1*** Settings ***
3Documentation  Test Open BMC GUI server health under GUI Header.
5Resource        ../../lib/resource.robot
6Resource        ../../../lib/boot_utils.robot
7Resource        ../../../lib/utils.robot
8Resource        ../../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
9Resource        ../../../lib/state_manager.robot
10Resource        ../../../lib/openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
11Resource        ../../../lib/dump_utils.robot
12Resource        ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
13Library         ../../../lib/gen_robot_keyword.py
15Test Setup      Test Setup Execution
16Test Teardown   Test Teardown Execution
19*** Test Cases ***
21Verify Event Log Text Appears By Clicking Server Health
22    [Documentation]  Check that "Event Log" text appears by clicking server
23    ...  health in GUI header.
24    [Tags]  Verify_Event_Log_Text_Appears_By_Clicking_Server_Health
26    Wait Until Page Contains Element  event-log
27    Page should contain  Event log
30Verify Filters By Severity Elements Appears
31    [Documentation]  Check that the "event log" filters appears by clicking
32    ...  server health in GUI header.
33    [Tags]  Verify_Filters_By_Severity_Elements_Appears
35    # Types of event severity: All, High, Medium, Low.
36    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_all}  limit=1
37    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_high}  limit=1
38    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_medium}  limit=1
39    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_low}  limit=1
42Verify Drop Down Button User Timezone Appears
43    [Documentation]  Check that the "drop down" button of user timezone appears
44    ...  by clicking server health in GUI header.
45    [Tags]  Verify_Drop_Down_Button_User_Timezone_Appears
47    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_drop_down_timezone_edt}
48    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
49    # It helps to click the drop down element.
50    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
51    Click Element  //*[@class='dropdown__button']
52    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_drop_down_timezone_utc}
55Verify Content Search Element Appears
56    [Documentation]  Check that the "event search element is available with
57    ...  filter" button appears.
58    [Tags]  Verify_Content_Search_Element_Appears
60    Page Should Contain Element  content__search-input  limit=1
61    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
62    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
63    Page Should Contain Button  content__search-submit
66Verify Filter By Date Element Appears
67    [Documentation]  Check that the "filter by date" elements are available and
68    ...  visible.
69    [Tags]  Verify_Filter_By_Date_Element_Appears
71    Wait Until Element Is Visible  event-filter-start-date
72    Page Should Contain Element  event-filter-start-date  limit=1
73    Page Should Contain Element  event-filter-end-date  limit=1
76Verify Filter By Event Status Element Appears
77    [Documentation]  Check that the "filter by event status" element appears.
78    [Tags]  Verify_Filter_By_Event_Status_Element_Appears
80    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
81    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
82    Wait Until Element is Visible  //*[@class='dropdown__wrapper']
83    Click Element  //*[@class='dropdown__wrapper']
84    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_filter_all}  limit=1
85    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_filter_resolved}  limit=1
86    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_filter_unresolved}  limit=1
89Verify Event Action Bar Element Appears
90    [Documentation]  Check that "event action bar" element appears.
91    [Tags]  Verify_Event_Action_Bar_Element_Appears
93    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
94    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
95    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_action_bars}  limit=1
96    Page Should Contain Element  //*[@class='control__indicator']
99Verify Click Events Check Box
100    [Documentation]  Check that "event check box" element appears and on click
101    ...  should be able to see elements like "Delete" button and "Export"
102    ...  element.
103    [Tags]  Verify_Click_Events_Check_Box
105    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
106    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
107    Click Element  //*[@class='control__indicator']
108    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_event_action_delete}  limit=1
109    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_action_export}  limit=1
112Verify Number of Events Appears
113    [Documentation]  Check that "number of events" element appears and value is
114    ...  visible.
115    [Tags]  Verify_Number_of_Events_Appears
117    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
118    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
119    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
120    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
121    Log To Console  \n Number of Events:${number_of_events}
124Select All Error Logs And Mark As Resolved
125    [Documentation]  Select all error logs and mark them as resolved.
126    [Tags]  Select_All_Error_Logs_And_Mark_As_Resolved
128    Create Test Error Log
129    Create Test Error Log
130    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
131    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
132    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
133    Click Element  //*[@class='control__indicator']
134    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
135    ...  Click Element  ${xpath_mark_as_resolved}
136    Element Should Be Disabled  ${xpath_mark_as_resolved}
139Select All Error Logs And Click Export
140    [Documentation]  Select all error logs and click export element.
141    [Tags]  Select_All_Error_Logs_And_Click_Export
143    Create Test Error Log
144    Create Test Error Log
145    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
146    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
147    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
148    Click Element  //*[@class='control__indicator']
149    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_events_export}
150    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
151    ...  Click Element  ${xpath_events_export}
154Select All Error Logs And Delete
155    [Documentation]  Select all error logs and delete them.
