1*** Settings ***
2Documentation          Test IPMI Inband SDR commands.
3...                    Following IPMI command are verified,
4...                    1. Get SDR,
5...                    2. Get Device SDR Info,
6...                    3. Reserve Device SDR Repository,
7...                    4. Get Device SDR.
9Resource               ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
10Resource               ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
11Resource               ../lib/boot_utils.robot
12Library                ../lib/ipmi_utils.py
13Variables              ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py
15Suite setup            Suite Setup Execution
16Suite Teardown         Redfish.Logout
17Test Teardown          FFDC On Test Case Fail
19Force Tags             IPMI_Inband_SDR
21*** Test Cases ***
23Verify Get SDR For Maximum Record Via IPMI
24    [Documentation]  Verify Get SDR for each and every record one by one via IPMI lanplus.
25    [Tags]  Verify_Get_SDR_For_Maximum_Record_Via_IPMI
27    # Gets the Total Record Count from SDR Info and the last Record entry number.
28    ${record_count}  ${last_record}=  Get Record Count And Last Record From SDR
30    # Validate each and every record till the last record.
31    FOR  ${record}  IN RANGE  0  ${record_count}
32        # Convert number to hexadecimal record ID.
33        ${recordhex}=  Convert To Hex  ${record}  length=4  lowercase=yes
34        ${first_digit}    Set Variable    ${recordhex}[0:2]
35        ${second_digit}    Set Variable    ${recordhex}[2:4]
37        # Get SDR command.
38        ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command
39        ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Get SDR']['Get'][1]} 0x00 0x00 0x${second_digit} 0x${first_digit} 0x00 0xff
40        ${get_SDR}=  Split String  ${resp}
42        # If the record ID reaches the last data available, the next record ID will be ff ff.
43        # eg, If total record ID available is 115, record IDs : 0 - 114,
44        # Then when record ID reaches last record ID (i.e 114 (decimal) - 72h),
45        # Get SDR response bytes 0:2 will be - ff ff 72 00 ....
46        # If not then (say 25 - 19h ), 1a 00 19 00 ....
48        IF  '${record}' != '${last_record}'
49          # current record ID in response data.
50          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[2]}  ${second_digit}
51          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[3]}  ${first_digit}
53          # Next record ID in response data.
54          ${record_next}=  Evaluate  ${record} + 1
55          ${record_next}=  Convert To Hex  ${record_next}  length=4  lowercase=yes
56          ${record_next_msb}    Set Variable    ${record_next}[0:2]
57          ${record_next_lsb}    Set Variable    ${record_next}[2:4]
58          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[0]}  ${record_next_lsb}
59          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[1]}  ${record_next_msb}
60        ELSE
61          # Next record ID in response data.
62          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[0]}  ff
63          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[1]}  ff
65          # current record ID in response data.
66          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[2]}  ${second_digit}
67          Should Be Equal  ${get_SDR[3]}  ${first_digit}
68        END
70        # Response Data Count - total records (max - FFh - 255 in decimal).
71        ${response_data}=  Set Variable  ${get_SDR[2:]}
72        ${length}=  Get Length  ${response_data}
73        Should Be True  0<${length}<=255
74    END
77Verify Sensor And SDR Count In Get Device SDR Info Via Inband IPMI
78    [Documentation]  Verify Sensor and SDR Count in Get Device SDR Info via inband IPMI.
79    [Tags]  Verify_Sensor_And_SDR_Count_In_Get_Device_SDR_Info_Via_Inband_IPMI
81    # Get Sensor count and SDR elist all count from IPMI LAN interface.
82    ${sensor_count_lan1}  ${SDR_count_lan1}=  Get Count for Sensor And SDR Elist All
84    # Get Sensor Count From Get Device SDR Info command.
85    ${sensor_count1}=  Get Sensor Count From SDR Info
86    # Compare Get Device SDR Sensor count with Sensor count from lanplus.
87    Should Be Equal As Integers   ${sensor_count1}  ${sensor_count_lan1}
89    # Get SDR Count From Get Device SDR Info command.
90    ${SDR_count1}=  Get SDR Count From SDR Info
91    # Compare Get Device SDR Sdr count with SDR Elist All count from lanplus.
92    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${SDR_count1}  ${SDR_count_lan1}
94    # Reboot Host using Chassis Power Cycle.
