1*** Settings ***
3Documentation       Module to test IPMI System Info Parameters functionality.
4...                 Following parameters are verfied in the script,
5...                 1. Set In Progress - param 0,
6...                 2. System Firmware Version - param 1,
7...                 3. System Name - param 2,
8...                 4. Primary OS Name - param 3,
9...                 5. OS Name - param 4,
10...                 6. Present OS Version Number - param 5.
12Library             Collections
13Library             String
14Resource            ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
15Resource            ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
16Library             ../lib/ipmi_utils.py
17Variables           ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py
19Suite Setup         Suite Setup Execution
20Suite Teardown      FFDC On Test Case Fail
22Test Teardown       Restore Default Configuration
25*** Variables ***
27# Converting to hexadecimal provides 14 bytes so string length is 0e for param 3, 4, 5.
28${valid_os_version_name}       Version2.12345
29${invalid_os_version}          ${valid_os_version_name}${6789}
32*** Test Cases ***
34Verify System Info Set In Progress
35    [Documentation]  Verify Set In Progress of System Info Parameter,
36    ...  to set the set-in-progress and set complete state via IPMI,
37    ...  and verify whether the state is updated and restored as expected.
38    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_Set_In_Progress
40    # Set In Progress - set complete.
41    Set System Info Set In Progress  0x00
43    # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress.
44    # Check if set-in-progress set to set complete.
45    ${complete}=  Get System Info Set In Progress
46    # ${complete[0]} - parameter version.
47    # ${complete[1]} - Configuration parameter data,
48    # here,  01h (set in progress).
49    Should Be Equal  ${complete[1]}  00
51    # Set In Progress - set in progress.
52    Set System Info Set In Progress  0x01
54    # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress.
55    # Check if set-in-progress set to set inprogress.
56    ${inprogress}=  Get System Info Set In Progress
57    # ${inprogress[0]} - parameter version.
58    # ${inprogress[1]} - Configuration parameter data,
59    # here,  01h (set in progress).
60    Should Be Equal  ${inprogress[1]}  01
63Verify System Info Set In Progress After BMC Reboot
64    [Documentation]  Verify Set In Progress changes to default,
65    ...  after bmc reboot of System Info Parameter via IPMI,
66    ...  and verify whether the default setting is reflected.
67    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_After_BMC_Reboot
69    # Set the parameter 0 - Set_In_Progress to set in progress state.
70    Set System Info Set In Progress  0x01
72    # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress.
73    # Check if set-in-progress set to set in progress.
74    ${inprogress}=  Get System Info Set In Progress
75    # ${inprogress[0]} - parameter version.
76    # ${inprogress[1]} - Configuration parameter data,
77    # here,  01h (set in progress).
78    Should Be Equal  ${inprogress[1]}  01
80    # Reboot BMC.
81    IPMI Std MC Reset Cold (off)
83    # Since the param 0 - Set In Progress is volatile,
84    # Default value should be updated after BMC reboot.
85    ${state}=  Get System Info Set In Progress
86    # ${state[0]} - parameter version.
87    # ${state[1]} - Configuration parameter data,
88    # here, 00h (set complete), 01h (set in progress),
89    #       10 (commit write), 11 (reserved).
90    Should Be Equal  ${state[1]}  ${set_in_progress}
93Verify Get System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length
94    [Documentation]  Verify Get System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI with extra bytes,
95    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
96    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_Data_Length
98    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws
99    # error for invalid data length.
100    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][1]}*
101    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
102    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][0]} 0x00
105Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length
106    [Documentation]  Verify Set System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI with extra bytes,
107    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
108    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_Data_Length
110    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws
111    # error for invalid data length.
112    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][1]}*
113    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
114    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} 0x00 0x00
117Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid State
118    [Documentation]  Verify Set System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI invalid state,
119    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid data.
120    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_State
122    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws error for invalid State.
123    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][2]}*
124    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
125    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} 0x04
128Verify System Info System Firmware Version
129    [Documentation]  Verify System Firmware Version of System Info Parameter via IPMI,
130    ...  and verify whether the version is updated.
131    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version
133    # Generate a random 14 byte data,
134    # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data.
135    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
136    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
137    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes.
138    ${firmware_version}=  Generate Random String  14  [LETTERS]
139    ${firmware_version}  ${fw_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${firmware_version}
140    # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcY'.
141    # Set the System Firmware Version of System Info Parameter.
