1*** Settings *** 2Documentation Module to test IPMI chipher functionality. 3Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot 4Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot 5Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot 6Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py 7Library ../lib/var_funcs.py 8Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py 9Library String 10 11 12Suite Setup IPMI Cipher Suite Setup 13Test Setup Printn 14Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail 15 16Force Tags IPMI_Cipher 17 18*** Variables *** 19${cipher_suite} standard 20&{payload_type} ipmi=0 sol=1 21@{list_index_value} 0x80 0x00 22 23 24*** Test Cases *** 25 26Verify Supported Ciphers 27 [Documentation] Execute all supported ciphers and verify. 28 [Tags] Verify_Supported_Ciphers 29 FOR ${cipher} IN @{valid_ciphers} 30 Run External IPMI Standard Command power status C=${cipher} 31 END 32 33 34Verify Unsupported Ciphers 35 [Documentation] Execute all unsupported ciphers and verify error. 36 [Tags] Verify_Unsupported_Ciphers 37 FOR ${cipher} IN @{unsupported_ciphers} 38 Run Keyword And Expect Error *invalid * algorithm* 39 ... Run External IPMI Standard Command power status C=${cipher} 40 END 41 42 43Verify Supported Ciphers Via Lan Print 44 [Documentation] Verify supported ciphers via IPMI lan print command. 45 [Tags] Verify_Supported_Ciphers_Via_Lan_Print 46 47 ${lan_print}= Get Lan Print Dict 48 # Example 'RMCP+ Cipher Suites' entry: 3,17 49 ${ciphers}= Split String ${lan_print['RMCP+ Cipher Suites']} , 50 Rprint Vars ciphers 51 Valid List ciphers valid_values=${valid_ciphers} 52 53 54Verify Supported Cipher Via Getciphers 55 [Documentation] Verify supported cihpers via IPMI getciphers command. 56 [Tags] Verify_Supported_Cipher_Via_Getciphers 57 58 # Example output from 'Channel Getciphers IPMI': 59 # ipmi_channel_ciphers: 60 # [0]: 61 # [id]: 3 62 # [iana]: N/A 63 # [auth_alg]: hmac_sha1 64 # [integrity_alg]: hmac_sha1_96 65 # [confidentiality_alg]: aes_cbc_128 66 # [1]: 67 # [id]: 17 68 # [iana]: N/A 69 # [auth_alg]: hmac_sha256 70 # [integrity_alg]: sha256_128 71 # [confidentiality_alg]: aes_cbc_128 72 73 ${ipmi_channel_ciphers}= Channel Getciphers IPMI 74 # Example cipher entry: 3 17 75 Rprint Vars ipmi_channel_ciphers 76 ${ipmi_channel_cipher_ids}= Nested Get id ${ipmi_channel_ciphers} 77 Rpvars ipmi_channel_cipher_ids 78 Valid List ipmi_channel_cipher_ids valid_values=${valid_ciphers} 79 80 81Verify Cipher Suite And Supported Algorithms Via IPMI Raw Command 82 [Documentation] Verify cipher ID and Supported Algorithms for all Available Channels. 83 [Tags] Verify_Cipher_Suite_And_Supported_Algorithms_Via_IPMI_Raw_Command 84 [Template] Verify Cipher ID and Supported Algorithm For Channel 85 86 FOR ${channel} IN @{active_channel_list} 87 FOR ${name} ${type} IN &{payload_type} 88 FOR ${index_value} IN @{list_index_value} 89 # Input Channel Payload type Index value 0x80 or 0x00 90 ${channel} ${type} ${index_value} 91 END 92 END 93 END 94 95 96Verify Get Cipher Suite Command For Invalid Channels 97 [Documentation] Verify Get Cipher Suite Command For all Invalid Channels. 98 [Tags] Verify_Get_Cipher_Suite_Command_For_Invalid_Channels 99 [Template] Verify Cipher Suite For Invalid Channel 100 101 FOR ${channel} IN @{inactive_channel_list} 102 # Input Channel 103 ${channel} 104 END 105 106 107Verify Get Cipher Suite Raw Command With Invalid Data Length 108 [Documentation] Verify Get Cipher Suite Raw Command With One Extra and Less Byte. 109 [Tags] Verify_Get_Cipher_Suite_Raw_Command_With_Invalid_Data_Length 110 [Template] Verify Cipher Suite Command for Invalid Request Data 111 112 # Byte 113 less 114 extra 115 116 117*** Keywords *** 118 119IPMI Cipher Suite Setup 120 [Documentation] Get active and inactive/invalid channels from channel_config.json file 121 ... in list type and set it as suite variable. 122 123 # Get active channel list and set as a suite variable. 124 @{active_channel_list}= Get Active Ethernet Channel List current_channel=1 125 Set Suite Variable @{active_channel_list} 126 127 # Get Inactive/Invalid channel list and set as a suite variable. 