95    IPMI Power Cycle
97    # Get Sensor count and SDR elist all count from IPMI lanplus interface.
98    ${sensor_count_lan2}  ${SDR_count_lan2}=  Get Count for Sensor And SDR Elist All
100    # Get Sensor Count From Get Device SDR Info command.
101    ${sensor_count2}=  Get Sensor Count From SDR Info
102    # Compare Get Device SDR Sensor count with Sensor count from lanplus.
103    Should Be Equal As Integers   ${sensor_count2}  ${sensor_count_lan2}
105    # Get SDR Count From Get Device SDR Info command.
106    ${SDR_count2}=  Get SDR Count From SDR Info
107    # Compare Get Device SDR Sdr count with SDR Elist All count from lanplus.
108    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${SDR_count2}  ${SDR_count_lan2}
111Verify Timestamp In Get Device SDR Info Via Inband IPMI
112    [Documentation]  Verify timestamp In Get Device SDR Info via inband IPMI.
113    [Tags]  Verify_Timestamp_In_Get_Device_SDR_Info_Via_Inband_IPMI
115    # Reboot Host using Chassis Power Cycle.
116    IPMI Power Cycle
118    # Get epoch Timestamp obtained from Get Device SDR Info command.
119    ${SDR_timestamp}=  Get Device SDR Timestamp
121    # Get current date from BMC Native Date command and convert to epoch.
122    ${bmc_date}=  Get Current Date from BMC
123    ${epoch_bmc}=  Convert Date  ${bmc_date}  epoch  exclude_millis=yes  date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
125    # Compare time difference between bmc time and Get Device SDR Info timestamp.
126    # The maximum time difference should be less then 6 minute - 360 seconds.
127    ${difference}=  Evaluate  int(${epoch_bmc}) - int(${SDR_timestamp})
128    Should Be True  ${difference}<=360
131Verify Get Device SDR Info For Invalid Data Request
132    [Documentation]  Verify Get Device SDR Info via inband IPMI with extra bytes.
133    [Tags]  Verify_Get_Device_SDR_Info_For_Invalid_Data_Request
135    # Sensor Count Via Device SDR Info with extra bytes.
136    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][3]}*
137    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
138    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][0]} 0x00
139    # Proper error code should be returned.
140    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][2]}
142    # SDR Count Via Device SDR Info with extra bytes.
143    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][3]}*
144    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
145    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][1]} 0x00
146    # Proper error code should be returned.
147    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][2]}
150Verify Device SDR Info Via IPMI Lanplus
151    [Documentation]  Verify whether Get Device SDR Info command is accessible via lanplus.
152    [Tags]  Verify_Device_SDR_Info_Via_IPMI_Lanplus
154    # Sensor Count Via Device SDR Info via lanplus.
155    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][5]}*
156    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
157    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][0]}
158    # Proper error code should be returned.
159    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][4]}
161    # SDR Count Via Device SDR Info via lanplus.
162    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][5]}*
163    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
164    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][1]}
165    # Proper error code should be returned.
166    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][4]}
169Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository Via Inband IPMI
170    [Documentation]  Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository via inband IPMI.
171    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_Via_Inband_IPMI
173    # Reserve Device SDR Repository via inband IPMI.
174    ${resp}=  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
175    ${reserve_id}=  Split String  ${resp}
177    # Identify the byte count.
178    ${length}=  Get Length  ${reserve_id}
179    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${length}  2
182Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository For Invalid Data Request
183    [Documentation]  Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository via inband IPMI with extra request bytes.
184    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_For_Invalid_Data_Request
186    # Reserve Device SDR Repository with extra request bytes.
187    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][2]}*
188    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
189    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][0]} 0x00
190    # Proper error code should be returned.
191    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][1]}
194Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository Info Via IPMI Lanplus
195    [Documentation]  Verify whether Reserve Device SDR Repository command is accessible via lanplus.
196    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_Info_Via_IPMI_Lanplus
198    # Reserve Device SDR Repository via lanplus.
199    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][4]}*
200    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
201    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][0]}
202    # Proper error code should be returned.
203    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][3]}
206Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository For Partial Record
207    [Documentation]  Verify whether reservation ID of Reserve Device SDR Repository is accessible
208    ...              to fetch partial record from Get Device SDR.