142    Set System Firmware Version  ${firmware_version}
143    # Get the response of System Firmware Version,
144    # and compare against randomly generated data bytes.
145    ${fw_version}=  Get System Firmware Version
146    # The response data will something be like,
147    # ${fw_version}= ["11","00","00","0e","7a","77","63","6c","4d","58","77","66","63","7a","4d","76"].
148    Should Be Equal  ${fw_version[4:]}  ${fw_hex_data}
151Verify Get System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length
152    [Documentation]  Verify Get System Info Parameter System Firmware Version via IPMI with extra bytes,
153    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
154    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version_With_Invalid_Data_Length
156    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version throws
157    # error for invalid data length.
158    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][1]}*
159    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
160    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][0]} 0x00
163Verify Set System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length
164    [Documentation]  Verify Set System Info Parameter System Firmware Version via IPMI with extra bytes,
165    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
166    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version_With_Invalid_Data_Length
168    # Generate a random 15 byte data,
169    # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data,
170    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
171    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
172    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes,
173    # data 17 - extra byte.
174    ${firmware_version}=  Generate Random String  15  [LETTERS]
175    ${firmware_version}  ${fw_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${firmware_version}
176    # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcYz'.
177    # The request data bytes will be 15 bytes, in which 14 bytes are only expected.
178    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version throws
179    # error for invalid request data.
180    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][1]}*
181    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
182    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][0]} ${firmware_version}
185Verify System Info System Name
186    [Documentation]  Verify System Name of System Info Parameter via IPMI by setting,
187    ...  a random system name and verify whether it is updated as expected.
188    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_System_Name
190    # Generate a random 14 byte data,
191    # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data,
192    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
193    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
194    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes.
195    ${system_name}=  Generate Random String  14  [LETTERS]
196    ${system_name}  ${name_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${system_name}
197    # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcY'.
199    # Set System Name for System Info Parameter.
200    Set System Name  ${system_name}
202    # Get the response of System Name,
203    # and compare against randomly generated data bytes.
204    ${sys_name}=  Get System Name
205    # The response data will something be like,
206    # ${sys_name}= ["11","00","00","0e","7a","77","63","6c","4d","58","77","66","63","7a","4d","76"].
207    Should Be Equal  ${sys_name[4:]}  ${name_hex_data}
210Verify Get System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length
211    [Documentation]  Verify Get System Info Parameter System Name via IPMI with extra bytes,
212    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
213    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_System_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
215    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name throws error
216    # for invalid request data length.
217    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][1]}*
218    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
219    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00
222Verify Set System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length
223    [Documentation]  Verify Set System Info Parameter System Name via IPMI with extra bytes,
224    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
225    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_System_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
227    # Generate a random 15 byte data,
228    # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data,
229    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
230    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
231    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes,
232    # data 17 - extra byte.
233    ${system_name}=  Generate Random String  15  [LETTERS]
234    ${system_name}  ${name_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${system_name}
235    # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcYz'.
236    # The request data bytes will be 15 bytes, in which 14 bytes are only exepcted.
238    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name throws error for invalid request data.
239    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][1]}*
240    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
241    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${system_name}
244Verify System Info Primary OS Name
245    [Documentation]  Verify Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter via IPMI,
246    ...  by setting a valid os version and verify whether it is updated as expected.
247    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name
249    # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data.
250    ${os_name}  ${os_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${valid_os_version_name}
252    # Set Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter.
253    Set Primary OS Name  ${os_name}
255    # Get Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter.
256    # Compare with the assigned os version name data.
257    ${pr_os}=  Get Primary OS Name
258    # The response data will something be like,
259    # ${pr_os}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
260    Should Be Equal  ${pr_os[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
263Verify System Info Primary OS Name After BMC Reboot
264    [Documentation]  Verify setting valid os version name in Primary OS Name,
265    ...  of System Info Parameter and verify it retains after BMC Reboot via IPMI.
266    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name_After_BMC_Reboot
268    # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data.
269    ${os_name}  ${os_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${valid_os_version_name}
271    # Set Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter.
272    Set Primary OS Name  ${os_name}
274    # Get Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter.
275    # Compare with the assigned os version name data.
276    ${pr_os}=  Get Primary OS Name
277    # The response data will something be like,
278    # ${pr_os}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
279    Should Be Equal  ${pr_os[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
281    # Cold Reset Via IPMI
282    IPMI Std MC Reset Cold (off)
284    # Since Primary OS Name is non-volatile,
285    # compare with response data of Get Primary OS Name,
286    # with assigned OS version name.
