1*** Settings *** 2Documentation This is a resource file containing user-defined keywords for new Vue based OpenBMC GUI. 3 4Library XvfbRobot 5Library SeleniumLibrary 6Library SSHLibrary 30 Seconds 7Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot 8Variables ../data/gui_variables.py 9 10 11*** Variables *** 12${obmc_gui_url} https://${OPENBMC_HOST} 13 14# Default GUI browser and mode is set to "Firefox" and "headless" 15# respectively here. 16${GUI_BROWSER} ff 17${GUI_MODE} headless 18 19 20*** Keywords *** 21 22Open Browser With URL 23 [Documentation] Open browser with specified URL and returns browser id. 24 [Arguments] ${URL} ${browser}=ff ${mode}=${GUI_MODE} 25 26 # Description of argument(s): 27 # URL Openbmc GUI URL to be open 28 # (e.g. https://openbmc-test.mybluemix.net/#/login). 29 # browser Browser used to open above URL 30 # (e.g. gc for google chrome, ff for firefox). 31 # mode Browser opening mode(e.g. headless, header). 32 33 ${browser_ID}= Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'headless' 34 ... Launch Headless Browser ${URL} ${browser} 35 ... ELSE Open Browser ${URL} ${browser} 36 37 [Return] ${browser_ID} 38 39 40Launch Header Browser 41 [Documentation] Open the browser with the URL and 42 ... login on windows platform. 43 [Arguments] ${browser_type}=${GUI_BROWSER} 44 45 # Description of argument(s): 46 # browser_type Type of browser (e.g. "firefox", "chrome", etc.). 47 48 ${BROWSER_ID}= Open Browser ${obmc_gui_url} ${browser_type} 49 Maximize Browser Window 50 Set Global Variable ${BROWSER_ID} 51 52 53Launch Headless Browser 54 [Documentation] Launch headless browser. 55 [Arguments] ${URL}=${obmc_gui_url} ${browser}=${GUI_BROWSER} 56 57 # Description of argument(s): 58 # URL Openbmc GUI URL to be open 59 # (e.g. https://openbmc-test.mybluemix.net/#/login). 60 # browser Browser to open given URL in headless way 61 # (e.g. gc for google chrome, ff for firefox). 62 63 Start Virtual Display 64 ${browser_ID}= Open Browser ${URL} 65 Set Window Size 1920 1080 66 67 [Return] ${browser_ID} 68 69 70Launch Browser And Login GUI 71 [Documentation] Launch browser and login to OpenBMC GUI. 72 73 Open Browser With URL ${obmc_gui_url} 74 Login GUI ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 75 76 77Login GUI 78 [Documentation] Login to OpenBMC GUI. 79 [Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 80 81 # Description of argument(s): 82 # username The username to be used for login. 83 # password The password to be used for login. 84 85 Go To ${obmc_gui_url} 86 Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_textbox_username} 87 Input Text ${xpath_textbox_username} ${username} 88 Input Password ${xpath_textbox_password} ${password} 89 Click Element ${xpath_login_button} 90 Wait Until Page Contains Overview timeout=60s 91 92 93Logout GUI 94 [Documentation] Logout of OpenBMC GUI. 95 96 Click Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} 97 Click Element ${xpath_logout_button} 98 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_login_button} 99 100 101Generate Test Error Log 102 [Documentation] Generate test error log. 103 104 BMC Execute Command ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR} 105 106 107Set Timezone In Profile Settings Page 108 [Documentation] Set the given timezone in profile settings page. 109 [Arguments] ${timezone}=Default 110 111 # Description of argument(s): 112 # timezone Timezone to select (eg. Default or Browser_offset). 113 114 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} 115 Click Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} 116 Click Element ${xpath_profile_settings} 117 Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_default_UTC} 0 0 118 Click Element ${xpath_profile_save_button} 119 120 121Refresh GUI 122 [Documentation] Refresh GUI via refresh button in header. 123 124 Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} 125 # Added delay for page to load fully after refresh. 126 Sleep 5s 127 128 129Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value 130 [Documentation] Refresh GUI using refresh button and verify that given element contains expected value. 131 [Arguments] ${element} ${expected_value} 132 133 # Description of argument(s): 134 # element Element whose value need to be checked. 135 # expected_value Expected value of for the given element. 136 137 # Refresh GUI. 138 139 Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} 140 141 # Check element value and verify that it contains expected value. 142 ${element_value}= Get Text ${element} 143 Log ${element_value} 144 Should Contain ${element_value} ${expected_value} 145 146 147Reboot BMC via GUI 148 [Documentation] Reboot BMC via GUI. 149 150 Click Element ${xpath_operations_menu} 151 Click Element ${xpath_reboot_bmc_sub_menu} 152 Click Button ${xpath_reboot_bmc_button} 153 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Click Button ${xpath_confirm_bmc_reboot} 154 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec Is BMC Unpingable 155 Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST} 1 min 156 157 158Add DNS Servers And Verify 159 [Documentation] Login to GUI Network page,add DNS server on BMC 160 ... and verify it via BMC CLI. 161 [Arguments] ${dns_server} ${expected_status}=Valid format 162 163 # Description of the argument(s): 164 # dns_server A list of static name server IPs to be 165 # configured on the BMC. 166 # expected_status Expected status while adding DNS server address 167 # (e.g. Invalid format / Field required). 168 169 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} timeout=15sec 170 171 Click Button ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} 172 Input Text ${xpath_input_static_dns} ${dns_server} 173 Click Button ${xpath_add_button} 174 Run keyword if '${expected_status}' != 'Valid format' 175 ... Run keywords Page Should Contain ${expected_status} AND Return From Keyword 176 177 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} timeout=10sec 178 Wait Until Page Contains ${dns_server} timeout=40sec 179 180 # Check if newly added DNS server is configured on BMC. 181 ${cli_name_servers}= CLI Get Nameservers 182 ${cmd_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status 183 ... List Should Contain Sub List ${cli_name_servers} ${dns_server} 184