209    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_For_Partial_Record
211    # Get Reservation ID.
212    ${resp}=  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
213    ${reserve_id}=  Split String  ${resp}
215    # Check whether the response for Get device SDR command is obtained with the given Reservation ID.
216    ${resp}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
217    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]} 0x${reserve_id[1]} 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x0f
218    ${resp}=  Split String  ${resp}
219    # Record data starts from ${resp[2]}.
220    ${resp}=  Set Variable  ${resp[2:]}
221    ${length}=  Get Length  ${resp}
222    Should Be Equal As Integers  ${length}  15
225Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository For Partial Record After BMC Reboot
226    [Documentation]  Verify whether Reservation ID of Reserve Device SDR Repository,
227    ...  is accessible after bmc reboot to fetch partial record from Get Device SDR.
228    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_For_Partial_Record_After_BMC_Reboot
230    # Generate Reservation ID.
231    ${resp}=  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
232    ${reserve_id}=  Split String  ${resp}
234    # Check whether the response for Get device SDR command is obtained with the given Reservation ID.
235    ${resp1}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
236    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]} 0x${reserve_id[1]} 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x0f
238    # Reboot bmc.
239    IPMI MC Reset Cold (run)
241    # Check whether the response for Get device SDR command is obtained with the given Reservation ID.
242    # Reserve IDs are volatile so once bmc is rebooted, new Reserve ID should be generated.
243    ${resp2}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][5]}*
244    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
245    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]} 0x${reserve_id[1]} 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x0f
248Verify Reserve Device SDR Repository Invalid Reservation ID For Partial Record
249    [Documentation]  Verify whether invalid reservation ID of Reserve Device SDR Repository,
250    ...  is accessible to fetch partial record from Get Device SDR.
251    [Tags]  Verify_Reserve_Device_SDR_Repository_Invalid_Reservation_ID_For_Partial_Record
253    # Generate Reservation ID 1.
254    ${resp}=  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
255    ${reserve_id}=  Split String  ${resp}
257    # Generate Reservation ID 2.
258    ${resp2}=  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
260    # Check whether response for Gner device SDR command is obtained with Reservation ID 1.
261    # Once Reservation ID is overwritten, old Reservation ID will be invalid.
262    ${resp1}=   Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][5]}*
263    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
264    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x${reserve_id[0]} 0x${reserve_id[1]} 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x0f
267Verify Get Device SDR For Maximum Record Via IPMI
268    [Documentation]  Verify Get Device SDR for each and every Record Via IPMI Inband.
269    [Tags]  Verify_Get_Device_SDR_For_Maximum_Record_Via_IPMI
271    # Gets the Total Record Count from SDR Info and the last Record entry number.
272    ${record_count}  ${last_record}=  Get Record Count And Last Record From SDR
274    # Validate each and every record till the last record.
275    FOR  ${record}  IN RANGE  0  ${record_count}
276        # Convert number to hexadecimal record ID.
277        ${recordhex}=  Convert To Hex  ${record}  length=4  lowercase=yes
278        ${first_digit}    Set Variable    ${recordhex}[0:2]
279        ${second_digit}    Set Variable    ${recordhex}[2:4]
281        # Get Device SDR command.
282        ${resp}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
283        ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x00 0x00 0x${second_digit} 0x${first_digit} 0x00 0xff
284        ${get_dev_SDR}=  Split String  ${resp}
286        # If the record ID reaches the last data available, the next record ID will be ff ff
287        # eg, If total record ID available is 115, record IDs : 0 - 114,
288        # Then when record ID reaches last record ID (i.e 114 (in decimal) - 72h),
289        # Get SDR response bytes 0:2 will be - ff ff 72 00 ....
290        # If not then (say 25 - 19h ), 1a 00 19 00 ....
292        IF  '${record}' != '${last_record}'
293          # current record ID in response data.
294          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[2]}  ${second_digit}
295          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[3]}  ${first_digit}
297          # Next record ID in response data.
298          ${record_next}=  Evaluate  ${record} + 1
299          ${record_next}=  Convert To Hex  ${record_next}  length=4  lowercase=yes
300          ${record_next_msb}    Set Variable    ${record_next}[0:2]
301          ${record_next_lsb}    Set Variable    ${record_next}[2:4]
302          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[0]}  ${record_next_lsb}
303          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[1]}  ${record_next_msb}
305        ELSE
306          # Next record ID in response data.