287    ${pr_os}=  Get Primary OS Name
288    # The response data should be,
289    # ${pr_os}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
290    Should Be Equal  ${pr_os[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
293Verify Get System Info Primary OS Name With Invalid Data Length
294    [Documentation]  Verify Get System Info Parameter Primary OS Name via IPMI with extra bytes,
295    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
296    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
298    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name throws
299    # error for invalid request data.
300    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Get'][1]}*
301    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
302    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00
305Verify Set System Info Primary OS Name With Invalid Data Length
306    [Documentation]  Verify setting invalid os version name to Primary OS Name,
307    ...  of Set System Info Parameter via IPMI,
308    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
309    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
311    # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data,
312    # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where,
313    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
314    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
315    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes,
316    # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte.
317    ${os_name}  ${name_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${invalid_os_version}
319    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name throws error
320    # for invalid data request.
321    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Set'][1]}*
322    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
323    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
326Verify System Info OS Name
327    [Documentation]  Verify setting valid os version to OS Name,
328    ...  of System Info Parameter via IPMI and verify whether it updates as expected.
329    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_OS_Name
331    # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data.
332    ${os_name}  ${os_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${valid_os_version_name}
334    # Set OS Name of System Info Parameters.
335    Set OS Name  ${os_name}
337    # Get the OS Name and compare against given os_version_name.
338    ${sysos}=  Get OS Name
339    # The response data will something be like,
340    # ${sysos}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
341    Should Be Equal  ${sysos[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
344Verify System Info OS Name After BMC Reboot
345    [Documentation]  Verify setting valid os version name for OS Name,
346    ...  of System Info Parameter and verify it changes to default after BMC Reboot via IPMI.
347    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_OS_Name_After_BMC_Reboot
349    # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data.
350    ${os_name}  ${os_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${valid_os_version_name}
352    # Set OS Name of System Info Parameters.
353    Set OS Name  ${os_name}
355    # Get the OS Name and compare against given os_version_name.
356    ${sysos}=  Get OS Name
357    # The response data will something be like,
358    # ${sysos}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
359    Should Be Equal  ${sysos[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
361    # Cold Reset via IPMI
362    IPMI Std MC Reset Cold (off)
364    # Since OS Name is volatile,
365    # compare with response data of Get OS Name,
366    # with default OS Name.
367    ${sysos}=  Get OS Name
368    # Should return default response data.
369    Should Be Equal  ${sysos[2:]}  ${default_os_name}
372Verify Get System Info OS Name With Invalid Data Length
373    [Documentation]  Verify OS Name of Get System Info Parameter via IPMI,
374    ...  with extra bytes, and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
375    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
377    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name throws error for invalid request data.
378    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Get'][1]}*
379    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
380    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00
383Verify Set System Info OS Name With Invalid Data Length
384    [Documentation]  Verify setting invalid os version name to OS Name,
385    ...  of Get System Info Parameter via IPMI,
386    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
387    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length
389    # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data,
390    # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where,
391    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
392    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
393    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes,
394    # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte.
395    ${os_name}  ${name_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${invalid_os_version}
397    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name throws error for invalid request data.
398    Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Set'][1]}*
399    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
400    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
403Verify System Info Present OS Version Number
404    [Documentation]  Verify setting valid os version for Present OS Version Number,
405    ...  of System Info Parameter via IPMI and verify whether it is updated as expected.
406    [Tags]  Verify_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number
408    # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data.
409    ${os_name}  ${os_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${valid_os_version_name}
411    # Set Present OS Version Number for System Info Parameters.
412    Set Present OS Version Number  ${os_name}
414    # Get Present OS Version Number for System Info Parameters,
415    # compare with response data of Get OS Name,
416    # with assigned os version name.
417    ${os_version}=  Get Present OS Version Number
418    # The response data will something be like,
419    # ${os_version}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"].
420    Should Be Equal  ${os_version[4:]}  ${os_hex_data}
423Verify Get System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Length
424    [Documentation]  Verify Get System Info Parameter Present OS Version Number via IPMI,
425    ...  with extra bytes, and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
426    [Tags]  Verify_Get_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number_With_Invalid_Data_Length
428    # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number throws
429    # error for invalid request data.
