1*** Settings *** 2Documentation This module is for OS checkstop opertions. 3Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot 4Resource ../../lib/utils.robot 5Library OperatingSystem 6 7*** Keywords *** 8 9Getscom Operations On OS 10 [Documentation] Executes getscom command on OS with the given 11 ... input command. 12 [Arguments] ${input_cmd} 13 # Description of arguments: 14 # input_cmd -l|--list-chips 15 # -c|--chip <chip-id> <addr> 16 17 ${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command getscom ${input_cmd} 18 ... return_stderr=True 19 Should Be Empty ${stderr} 20 [Return] ${output} 21 22Gard Operations On OS 23 [Documentation] Executes opal-gard command on OS with the given 24 ... input command. 25 [Arguments] ${input_cmd} 26 # Description of arguments: 27 # input_cmd list/clear all/show <gard_record_id> 28 29 ${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command opal-gard ${input_cmd} 30 ... return_stderr=True 31 Should Be Empty ${stderr} 32 [Return] ${output} 33 34Putscom Through OS 35 [Documentation] Executes putscom command on OS with the given 36 ... input arguments. 37 [Arguments] ${chip_id} ${fru} ${address} 38 # Description of arguments: 39 # chip_id processor ID (e.g 00000000). 40 # fru FRU value (e.g. 2011400). 41 # address chip address (e.g 4000000000000000). 42 43 ${cmd}= Catenate putscom -c 0x${chip_id} 0x${fru} 0x${address} 44 Start Command ${cmd} 45 46Get Cores Values From OS 47 [Documentation] Check if cores present on HOST OS & return core values. 48 ${cmd}= Catenate cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog|grep -i chip|grep -i core 49 ${output}= Execute Command ${cmd} 50 Should Not Be Empty ${output} 51 [Return] ${output} 52 53Get ChipID From OS 54 [Documentation] Get chip ID values based on the input. 55 [Arguments] ${chip_type} 56 # Description of arguments: 57 # chip_type The chip type (Processor/Centaur). 58 59 ${cmd}= Catenate -l | grep -i ${chip_type} | cut -c1-8 60 ${chip_id}= Getscom Operations On OS ${cmd} 61 [Return] ${chip_id} 62