1*** Settings *** 2Documentation BMC redfish utils. 3 4Resource resource.txt 5Resource bmc_redfish_resource.robot 6 7 8*** Keywords *** 9 10Redfish Power Operation 11 [Documentation] Do Redfish power operation. 12 [Arguments] ${reset_type} 13 # Description of arguments: 14 # reset_type Type of power operation. 15 # (e.g. On/ForceOff/GracefulRestart/GracefulShutdown) 16 17 # Example: 18 # "Actions": { 19 # "#ComputerSystem.Reset": { 20 # "ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [ 21 # "On", 22 # "ForceOff", 23 # "GracefulRestart", 24 # "GracefulShutdown" 25 # ], 26 # "target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/motherboard/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset" 27 # }} 28 29 redfish.Login 30 ${payload}= Create Dictionary ResetType=${reset_type} 31 ${resp}= redfish.Post Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset body=&{payload} 32 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status} ${HTTP_OK} 33 redfish.Logout 34 35 36 37