1 *** Settings *** 2 Documentation Test suite for OpenBMC IPMI user management. 3 4 Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot 5 Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot 6 Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py 7 Test Setup Printn 8 9 Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution 10 11 *** Variables *** 12 13 ${invalid_username} user% 14 ${invalid_password} abc123 15 ${root_userid} 1 16 ${operator_level_priv} 0x3 17 ${user_priv} 2 18 ${operator_priv} 3 19 ${admin_level_priv} 4 20 ${no_access_priv} 15 21 ${valid_password} 0penBmc1 22 ${max_password_length} 20 23 ${ipmi_setaccess_cmd} channel setaccess 24 &{password_values} 16=0penBmc10penBmc2 17=0penBmc10penBmc2B 25 ... 20=0penBmc10penBmc2Bmc3 21=0penBmc10penBmc2Bmc34 26 ... 7=0penBmc 8=0penBmc0 27 28 # User defined count. 29 ${USER_LOOP_COUNT} 20 30 31 32 *** Test Cases *** 33 34 Verify IPMI User Summary 35 [Documentation] Verify IPMI maximum supported IPMI user ID and 36 ... enabled user form user summary 37 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Summary 38 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 39 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 40 # Delete all non-root IPMI (i.e. except userid 1) 41 Delete All Non Root IPMI User 42 43 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 44 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 45 Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${random_userid} 46 47 # Verify maximum user count IPMI local user can have. Also verify 48 # currently enabled users. 49 ${resp}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Run IPMI Standard Command 50 ... user summary ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} 51 ${enabled_user_count}= 52 ... Get Lines Containing String ${resp} Enabled User Count 53 ${maximum_ids}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} Maximum IDs 54 Should Contain ${enabled_user_count} 2 55 Should Contain ${maximum_ids} 15 56 57 58 Verify IPMI User List 59 [Documentation] Verify user list via IPMI. 60 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_List 61 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 62 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 63 64 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 65 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 66 67 Run IPMI Standard Command 68 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 69 Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${random_userid} 70 # Delay added for IPMI user to get enabled. 71 Sleep 5s 72 # Set admin privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. 73 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 74 75 ${users_access}= Get User Access Ipmi ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} 76 Rprint Vars users_access 77 78 ${index}= Evaluate ${random_userid} - 1 79 # Verify the user access of created user. 80 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['id'] ['${random_userid}'] 81 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['name'] ['${random_username}'] 82 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['callin'] ['true'] 83 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['link'] ['false'] 84 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['auth'] ['true'] 85 Valid Value users_access[${index}]['ipmi'] ['ADMINISTRATOR'] 86 87 88 Verify IPMI User Creation With Valid Name And ID 89 [Documentation] Create user via IPMI and verify. 90 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Creation_With_Valid_Name_And_ID 91 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 92 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 93 94 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 95 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 96 97 98 Verify IPMI User Creation With Invalid Name 99 [Documentation] Verify error while creating IPMI user with invalid 100 ... name(e.g. user name with special characters). 101 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Creation_With_Invalid_Name 102 103 ${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random 104 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 105 ... user set name ${random_userid} ${invalid_username} 106 Should Contain ${msg} Invalid data 107 108 109 Verify IPMI User Creation With Invalid ID 110 [Documentation] Verify error while creating IPMI user with invalid 111 ... ID(i.e. any number greater than 15 or 0). 112 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Creation_With_Invalid_ID 113 114 @{id_list}= Create List 115 ${random_invalid_id}= Evaluate random.randint(16, 1000) modules=random 116 Append To List ${id_list} ${random_invalid_id} 117 Append To List ${id_list} 0 118 119 FOR ${id} IN @{id_list} 120 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 121 ... user set name ${id} newuser 122 Should Contain Any ${msg} User ID is limited to range Parameter out of range 123 END 124 125 Verify Setting IPMI User With Invalid Password 126 [Documentation] Verify error while setting IPMI user with invalid 127 ... password. 