430    Run Keyword and Expect Error
431    ...  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][1]}*
432    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
433    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][0]} 0x00
436Verify Set System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Length
437    [Documentation]  Verify setting invalid os version to Present OS Version Number
438    ...  of Set System Info Parameter via IPMI,
439    ...  and expect to get the error message for invalid length.
440    [Tags]  Verify_Set_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number_With_Invalid_Data_Length
442    # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data.
443    # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where,
444    # data 1 - Encoding string type,
445    # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based),
446    # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes,
447    # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte.
448    ${os_name}  ${name_hex_data}=  Identify Request Data  ${invalid_os_version}
450    # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number throws
451    # error for invalid request data.
452    Run Keyword and Expect Error
453    ...  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][1]}*
454    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
455    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
458*** Keywords ***
460Identify Request Data
461    [Documentation]  Convert string to hexadecimal request data with and without prefix 0x.
462    [Arguments]  ${string}
464    # Given a string, convert to hexadecimal and prefix with 0x.
465    # Consider random string generated ${string} is 'zwc'.
466    ${fw_ver_hex_list}=  Create List
467    ${hex_data_list}=  Create List
468    ${resp_data_list}=  Split String With Index  ${string}  1
469    # ${resp_data_list} will be ['z', 'w', 'c'].
470    FOR  ${data}  IN  @{resp_data_list}
471        # prefixes 0x by default.
472        # Example : 0x00.
473        ${hex_value}=  Evaluate  hex(ord("${data}"))
474        # provides only hexadecimal bytes.
475        # Example : 00.
476        ${hex}=  Evaluate  hex(ord("${data}"))[2:]
477        # With prefix 0x.
478        Append To List  ${fw_ver_hex_list}  ${hex_value}
479        # Without prefix.
480        Append To List  ${hex_data_list}  ${hex}
481    END
482    ${fw_ver_hex}=  Evaluate  " ".join(${fw_ver_hex_list})
484    [Return]  ${fw_ver_hex}  ${hex_data_list}
487Get System Info Set In Progress
488    [Documentation]  Run Get system info parameter command for set-in-progress and return response data.
490    # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress.
491    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
492    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][0]}
493    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
495    [Return]  ${resp}
498Set System Info Set In Progress
499    [Documentation]  Set System Info Set In Progress with valid state via IPMI.
500    [Arguments]  ${state}
502    # Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress.
503    # ${state} can be can be any - 00 | 01 | 10 | 11.
504    Run IPMI Standard Command
505    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} ${state}
508Get System Firmware Version
509    [Documentation]  Run Get system info parameter command for system firmware version
510    ...              and return response data.
512    # Get System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version.
513    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
514    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][0]}
515    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
517    [Return]  ${resp}
520Set System Firmware Version
521    [Documentation]  Set System Firmware Version for System Info with valid version.
522    [Arguments]  ${version}
524    # Set System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version.
525    # ${version} can be any 14 data.
526    Run IPMI Standard Command
527    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][0]} ${version}
530Get System Name
531    [Documentation]  Run system info parameter command for system name and return response data.
533    # Get System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name.
534    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
535    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][0]}
536    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
538    [Return]  ${resp}
541Set System Name
542    [Documentation]  Set System Name for System Info with valid name.
543    [Arguments]  ${sys_name}
545    # Set System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name.
546    # ${sys_name} can be any 14 byte data.
547    Run IPMI Standard Command
548    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${sys_name}
551Get Primary OS Name
552    [Documentation]  Run Get System Info command for primary OS name and return response data.
554    # Get System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name.
555    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
556    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Get'][0]}
557    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
559    [Return]  ${resp}
562Set Primary OS Name
563    [Documentation]  Set Primary OS Name for System Info with valid os name.
564    [Arguments]  ${os_name}
566    # Set System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name.
567    # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data.
568    Run IPMI Standard Command
569    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_OS_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
572Get OS Name
573    [Documentation]  Run get System Info command for OS name and return response data.
575    # Get System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name.
576    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
577    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Get'][0]}
578    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
580    [Return]  ${resp}
583Set OS Name
584    [Documentation]  Set OS Name for System Info with valid os name.
585    [Arguments]  ${os_name}
587    # Set System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name.
588    # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data.
589    Run IPMI Standard Command
590    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_OS_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
593Get Present OS Version Number
594    [Documentation]  Run Get System Info command for present os version name and return response.
596    # Get System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number.
