1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Network security utility file. 3 4Resource ../lib/resource.robot 5Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot 6 7*** Keywords *** 8 9Send Network Packets And Get Packet Loss 10 [Documentation] Send TCP, UDP or ICMP packets to any network device and return packet loss. 11 [Arguments] ${host} ${num}=${count} ${packet_type}=${ICMP_PACKETS} 12 ... ${port}=80 ${icmp_type}=${ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST} 13 14 # Description of argument(s): 15 # host The host name or IP address of the target system. 16 # packet_type The type of packets to be sent ("tcp, "udp", "icmp"). 17 # port Network port. 18 # icmp_type Type of ICMP packets (e.g. 8, 13, 17, etc.). 19 # num Number of packets to be sent. 20 21 # This keyword expects host, port, type and number of packets to be sent 22 # and rate at which packets to be sent, should be given in command line. 23 # By default it sends 4 ICMP echo request packets at 1 packets/second. 24 25 ${cmd_suffix}= Set Variable If '${packet_type}' == 'icmp' 26 ... --icmp-type ${icmp_type} 27 ... -p ${port} 28 ${cmd_buf}= Set Variable --delay ${delay} ${host} -c ${num} --${packet_type} ${cmd_suffix} 29 30 ${nping_result}= Nping ${cmd_buf} 31 RETURN ${nping_result['percent_lost']} 32 33 34Send Network Packets With Flags And Verify Stability 35 [Documentation] Send TCP with flags to the target. 36 [Arguments] ${host} ${num}=${count} ${port}=${REDFISH_INTERFACE} 37 ... ${flags}=${SYN_PACKETS} 38 [Teardown] Verify Interface Stability ${port} 39 40 # Description of argument(s): 41 # host The host name or IP address of the target system. 42 # packet_type The type of packets to be sent ("tcp, "udp", "icmp"). 43 # port Network port. 44 # flags Type of flag to be set (e.g. SYN, ACK, RST, FIN, ALL). 45 # num Number of packets to be sent. 46 47 # This keyword expects host, port, type and number of packets to be sent 48 # and rate at which packets to be sent, should be given in command line. 49 # By default it sends 4 ICMP echo request packets at 1 packets/second. 50 51 ${cmd_suffix}= Catenate -p ${port} --flags ${flags} 52 ${cmd_buf}= Set Variable --delay ${delay} ${host} -c ${num} --${packet_type} ${cmd_suffix} 53 54 ${nping_result}= Nping ${cmd_buf} 55 Log To Console Packets lost: ${nping_result['percent_lost']} 56