307          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[0]}  ff
308          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[1]}  ff
310          # current record ID in response data.
311          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[2]}  ${second_digit}
312          Should Be Equal  ${get_dev_SDR[3]}  ${first_digit}
314        END
315        # Response data count - total record ID (max - FFh - 255 in decimal).
316        ${response_data}=  Set Variable  ${get_dev_SDR[2:]}
317        ${length}=  Get Length  ${response_data}
318        Should Be True  0<${length}<=255
319    END
322Verify Get Device SDR For Invalid Data Request Via IPMI
323    [Documentation]  Verify Get Device SDR via IPMI lanplus with extra bytes.
324    [Tags]  Verify_Get_Device_SDR_For_Invalid_Data_Request_Via_IPMI
326    # Get SDR command with extra bytes.
327    ${resp}=  Run Keyword and Expect Error  *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][3]}*
328    ...  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
329    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][0]} 0x00 0x00 ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][1]} 0x00
330    # Proper error code should be returned.
331    Should Contain  ${resp}  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get'][2]}
334*** Keywords ***
336Get IPMI Sensor Count
337    [Documentation]  Get sensors count using "SDR elist all" command.
338    # Example of "SDR elist all" command output:
339    # BootProgress     | 03h | ok  | 34.2 |
340    # OperatingSystemS | 05h | ok  | 35.1 |
341    # AttemptsLeft     | 07h | ok  | 34.1 |
342    # occ0             | 08h | ok  | 210.1 | Device Disabled
343    # occ1             | 09h | ok  | 210.2 | Device Disabled
344    # p0_core0_temp    | 11h | ns  |  3.1 | Disabled
345    # cpu0_core0       | 12h | ok  | 208.1 | Presence detected
346    # p0_core1_temp    | 14h | ns  |  3.2 | Disabled
347    # cpu0_core1       | 15h | ok  | 208.2 | Presence detected
348    # p0_core2_temp    | 17h | ns  |  3.3 | Disabled
349    # ..
350    # ..
351    # ..
352    # ..
353    # ..
354    # ..
355    # fan3             | 00h | ns  | 29.4 | Logical FRU @35h
356    # bmc              | 00h | ns  |  6.1 | Logical FRU @3Ch
357    # ethernet         | 00h | ns  |  1.1 | Logical FRU @46h
359    ${output}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  sdr elist all
360    ${sensor_list}=  Split String  ${output}  \n
361    ${sensor_count}=  Get Length  ${sensor_list}
362    [Return]  ${sensor_count}
365Get Device SDR Info For Sensor Data
366    [Documentation]  Get Device SDR Info via inband IPMI and return response data with Sensor count.
368    # Get Device SDR Info for Sensor data.
369    ${sensor_data}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
370    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][0]}
372    [Return]  ${sensor_data}
375Get Device SDR Info For SDR Data
376    [Documentation]  Get Device SDR Info via inband IPMI and return response data with SDR count.
378    # Get Device SDR Info for SDR data.
379    ${SDR_data}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
380    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Get_Info'][1]}
382    [Return]  ${SDR_data}
385Get Sensor Count From SDR Info
386   [Documentation]  Get Sensor Count from Get Device SDR Info data.
388    # Get Device SDR Info Via inband IPMI for Sensor count.
389    ${sensor_data}=  Get Device SDR Info For Sensor Data
391    # Get Sensor count from Get Device SDR Info count - bytie 0.
392    ${sensor_data}=  Split String  ${sensor_data}
393    ${sensor_count}=  Set Variable  ${sensor_data[0]}
394    ${sensor_count}=  Convert To Integer  ${sensor_count}  16
396    [Return]  ${sensor_count}
399Get SDR Count From SDR Info
400   [Documentation]  Get SDR Count from Get Device SDR Info data.
402    # Get Device SDR Info Via inband IPMI for SDR count.
403    ${SDR_data}=  Get Device SDR Info For SDR Data
405    # Get SDR count from Get Device SDR Info count - byte 0.