156    [Tags]  Select_All_Error_Logs_And_Delete
158    Create Test Error Log
159    Create Test Error Log
160    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
161    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
162    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
163    Click Element  //*[@class='control__indicator']
164    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_event_action_delete}
165    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
166    ...  Click Element  ${xpath_event_action_delete}
167    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
168    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  0
171Select Single Error Log And Delete
172    [Documentation]  Select single error log and delete it.
173    [Tags]  Select_Single_Error_Log_And_Delete
175    Create Test Error Log
176    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
177    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
178    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
179    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
180    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
181    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
182    ...  Common Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_delete}
183    ...  ${xpath_yes_button}
184    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
185    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  0
186    ...  msg=Failed to delete single error log entry.
189Select Multiple Error Logs And Delete
190    [Documentation]  Select multiple error logs and delete them.
191    [Tags]  Select_Multiple_Error_Logs_And_Delete
193    Create Test Error Log
194    Create Test Error Log
195    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
196    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
197    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
198    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
199    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
200    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
201    ...  Double Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_delete}
202    ...  ${xpath_yes_button}
203    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
204    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  0
205    ...  msg=Failed to delete multiple error log entries.
208Select Single Error Log And Mark As Resolved
209    [Documentation]  Select single error log and mark as resolved.
210    [Tags]  Select_Single_Error_Log_And_Mark_As_Resolved
212    Create Test Error Log
213    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
214    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
215    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
216    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
217    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
218    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
219    ...  Common Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_resolved}
220    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
221    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  1
222    ...  msg=Failed to mark single error log entry as resolved.
225Select Multiple Error Logs And Mark As Resolved
226    [Documentation]  Select multiple error logs and mark as resolved.
227    [Tags]  Select_Multiple_Error_Logs_And_Mark_As_Resolved
229    Create Test Error Log
230    Create Test Error Log
231    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
232    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
233    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
234    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
235    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
236    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
237    ...  Double Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_resolved}
238    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
239    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  2
240    ...  msg=Failed to mark multiple error log entries as resolved.
243Select Single Error Log And Export
244    [Documentation]  Select single error log and export.
245    [Tags]  Select_Single_Error_Log_And_Export
247    Create Test Error Log
248    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
249    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
250    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
251    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
252    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
253    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
254    ...  Common Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_export}
255    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
256    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  1
257    ...  msg=Failed to export single error log entry.
260Select Multiple Error Log And Export
261    [Documentation]  Select multiple error log and export.
262    [Tags]  Select_Multiple_Error_Log_And_Export
264    Create Test Error Log
265    Create Test Error Log
266    # Refresh the GUI to get the latest update.
267    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
268    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
269    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_number_of_events}
270    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
271    Run Keyword If  ${number_of_events} > 0
272    ...  Double Event Log Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_export}
273    ${number_of_events}=  Get Text  ${xpath_number_of_events}
274    Should Be Equal  ${number_of_events}  2
275    ...  msg=Failed to export multiple error log entries.
277*** Keywords ***
279Common Event Log Click Element
280   [Documentation]  Keep common click elements associated with event log.
281   [Arguments]  ${action_element}  ${action_click_confirmation}=${None}
283    # Description of argument(s):
284    # action_element             xpath value of the element to be actioned
285    #                            (e.g. "Delete" or "Resolved" or "Export").
286    # action_click_confirmation  Confirmation of action by pressing yes
287    #                            (e.g.  "Yes" or "No").
289    Click Element  ${xpath_individual_event_select}
290    Page Should Contain Element  ${action_element}
291    Click Element  ${action_element}
292    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
293    Run Keyword If  "${action_click_confirmation}" != "${None}"
294    ...  Click Element  ${action_click_confirmation}
295    Click Element  ${xpath_select_refresh_button}
296    Run Key  Sleep \ 50s
298Double Event Log Click Element
299   [Documentation]  Keep double click elements associated with event logs.
300   [Arguments]  ${action_element}  ${action_click_confirmation}=${None}
302    # Description of argument(s):
303    # action_element             xpath value of the element to be actioned
304    #                            (e.g. "Delete" or "Resolved" or "Export").
305    # action_click_confirmation  Confirmation of action by pressing yes
306    #                            (e.g.  "Yes" or "No").
308   Click Element  ${xpath_second_event_select}
309   Common Event Log Click Element  ${action_element}
310   ...  ${action_click_confirmation}
312Test Setup Execution
313   [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
315   ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Logging Test Binary Exist
316   Run Keyword If  ${status} == ${False}  Install Tarball
317   Delete Error Logs And Verify
319   # Launch the GUI and navigate to server health page.
320   Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
321   Click Element  ${xpath_select_server_health}
322   Wait Until Page Contains  Event log
324Test Teardown Execution
325   [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.
327   FFDC On Test Case Fail
328   Delete All Error Logs
329   Close All Connections
330   Close Browser