1c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh*** Settings ***
2c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghDocumentation    Management console utilities keywords.
3c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
4*87e984c8SSushil SinghResource         ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot
5c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghLibrary          ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py
6c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghLibrary          Collections
7c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghLibrary          ../../lib/bmc_ssh_utils.py
8c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghLibrary          SSHLibrary
9c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
10c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh*** Variables ***
11c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh&{daemon_command}  start=systemctl start avahi-daemon
12c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh                  ...  stop=systemctl stop avahi-daemon
13c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh                  ...  status=systemctl status avahi-daemon -l
14c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh&{daemon_message}  start=Active: active (running)
15c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh                  ...  stop=Active: inactive (dead)
16c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
17c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh*** Keywords ***
18c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
19c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghSet AvahiDaemon Service
20c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  To enable or disable avahi service.
21c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${command}
22c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
23c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
241faaa460SGeorge Keishing    # command  Get command from dictionary.
25c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
26c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    ${service_command}=  Get From Dictionary  ${daemon_command}  ${command}
27c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    ${resp}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  ${service_command}  print_out=1
28c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${rc}  0
29c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
30c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
31c5e9ebc6SSushil SinghVerify AvahiDaemon Service Status
32c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  To check for avahi service.
33c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${message}
34c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
35c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
361faaa460SGeorge Keishing    # message  Get status message from dictionary.
37c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh
38c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    ${service_command}=  Get From Dictionary  ${daemon_command}  status
39c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    ${service_message}=  Get From Dictionary  ${daemon_message}  ${message}
40c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    ${resp}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  ${service_command}  print_out=1
41c5e9ebc6SSushil Singh    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${service_message}
42d03f2ce1SSushil Singh
43d03f2ce1SSushil Singh
44*87e984c8SSushil SinghCreate Session With ClientID
45*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Create redifish session with client id.
46*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}
47*87e984c8SSushil Singh
48*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
49*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # client_id    This client id can contain string value
50*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #              (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT").
51*87e984c8SSushil Singh
52*87e984c8SSushil Singh    ${session_info}=  Create Dictionary
53*87e984c8SSushil Singh    ${session_resp}=  Redfish Login  kwargs= "Oem":{"OpenBMC" : {"ClientID":"${client_id}"}}
54*87e984c8SSushil Singh
55*87e984c8SSushil Singh    Set To Dictionary  ${session_info}  SessionIDs  ${session_resp['Id']}
56*87e984c8SSushil Singh    Set To Dictionary  ${session_info}  ClientID  ${session_resp["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientID"]}
57*87e984c8SSushil Singh    Set To Dictionary  ${session_info}  SessionToken  ${XAUTH_TOKEN}
58*87e984c8SSushil Singh    Set To Dictionary  ${session_info}  SessionResp  ${session_resp}
59*87e984c8SSushil Singh
60*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Return]  ${session_info}
61*87e984c8SSushil Singh
62*87e984c8SSushil Singh
63*87e984c8SSushil SinghCreate Session With List Of ClientID
64*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Create redifish session with client id.
65*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}
66*87e984c8SSushil Singh
67*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
68*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # client_id    This client id can contain string value
69*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #              (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT").
70*87e984c8SSushil Singh
71*87e984c8SSushil Singh    @{session_dict_list}=  Create List
72*87e984c8SSushil Singh    &{session_dict}=  Create Dictionary
73*87e984c8SSushil Singh
74*87e984c8SSushil Singh    FOR  ${client}  IN  @{client_id}
75*87e984c8SSushil Singh      ${session_dict}=  Create Session With ClientID  ${client}
76*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Append To List  ${session_dict_list}  ${session_dict}
77*87e984c8SSushil Singh    END
78*87e984c8SSushil Singh
79*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Return]  ${session_dict_list}
80*87e984c8SSushil Singh
81*87e984c8SSushil Singh
82*87e984c8SSushil SinghVerify A Session Created With ClientID
83*87e984c8SSushil Singh    [Arguments]  ${client_id}  ${session_ids}
84*87e984c8SSushil Singh
85*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # Description of argument(s):
86*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # client_id    External client name.
87*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # session_id   This value is a session id.
88*87e984c8SSushil Singh
89*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # {
90*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/H8q2ZKucSJ",
91*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_2.Session",
92*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "Description": "Manager User Session",
93*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "Id": "H8q2ZKucSJ",
94*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "Name": "User Session",
95*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "Oem": {
96*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "OpenBMC": {
97*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #  "@odata.type": "#OemSession.v1_0_0.Session",
98*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #  "ClientID": "",
99*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #  "ClientOriginIP": "::ffff:x.x.x.x"
100*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #       }
101*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #     },
102*87e984c8SSushil Singh    #   "UserName": "root"
103*87e984c8SSushil Singh    # }
104*87e984c8SSushil Singh
105*87e984c8SSushil Singh    FOR  ${client}  ${session}  IN ZIP  ${client_id}  ${session_ids}
106*87e984c8SSushil Singh      ${session_resp}=  Redfish.Get Properties  /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/${session["SessionIDs"]}
107*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Rprint Vars  session_resp
108*87e984c8SSushil Singh      @{words} =  Split String  ${session_resp["ClientOriginIPAddress"]}  :
109*87e984c8SSushil Singh      ${ip_address}=  Get Running System IP
110*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Set Test Variable  ${temp_ipaddr}  ${words}[-1]
111*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Valid Value  client  ['${session_resp["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientID"]}']
112*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Valid Value  session["SessionIDs"]  ['${session_resp["Id"]}']
113*87e984c8SSushil Singh      Valid Value  temp_ipaddr  ${ip_address}
114*87e984c8SSushil Singh    END
115*87e984c8SSushil Singh
116*87e984c8SSushil Singh
117d03f2ce1SSushil SinghGet Lock Resource Information
118d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    [Documentation]  Get lock resource information.
119d03f2ce1SSushil Singh
120d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    ${code_base_dir_path}=  Get Code Base Dir Path
121d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    ${resource_lock_json}=  Evaluate
122d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    ...  json.load(open('${code_base_dir_path}data/resource_lock_table.json'))  modules=json
123d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    Rprint Vars  resource_lock_json
124d03f2ce1SSushil Singh
125d03f2ce1SSushil Singh    [Return]  ${resource_lock_json}