128 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_User_With_Invalid_Password 129 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 130 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 131 132 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 133 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 134 135 # Set invalid password for newly created user. 136 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 137 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${invalid_password} 138 139 # Delay added for user password to get set. 140 Sleep 5s 141 142 Should Contain ${msg} Set User Password command failed 143 144 Verify Setting IPMI Root User With New Name 145 [Documentation] Verify error while setting IPMI root user with new 146 ... name. 147 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_Root_User_With_New_Name 148 149 # Set invalid password for newly created user. 150 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 151 ... user set name ${root_userid} abcd 152 153 Should Contain ${msg} Set User Name command failed 154 155 156 Verify IPMI User Password Via Test Command 157 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user password using test command. 158 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Password_Via_Test_Command 159 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 160 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 161 162 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 163 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 164 165 # Set valid password for newly created user. 166 Run IPMI Standard Command 167 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 168 169 # Verify newly set password using test command. 170 ${msg}= Run IPMI Standard Command 171 ... user test ${random_userid} ${max_password_length} ${valid_password} 172 173 Should Contain ${msg} Success 174 175 176 Verify Setting Valid Password For IPMI User 177 [Documentation] Set valid password for IPMI user and verify. 178 [Tags] Verify_Setting_Valid_Password_For_IPMI_User 179 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 180 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 181 182 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 183 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 184 185 # Set valid password for newly created user. 186 Run IPMI Standard Command 187 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 188 189 Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${random_userid} 190 191 # Delay added for IPMI user to get enable 192 Sleep 5s 193 194 # Set admin privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user 195 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 196 197 Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password} 198 199 200 Verify IPMI User Creation With Same Name 201 [Documentation] Verify error while creating two IPMI user with same name. 202 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Creation_With_Same_Name 203 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 204 ... Delete Created User 2 205 206 ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] 207 IPMI Create User 2 ${random_username} 208 209 # Set same username for another IPMI user. 210 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 211 ... user set name 3 ${random_username} 212 Should Contain ${msg} Invalid data field in request 213 214 215 Verify Setting IPMI User With Null Password 216 [Documentation] Verify error while setting IPMI user with null 217 ... password. 218 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_User_With_Null_Password 219 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 220 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 221 222 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 223 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 224 225 # Set null password for newly created user. 226 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command 227 ... user set password ${random_userid} "" 228 229 Should Contain ${msg} Invalid data field in request 230 231 232 Verify IPMI User Deletion 233 [Documentation] Delete user via IPMI and verify. 234 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_User_Deletion 235 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 236 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 237 238 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 239 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 240 # Delete IPMI User and verify 241 Run IPMI Standard Command user set name ${random_userid} "" 242 ${user_info}= Get User Info ${random_userid} 243 Should Be Equal ${user_info['user_name']} ${EMPTY} 244 245 246 Test IPMI User Privilege Level 247 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user with user privilege can only run user level commands. 248 [Tags] Test_IPMI_User_Privilege_Level 249 [Template] Test IPMI User Privilege 250 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 251 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 252 253 #Privilege level User Cmd Status Operator Cmd Status Admin Cmd Status 254 ${user_priv} Passed Failed Failed 255 256 257 Test IPMI Operator Privilege Level 258 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user with operator privilege can only run user and operator levels commands. 