128 @{inactive_channel_list}= Get Invalid Channel Number List 129 Set Suite Variable @{inactive_channel_list} 130 131Verify Standard Cipher Suite For Channel 132 [Documentation] Get the supported algorithms from data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py and 133 ... split into list and compare it with the given data list. 134 [Arguments] ${data_list} ${channel_number} 135 136 # Description of argument(s): 137 # data_list cipher suite records in list 138 # e.g [01, c0, 11, 03, 44, 81] 139 140 ${supported_algorithms}= Split String ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][1]} 141 ${cipher_suite_id}= Convert To Integer ${data_list}[2] base=16 142 143 Should Be Equal ${data_list}[0] ${channel_number} 144 Should Be Equal ${data_list}[1] c0 145 Should Be Equal As Integers ${cipher_suite_id} ${valid_ciphers}[0] 146 List Should Contain Value ${supported_algorithms} ${data_list}[3] 147 List Should Contain Value ${supported_algorithms} ${data_list}[4] 148 List Should Contain Value ${supported_algorithms} ${data_list}[5] 149 150Verify Algorithm by Cipher Suite For Channel 151 [Documentation] Spilt the given response data, store it in a list. 152 [Arguments] ${response_data} ${channel_number} 153 154 # Description of argument(s): 155 # response_data response data of get channel cipher suite ipmi raw command 156 # e.g 01 c0 11 03 44 81 ---> list of algorithms by cipher suite (0x80 in request data 3rd byte) 157 # ${channel_number} Interface channel number 158 159 @{expected_data_list}= Split String ${response_data} 160 161 Run Keyword If '${cipher_suite}' == 'standard' 162 ... Verify Standard Cipher Suite For Channel ${expected_data_list} ${channel_number} 163 164Verify Supported Algorithm For Channel 165 [Documentation] Compare the supported algorithms got from ipmi_raw_cmd_table with 166 ... given response. 167 [Arguments] ${response_data} ${channel_number} 168 169 # Description of argument(s): 170 # response_data response data of get channel cipher suite ipmi raw command. 171 # channel_number Interface Channel Number. 172 173 # expected data will be like " 01 03 44 81 ". 174 ${expected_data}= Catenate ${channel_number} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][1]} 175 176 Should Be Equal ${expected_data} ${response_data} 177 178Verify Cipher ID and Supported Algorithm For Channel 179 [Documentation] Verify Cipher ID and Supported Algorithm on given channel. 180 [Arguments] ${channel_num} ${payload_type} ${index_value} 181 182 # Description of argument(s): 183 # channel_num Interface channel number. 184 # payload_type IPMI(0x00) or Sol(0x01). 185 # index_value 0x80 for list algorithm by cipher suite. 186 # 0x00 for supported algorithms. 187 188 ${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][0]} 189 ... ${channel_num} ${payload_type} ${index_value} 190 191 ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${cmd} 192 ${resp}= Strip String ${resp} 193 194 # channel 14 represents current channel in which we send request. 195 ${channel_num}= Run Keyword If '${channel_num}' == '14' 196 ... Convert To Hex ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} length=2 197 ... ELSE 198 ... Convert To Hex ${channel_num} length=2 199 200 Run Keyword If '${index_value}' == '0x80' 201 ... Verify Algorithm by Cipher Suite For Channel ${resp} ${channel_num} 202 ... ELSE 203 ... Verify Supported Algorithm For Channel ${resp} ${channel_num} 204 205Verify Cipher Suite For Invalid Channel 206 [Documentation] Execute cipher suite ipmi cmd for invalid channel and verify Error code. 207 [Arguments] ${channel_number} 208 209 # Description of argument(s): 210 # channel_number Interface channel number. 211 212 ${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][0]} ${channel_number} 00 00 213 214 Verify Invalid IPMI Command ${cmd} 0xcc 215 216Verify Cipher Suite Command for Invalid Request Data 217 [Documentation] Verify Cipher Suite Command with Invalid data Length. 218 [Arguments] ${byte_length} 219 220 # Description of argument(s): 221 # byte_length extra or less. 222 223 ${req_cmd}= Run Keyword If '${byte_length}' == 'less' 224 ... Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][0]} ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} 00 225 ... ELSE 226 ... Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cipher Suite']['get'][0]} ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} 00 00 01 227 228 Verify Invalid IPMI Command ${req_cmd} 0xc7 229