1*** Settings *** 2Resource ../lib/utils.robot 3Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot 4Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot 5Library ../lib/gen_misc.py 6Library ../lib/utils.py 7 8*** Variables *** 9# MAC input from user. 10${MAC_ADDRESS} ${EMPTY} 11 12 13*** Keywords *** 14 15Check And Reset MAC 16 [Documentation] Update BMC with user input MAC address. 17 [Arguments] ${mac_address}=${MAC_ADDRESS} 18 19 # Description of argument(s): 20 # mac_address The mac address (e.g. 00:01:6c:80:02:28). 21 22 Should Not Be Empty ${mac_address} 23 Open Connection And Log In 24 ${bmc_mac_addr} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 25 ... cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address 26 Run Keyword If '${mac_address.lower()}' != '${bmc_mac_addr.lower()}' 27 ... Set MAC Address 28 29 30Set MAC Address 31 [Documentation] Update eth0 with input MAC address. 32 [Arguments] ${mac_address}=${MAC_ADDRESS} 33 34 # Description of argument(s): 35 # mac_address The mac address (e.g. 00:01:6c:80:02:28). 36 37 Write fw_setenv ethaddr ${mac_address} 38 OBMC Reboot (off) 39 40 # Take SSH session post BMC reboot. 41 Open Connection And Log In 42 ${bmc_mac_addr} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 43 ... cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address 44 Should Be Equal ${bmc_mac_addr} ${mac_address} ignore_case=True 45 46 47Get BMC IP Info 48 [Documentation] Get system IP address and prefix length. 49 50 51 # Get system IP address and prefix length details using "ip addr" 52 # Sample Output of "ip addr": 53 # 1: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTIAST> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000 54 # link/ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 55 # inet xx.xx.xx.xx/24 brd xx.xx.xx.xx scope global eth0 56 57 ${cmd_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 58 ... /sbin/ip addr | grep eth0 59 60 # Get line having IP address details. 61 ${lines}= Get Lines Containing String ${cmd_output} inet 62 63 # List IP address details. 64 @{ip_components}= Split To Lines ${lines} 65 66 @{ip_data}= Create List 67 68 # Get all IP addresses and prefix lengths on system. 69 :FOR ${ip_component} IN @{ip_components} 70 \ @{if_info}= Split String ${ip_component} 71 \ ${ip_n_prefix}= Get From List ${if_info} 1 72 \ Append To List ${ip_data} ${ip_n_prefix} 73 74 [Return] ${ip_data} 75 76Get BMC Route Info 77 [Documentation] Get system route info. 78 79 80 # Sample output of "ip route": 81 # default via xx.xx.xx.x dev eth0 82 # xx.xx.xx.0/23 dev eth0 src xx.xx.xx.xx 83 # xx.xx.xx.0/24 dev eth0 src xx.xx.xx.xx 84 85 ${cmd_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 86 ... /sbin/ip route 87 88 [Return] ${cmd_output} 89 90# TODO: openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1331 91Get BMC MAC Address 92 [Documentation] Get system MAC address. 93 94 95 # Sample output of "ip addr | grep ether": 96 # link/ether xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 97 98 ${cmd_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 99 ... /sbin/ip addr | grep ether 100 101 # Split the line and return MAC address. 102 # Split list data: 103 # link/ether | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | brd | ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 104 105 @{words}= Split String ${cmd_output} 106 107 [Return] ${words[1]} 108 109 110Get BMC MAC Address List 111 [Documentation] Get system MAC address 112 113 # Sample output of "ip addr | grep ether": 114 # link/ether xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 115 116 ${cmd_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 117 ... /sbin/ip addr | grep ether 118 119 # Split the line and return MAC address. 120 # Split list data: 121 # link/ether | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | brd | ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 122 # link/ether | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | brd | ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 123 124 ${mac_list}= Create List 125 @{lines}= Split To Lines ${cmd_output} 126 :FOR ${line} IN @{lines} 127 \ @{words}= Split String ${line} 128 \ Append To List ${mac_list} ${words[1]} 129 130 [Return] ${mac_list} 131 132Get BMC Hostname 133 [Documentation] Get BMC hostname. 