406    ${SDR_data}=  Split String  ${SDR_data}
407    ${SDR_count}=  Set Variable  ${SDR_data[0]}
408    ${SDR_count}=  Convert To Integer  ${SDR_count}  16
410    [Return]  ${SDR_count}
413Get Device SDR Timestamp
414    [Documentation]  Get Timestamp from Get Device SDR Info.
416    # Get Device SDR Info Via inband IPMI for Sendor count.
417    ${sensor_data}=  Get Device SDR Info For Sensor Data
418    # Get Device SDR Info Via inband IPMI for SDR count.
419    ${SDR_data}=  Get Device SDR Info For SDR Data
421    # Split into list.
422    ${sensor_data}=  Split String  ${sensor_data}
423    ${SDR_data}=  Split String  ${SDR_data}
425    # Timestamp for the Get SDR count will be from Response byte 2 to N.
426    # Compare the timestamps for Sensor data and SDR data.
427    Should Be Equal  ${sensor_data[2:]}  ${SDR_data[2:]}
429    # Convert Bytestamp to Epoch timestamp.
430    ${timestamp}=  Set Variable  ${SDR_data[2:]}
431    Reverse List  ${timestamp}
432    ${timestamp}=  Evaluate  "".join(${timestamp})
433    # Prefixes 0s for expected bytes.
434    ${timestamp}=  Zfill Data  ${timestamp}  8
435    ${timestamp}=  Convert To Integer  ${timestamp}  16
437    [Return]  ${timestamp}
440Get Count for Sensor And SDR Elist All
441    [Documentation]  Get Sensor and SDR elist all count via IPMI lanplus.
443    # Get Sensor list via IPMI lanplus.
444    ${sensor_count}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  sensor | wc -l
445    # Get SDR elist all via IPMI lanplus.
446    ${SDR_count}=  Get IPMI Sensor Count
448    [Return]  ${sensor_count}  ${SDR_count}
451Get Reserve Device SDR Repository
452    [Documentation]  Get Reserve Device SDR Repository via Inband IPMI.
454    # Reserve Device SDR Repository command via inband.
455    ${resp}=  Run Inband IPMI Standard Command
456    ...  raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device_SDR']['Reserve_Repository'][0]}
458    [Return]  ${resp}
461Get IPMI SDR Status Info
462    [Documentation]  Returns status for given IPMI SDR Info.
463    [Arguments]  ${setting}
464    # Description of argument(s):
465    # setting  SDR Info which needs to be read(e.g. "SDR Version").
466    # SDR Version                         : 0x51
467    # Record Count                        : 58
468    # Free Space                          : 9312 bytes
469    # Most recent Addition                : 03/10/2022 05:56:02
470    # Most recent Erase                   : 02/07/2106 06:28:15
471    # SDR overflow                        : yes
472    # SDR Repository Update Support       : unspecified
473    # Delete SDR supported                : no
474    # Partial Add SDR supported           : no
475    # Reserve SDR repository supported    : yes
476    # SDR Repository Alloc info supported : yes
478    # Get SDR Info IPMI command.
479    ${resp}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  sdr info
481    # Return lines for given IPMI SDR Info.
482    ${setting_line}=  Get Lines Containing String  ${resp}  ${setting}
483    ...  case-insensitive
484    ${setting_status}=  Fetch From Right  ${setting_line}  :${SPACE}
486    [Return]  ${setting_status}
489Get Record Count And Last Record From SDR
490    [Documentation]  Returns total record count from IPMI SDR Info and last SDR record.
492    # Returns Record count from IPMI SDR Info.
493    ${record_count}=  Get IPMI SDR Status Info  Record Count
495    # Identifies Last record ID.
496    # If Record Count = 58 (3Ah), record IDs range from 0 to 57.
497    # Then Last record ID will be 57 (in decimal) - 39h.
498    ${last_record}=  Evaluate  ${record_count} - 1
500    [Return]  ${record_count}  ${last_record}
503Suite Setup Execution
504   [Documentation]  Do suite setup tasks.
505    Redfish.Login
506    Should Not Be Empty  ${OS_HOST}  msg=Please provide required parameter OS_HOST
507    Should Not Be Empty  ${OS_USERNAME}  msg=Please provide required parameter OS_USERNAME
508    Should Not Be Empty  ${OS_PASSWORD}  msg=Please provide required parameter OS_PASSWORD