259 ... level is set to operator. 260 [Tags] Test_IPMI_Operator_Privilege_Level 261 [Template] Test IPMI User Privilege 262 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 263 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 264 265 #Privilege level User Cmd Status Operator Cmd Status Admin Cmd Status 266 ${operator_priv} Passed Passed Failed 267 268 269 Test IPMI Administrator Privilege Level 270 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user with admin privilege can run all levels command. 271 [Tags] Test_IPMI_Administrator_Privilege_Level 272 [Template] Test IPMI User Privilege 273 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 274 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 275 276 #Privilege level User Cmd Status Operator Cmd Status Admin Cmd Status 277 ${admin_level_priv} Passed Passed Passed 278 279 280 Test IPMI No Access Privilege Level 281 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user with no access privilege can not run only any level command. 282 [Tags] Test_IPMI_No_Access_Privilege_Level 283 [Template] Test IPMI User Privilege 284 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 285 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 286 287 #Privilege level User Cmd Status Operator Cmd Status Admin Cmd Status 288 ${no_access_priv} Failed Failed Failed 289 290 291 Enable IPMI User And Verify 292 [Documentation] Enable IPMI user and verify that the user is able 293 ... to run IPMI command. 294 [Tags] Enable_IPMI_User_And_Verify 295 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 296 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 297 298 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 299 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 300 Run IPMI Standard Command 301 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 302 303 # Set admin privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. 304 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 305 306 # Delay added for user privilege to get set. 307 Sleep 5s 308 309 Enable IPMI User And Verify ${random_userid} 310 311 # Verify that enabled IPMI user is able to run IPMI command. 312 Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password} 313 314 315 Disable IPMI User And Verify 316 [Documentation] Disable IPMI user and verify that that the user 317 ... is unable to run IPMI command. 318 [Tags] Disable_IPMI_User_And_Verify 319 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 320 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 321 322 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 323 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 324 Run IPMI Standard Command 325 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 326 327 # Set admin privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. 328 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 329 330 # Disable IPMI user and verify. 331 Run IPMI Standard Command user disable ${random_userid} 332 ${user_info}= Get User Info ${random_userid} 333 Should Be Equal ${user_info['enable_status']} disabled 334 335 # Verify that disabled IPMI user is unable to run IPMI command. 336 ${msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Verify IPMI Username And Password 337 ... ${random_username} ${valid_password} 338 Should Contain ${msg} Unable to establish IPMI 339 340 341 Verify IPMI Root User Password Change 342 [Documentation] Change IPMI root user password and verify that 343 ... root user is able to run IPMI command. 344 [Tags] Verify_IPMI_Root_User_Password_Change 345 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 346 ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec 347 ... Set Default Password For IPMI Root User 348 349 # User input password should be minimum 8 characters long. 350 Valid Length OPENBMC_PASSWORD min_length=8 351 # Set new password for root user. 352 Run IPMI Standard Command 353 ... user set password ${root_userid} ${valid_password} 354 355 # Delay added for user password to get set. 356 Sleep 5s 357 358 # Verify that root user is able to run IPMI command using new password. 359 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Verify IPMI Username And Password 360 ... root ${valid_password} 361 362 363 Verify Administrator And No Access Privilege For Different Channels 364 [Documentation] Set administrator and no access privilege for different channels and verify. 365 [Tags] Verify_Administrator_And_No_Access_Privilege_For_Different_Channels 366 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 367 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 368 369 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 370 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 371 Run IPMI Standard Command 372 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 373 374 # Set admin privilege for newly created user with channel 1. 375 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 1 376 377 # Set no access privilege for newly created user with channel 2. 