134 135 # Sample output of "hostnamectl": 136 # Static hostname: xxyyxxyyxx 137 # Icon name: computer 138 # Machine ID: 6939927dc0db409ea09289d5b56eef08 139 # Boot ID: bb806955fd904d47b6aa4bc7c34df482 140 # Operating System: Phosphor OpenBMC (xxx xx xx) v1.xx.x-xx 141 # Kernel: Linux 4.10.17-d6ae40dc4c4dff3265cc254d404ed6b03fcc2206 142 # Architecture: arm 143 144 ${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command 145 ... hostnamectl | grep hostname 146 147 [Return] ${output} 148 149Get List Of IP Address Via REST 150 [Documentation] Get list of IP address via REST. 151 [Arguments] @{ip_uri_list} 152 153 # Description of argument(s): 154 # ip_uri_list List of IP objects. 155 # Example: 156 # "data": [ 157 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/e9767624", 158 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/31f4ce8b" 159 # ], 160 161 ${ip_list}= Create List 162 163 : FOR ${ip_uri} IN @{ip_uri_list} 164 \ ${ip_addr}= Read Attribute ${ip_uri} Address 165 \ Append To List ${ip_list} ${ip_addr} 166 167 [Return] @{ip_list} 168 169Delete IP And Object 170 [Documentation] Delete IP and object. 171 [Arguments] ${ip_addr} @{ip_uri_list} 172 173 # Description of argument(s): 174 # ip_addr IP address to be deleted. 175 # ip_uri_list List of IP object URIs. 176 177 # Find IP object having this IP address. 178 179 : FOR ${ip_uri} IN @{ip_uri_list} 180 \ ${ip_addr1}= Read Attribute ${ip_uri} Address 181 \ Run Keyword If '${ip_addr}' == '${ip_addr1}' Exit For Loop 182 183 # If the given IP address is not configured, return. 184 # Otherwise, delete the IP and object. 185 186 Run Keyword And Return If '${ip_addr}' != '${ip_addr1}' 187 ... Pass Execution IP address to be deleted is not configured. 188 189 Run Keyword And Ignore Error OpenBMC Delete Request ${ip_uri} 190 191 # After any modification on network interface, BMC restarts network 192 # module, wait until it is reachable. Then wait 15 seconds for new 193 # configuration to be updated on BMC. 194 195 Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT} 196 ... ${NETWORK_RETRY_TIME} 197 Sleep 15s 198 199 # Verify whether deleted IP address is removed from BMC system. 200 201 ${ip_data}= Get BMC IP Info 202 Should Not Contain Match ${ip_data} ${ip_addr}* 203 ... msg=IP address not deleted. 204 205Get First Non Pingable IP From Subnet 206 [Documentation] Find first non-pingable IP from the subnet and return it. 207 [Arguments] ${host}=${OPENBMC_HOST} 208 209 # Description of argument(s): 210 # host Any valid host name or IP address 211 # (e.g. "machine1" or "9.xx.xx.31"). 212 213 # Non-pingable IP is unused IP address in the subnet. 214 ${host_name} ${ip_addr}= Get Host Name IP 215 216 # Split IP address into network part and host part. 217 # IP address will have 4 octets xx.xx.xx.xx. 218 # Sample output after split: 219 # split_ip [xx.xx.xx, xx] 220 221 ${split_ip}= Split String From Right ${ip_addr} . 1 222 # First element in list is Network part. 223 ${network_part}= Get From List ${split_ip} 0 224 225 : FOR ${octet4} IN RANGE 1 255 226 \ ${new_ip}= Catenate ${network_part}.${octet4} 227 \ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Ping Host ${new_ip} 228 # If IP is non-pingable, return it. 229 \ Return From Keyword If '${status}' == 'False' ${new_ip} 230 231 Fail msg=No non-pingable IP could be found in subnet ${network_part}. 232 233 234Validate MAC On BMC 235 [Documentation] Validate MAC on BMC. 236 [Arguments] ${mac_addr} 237 238 # Description of argument(s): 239 # mac_addr MAC address of the BMC. 240 241 ${system_mac}= Get BMC MAC Address 242 243 ${status}= Compare MAC Address ${system_mac} ${mac_addr} 244 Should Be True ${status} 245 ... msg=MAC address ${system_mac} does not match ${mac_addr}. 246 247 248Run Build Net 249 [Documentation] Run build_net to preconfigure the ethernet interfaces. 250 251 OS Execute Command build_net help y y 252 # Run pingum to check if the "build_net" was run correctly done. 253 ${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command pingum 254 Should Contain ${output} All networks ping Ok 255