(s): 59 # command The command to execute on the BMC. 60 61 Open Telnet Connection To BMC Serial Console 62 Telnet.Write \n 63 Telnet.Write \n 64 Telnet.Execute Command ${command_string} 65 Read And Log BMC Serial Console Output 66 Close Serial Console Connection 67 68 69Close Serial Console Connection 70 [Documentation] Log out of the BMC and close telnet. 71 72 Telnet.Write \n 73 Telnet.Write exit 74 Telnet.Close Connection 75