378 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${no_access_priv} 2 379 380 Enable IPMI User And Verify ${random_userid} 381 382 # Verify that user is able to run administrator level IPMI command with channel 1. 383 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} Administrator 1 384 385 # Verify that user is unable to run IPMI command with channel 2. 386 Run IPMI Standard Command sel info 2 expected_rc=${1} U=${random_username} P=${valid_password} 387 388 389 Verify Operator And User Privilege For Different Channels 390 [Documentation] Set operator and user privilege for different channels and verify. 391 [Tags] Verify_Operator_And_User_Privilege_For_Different_Channels 392 [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND 393 ... Delete Created User ${random_userid} 394 395 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 396 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 397 Run IPMI Standard Command 398 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 399 400 # Set operator privilege for newly created user with channel 1. 401 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${operator_priv} 1 402 403 # Set user privilege for newly created user with channel 2. 404 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${user_priv} 2 405 406 Enable IPMI User And Verify ${random_userid} 407 408 # Verify that user is able to run operator level IPMI command with channel 1. 409 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} Operator 1 410 411 # Verify that user is able to run user level IPMI command with channel 2. 412 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} User 2 413 414 415 Verify Setting IPMI User With Max Password Length 416 [Documentation] Verify IPMI user creation with password length of 20 characters. 417 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_User_With_Max_Password_Length 418 [Template] Set User Password And Verify 419 420 # password_length password_option expected_status 421 20 20 ${True} 422 423 424 Verify Setting IPMI User With Invalid Password Length 425 [Documentation] Verify that IPMI user cannot be set with 21 character password using 16 char 426 ... or 20 char password option. 427 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_User_With_Invalid_Password_Length 428 [Template] Set User Password And Verify 429 430 # password_length password_option expected_status 431 21 16 ${False} 432 21 20 ${False} 433 434 435 Verify Setting IPMI User With 16 Character Password 436 [Documentation] Verify that IPMI user can create a 16 character password using 16 char or 20 437 ... char password option. 438 [Tags] Verify_Setting_IPMI_User_With_16_Character_Password 439 [Template] Set User Password And Verify 440 441 # password_length password_option expected_status 442 16 16 ${True} 443 16 20 ${True} 444 445 446 Verify Default Selection Of 16 Character Password For IPMI User 447 [Documentation] Verify that ipmitool by default opts for the 16 character option when given a 448 ... password whose length is in between 17 and 20. 449 [Tags] Verify_Default_Selection_Of_16_Character_Password_For_IPMI_User 450 [Template] Set User Password And Verify 451 452 # password_length password_option expected_status 453 17 16 ${True} 454 20 16 ${True} 455 456 457 Verify Minimum Password Length For IPMI User 458 [Documentation] Verify minimum password length of 8 characters. 459 [Tags] Verify_Minimum_Password_Length_For_IPMI_User 460 [Template] Set User Password And Verify 461 462 # password_length password_option expected_status 463 7 16 ${False} 464 8 16 ${True} 465 7 20 ${False} 466 8 20 ${True} 467 468 469 Verify Continuous IPMI Command Execution 470 [Documentation] Verify that continuous IPMI command execution runs fine. 471 [Tags] Verify_Continuous_IPMI_Command_Execution 472 473 FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${USER_LOOP_COUNT} 474 Run IPMI Standard Command lan print 475 Run IPMI Standard Command power status 476 Run IPMI Standard Command fru list 477 Run IPMI Standard Command sel list 478 END 479 480 481 *** Keywords *** 482 483 Create Random IPMI User 484 [Documentation] Create IPMI user with random username and userid and return those fields. 485 486 ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] 487 ${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random 488 IPMI Create User ${random_userid} ${random_username} 489 [Return] ${random_userid} ${random_username} 490 491 492 Enable IPMI User And Verify 493 [Documentation] Enable the userid and verify that it has been enabled. 494 [Arguments] ${userid} 495 496 # Description of argument(s): 497 # userid A numeric userid (e.g. "4"). 498 499 Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${userid} 500 ${user_info}= Get User Info ${userid} 501 Valid Value user_info['enable_status'] ['enabled'] 502 503 504 Set Default Password For IPMI Root User 505 [Documentation] Set default password for IPMI root user (i.e. 0penBmc). 506 # Set default password for root user. 507 ${result}= Run External IPMI Standard Command 508 ... user set password ${root_userid} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 509 ... P=${valid_password} 510 Should Contain ${result} Set User Password command successful 511 512 # Verify that root user is able to run IPMI command using default password. 