597    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
598    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][0]}
599    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
601    [Return]  ${resp}
604Set Present OS Version Number
605    [Documentation]  Set Present OS Version Number for System Info with valid os version.
606    [Arguments]  ${os_name}
608    # Set System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number.
609    # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data
610    Run IPMI Standard Command
611    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][0]} ${os_name}
614Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String
615    [Documentation]  Adding prefix '0x' to each list object and join the string.
616    [Arguments]  ${list}
618    # ${list} contains list of hexadecimal data.
620    # Prefix Bytes with 0x for each data bytes and makes a string of request bytes.
621    # Prefix Bytes function under lib/ipmi_utils.py.
622    # Prefixes every list item with 0x and returns list of prefixed hexadecimal data.
623    ${prefix_list}=  Prefix Bytes  ${list}
624    ${prefix_list}=  Evaluate  " ".join(${prefix_list})
626    [Return]  ${prefix_list}
629Suite Setup Execution
630    [Documentation]  Suite setup execution to fetch all the default response bytes,
631    ...  prefix each byte with 0x and make them a suite variable.
633    # Get Default Values of each parameters.
634    # Set In Progress - param 0.
635    ${resp}=  Get System Info Set In Progress
636    # Configuration parameter data - 11 xx (xx can be any - 00 | 01 | 10 | 11).
637    ${set_in_progress}=  Set Variable  ${resp[1]}
639    Set Suite Variable  ${set_in_progress}
641    # System Firmware Version - param 1.
642    ${resp}=  Get System Firmware Version
643    # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes).
644    # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes.
645    ${sys_fw_version}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
646    # Prefix all bytes with 0x.
647    ${sys_fw_version_string}=  Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String  ${sys_fw_version}
649    Set Suite Variable  ${sys_fw_version}
650    Set Suite Variable  ${sys_fw_version_string}
652    # System Name - param 2.
653    ${resp}=  Get System Name
654    # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes).
655    # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes.
656    ${sys_name_default}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
657    # Prefix all bytes with 0x.
658    ${sys_name_hex_default}=  Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String  ${sys_name_default}
660    Set Suite Variable  ${sys_name_default}
661    Set Suite Variable  ${sys_name_hex_default}
663    # Primary OS Name - param 3.
664    ${resp}=  Get Primary OS Name
665    # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes).
666    # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes.
667    ${primary_os_name}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
668    # Prefix all bytes with 0x.
669    ${primary_os_name_hex}=  Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String  ${primary_os_name}
671    Set Suite Variable  ${primary_os_name}
672    Set Suite Variable  ${primary_os_name_hex}
674    # OS Name - param 4.
675    ${resp}=  Get OS Name
676    # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes).
677    # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes.
678    ${default_os_name}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
679    # Prefix all bytes with 0x.
680    ${default_os_name_hex}=  Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String  ${default_os_name}
682    Set Suite Variable  ${default_os_name}
683    Set Suite Variable  ${default_os_name_hex}
685    # Present OS Version Number - param 5.
686    ${resp}=  Get Present OS Version Number
687    # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes).
688    # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes.
689    ${present_os_num}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
690    # Prefix all bytes with 0x.
691    ${present_os_num_hex}=  Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String  ${present_os_num}
693    Set Suite Variable  ${present_os_num}
694    Set Suite Variable  ${present_os_num_hex}
697Restore Default Configuration
698    [Documentation]  Restore all system info parameter response data to,
699    ...  default data obtained from suite setup.
701    # All variable to set are suite variables declared in suite setup.
703    # Set In Progress - param 0.
704    Set System Info Set In Progress  0x${set_in_progress}
706    # System Firmware Version - param 1.
707    Run IPMI Standard Command  raw 0x06 0x58 0x01 0x00 ${sys_fw_version_string}
709    # System Name - param 2.
710    Run IPMI Standard Command  raw 0x06 0x58 0x02 0x00 ${sys_name_hex_default}
712    # Primary OS Name - param 3.
713    Run IPMI Standard Command  raw 0x06 0x58 0x03 0x00 ${primary_os_name_hex}
715    # OS Name - param 4.
716    Run IPMI Standard Command  raw 0x06 0x58 0x04 0x00 ${default_os_name_hex}
718    # Present OS Version Number - param 5.
719    Run IPMI Standard Command  raw 0x06 0x58 0x05 0x00 ${present_os_num_hex}
721    FFDC On Test Case Fail