513 Verify IPMI Username And Password root ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 514 515 516 Test IPMI User Privilege 517 [Documentation] Test IPMI user privilege by executing IPMI command with different privileges. 518 [Arguments] ${privilege_level} ${user_cmd_status} ${operator_cmd_status} ${admin_cmd_status} 519 520 # Description of argument(s): 521 # privilege_level Privilege level of IPMI user (e.g. 4, 3). 522 # user_cmd_status Expected status of IPMI command run with the "User" 523 # privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed"). 524 # operator_cmd_status Expected status of IPMI command run with the "Operator" 525 # privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed"). 526 # admin_cmd_status Expected status of IPMI command run with the "Administrator" 527 # privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed"). 528 529 # Create IPMI user and set valid password. 530 ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] 531 ${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random 532 IPMI Create User ${random_userid} ${random_username} 533 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 534 Run IPMI Standard Command 535 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${valid_password} 536 537 # Set privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. 538 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${privilege_level} 539 540 # Delay added for user privilege to get set. 541 Sleep 5s 542 543 Enable IPMI User And Verify ${random_userid} 544 545 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} User 546 ... expected_status=${user_cmd_status} 547 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} Operator 548 ... expected_status=${operator_cmd_status} 549 Verify IPMI Command ${random_username} ${valid_password} Administrator 550 ... expected_status=${admin_cmd_status} 551 552 553 Verify IPMI Command 554 [Documentation] Verify IPMI command execution with given username, 555 ... password, privilege and expected status. 556 [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${privilege} ${channel}=${1} ${expected_status}=Passed 557 # Description of argument(s): 558 # username The user name (e.g. "root", "robert", etc.). 559 # password The user password (e.g. "0penBmc", "0penBmc1", etc.). 560 # privilege The session privilege for IPMI command (e.g. "User", "Operator", etc.). 561 # channel The user channel number (e.g. "1" or "2"). 562 # expected_status Expected status of IPMI command run with the user 563 # of above password and privilege (i.e. "Passed" or "Failed"). 564 565 ${expected_rc}= Set Variable If '${expected_status}' == 'Passed' ${0} ${1} 566 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Run IPMI Standard Command 567 ... sel info ${channel} expected_rc=${expected_rc} U=${username} P=${password} 568 ... L=${privilege} 569 570 571 Set User Password And Verify 572 [Documentation] Create a user and set its password with given length and option. 573 [Arguments] ${password_length} ${password_option} ${expected_result} 574 [Teardown] Run Keyword Delete Created User ${random_userid} 575 # Description of argument(s): 576 # password_length Length of password to be generated and used (e.g. "16"). 577 # password_option Password length option to be given in IPMI command (e.g. "16", "20"). 578 # expected_result Expected result for setting the user's password (e.g. "True", "False"). 579 580 Rprint Vars password_length password_option expected_result 581 ${random_userid} ${random_username}= Create Random IPMI User 582 Set Test Variable ${random_userid} 583 ${password}= Get From Dictionary ${password_values} ${password_length} 584 Rprint Vars random_userid password 585 586 # Set password for newly created user. 587 ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Run IPMI Standard Command 588 ... user set password ${random_userid} ${password} ${password_option} 589 Rprint Vars status 590 Valid Value status [${expected_result}] 591 Return From Keyword If '${expected_result}' == '${False}' 592 593 # Set admin privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. 594 Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${admin_level_priv} 595 596 # Delay added for user privilege to get set. 597 Sleep 5s 598 599 Enable IPMI User And Verify ${random_userid} 600 601 # For password_option 16, passwords with length between 17 and 20 will be truncated. 602 # For all other cases, passwords will be retained as it is to verify. 603 ${truncated_password}= Set Variable ${password[:${password_option}]} 604 Rprint Vars truncated_password 605 ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} 606 ... ${truncated_password} 607 Rprint Vars status 608 Valid Value status [${expected_result}] 609 610 611 Test Teardown Execution 612 [Documentation] Do the test teardown execution. 613 614 FFDC On Test Case Fail 615 616 617 Delete Created User 618 [Documentation] Delete created IPMI user. 619 [Arguments] ${userid} 620 # Description of argument(s): 621 # userid The user ID (e.g. "1", "2", etc.). 622 623 Run IPMI Standard Command user set name ${userid} "" 624 Sleep 5s 625